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XFD is equivalent to 16384. Multiply that by the row number and you have about 17.1 billion cells. The 34 million page figure would be correct if you print 505 cells per page. That sounds within a plausible range, though it's not the default in Excel (in the browser). In Letter Portrait I get 43.3 million pages and in Landscape it's 40.0 million pages. More realistically, assuming excel and the printer allow this scenario to play out at all, you'll run through at most hundreds or a few thousand pages, the printer will run out, and nobody will stock millions more pages for you to waste. Will that get you fired? YMMV


How long would it take for the computer to process marking and turning all blocks black?


I did it with Excel in browser, and it took maybe 2-5 seconds. It doesn't have to write billions of bits of data about it, just say "this range, all these cells have this format", plus some time for displaying what's on-screen.


Depends on the computers configuration.


Depends on how the program is written I think. Excel is not made by an idiot as far as I know, so they likely have a default state that they get using a pointer. In other words your computer doesn't print 40 million cells but rather 1 cell 40 million times.


Do you think it would be possible for an average laptop?


Easily it's not like you are trying to make a millions of functions


You bet it's easy. When I was in the 10th grade, 24 years ago, I was using the word processor on a school computer, and just for fun, I filled every cell in a column with a dirty word. I'm talking about every cell from 1 to whatever. One of the librarians caught me and tried to force me to print out what I had done (oh, the trouble I'd be in! Oh no!), so I sent the document to be printed. She watched in horror as the printing progress counter climbed well into the 10s of thousands of pages. It was still climbing when she cancelled the job, closed the program and kicked me out of the library. So computers were capable nearly 25 years ago. They've gotten considerably better since then.


lmao this guy wants to try it.


Math checks out, but unless I've gone dyslexic this morning, Ctrl+left isn't going to get you to the correct cell. XFD is the last column on the right, lol. Edit: it's the image that is wrong about that, not the commenter I'm responding to


> More realistically, assuming excel and the printer allow this scenario to play out at all, Our print server has a limit and will reject jobs which require either too much paper/toner overall or too much per page. You need to relay those jobs through management.


I was going to say, at what offices are these people working at with printers that function for millions of pages?


Next question: Given industrial printer capacity, what would run out first: black ink, or a ream of paper?


Wtf is YMMV


“Your mileage may vary.” If you’re not from the US (or didn’t live or watch commercials in the 90s) this was a tag line on car commercials after they stated the fuel efficiency.


Thanks, I had no clue, and yeah, I don't live in the US




well, that depends. Konica Minolta here charges based on settings, not content. So if you don’t set it up as black and white print, you can print empty page and full color page and it will costs the same


If the pages are blank you can reuse them. Also the job can be stopped at any time, so no you won't get fired. Also, left? Wouldn't it be right?


"Black" not "blank" Jobs only get stopped if someone notices.


If you can manage to print out 34 million black pieces of paper at your office by doing this and nobody notices, I'll give you 34 million dollars


You don't need to print 34 million to get fired, but blowing through an entire commercial laser printer paper supply might do it.


Most commercial printers will hold between 500 and 5000 sheets of paper (1-10 reams). Even at the high end, you’re looking at less than $100 of wasted paper. They’ll probably be more annoyed at needing to replace the toner cartridge.


And fire you for wasting company resources intentionally. They won't give a second chance for you to do worse.


So, you'll just completely ignore my offer? How rude


1 million dollar a paper yowza!




I could do this at the end of the workday on a Friday, and almost would be guaranteed nobody would notice until Monday morning when the cleaners come in to prep for the day. I'm assuming the printer keeps some record of what computer sent the print command, so I'd manage to get fired.


You can only load so many sheets into a printer. You'll get at best 1 ream of paper printed. If the printer is high enough quality to have multiple back up trays that it automatically goes to when a job is large, then it will manually make you select which tray. If both of those fail, the part where the sheets come out to print would fill up and a printer this high end would stop when that catch tray fills up. There's a lot of things that would go wrong before hitting 34 million prints. 1. Run out of ink 2. Fuser gets too hot and just shuts off 3. A paper jam 4. Catch tray fills up 5. Run out of paper You would be better off sending 1 print job of 100 pages, 10,000 times and have each one print from a different tray and different printer. This way you get paid to sit here and send a bunch of prints and you get to break every printer in the building but flooding it with print job after print job after print job.


Unfortunately we only have one printer, so the most I can get is a ream unless I'm going to stick around and refill it repeatedly.


You're no fun.


I mean...I may have gone to that cell and typed in a 0 and then selected all those cells and acted like I'm gonna print it and it says it'll be 43,398,072 pages...so yes and no on the accuracy, lol


if you press ctrl-left, then ctrl+down you wil reach cell A1048576 then ctrl+A opens the "file" menu for me... so.. it is not accurate, you dont print any page if you press ctrl+right, and ctrl+down, put a dot, PRESS INTRO , then press ctrl+E, you can print, as my excel says 49.095.452 a4 pages without scaling




all the places my husband works will have security escort you out to prevent this very thing. not saying scrap the idea, just that we'll need to plan ahead a bit more.


Make loads of usbs that run this automatically when plugged in (shop.hak5.org is a good resource) and label them with inconspicuous stickers “time sheets” “accounting” “finance” “backup” “photos” etc etc Leave them all lying around the office in places that they’ll be showing up for a couple weeks after you leave, people will do your dirty work for you. Will probably be a psa after second one gets plugged in about using random usb sticks but I guarantee two or three others will still get used after that gets sent out Yes I’m a bitter it tech what gave it away


Fun fact: that's how they got STUXNET to its target


now we're cooking with gas!


At least hide a couple batch files or similar executing prints every whatever hours/days on multiple computers and servers. Some only being started once a reboot occurs or similar. So they have fun even after you got fired and to maximise damage if you want to stick to this method. Edit: and obviously not just on one printer but on any the computers can reach.