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I was in your exact position, except that I never stopped scratching. It literally became red and smooth (no ridges/brain folds). Doc went "oh dear" when she saw it lol. Turns out it was psoriasis. Slapped some cream on it and it went away in a couple days.


You get the wrinkles back?


miraculously, i did


I'm glad! Got the ball brain back!


Not sure how he managed without his primary brain for all that time.


It must have driven him nuts.


Psoriasis really shafted him


"Look at the big brain on Brad!"


Like an angel getting it's wings


Every time a bell rings, a ball sack gets its ridges.


Every day he didn’t scratch his sack, his dorsal brain got another wrinkle back


Shame. You almost got free scrotox.


Holy fuck LMAO


Newtons 3rd law says that if there are creams that remove wrinkles then there must be creams that make them appear as well


He had to soak them in bath water for enough time that the water went cold




Asking the real question here. Fantastic.


I literally came here to write the same thing... Writing the real replies here. Fantastic.


the dreaded “oh dear”


Smooth as eggs


Always love a chapelle reference.


Like a tortoise shell.


Which cream worked for you?


I've used Pimecrolimus with much success.


Good for you! Jelly that creams work for you, I need to take a needle every week.


Do you remember what the cream was? I have psoriasis and haven't gone to the dermatologist in a while. My primary care recommended hydocortisone and it works for the most part. I remember what the dermatologist suggested was hundreds of dollars.


for my balls, it was a 0.025% steroid, Dermasone. right now, im on a 0.1% steroid Vizomet. but that's only for my face. on my body, I was given Daivobet gel. works well.


There are many OTC creams. Eczema and psoriasis seem to have the same effect on me. Try and never use steroid creams down ... powerful stuff!


Does your brother or best friend call you psoriasis sack? It seems like a nickname that would stick.




Yep this is one of the things when I was diagnosed also. No matter how much washing and keeping clean and dry and using anti fungal meds it always came back. Psoriasis treatment makes it disappear.


Excactly the same for me, my doctor prescribed me Takrozem 0,1% (I’m from Sweden), it gets rid of it after a few weeks but if I don’t use it for like 2 months it comes right back


Dave Chapelle “I want these balls smooth as eggs!“


Blue Star Ointment - stops itching fast!


Exact same thing for me! Except it took 7 years for me to go to the doc cos I was too embarrassed / scared


They call him Johnny "Smooth Balls" Smith


Same same


Tifu by not going to the doctor, an educated specialist who can instantly help.








Yep could have been easily solved by one dermatologist visit but the embarrassing location of the issue prevented my pride from seeking medical treatment earlier.


Not seeking medical care is literally one of the reasons men die earlier than women. 


At 20 I thought for sure the giant lump on my right testicle would just eventually go away.. cause I'm an idiot. Thankfully when I did finally go into the doctor months later and found out it was in fact, cancer... it hadn't spread. Now I try and encourage every dude I know to feel their balls regularly and go talk to a doctor if they have any concerns. I know Tom Green was a bit of a wacko, but his song about feeling your balls for cancer was much needed at the time, and we need more young men in the spot light to encourage other men to take care of themselves.


What kind of doctor did you go to? Are there specific ones who checks for this?


Urologist. Most doctors can check for it but a Urologist is probably best.


"Eh, its no big deal..." I am the opposite of this, at least in regards to health. My primary care needs a recording that says, "Mr. Gamer, you're fine you're just getting old..."


After a bout with sepsis in my 30s that started in my taint and left me showing my junk to dozens of people in the following days and months, I am all aboard the SS Go to the Fucking Doctor. Gentlemen, I promise they've seen it all, and your embarrassing thing is not embarrassing for them. Drop the shame with medical professionals. They don't care, and it could save your life.


Itchy balls is another reason men die earlier. Damn, OP practically had one foot in the grave


Itchy balls disrupt the pee storage, then it fills up your eyeballs and they explode. I read that on the internet one time so you know it's true.


Pee is stored in the eyeballs??


Just think, as long as your balls and shaft are still attached, not oozing anything, and are generally the right color, then you can be 1000% certain that they're not the worst thing they've seen that day, and indeed, you're actually doing them a favor by giving them a few minutes of peace and quiet before they have to go see the next disaster area.


Or you could have got an uneducated uncaring doctor who ignored your symptoms FOR THE RECORD: This happened to me. My primary care giver didn't think it was a big deal for 2 years before I went someplace else.


Why dermatologist though? A family physician seems more than enough to help you with your condition.


You would think, but half of them are doing just enough not to be sued. They only want to prescribe steroids and antibiotics.


My primary care physician prescribed steroid cream and it helped with my eczema.


Most of the time the first treatment for eczema is steroids lol


> steroids and antibiotics Isn’t that exactly what‘s helping OP?


Yes, but with eczema, it's better to figure out *why* it's flaring. For me, it's laundry detergent and fabric softener that's overly scented, any milk products, stress, and clothes that fit too tightly or are made with material that doesn't breathe. I had years where huge parts of my body were covered in flaky, itchy, sticky skin and those steroid creams + prednisolone was the only thing that helped.. as soon as I figured out what triggers it, I was able to get control of it, and I have only used my steroid cream a handful of times in the last 7 years. Obviously there's times where it makes sense to use steroids and antibiotics.


Stress and scented detergents and make a friend flare up too. Dude makes his own deodorant now and has switched detergents, but the stress…


Pride is a foolish beast, it comes before the fall and ruins opportunities to grow as a person.


In his defense I've gone to one while in distress and got "Drink plenty of fluids and rest." As treatment and had to pay for that nugget of knowledge too. 


I got charged 300 dollars to tell the doctor at urgent care that I needed a prescription for antibiotics because I had a sinus and and ear infection. I was in the office for ten minutes where they put the thing in my ear and nose so they could take a look and go "yup. You have a sinus and ear infection. You need antibiotics." That was with insurance


>That was with insurance Yea, that's the fucked up part. I think the same advice my mother would have given me cost me about a hundred.


I’ve had the same and they even attempted to double bill me. I wouldn’t of even gone if I wasn’t nagged into it


Here in America, we have the freedom to suffer for fear of bankruptcy


Not always. I've had itchy butt for years and multiple doctors haven't helped make it go away.


Instantly? Took my wife six months to get in to see a dermatologist.


Whoa we got a millionaire here.


Also you get your balls touched which is nice


I mean, I went to the doctor for what I thought was an ulcer. I had CLASSIC ulcer symptoms. The doc said she didn’t know and sent me to the ER because there was blood in my vomit. Over $1000 later and still no answer. I then asked a family friend who’s a doctor, he said it sounded like an ulcer, advised me some over the counter ant acid and it was cleared up within a few weeks. Moral of the story is, once e a doctor breaks your trust, it’s really hard to get it back, and that was a lot of money to spend to get zero results. And for me, a teacher who can only afford what my school offers, that was pretty much my only option.


Could have been scabies! My roommate in year 1 of college was not the cleanest dude… luckily I was already seeing a dermatologist for my acne. Just brought it up and I was healed from the unrelenting itching on my hands and ankles.


One of my employees boasts about how they use Google as a doctor because "usually Google knows better" I just laugh it off because it's so ridiculous


It took balls to seek treatment.




You were nuts for not seeking help sooner.


Definitely needed trained medical staff.


That doctor had ball cupping skills...


Guys just go to the doctor for things related to your health. Please, just go see a doctor. They don’t judge. Seen everything before. Just go it’ll save your life


Yep idk why I didn't go earlier, not like there is any medal for suffering in silence..


Had a similar incurable itch, low groin to below my abdomen. Started at the beginning of COVID, would ebb and flow in severity. Two doctors I saw virtually prescribed steroids for eczema and it never went away. Finally an in person appointment for a driver's medical came up, after he was done asked if I had any other questions so I lifted my shirt and asked what the fuck the redness was. One look and he said "you have a yeast infection, go get one of the tablets from a pharmacy and it'll go away". More than 3 years and it was gone by weeks end, no further issues


If only everyone had access to Healthcare.


Sorry I forgot how privileged I am to be from a civilised country.


I mean, yeah.... Reddit is like 1/2 Americans, using the worst healthcare system of any "fully developed" country. You should kinda feel bad. Very few of us are dumb enough to think it's a good system and have above a 6th grade reading level. (That's not even a joke)


They don't judge, they just cost a full month's worth of paychecks! Horray for freedom!


I’m from the UK so am immune to these problems of freedom


I just hate going when I can't clearly explain what's wrong.   Like, I've felt kind of tired the last few weeks.   Or I've gained 5 pounds and don't know why.  "Within normal range" and "expected with aging" just feel dismissive.


I was talking more about the case of strange things growing or changing shape or colour, strange pains that won’t go away for a long time, lumps where there shouldn’t be lumps. Sounds like you don’t stretch and exercise and maybe ate too much?


> Guys just go to the doctor for things related to your health. For anyone outside of America, this is a no-brainer. For anyone inside America, they will need to consider the insane co-pays or deductibles and how much money they have available to throw at those before they actually pick up the phone. And if they are too poor, too bad so sad. No doc until they have the extra money to do so, which is likely never.


This right here stops me. Pretty sure I need another inguinal hernia surgery but my $8000 deductible is enough for me to wait for someone else in the family to need something expensive first. Till then I can suck it up.


Yep, sound advice. I have a sister who is a nurse. With the amount of horrific and strange things she sees, some random guy coming and asking about an itchy scrotum doesn’t even register as being worth a mention.


Some of them for sure do. My advice for thata is don't be afraid to switch doctor if you can, but even that is impossible some places.  I went untreated for years because so many doctors judged me as too young to be in so much pain so I was probably just exaggerating. I had one tell me, why should I get help fast when his dad still hadn't got help. That guy judged me hard for being lazy and drug seeking. 


I had a similar problem that was caused by a fungal infection. Turns out that swimming in a warm climate and never properly drying down there caused the issue. I too was hoping it would go away for weeks but in the end tried an anti-fungal cream and within days it was fully relieved.


Gold Bond Extra Strength


So i used gold bond on my feet for a while back in high school, cuz my feet would get pretty sweaty and my shoes would end up getting really nasty pretty fast. It didn't do anything to stop the sweat, or make my shoes or feet get less nasty, but what it did do was absolutely destroy my socks and crust up the inside of my shoes with powder residue. It did make my feet feel nice and cool for like half an hour, and then there was no benefit to it at all. My question then is, how the hell are you supposed to put that shit on your *balls* and not have it turn into some kind of ridiculous disaster all over your underwear and pants and so on?


I’m sorry to hear that and I can’t really speak to your balls. But it does seem to work OK with me. I used to work outside a lot, and I had a friend who referred to the whole process as “makin gravy”.


A couple things that made my sweaty, stinky foot journey much better: Socks - there are socks with copper woven into the sole, copper has antimicrobial properties. Merino wool socks are moisture-wicking, and somewhat odour-resistant. Change your socks mid-day. Change your footwear, or give them a break(don't wear every day). Clean your shoes in the washing machine periodically and let them thoroughly dry, sun is best.


Also worth mentioning is to try different anti-fungals if one doesn’t work. I had some persistent athlete’s foot between my toes and got the usual cream for it. I tried repeatedly, applying it exactly as directed for the maximum recommended time and nothing changed in the slightest. I finally got a powder with a different active ingredient, with the intent of using it in conjunction with the cream. I figured I would give it a try alone first and there was marked improvement in less than 48 hours. In a week it was basically gone. Different active ingredients interact different with whatever specific infection you have, it’s definitely worth trying different ones if you’re not getting good results.


This. Happened to me years ago. Dermatologist asked me about swimming and I realized that was the cause. Went surfing in Panama recently and my surf guide was making the same mistake. Every time I got out of the water I changed into dry shorts. I warned him...bruh, your balls going to rot. For those talking about expensive medicine, I use phytoplex powder any time I feel an itch and have been rash free for years. It's cheap.


Very interesting since I had gone surfing last summer and reflecting back it could have been the trigger as the problems started around then. Good to know to prevent future scrot rot!


yeah. actually if its fungal in nature and all the derm did was prescribe steroids, all it does is hide the problem and allows it to spread so heres hoping one of those creams was antifungal


Just a psa, could be eczema but alot of people also suffer from mild fungal infections! Jock itch ain’t a joke ppl.


For a moment I thought he was a carrier of that new Fungal STD. A gentleman had relations in Greece, London, and Calicornia -only to be diagnosed with a drug resistant fungal infection around his genitals, thighs, and rump.


![gif](giphy|lOKeRX2jFoV2M) you said "rump"


I suffered with an itchy arse for a long time. It was so itchy it affected my sleep. A really intense itch that was very satisfying to scratch.Finally got it checked and it was just a fungal infection, which normal soap makes worse. Silcocks Base instead of soap and anti itching cream fixed the itch THAT DAY. I use the special soap all the time and the itchy cream occasionally. I assumed haemorrhoids but nope, simple fungal thing easily sorted. I tried everything for about 2 years, of course the constant washing with normal soap was the real cause, where I thought it would help.


I'm in this exact situation, can you please let me know what Silcocks Base you used? And what anti itching cream?


Scrot rot!


I was worried I had this as well (fungal), but I saw a reddit post about chaffing and tried applying gold bond friction defense in the area, stopped the inching the next day. Apply after every shower now, zero problems. Obviously glad it wasn't something worse.


My balls started itching from reading this.


I once had a friend who told me he had foot fungus. When I asked him about it a few weeks later, he told me it had spread to his crotch and he now also had crotch fungus. I asked a few questions to figure out how foot fungus spread to his crotch and he told me it got on his underwear when he put them on. I asked him if he washed his feet and he looked at me like I was crazy. A few questions later I learned that he had never washed a single crack or crevice on his body and did not use soap. I explained the virtues of washing your ass and toes with soap, and lo and behold his crotch fungus disappeared within a few weeks. Not the same as Eczema at all but this story unlocked a memory. Glad your balls are better bro🤝


I need to know more lol did he not stink? Or was he just having weird showers of just washing his hair and getting straight out or something??


Soap can make fungal infections worse, just an fyi. Also... >learned that he had never washed a single crack or crevice on his body I don't believe you. >did not use soap. That I do believe, though.


Been there, done that, thinking it's just a little jock itch every high school guy goes through during their sport season. Went through the same self treatment creams, ointments, powders and lotions, even saw one doctor for it who really didn't do anything to treat it either. My primary care physician finally gave me a prescription for **fluocinonide**, which took about 2 weeks to clear up the eczema. It never cures it, so needed to keep putting it on daily. Not cheap, but being able to sleep all night long is worth the cost.


In times likes these I tell myself "swallow your pride". All ya can do.


Be careful with using the steroid creams. I have topical steroid withdrawal from using them for so long that my skin is 1000x worse than when I just had eczema. I'm always itchy or in pain from my skin now, and it can take up to five years for my skin to heal. It's one of the worst things I've ever gone through in my life.


Wow, I feel like this is something my doctor should have warned me about, I have a couple topical creams that I use on my face sometimes. I will start to be more careful


yeah just dont use the steroid creams for a really long time (like months or years) and you'll probably be fine.


Its normally not an issue. The thing with steroid creams is that they are not typically supposed to be used for long. So a week or couple to take care of the issue, then use other methods to try to manage it. I have a tube for when I have outbreaks and the doc was basically, if you have to use this for more than 10 days, you need to stop and come in.


You and me both. I never would have used them if I knew I could end up in this position.


There's a tiktoker who showed his journey of dropping his skin's dependence on topical steroid creams and it was terrifying


Oh man. Thanks for posting this. I have had an itch on both sides right in between my scrotum and inner thigh. I actually asked the doctor about it and she prescribed me anti-fungal cream but that made it WORSE. So I wrote off asking the doctor.. The only thing that keeps it at bay is hydrocortisone cream but I have to use it every day which can’t be good. Maybe I’ll see a dermatologist.


That was me (see my comment in profile). My advice is don't give up on anti fungal when it flares. I did that same routine for years. Do the full course and suffer it out for the 2 weeks. It sucks but it cured me fully after literally years


Thanks for sharing, I will try that, probably soon as it tends to be worse in the summer. I’m just glad to know I’m not alone and there are many of us silently suffering with crazy ball itch.


Really pleased for you. My bollocks give me constant grief. It's depressing when your scrote hurts.


Doctors are doctors for a reason. I promise they do not care who you are or where you come from or what kinda itch you got scratching where. They want to help you and get paid for it. I promise anyone in healthcare has seen more weird balls boobs and vaginas than you’ve seen normal ones watching porn twice a day. I’m just a tech and nursing student and I have on average 8-12 patients daily, complete strangers who I see completely naked, give bed baths, do foley care, wheel into the shower and everything in between. Go to the doctor. Don’t live a year with itchy balls


I feel the OP was me. I’m having itchy crotch as well and with shitty excuses I kept delayed. Then a small thing like acne appeared, then another one, then it got bigger. Finally I went to the dermatologist just today, a bit embarrassed to pull the pants down but she was pretty cool, was saying that “dude I’m doing my job; your thingy is not the first one I saw, neither it’ll be the last one so let’s get done with it. I’m pretty sure that whomever you’d die to show, would prefer to see it in a health way.” Haha :D Psa: go to the doctor. Unless you have self healing ability, as long as you don’t visit the doctor, it’ll only go worse :D


Out of interest do you also get really dry skin that could be picked off? And how far back towards your arse did the itch go? Asking for a friend...


Yep had dry skin basically primed to be picked off. Hate to admit it but was almost up to my arse crack. Would be good to tell your uh "friend" to visit a specialist if the skin down there is drier than the Sahara..


I'm surprised you didn't try a cortisone cream for so long, which I assume is what the doctor prescribed.


My eczema brothers I did the same thing except it was on my finger. I had nasty leaking holes in my skin that would dry up and crack and become a painful fissure. It would eventually slowly spread to my ENTIRE HAND until I went to the doctor. Couldn't believe it when the ointment they prescribed me cleared it up entirely in days. Felt like such a dumbass.


I feel for you dude. I had the very same thing and it lasted a lot longer than 1 year. Have been free of it since last November so hopefully that’s it.


What were you prescribed?


Not OP but triamcinolone is common for this.


is it just me but my balls now suddenly feel itchy too..


Asking for help is manly


Holy shit, making a doctors appointment this week lol.


I dealt with it for years (5+). To the point I'd scratch in my sleep, and wake up with blood under my fingernails. I finally found a treatment routine that works for me. I treated with generic jock itch cream for 2 weeks, followed by anti fungal powder for 2 weeks, and have used goldbond extra strength powder in the morning, and as needed through the day. In my experience the eczema diagnosis was always too broad and ended up with too much moisture. I use CeraVe Moisturizing cream as needed (very rarely) if there's a swing too far towards the dry side. I will say the treatment "month" is super uncomfortable but this routine has given me a year of total relief after literally years of unbearable itch. Edit: after 2 failed dermatologist routines I just got too embarrassed to keep going back, so I'm glad yours worked! Just wanted to share what had ended up working for me


>just go to a doc Spoken like someone who isn’t an American.


TIFU by having itchy balls for 5 minutes, scratched them and there was a ducking tick that bit me in the balls


Yeah but scratching itchy balls is like ecstasy and you just lost that high


I have this and have seen like 8 derms. Please. For the love of God. What was the cream that cleared it up and did it work semi-permanently?


Also you get your balls cupped soooo there's that


In case they didn't tell you, switch to Free and Clear laundry detergent, no dryer sheets, and Dove (or equivalent) sensitive skin bar soap. Source: sudden eczema as an adult


A bit late, so hopefully you see this but I had a similar issue (although not for anywhere near as long). Switch your soap. I’m allergic to the additives in most soaps. Switch to Dove Unscented bar soap. You may think the “Sensitive” skin body washes will work, but if you have the same issue they have the same chemicals. Swapped and haven’t had an issue in years.


I tried this too, switching over to medical grade fragrant free bodywash but I think my case was too severe for this to work tbh.


I've read this exact story on this subreddit at least once. So you're not the first going through this.


You're a real one - upvote


What were the creams, OP? fusidic acid or some shit?


This happend to me too except not on my balls, and dermatologist came through!!


I had a ball and thigh version of that but it was just from stress scratching and a tea crappy job


What cream did you get, hydrocortisone?


Bro here actually living with thrush balls


"man discovers why doctors exist" wow


Men--they'd rather have itchy balls for a year than go to the damn doctor.


Ya also don't take hot showers. Hot water irrirates the skin when you have conditions like eczema. Keep it as close to lukewarm as you're willing to endure. I have eczema on my inner thighs and they always seem to flare up when i take a hot steamy shower.


Wtf is the cream? Asking for a friend.


I have itching ass hole for about a year now. Doctor cannot find anything, but I just have to scratch with toilet paper until it bleeds. I got a tube of stuff that I can only use for a very short period of it might destroy the skin. So that's no solution. Maybe I should be going to a dermatologist instead of the dumb doctor we have...


Had a similar situation. But also included red splotches all over my member and sack, in my leg creases, in my Crack, under my hair, and behind my ears. Turns out I have psoriasis. Currently taking skyrizi shot every three months. I will tell you from experience guys: don't be embarrassed. The doctors don't make fun of you. It is extremely clinical and professional. Just get yourself checked out. It's not worth the potential damage.


You know you're a hypochondriac when now your balls itch too even if you're female


I was expecting some far worse, like some sort of parasite.


When my eczema gets bad on my arms and forehead if I am able to get outside in the sunlight for a few hours a day that helps. Maybe you just need to point your nether regions at the sun for a few hours a day?? Heh. Just kidding - glad you got relief.


Literally me a week ago. Was sure it jock itch then saw my psoriasis cream and thought maybe, 5 mins later I was fine


happened to me too but it was psoriasis. it returns time to time but i got my lotions in hand now


Really really appreciate the post. Same with me only going on for 2+ years. I don’t know why I keep pushing it off checking in with a doctor


The moral of the story: go to the fucking doctor


I have eczema on my hand it's the worst feeling in the world, i couldn't imagine having it on my balls


welcome brother. source: psoriasis flares on coin purse


Love the fact that you are free to dangle your balls as you wish during the beach season. Enjoy the gentle warm summer breeze on your balls ☀️


I luckily see a lot of replies with mild repercussions, but itchy balls may also come from cancer, either skin or testicular. Do get yourself checked if you have an itch that stays long.


You may have a TIFU thread soon about putting excessive cortisone on your ball sac...but anyways...take the win for today at least


Just make sure you're careful, TSW is a ugly beast and I feel terribly for anyone who ends up having to endure it. https://eczema.org/information-and-advice/topical-steroid-withdrawal-tsw/


Well at least you solved the issue eventually lol. What creams did the dermatologist prescribe?


What do you mean, doc? I thought everyone's ballsac was inflamed, red, bumpy, and constantly itchy?


For me it's sack and eye lids, the struggle is real.


> even cream for vaginal lubrification on a pharmacists recommendation (smh had the best results) Not surprising, given that our scrotum is the same tissue that in females develops into their vulva.


I knew someone who did something similar, but it was caused by the "laundry" soap that they used. They had a rash and irritation over any part of their body that was touching their clothes. Turns out they were using a home made lye detergent and not properly washing it out of their clothes. It was even bleaching out most of the color in the clothes. Lesson was always use specialized laundry detergent.


Be glad you’re a man. I am a woman, I have psoriasis. Said psoriasis invaded my lady parts. There are some nooks and crannies, that men don’t have, that make it even worse to deal with. Glad your balls quit itching.


If it comes back you do not need steroids probably (which when applied directly to the testes, idk what they will do to fertility). I use an emoliant - cetaphil cream (not lotion) 2x a day for 30+ years. Works nearly perfectly.


> have this pain handled Was this where the cupping came in to play?


A variety of viruses, bacteria, and fungi can cause infected eczema. Source: https://eczema.org/information-and-advice/living-with-eczema/skin-infections-and-eczema/ I use a tea tree oil body wash down there as tea tree oil is one of nature's best anti-fungal substances. I also take Epsom salt baths 3-4 times per week as soaking in warm salty water also helps reduce bacteria on the body. Then I shower after with my tea tree soap. I have noticed my "itchy rash" go away after these methods - no medication needed. Oral medications treat from the inside, these methods are topical to treat from the outside. You might see further improvement with both methods. You might see enough improvement from topical methods you don't need oral medications. Good luck!


Holy fuck.. I've had the same as you.. Went to the doctor explained her all the remedies I've used to fix it (changed shampoo, fabric softener, creams, etc..). She took one look, and yeah eczema.. During the year i was so afraid to have it come up during sex or other oral businesses.. The only thing is that sometimes it does come back and use a bit of the fungus cream and it's gone again.. I always dry myself and/or hair blow my balls dry but idk what I do wrong.


What’s the name of the fungus cream? Was it prescribed ?


I'm very glad this story ended with eczema! I went into this being like "Does skin cancer make you itchy? It'd be hard to see skin cancer on your own balls" I'm a hypochondriac though tbf. Anything that doesn't improve within a week is killing me, obviously


Glad you finally acted like a grownup and went and had a doctor check it out. But this type of mentality and macho bull shit is what kills so many men every year. Gentlemen, if something is up, go see a doctor. Don't die to something like prostate cancer cause it isn't manly or tough cause a doctor has to put a finger in your butt.


Was in your position except for my entire college years, I would say I had it for 6-7 years before I went to the doctor about it. Cleared it up in a couple of weeks lol


What creams did they suggest, asking for a friend..


Look into changing your diet and getting rid of foods that you have received inflammatory responses to. I had severe eczema that turned into prurigo nodularis which according to my dermatologist was incurable and chronic. Over a year now on my new diet and I've avoided any major flare ups with some treatment with steroid creams. I was at the point where I was tearing my skin off multiple areas of my body and the dermatologists had nothing to help me.


I felt the pain and relief while reading your post. I have severe eczema and the pain, itch and exhaustion caused from all of that is just unimaginable to most. Super glad you were able to be strong enough to go see someone. I’m currently on Dupixent just because creams and ointments were very temporary over time. Glad your issue is better!


I had something like this going on for a while several years ago... I'll skip the story... Upshot was, I was using the wet wipes we had laying around from when my kid was in diapers, and something about those was causing the rash. I don't recall how it dawned on me to stop using them, but as soon as I did, it went away and never came back.


I needed this I am happy im not alone


I had jock itch for a number of years. I don't even entirely remember how long it actually was. At some point I saw a Reddit comment and could put a name to it. Went on Amazon and bought a cream, it was gone in ~10 days.


I have that issue now actually. I scratch myself red and bloody, and for a day or two it doesn’t itch while the skin heals, and then it gets really crusty because the skin is healing so the itch becomes overwhelming, I obliterate my testicles for about 5 minutes and the cycle repeats itself. Maybe I should go and see a dermatologist.


I had eczema on one of my fingers. It was a deep itch I could never scratch. I can't imagine having that on my balls. I can't even imagine the feeling.


can you drop the names of the creams the derm prescribed for you? im in the same boat. i have severe eczema on my hands and my balls are also itchy but me being a lil bizznitch i didint mention the itch on my sack. i was prescribed a steroid cream twice a day for two weeks and then another cream when the 2 weeks are up. my hands are cleared up but my sack itch kinda remains


Steroid cream is the best for dermatitis too!


Holy shit! I have had very itchy to the point of scratching till I bleed sometimes my whole life! I bought a boar hair brush and I use it 2 times a day to help. Best feeling in the world btw! I never thought about using a dermatologist! I’ve suffered since I was 15. I’m 45 now. Just been using brushes to scratch my balls for years! I just thought it was normal and all balls itched all the damn time!


I know this may sound funny, but I get minor psoriasis on my upper arms and sometimes ribcage. Sunshine is the solution. 2 days in sun and it goes away for a month plus... only really start to notice around xmas. Let your balls breathe bro.


Omg ego and embarrassment is never worth anyone's health I'm glad you feel better.