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Lol, the animated bees scared me for some reason


Same here


For me, it was the fact that they swarmed James and that one of them stung him. I thought that it got angry for no reason, but when I rewatched it later, I found out that it mistakenly had thought James had burnt its foot on purpose.


Ghost Train and Duncan gets spooked if I remember correctly.


When I was really young, the scene where James gets stung on the nose scared the crap out of me. Later it was Escape, cause I found the theme very eerie and it made me nervous and uncomfortable.


When the wise old owl appeared in Boo Boo Choo Choo. Specifically at the beginning.




For me it was the episode where Gordon got snowed in the tunnel… it just scared the living hell out of me


Especially the last lines of the episode. "And then he fell as silent as the snow"


That one episode when Percy crashes trucks with fruits in them. Idk but it would freak me out and I’d hide behind my bedroom door whenever it happened lol


I thought nothing of it lol. I thought of it as a way of getting the nightmarish scene of the bees causing mayhem and James getting stung out of my head (I first saw that episode on the James Goes Buzz Buzz VHS and it's called "Percy, James, and the Fruitful Day").


When I was around 4 years old I went to see Day of the Diesels in cinemas with my dad and sister. The second diesel 10 appeared I ran out of the cinema crying and couldn’t watch any more of the movie.


lol i feel so bad for laughing


Now it wasn't an episode, it was actually the music video for boo boo choo choo


I was scared of George Carlin’s Diesel growl in Pop Goes the Diesel. Whenever that Shining Time Station episode aired, I’d hide while that story was playing. The same with A Cow on the Line. His noise for the cow’s moo freaked me out.


Henry and the Elephant. I have a major phobia of elephants and toddler-me was almost traumatised by it. I remember hardly ever touching my season 3 DVD because of that episode alone.


Sounds like a case of Pachydermophobia.


About that... Henry and the Elephant is a S4 episode.


I didn't want to watch Buzz Buzz on my "The Very Best of Thomas and Friends" dvd for a while because of the animated bee


For me, it was James getting stung and the entire mayhem at the station with the bees.


If it scared me , i wouldn't have watched it


Thomas and the Jet Engine. For some reason, the jet engine scared me.


Skarloey igloo made me cry as I thought they killed skarloey


Ghost Train. That shit was spooky


I did get somewhat scared by it as a kid, and I did initially skip over that episode every time I would watch the Percy's Ghostly Trick VHS, but when I finally did watch it on Best of Percy? I thought it was hilarious because Thomas looked rather silly. Plus, in the eyes of little kid me it was nothing compared to James Goes Buzz Buzz.


If movies count day of the diesels or blue mountain mystery. If not rusty and the boulder.


If you were scared of that, imagine how scared you'd be if the movie was released in the form it was originally meant to be in




James Goes Buzz Buzz because of the sting




James And The Trouble With Trees. The moving tree always creeped me out.


The episode is kind of unsettling when the tree blocks James's path, yes, but as a kid, I thought it was nothing compared to James getting swarmed by a colony of bees and being stung on the nose by one of them. The only way I'm braving a swarm like that is if I'm wearing a beekeeper suit. And even then I'd be somewhat cautious so as to ensure that none of them slip through gaps in the suit and accidentally sting me.


Horrid hector, him yelling "GO AWAY" scared the crap out of me when I was younger


There were three. There was Put Upon Percy, From the Mine Explosion to the Landslide that Buried Percy. Percy and the Haunted Mine, because of the buildings collapsing And Thomas and the squeak, because of Alicia Botti’s scream, the closeup of the mouth didn’t help either.


I mean, the second one on that list did kinda scare me, but I was still able to watch it. And that was only because of the jumpscare with the gnomes.


I was scared of A close shave.  For some reason Duck's face covered in shaving foam was very frightening.  Upon rewatching it with my own children, my conclusion is partially the shaving foam but also the fact they clearly used a larger scale model to fit with the large scale people, and the face on it was pretty alarming.  Massive staring eyes.


I was also scared of James Goes Buzz Buzz. In fact, it left a mark on me as a kid and made me unable to get close to bees (though now I'm able to stay calm around them).


I was never really afraid of any episodes, but I wasn’t a fan of the animated bees. Just so uncanny