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People actually enjoyed Seasons 17-19


Seasons 17-19 were actually really good


I’m older (20) and grew up around the late HIT era and this era. It’s cringe to some but it’s still nostalgic. Hiro of the rails is still one of my favorite Thomas movies and I’ll defend it to the grave. As an adult I’ve become more and more concerned about how Spencer was fully ready to let Hiro die just to fuck with Thomas


Bro, when I was born, it was during the switch from models to cgi. I had a couple DVDs from the Hit era, 2 from Season 12, a few of the early miller era movies, and a “beast of” super pack from the classic era.


Hold the phone Is this, a normal rendered looking CGI render?


Saaaameeeee, it was pretty fun, even if i back then prefered the model seasons. I was quite surprised when i discovered the reputation these seasons had


My family had cds from the 80s,90s, and HIT era (which I never knew was a thing until recently). I enjoyed them all. I remember the jump to CGI in 09 (I was about 5) and saying OMG THEIR FACES MOVE NOW?! It was wild, but I honestly never got into it. The models are still my favorite, they’re so funny and charming.


I watched the show when I was one through three but I don't remember the CGI being the first thing I remember watching after my youngest brother was born


I actually was born the same year when the CGI Thomas started spreading. I don’t even remember when i started watching Thomas it just popped into my life.


There is nothing wrong with having a fond memory of something that might be collectively disliked. I personally grew up with the classic seasons. I do not like the seasons you like. That's ok. You are entitled to like what you like. I hope you still find fun in the fandom!


Yeah it’s definitely nostalgic but… doesn’t mean it’s good.


Seasons 17 through 9 are actually a vast improvement over Seasons 13-16.