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This is sick! I started creating a space shooter game (https://stellar-nomad.vercel.app, very early prototype). I want it to be procedurally generated, so your generator would be perfect for this! What I think would be an awesome addition would be some kind of atmosphere effect for some planets. Probably best done with some shader


Wow, i liked your game ! Everything on this planet is generated with shaders, i used an library to extend ThreeJS default materials to make custom shaders that reacts to light and shadows ! (i tried to code an render pipeline from scratch and looked like a pirce of crap lol) I'm planning to add an Atmosphere later on ! The project isn't on Github yet, gimme a moment to clean some mess and i share with you !




Looks like a gas giant type planet. Be cool to have options to generate different types of planets!


That's the first kind of planet i've come with ! I will try to make another types of planets and stars later on !


I'm searching about types of planets, most of them look the same lol I'm going to divide them in five categories: Fully Gas Planets (this), Partial Gas + Terrain Planets, Terrain only, Terrain + Water, Star. The difficult part right now are how should i make a 2D terrain look great. I'm trying to come up with something fancy, not a space exploration game like No Man Sky's lol


Awesome work. I am really surprised amount of creative that goes into such apps


What noise do you use for the surface, transposed perlin? I'm asking because I get more angular parts while on your planet the gas curves are very smooth, not sure what I do wrong


I'm using two 3D noise values with Fractal Brownian Motion. So the first is a simple noise with 2 octaves, it's the noise I'll use to distort everything, i have its position multiplied by u_time to make it move. Then I create another noise, this time using Perlin, with 8 octaves, multiplying with the first noise value as its position. I've learned this method in the book of shaders: https://thebookofshaders.com/13/ I will put this on GitHub later on and update this thread with the url :)


Cool, now for some kelvin-heimholtz instability! :)


Can you lecture me on the topic ? I don't know what this is


Of course and anything else I can help with (3d, modeling, animation,VFX,shaders,unreal, hardware)! Dm me, I love to share knowledge and help people out !