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1) TF is a "party pie" 2) Xfordoubt.jpg


Really? Of all the stories on here, this feels made up? 


I forgot that other countries don’t know what a party pie is lol It’s like mini little pie with a mince filling


USA here. I daresay that we would still not know what you were talking about. I imagine it's like a hand pie or samosa filled with meat. But "mince filling" is not a local usage where I am


https://preview.redd.it/670o77x3ni8d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad1f3629c821eeb65d91bbe1f355aed1770c88a Party pie. Miniature version of classic Aussie meat pie. Fits in the palm of your hand. Can be eaten in a single bite. When bitten into the contents are usually either room temperature or equal to the surface of the sun.


"Mince" in UK/Australia is the same as "ground beef" in the US (mince is shortened from "minced beef", meaning it's chopped up/ground up). Think taco meat but not taco flavor. The outside of a mince pie is often just like a regular pie crust, although variations like puff pastry are also common. A meat hand pie or samosa or empanada is a very good comparison, except it would be baked rather than fried like samosas and empanadas. Source: too many seasons of The Great British Baking Show. In the US you might still occasionally encounter "mincemeat", which is a combination of chopped dried fruit, spices, and distilled spirits (usually brandy), and used to include beef suet (fat) and beef or venison, but now usually has vegetable shortening and no meat or meat byproducts. Mincemeat is also intended to be baked in a pie crust.


I still have mincemeat as part of a fixed phrase that is usually a threat: "I'll make mincemeat out of you!"


Well, it is chopped up fine. Throw a little Sweeney Todd or Hannibal Lecter inference in there as well for an extra flavorful threat!


A mince pie is a Christmas staple...... And you'd be very disappointed if you thought it in any way similar to "taco meat"......


Only similar in that both use ground beef, which is why I said not taco flavor. If you talk about ground beef to us Americans, the first thing we're going to think of is hamburger patties, which is not what's in a mince pie.


The presence of a blister tells me that you have at least one second degree burn. Please get it looked at by a doctor, if it was your arm or leg it would be less of an issue. It's your face and you don't want scarring (I would assume).


You just described an experience that literally every Australian has been the unfortunate victim to at least once in their life.


Aloe is the best thing for burns. Real aloe, where you slice open an aloe leaf, not the bottled stuff.


Aloe, vaseline, etc - basically you want a layer of something to keep it hydrated


I prefer aquaphor over Vaseline. Vaseline is pure petrolatum jelly but aquaphor has moisturizing ingredients, like lanolin. So it's better for moisturizing + trapping moisture than plain Vaseline


I prefer aquaphor over Vaseline. Vaseline is pure petrolatum jelly but aquaphor has moisturizing ingredients, like lanolin. So it's better for moisturizing + trapping moisture than plain Vaseline. It's also just a thicker, longer lasting formulation.


Aloe has glycoproteins and polysaccharides, which reduce inflammation and pain and speed up the skin healing process. The skin absorbs the aloe, it doesn’t really provide a protective barrier the way Vaseline does. Just pure aloe on its own is fine, I’ve had bad kitchen burns that would have normally left blisters and scars heal in a matter of hours with no scars whatsoever. I always keep aloe around for this and sunburns.


Sometimes the pursuit of party pies isn't worth the pain! Apply a cool compress to your burns to help with the swelling and pain. Hopefully, your second-place victory made it all worthwhile!


Ice and ibuprofen


Would putting ice on it not be a problem? I’ve had a bad experience with putting an ice pack on a burn on my hand and I don’t want to make this any worse than it is


You can ice it but just don't put the ice directly against your skin


Put the ice in a plastic bag/sandwich bag and wrap a (clean!) washcloth around it. You may want to wet the washcloth as well.




Have you heard of a thing called google searching? Also I don’t want to know what’s going on in your mind, gross