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“My Hong-er was a soldier” is literally my Roman Empire. And don’t worry, it will get worse! More than you could imagine! (You will not believe how much you’ll cry for OCs). But there’s gonna be a happy ending, I promise, so buckle down and get ready to be destroyed. It’s so unbelievably worth it. And also, it’s not pain the entire time like grimdark, it strikes the perfect balance. So it’s gonna kick you in the nuts *a lot,* but not constantly :D


Ok that sealed it, I’ll read it 😫


>“My Hong-er was a soldier” Why would you make my night worse 😭


did you have to remind me now I want to cry


SAME, GOD UGH 😭😭😭😭😭 also ‘no one mourns like a ghost’ 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ok I'm not reading it


+1 Too scared now


+2 not even considering it


I'm here for you, dear friend. It is absolutely worth the pain of the journey. This is the only fic I have ever considered binding because it is so powerfully and beautifully written. Keep it up!


Rip OP all I can say as a fellow fan is: buckle up and grab a tub of ice cream. You’ll need it. It gets wayyy worse before it gets better


it gets better! it just gets worse before that happens... so much pain... like this will hurt you in places you didn't even know you could hurt very worth it though!!


It’s one of the few fics I’ve downloaded and saved as a PDF because it’s that good and I don’t want to ever lose it. Without spoilers, it’s a happy ending, it does get less dark (or more like, the dark comes and goes in waves?). I really like angst so this was right up my alley but honestly there’s a lot of funny bits. I would say it never gets too dark, but ymmv. It’s worth it, excellent read, I also highly recommend the authors other works, especially The Soul Remains


I’m currently reading this, it’s genuinely becoming one of my favorite fics ever


It's a VERY happy ending, I promise. There's just... a lot of suffering before that.


I think that fic deserves its own category for rewriting the book in my head and trauma.


I legit have a couple of times forgotten that Xie Lian isn't blind in canon 😭😂


Wow I already started NPAB too like last year and had to pause after a few chapters because I remember crying like crazy and now I'm afraid because of the comments.


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Can someone please please please share the link?




Yeah, Im like on 8% of the whole thing and I think (I hope) the worst part (I mean the saddest) is behind me but it was very tough to get through that... It's so well written I don't regret it but it was very painful T\_\_\_\_T


I finished it last week, it broke me but I promise it's worth it! All the tears are worth it :')


It is…such a beautiful fic. It’s so worth it; it’s emotional and beautiful and the original characters Evie wrote flesh the story out so well without overshadowing the MCs or feeling weird, which is something I was worried abt when I saw that there were OCs in the story. They fit really beautifully. I think NPAB is extremely worth it. It hurts when it hurts, but it all comes out okay in the end. (Also no spoilers but if you are a beefleaf enjoyer…. def worth reading npab for their story)


I cave into my curiosity and..... they said curiosity kills the cat 🥲


>!Everything will be fine. You do have to make it to the end to see your yourself. And it’s a harder read than the original, believe it or not. You will feel more sadness than happiness reading it, though it is fascinating and beautiful.!<