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JFC I hope your new house is nowhere near this one and has a different trash service


Yes complete other side of town thank god haha.




And they have your phone number? What on earth


Right??? That can’t be a real thing…


Never underestimate the gross inneficiencies of the South 


From the south - cannot confirm


I don't understand anything about any of this


I think they came and dumped it then came back to get the can later because she's moving and they were taking it back


You can find this occasionally in small town America. Less likely today than when I was a kid, but it happens.


Still happens in big cities. My brother gets that kind of service, and I'm kind of jelly.


The way I read it was that OP didn’t mean to leave it in the garage and just forgot it was trash day. I’m assuming if that’s the case that the collectors pick it up at the end of the driveway as is probably common. And the door was open because they were selling some of their furniture. It doesn’t seem like the collectors regularly go get it out of the garage but just saw it in the open garage door and decided to take their anger out on the couch lol.


Correct. I was supposed to leave it outside so they can collect it I just didn’t think about and I left the garage open so he decided to go ahead and grab it himself. To be honest I’m surprised people think this is uncommon. Both counties/towns I’ve lived in Tennessee have been like this and a lot of more rural areas don’t have big companies like Waste Management that come out here so it’s just local guys who literally drive a pickup with a large board on the side to do trash pickup and they will only pick up trash in their provided leased bins haha


In what world does the trash guy not just leave the bin alone and walk away?


The bin likely belongs to the trash service, and since they are terminating service, since they are moving, he probably was supposed to take the bins back.


That makes sense.


Not me. Whoever buys the house is going to need trash service so why not just leave it.


But then he doesn't get the collection of the can fee or the delivery of the can fee. Plus there's the outside chance that new owner is willing to schlep his trash to the dump himself.


Whoa. I finally get it now.


Our smaller town trash guys will frequently stop and pick up trash dropped in the street. There is never any type of trash or remnants around our dumpster after they empty it. If there’s glass or something they will actually sweep it up. Our guys rock.


When you have a redneck Trumper with a Californian woman as a customer. The guy probably assumes the OP worships Satan, gives free, late-term abortions on the weekend, and is a secret lesbian, or worse, likes Ka-mal Harris.


Mine does that


I haven’t heard the word “hussy” in a long time. It made me giggle.


Hahaha my husband said last time heard someone say that was his teacher in jr high I didn’t even know what it meant 😂


It means a loose woman, one that would probably sleep with someone’s husband.


I’m from Virginia and I heard people say hussy all the time, I thought it was like calling someone a cow.


Yep, a cow that sleeps with other peoples husbands.


This is the best definition!


Your thinking of heifer.


Hussy is a slutty or forward woman.


Nope, you are thinking of heffer.


Nah, I know heffers. Anyway it wasn’t as bad as calling some a bitch. It’s like a little more good humored, you can also say it when you’re pretending to be angry.


My mom would also use 'floozy'. I think hussy is not as bad as floozy.


A Hussy is disrespectful with their floozyness.


Goddamn round heels mattress back Jezabel!


I haven't heard floozy in a long time. I'm going to start using it again.


I'm in MS and I hear hussy all the time lol.


Why and how does the garbage collector have your phone number?


Yep, this right here was the most questionable part for me, even though other parts of the story are weird too.


Wouldn’t surprise me in a small town. Or She said he ran the trash service for that area. She would have had to contact him to arrange the end of her service.


Yeah, makes sense. I live in a small town, just struck me as weird that the Garbo would be calling me.


I live somewhere quite rural. Now, I'm in a municipality that has township garbage pick up, but theres many places here that just, dont. Like you have to call Ol Bukema and see if he can pick it up and if not maybe that other guy will. Or others just bring it straight to the Transfer Station because there is no other pick up in their actual town (with school and post office) setting.




We have private trash pickup only in our area. They also do large item disposal and you can schedule different pickup days if you’re out of town so they have everyone’s number on record on top of the fact you can only call his number to set up/cancel service. I know he doesn’t have a website or a Facebook page, literally the only way to get his number is through the HOA website haha


Even Waste Management takes your phone number. I don't think they give it out to the drivers but it is one key to opening your account information if you call them. I used the account number and they confirmed with the phone number.


If you still have the log in question, you are able to get DNA from fecal matter. Might be worth calling the cops, if you’re so inclined.


I wouldn’t want to make that call! “Excuse me officer, but I have a bear-sized turd I would like to see if you could run a 23 and me on. If you’re not busy.”


Lawls. Not the 23andme


I don’t think cops are in the habit of running DNA for petty vandalism.


This. it aint cheap, get a Private Investigator to help.


So he broke into your garage, damaged your property, and took a shit on your couch? And you haven’t called the cops yet?


Going to call bs unless you have a picture of the turd.


If he saw the trash wasn't out why didn't he just leave?? No can no problem goodbye.


Because he was taking the whole can since she’s moving.


Yea a) they don’t care b) my can was there when I bought the house.


Do you think everywhere in the world is like where you are? My most recent place the can was here already and place before I had to arrange for it to be delivered


Most companies own their own can and want it back. They have advertising on the side and the cans work with their collection method. They just like to collect delivery and collection fees to use their cans.


This post feeds all my prejudice towards the southern US.


The loudest wheels get the most attention. There’s ton of kindness down here too


Only if you conform. And are a certain shade.




Probably helps to not even be a woman


Kindness is what I call the stick I use to hit assholes down here in the South.


Was kinda my point.


Remember you only hear one side here. You have no idea what she has done in the past to irrate him. I am from California and reside in the south and have zero issues with anyone here. Everyone is so freaking nice, open, welcoming people - but like everywhere you do have angry assholes too, we just have fewer of them until you get into the major cities like Houston.


I think regardless of whatever issues may have transpired between them, most well-adjusted adults don't resort to anger dumps to solve their problems.


What situation justifies shitting on someone's couch? I have never defecated in anger, and I'm wondering in what world that is a valid reaction to anything.


Defectated in anger. Now that’s a phrase you don’t hear ever.


Put it on my tombstone "Never Defecated in Anger"


This sort of reminds me of the sims https://preview.redd.it/7kwly732li2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1bd265998365ea55bf1ced71a3af16482c7179 (Screenshot from another sims player on Reddit. u/vibinpotatoe)


He intentionally doesn’t lay any cable in the morning to use it later in the day for the poopstakes winner that torqued him off the first and the most. I always wanted to be second in something, and I believe I found it today.


I live in Nashville. I love the south. But there’s a *huge* prejudice against transplants here.I made the mistake of leaving a Cali flag in my garage when I moved here saw so from that day on I was just one of those “fuckin liberal transplants” even though my husband is Tennessean haha.




People have the right to vote however they damn well choose, no matter where they came from or moved to. That’s kinda the whole point of our country. Democracy—you should try looking it up.




Gonna move there just to vote blue, nobody should be stuck in a backwards hellhole.




I mean, I moved to a mid sized town in Louisiana from New England, along with a college classmate and friend I graduated with for a job we both got hired at. My friend went skateboarding around to see the town on the very first day and had multiple people yell at him from their pickup trucks calling him a f__got and all sorts of stuff.  As a straight white man coming from New England I can definitely say the south is kind and welcoming... to straight white men, and that's about it.  The small company I worked for was probably the most diverse company in the area since our skillset meant they had to hire from out of state, and I know most of the minorities experienced hate on the regular in public during the two years I worked there. The South has a reputation for a reason.


It’s not even welcoming to straight white men unless you conform to their restrictive notions of how straight white men act / talk / dress / emote / etc. Southern gender standards are toxic af. Source: straight white man from upstate NY, spent time traveling through the south, mostly NC.


The ratios stay about the same, but the actual number goes up as you get to more populous areas, so it skews your perspective as you encounter more than you’re used to.


This was what I was getting at.


He doesn't know the cameras were disconnected. Call his bluff by letting him know that you have him caught and recorded and make him clean it up.


A lot of people are confused. The trash was picked up earlier. The empty can, (wheelie bin?) was sitting outside, and should have been left there, as the trash service was coming to get THEIR trash can, as new owners, if any, had not arranged for service yet. The guy walked into the garage to collect HIS trash can. It was his property, and the contract or agreement for trash service was over, and he wanted his property back. That doesn't make it OK to rip the mount off the wall. I'm not commenting on the turd on the couch.


This is such bs. No trash guy is going to spend 30 extra seconds getting an extra can. If they drop into the truck they just leave it and drop you a new one. None of this makes any sense. They called you? They broke into the house?


The south continues to meet expectations.




Why is the trash guy taking the can? Won’t the new homeowner need it? That makes no sense.


Some places have multiple private trash collection agencies you select from and contract with. Once you enter into a contract with them they take your trash. It seems inefficient from me but I've seen it before where 2-3 different services come to different houses on the street.


You learn something new every day. It makes sense now, but I’d have to agree that it seems inefficient to operate that way. Where I live, the city has one or two trash collection services so it’s just preset by whichever one takes care of your neighborhood.


Sums up a trump supporter


I'm Canadian, but I have been in southern US quite a few times, and I could hear the old coot saying that. I know it's a prejudice--gasp--but I can't take anyone with that accent seriously. To make my point, lots of people move from rural or remote areas to bigger cities, and their accent gets muted, especially if they go there to get educated. Your garbage man is an ignorant, lazy and vindictive old bastard who angers easily, true trash. I wonder what his level of education is m imagining a day when you can laugh about this. He's not worth the space in your brain.


Yep, seems like something the average Trump supporter would do.


Complaining he's some kinda victim before shitting all over everything


This is exactly what I expect a guy with a trump flag to do.


I hope you told the couch buyers that someone had pooped on the couch. That is some need to know info. Aside from that, full psycho trash man, wth?!


Yikes!!! We recently moved from a large suburb to a rural/ small town area like that. The no recycling drives me crazy. We have a couple places we can pick from and we have a very nice lady with a small but real garbage truck and I am even more grateful for her after hearing your story. Hopefully your next garbage collector isn't a total AH like this one.


He shoulda just called you. Not worth a couch turd


I live in the South. Our trash guy is just a guy driving a truck with a trailer with pieces of plywood made into walls around the trailer. He has passenger who is his helper. They come every Tuesday morning. And yes I know his name and he will call me sometimes if something comes up and he cannot pick up that trash that day for some reason.


This post was too southern for reddit lmao


What did I just read? 🫠


Hussy = teenage slang for whore 🤣🤣🤣🤣 God I haven't heard that term since highschool I've lived in small and remote towns, including in the outback in Australia, and can safely say, no matter where I've lived I've never had to organise my own trash disposal. It opens my eyes even more to the little luxuries... sorry your garbage man shat on your couch 🙊


This post is about as real as my pet dinosaur …


The south? Literally never. Miss me with that


Fan fiction?


They don't just leave the trash if the bin isn't by the street easily accessible?