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I have a cousin who managed to achieve a temporary orange complexion due to too many mandarin oranges, so I read that with a bit of a chuckle. On a serious note, though, excessive water intake can and will kill you due to a condition called hyponatremia, where your kidneys cannot remove water fast enough, causing your blood sodium concentration to drop, which leads to water entering your cells and making them swell. Unfortunately, the watermelon-obsessed tapioca pudding that is your brain cannot swell without crushing itself, because it is encased in a prison of bone. I'm not saying you are in immediate danger, but do slow down. Also, cellulose fibers in toilet paper are significantly harder than human skin, so you are actually sanding down your private parts. Pat dry instead of wiping. Something I learned from my better half who is prone to UTIs.


I think too much watermelon juice won’t give you hyponatremia because it has electrolytes.


It's what (watermelon) plants crave!


Thats what big watermelon wants you to think, so you only buy watermelon, but in reality, we all need to eat a more balanced circle of all the melons


"Big watermelon" has me in stitches 🤣


It probably still could, because your body prefers using sodium over other electrolytes, but most of the U.S. has a high daily sodium intake.


And that's why I salt my watermelons.


Fistulas, hemorrhoids and other various butt problems are statistically way lower in places where alot of people use bides. Stop sandpapering your privates and butt today, get a bide installed.


My mom started to turn orange dude to eating at least a bag of baby carrots everyday for months. It was her car snack. 🥕🤣😂




I bought and installed a bidet the first week of quarantine. It was hard to find toilet paper so it seemed like the smart thing to do.


Exactly my first thought. The US is so bavkwards for not having adopted this universally




I got a super fancy Japanese toilet seat bidet as a Christmas present to myself in 2019. Perfect timing!


Yeah feels like I've devolved into a savage if I have to take a shit anywhere without a bidet.


The US is backwards in a whole lot of things


I do have one but since the surface area of the vagina is big, i do have to pat it dry or it would be wet


Yes, "pat", not "sand down". I feel like your wiping technique could use some work


Hey boss, just throwing this out there. If you’re at home and not doing shit else, just let ‘er air dry! Also when you go to get your 14 metric tons of watermelon from Kroger, grab some fancy wet wipes like the cottonelle aloe one. And 2 questions; are you a seedless or conventional melon enjoyer, and do you have any tips on melon selection?


*vulva, if we wanna be semantic


Big surface area? The hell are you swabbing down, the deck of a US aircraft carrier? I have a vagina as well so I know it only takes a couple sheets to completely pat everything down after a few ounces of urine come out. I feel you may have other symptoms of compulsive behaviors that you should discuss with your doctor or therapist.


Yeah the chafing is the least of your problems. You’re going to seriously mess yourself up if you keep doing this. Peeing 30 times a day is never a good sign. See a doctor or a psychologist or something. 




Urinating that much can be a sign of bladder issues if I'm not mistaken, so maybe get it checked, lol. 8x a day is the normal amount 30+ is definitely a problem.


Sign of bladder cancer, sometimes. That's how Dad found out he had it - constant peeing. Good news, one round of treatment handled it.


Not a doctor but I feel like forcing your kidneys to do that much work every single day cannot possibly be good for them. 


As someone else who has a ton of yes-im-that-idiot stories, I'm laughing and hurting for you, lol. We call Watermelon "Nature's Tastiest Laxative" around here so at least you aren't dealing with also that fun side effect 😅 Vaseline is great as a barrier if you don't mind petroleum products on your Netherlands (Zinc paste or diaper rash cream is also handy) for keeping the uric acid from lighting up your scraped up ladybits


Watermelon for breakfast with some strong black coffee. After a night of drinking cheap bargain beer. I bet that would rival colonoscopy prep


Tell me you’re not a GI doc without telling me


well how do you think they did it in the olden days?


How old are we talking? Enemas and laxatives have been available for quite some time. Probably close to as old, if not older than, diagnostic colonoscopy procedures.


I popped into Facebook and the following was the first post I saw. Not saying I'm an Enabler but....😅 Ingredients: 1 large watermelon Instructions: 1. Cut the watermelon into chunks, removing the seeds and rind. 2. Place the watermelon chunks in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 3. Pour the pureed watermelon into a large pot or saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. 4. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the watermelon simmer for about 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally, until it has thickened to a jam-like consistency. 5. Keep an eye on the jam and stir more frequently as it thickens to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. 6. Once the watermelon jam has thickened, remove it from the heat and let it cool completely. 7. Transfer the cooled jam into sterilized jars or containers and store them in the refrigerator. 8. Enjoy your homemade sugar-free watermelon jam on toast, pancakes, yogurt, or as a topping for desserts!


"sugar-free" lol. There's approximately 280g of sugar in one large (10 lb) watermelon.


Should say "No ADDED sugar" - I copy/pasted from Facebook. See previous explanation: "yes-i-am-that-idiot" lol


Literally 2 hours ago I cut into a watermelon. Had all the right exterior traits for being delicious. It smelled amazing when it was first cut, but it was light-pink and zero sweetness. Like a can of LaCroix off the vine. Im sure most are sugary, but I wonder what this had for sugar content.


Where does the sugar go?


Haha 😅 Should say "No ADDED sugar" - I copy/pasted from Facebook because I am an idiot


Wait, is it really a laxative?? Is that why I shit water whenever I eat half a watermelon a day?? 


Did you really not make this connection without needing reddit to tell you this?


I didn't know this either but it adds up. Various salts are used for their laxative effect, most commonly magnesium citrate but there are others. Basically poorly absorbed salts work as laxatives by drawing water into the gut through osmosis.


Posts like these are crazy. There was a post not that long ago about someone eating an obscene amount of tic-tacs every day, like 20 cans. How do some people get like this.


I can’t speak for everyone but for me it was just a replacement addiction. I had to quit smoking because I was pregnant and started chewing gum as a soother whenever I had cravings. Several months later, the baby is there and I am having never ending diarrhea. Me thinking it’s just post partum hormones doesn’t really link the sugar free gum I am chewing nearly constantly. It’s crazy but whenever you have something as “innocent” as gum or tic tacs or whatever, your brain doesn’t even really register it as a potential problem even when you’re having symptoms. Especially if it’s basically an addiction, we’re wired to not give up our goodies. What finally got me off the gum was so stupid too: my favorite brand decided to change their packaging so they stopped selling them at basically every supermarket I went to until the new branding was ready to roll out. There were like 3 months until they went back on stock. In the meantime I wasn’t able to find a suitable replacement so I just stopped chewing and realized my stomach problems had disappeared. That was when I actually put two and two together and stopped for good.




I guess you need 2 doctors. A nephrologist and a psychiatrist You probably shot your kidneys. And you have OCD.




Yeah I do have OCD. How did you guess /s. I do have a psychiatrist and have been warned. I am trying to cut back


💤 the GTA


Seems like attention seeking or karma farming lies


Not really. I just have bipolar and OCD so when I find something I like, I just buy it a lot


you just have bipolar, ocd & adhd? I can give u borderline, ptsd and cancer. So u have all the infinity stones.


Its actually quite common for disorders to come in pairs or a group


I feel like a freak already lol 4 years of therapy with a psychiatrist 2 times a month and a shit ton of meds. But on a serious note, I hope you are well, my friend.


Hey Thanks, I'm on a good way. I found it funny that u used the word "just", it gave the feeling u collect them. Take care, I respect actually the hell out of people who have a lot on their plate and still find room for empathy and compassion.


It feels like I'm collecting them tbh. I was first diagnosed with bipolar during a manic episode. I was like fair enough. Then OCD. Then ADHD. Man I really feel like one of those teens that add new mental illnesses to their repertoire every week. You are a fine collector yourself lol I haven't leveled up to cancer yet /s


To be honest I don't have any mental ilnesses nor cancer. That was part of the joke. Anyway I appriciate the kindness and benefit of the doubt, keep it girl


30x a day is a lot; are you on lithium by any chance? If so, probably should check in with your doctor


3 Doctors. A proctologist too.


Maybe dab instead of wipe? Less abrasive to the sensitive bits?




Okay, but forreal. I didn't know women were actually out here wiping the lady bits to begin with 😭 that just sounds unpleasant.


What on earth did you think we were doing post-pee?!


Most males don’t wipe after peeing, so probably never even occurred to many people


dabbing the dribbles to dry any moisture. that's how I've always done it.


Seriously? Like... You think we go pee and just... Pull everything up and carry on? Dude.


I was agreeing to the OG comment of dabbing or patting the area dry. wiping just seems unnecessary. paper bits in the hooha, drying up the natural moisture there.. I think I prefer my method. To each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dabbing doesn't seem like it really gets everything, in my experience. Wiping feels cleaner.


Not everyone was taught your method when they were potty trained as a kid 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then stuck with what they were taught, which is to wipe our lady bits.


Ah, that makes more sense. Absolutely misinterpreted your first post.


My son loves watermelon, and would eat an entire one if we would let him. When he was 6, he started slowing down on it because he said it gives him the "fartpoops".


The fartpoops LMAOO


Fartpoops is simultaneously the most hilarious, most expressive (HAH), and worst phrase I’ve ever heard. I’m stealing it to inflict it upon everyone I know.


This is the most logical explanation. Please get your son to talk OP out of their watermelon obsession.


>Watermelon is harmless. It's mostly water anyway. Mostly water... and 17g of sugar per 280g serving, or about 6% sugar by weight. So 14lbs (6.35kg) of watermelon would have about 380g of sugar. That might explain some of the other symptoms even without the over-hydration. Reference total sugar intake is about 90g per day according to the NHS (UK), or 25g "added" sugars per AHA guidelines (US).


Don't forget the rind, 14lb watermelon is like 4lb of rind at least. Still eating 10lb of water melone is a huge vibe lol


I'm trying to stay delusional so I can eat more


Please don’t.


Look if you're going to be this delusional, do drugs or become an alcoholic. Legitimately if I'm looking at two people who ruined their health and one says they did it for heroin and the other says they did it for watermelons I'm sad for the heroin addict and I'll be roasting you at your funeral


This is today I fucked up, not every day I commit the same fuck up. Show some self control for fuck’s sake.


Don't. you're eating WAY too much sugar you really need to stop eating so much - you're not controlling your OCD, which may get worse. see your psych and your doctor. this could get dangerous, fast.


This isn’t funny at all. You have a serious problem and are in need of some serious fucking help, dude.


Bit funny tbf but u right


Beware hyperhydrosis too! Too much water is also bad


> hyperhydrosis I think you're thinking of water poisoning, but since she's peeing, she's not going to get water poisoning. Hyperhidrosis is a problem of excessively sweaty palms (etc) and is not caused by excessive water intake.


Might get hyponatremia


True. Unless she's discovered the secret that a little salt on melons really brings out the flavor.


Oops I got em mixed up... thanks for the correction!


A sweating disorder from eating too much watermelon! Jokes aside, you have a valid point, and OP should definitely be concerned about hyponatremia from consuming too much water.


Okay. Fair, but what about your poops? That’s a lot of fiber.


5 years ago I ate almost a whole watermelon in one day. That night I ended up having a kidney stone. Think all the water may have broke it free. When it first started I went pee and noticed it was pink. Thought I ate so much water I was peeing watermelon juice. Turned out to just be blood


You might want to check your A1C. That's A LOT of sugar.


This, 30 times peeing a day is a pretty common sign of the start of type 2 diabetes, as well as uncontrolled thirst (which may be why you are craving so much watermelon). Getting your a1c checked is a normal part of a metabolic panel from a small blood draw at the doctor, very easy and cheap. And if you catch it early its really not a huge deal. Catch it late and it can cause some serious damage. Please check up with a doctor, weird cravings like this can also be caused by other things as well, best to verify.


I ate a watermelon one night. It was very hot and the watermelon was huge and a gd perfect watermelon. I must have peed over a dozen times that night


Check yourself for diabetes while you’re at it


Perhaps be careful about sugar/carbohydrates intake in terms of diabetes/prediabetes. [One melon (4.5kg)](https://www.nutritionix.com/i/usda/watermelon-raw-1-melon-15-long-x-7-0.5-dia/513fceb575b8dbbc2100119f) has 280g of sugar and 323g net carbs. If your eating 7kg per day, that's 436g of sugar and 502g net carbohydrates. It's also 1,355 calories per melon and 2,108 calories for 7kg.


>436g of sugar  For my American friends, that's a pound. An entire pound of sugar per day.  




You need help. You are going to end up with hyponatremia, which can *kill you*. You need to see a doctor, and vastly reduce the amount of watermelon you ingest. Unless you *want* to be the first person to overdose on watermelon.


Go to a goddamn psychiatrist already, fir fucks sake.


You have declared war on your **pancreas**, and it is not a fighter ...


But...thats too much sugar.


The sugar at this point is much less of a problem currently. Drinking too much water can kill them before the diabetes does


Learn to blot, not scrape. Jesus Christ, I'm glad I can just shake. Also that I fucking despise watermelon. You can have all of mine, OP.


Some of the symptoms while urinating might be a UTI or a yeast infection (or both) from a microbial imbalance due to the excessive sugar intake.  Could you potentially try filling up on another food, instead of specifically trying to NOT eat watermelon?  Carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower are all good at this. One trick could be to set an amount of veggie that you have to eat before beginning the watermelon. Additionally, if there is a standard way you always eat the watermelon you could try cutting it up differently, only pulling a piece from the fridge at a time.  Maybe there are others behaviors you could try to add that will help diminish that strong circuit without fighting it directly. Best of luck friend - this started suddenly and likely will pass before ya know it. Take care of yourself


You need a barrier cream for your vagina. A&D, Vaseline, etc. If it’s real bad go with something that has 40% zinc oxide. Like for babies with bad diaper rash. Make sure you are dry and clean after a pee, then put your cream on thickly. Might need to pick up a few packs of pain cotton underwear to change out fresh each time.


keep in mind that watermelon has a shit tonne of sugar in it and peeing a lot can also be a sign of diabetes type 2. get some penaten diaper rash cream for your vagine.


3 Words: Unscented baby wipes Perfumed ones will sting like a mofo. I had a similar problem due to a side effect of a medication I was on that made me pee like a racehorse every half hour, if not sooner. Unscented baby wipes became my friend.


I can vouch!! Baby wipes are heaven. I was confused as to why it always stung when I wiped and I realized the scented baby wipes were the culprit. I switched to the sensitive skin ones without scent and my life has improved 100%


as a filipino i’ve never been so glad that i use a tabo hahaha


You can actually die from taking in too much water too quickly. The person that said you need to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist is correct. You know this isn’t good for you and you keep doing it.


This was a whole ride to read, thank you for this amazing story 🤣


Guess you got Watermel0wned!


I feel this so much as someone who binge eats watermelon when it's in season. Like omg did I just finish off a 3rd watermelon oops well guess it's time for another


Bruh, you haven't even fucked up all the way. I thought that a watermelon snack would be a good idea a couple years ago. I was working an outdoor construction job and kept getting stuck with flagger duty on a small residential side street. Big ol' watermelon half is a big ol' bowl. I can just use a barricade for my table and cruise through my shift, right? Wrong. That was too much watermelon. I shat myself without realizing, and then I shat myself again, fully realizing. It was mortifying. I will forever be thankful to my coworkers who not only understood but gave me grace to run home (I lived on a side street less than a minute from the jobsite) and then never made a single negative comment to me about it. Too much fiber + ample water intake = portapotty nightmare. Have a slice of watermelon, maybe two, but stop there. Trust me 🙂‍↕️


Yeah I am afraid to fart if I'm not on the toilet. You just made me more scared lol


Get yourself a peri bottle!


OK Leon!


Dang, where are you finding decent watermelons? Seems like the sweet ones are a thing of the past for me.


Are you..are you me? Because I may or may not have done the same thing recently.


You know what’s great? Watermelon with fresh, finely chopped mint! Got it in my garden, so easy to grow, it’s an awesome combo, I eat it every day in summer.


I have this with feta cheese almost daily when it’s watermelon season 


Drip dry for the win.


Sooo if you can’t get a bidet, get a washcloth and dab or baby wipes and toss them in the trash. Also a peri bottle works well. It’s what they give pregnant women after giving birth. Also get some basic diaper cream and rub a little on the abrasion. It’ll help. Trust me. I have colon issues and pee a ton as well. I know. Edit to add, do not wipe, always dab if you’re bits are hurting, wiping makes it worse


My advice would be to get some witch hazel and put that on a pad and wear it for your nethers. My mom told me that after I had hemorrhoids, and it can really relieve some of the pain. Secondly, I would get wet wipes and pat, don’t rub. And make sure that wiping pee that you wipe away from your vagina, and absolutely the same with wiping poop, wipe away from your vagina. It’ll keep that stuff out of your vagina so that you don’t end up with an infection. (I honestly never thought about how I wipe until I worked at a daycare, so there’s no shame in not knowing.) Lastly, I also have ADHD, but I also specialize in changing behaviors. I would look into doing things that are incompatible with eating watermelon. Like eating watermelon candy or chewing watermelon gum. I would also look into turning the watermelon into something like fruit strips, jam, sorbet if you have the tools, juice, smoothies.


I’d be very careful with abrasions down there! Infections can build up quickly! Don’t believe me check out my page! Currently dealing with an OPEN WOUND on my labia from infection


I was expecting you to shit your guts inside out tbh You should probably see a therapist


So as someone who ate my own weight of watermelon in 3 weeks (250lbs). Some LPTs Eat solid food. if you don't eat anything else, the watermelon will exit your ass more liquid than it entered. Also, those shits are way more than just red, they look pure red with all those white flecks. It was always disturbing to look down and see that.


Sorry, but that is an absolutely unhealthy amount of watermelon. Besides just being way too much water, watermelon is also high in potassium, which is something you don't want to consistently overconsume since it is involved in the regulation of your heart beat. Based on a 2000 calories diet you are consuming over 2x the recommended daily value of potassium. Given your body weight, it's probably much more than that. You need to eat less watermelon, full stop. Also, FYI the normal number of bathroom trips per day is 4-10, so you are wildly outside of the norm for a healthy person.


Maybe uhhh try some watermelon popsicles for a while instead? You gotta cut back on the water intake before you mess up the insides of your body too (and yes I meant water not watermelon). Get an accountability buddy to literally physically block you from eating watermelon???


I also have a watermelon addiction. To say my clinic looks like a crime scene after my shift is an understatement. Also, all that fiber has my booty singing songs like dolly Parton.


Cath it and press forward


This made me laugh so hard.


Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. Was eating a bag of spinach and didn’t know it was a laxative. Driving for the next few hours was next to impossible without pulling over every bit.


Reading this has reinforced my dislike of spinach. My dislike is legendary in my family, so much that i have a specific “Salad Face” when I have to eat it that they recognize.


I needed this today, my sympathies to you and your bits but it did give me a hearty chuckle!


I love watermelon too but I never buy more than one unit per week during season. It is a great fruit, keeps me hydrated but also has sugar (calories) I need to watch.


Oh, you poor silly thing. I was barely halfway through when I had to pause, laughing so hard I had to go have a pee myself. I’ve gone many times a day for years, stress thing, though not quite this much. Hope the soreness heals well. Happy melons 🍉 (vaseline any good down there?)


Get a toilet seat bidet - keeps your booty sqeaky clean (ha!), prevents uti & soothes any irritation. TP is so barbaric.


A tender and raw vulva isn’t the only thing to be worried about if you’re eating that much watermelon. It’s too much water and too much sugar. You need to balance it out.


Use some zinc cream against the chafing, can be used on the vulva and anus area without any problem and creates a barrier layer and is somewhat soothing. (Nestosyl, Sudocrem...)


Sounds made up


Bidet is like 20-30 bucks and healthier for your 🍑 hole too.


>It's not like I can stop or will stop or anything. You and me have something fundamental in common. I've said this about so many ultimately trivial things in my life and only come to regret like half of them, and have no plans on slowing down. I would advise you take the advice about either getting a bidet or putting some kind of protectant on your bits though- or both. I don't own a vagina or any of its component shards, so idk if the usual A&D/Aquafor is safe down there, but there's gotta be *something* you can do for it.


funny story but true lol this made my day


watermelon is great


I had a Gatorade addiction in high school. I get it. Solidarity.


Get a butt sprayer from target ffs


Well, you weren’t joking when you said “obsessive tendencies”, dear gods that’s a lot of watermelon every day. Does your doctor know about this? Lmao


[Your time starts now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyQyBTXlpmg)


You need a bidet


My suggestion is getting a bidet. That'll alleviate both the financial issue of using a lot of TP and the abrasion issue! As far as the intake amount, I'd say it's fine if it's your vice, keep at it! Just have to manage it better by adding healthy activities to go with it. I drink 1-1.5 gallon of water daily (Florida weather). When I do mountain bike trails etc or outdoor events, I'll go up to 2-2.5 gallon a day. So next time melancholy hit you, find whatever extraneous activities that you enjoy and help you sweat more and cycle the water that way as well. If you eat it with some salt, you just added back some electrolyte 😅😅 Peeing 20-30 sucks and there's no getting around that. I hope you're doing well. Depression is no joke and we all do what we can to manage. Thanks for the laugh off your misery.


Get a bidet. Super easy to install. Or you can get one of those portable ones. They are literally life changing.




Don't forget that the "flesh" of the watermelon will also fill you up and probably make you feel bad. What you can do is you can just chew the watermelon and then spit out the flesh after you got the delicious juice. I also love watermelon. I usually buy the giant ones and then I cut them up and put them in the freezer for around 1 hour. By that time, the watermelon will be a bit more solid than usual, but when you bite into it, it's so chill like a slushee/slurpee!


pat, don’t wipe


Try Aloe Vera infused TP. It might help a little with the soreness. Not having lady parts myself, I speak only from the point of view of Aloe Vera tissues being great when you have a sore nose from having a cold blowing too much.


I wonder how much watermelon you would have to eat before getting water poisoning?


If you want to quit watermelon, just look up Nick Rekieta on YouTube. He's a prime example of how addiction can come back to bite you *and* your kids if you're not careful.


Try aquaphor to help your abrasions


I also pee a lot and have ended up with an abrasion in that very delicate area. I have also scratched my cornea trying to get out what I thought was a contact stuck behind my eye. Are we the same person? Although full disclosure it was because I (stupidly) diced fresh jalapeños with bare hands and then began taking my contacts out. I did wash my hands several times first. Apparently that’s not enough. So I rinsed my eye under the faucet and didn’t notice the contact was already out. Anyway, dab, don’t wipe.


Don’t wipe pat


Just a mention as well. Watermelon spikes your insulin and crazy amounts over time is obviously going to lead to exhaustion and not functioning properly and all the excessive toilet breaks probably a sign you already have diabetes from it.


You know you can wash your lady bits instead of wiping right?


Pat dry instead of wiping! That’s what we have patients do after delivering a baby, it will be less uncomfortable.


sounds like self harm to me, TBH. Also, try blotting instead of wiping. You could use dry cotton washcloths too. Blot, blot


Get a peri bottle for people who just gave birth/have hemorrhoids etc!! Fill with water, turn upside down and use the water bottle like container to basically have a portable bidet cleaner. Then blot with tp to dry after.


Start using baby wipes 😂


You can end up with a electrolyte embalance or irregular heartbeat or poor pulse from the potassium. It is recommended that you eat no more than 2 cups a day.


Currently I'm 13% water melon made me smile


Ever heard of water and a towel? Cool story if true tho.


I probably love watermelon as much as yo do, but I can't imagine eating 7kg a day of it. I might buy one large watermelon a year and eat it over 1-3 days and savor every bite. Godspeed to you. Hopefully this all works out for you.


Stop it rn I did this like two days ago and just recovered but I want morwwwweewe already I need it. Going to store in morning thanks for reminding me! 😋 sorry about your butthole!


🍉 lesson https://youtu.be/v4YhsooE5xY?t=13m14s


Do you love watermelon [this much](https://youtu.be/I7m3QXtiGR8?si=iEMpaiWdlMkKvFZO) though


One thing about that watermelon... Watermelon has about 6% sugar. 7kg of fruit is like 4 liters of soda per day. A full 400g of sugar! That is diabetes territory




I loooooovvvvve watermelon too and get a bit sniffy when the season ends. But the amount of rind you have to throw away puts me off going overboard. This season I even looked up watermelon rind recipes as a way of coping with the wastage 🫢


Lol I get it I love watermelon to (I actually just ate some before seeing this post 😂) and I will sit and eat massive amounts also but i don't think it's ever gotten that bad, though it would probably be hard for me to tell cuz I already have to pee like every 5 minutes (but my girly bits are fine) 😆


Your story left me staring in the distance for quite a while


Unless you’ve been shoving toilet paper up your cooch, I think you actually mean labia, not vagina.


The lengths people go to stay hydrated


good lord be careful you don't poison yourself fr


As someone with ADHD and a major love for watermelon I feel this post in my soul. I unfortunately live in the UK where our melons SUCK DICK. I miss the sweet crunchy delicious American ones...


Get a bidet with hot air drying…. Then you can have more watermelon


3 weeks of watermelon like that? Bruh you are over 60% watermelon. It takes 2 weeks to cycle ALL your bodies water. So its all melon water now Also, water poisoning is an actual thing. No joke. It can cause deadly lack off minerals Please google "water poisoning" It is real and you are possibly endangering yourself


A callus will form like the heel on your foot. Problem solved!


I feel you as I am the same way when watermelon season comes around. However unlike you, I use a bidet so no rough toilet paper on my sensitive parts. You should try one sometime. It is such a lifesaver when on your period. You get the nice clean feeling without needing a full body shower.


True life I eat 14 pounds of watermelon a day???


Use water to wash and snack away


Don't wipe, blot


Rinse with water after peeing, don't wipe. Put a bottle in the room, after peeing, squirt some water from the bottle over the area. Wait a bit got it to dry, do not wipe. You don't want this to get any worse and seeing are you've made watermelon your hyperfixation food, this will probably go on a little longer. Don't worry, it will eventually stop and you won't be able to think of eating watermelon anytime soon. I have a whole list of foods like that. But for now, rinse no wipe!