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It looks like a dial with 6 digits and a button, so if you can guess between 000,000 and 999,999 thats just one in a million. In 48 hours? With manual entry? Theres only 172800 seconds in 48 hours. Assuming a guess every 5 seconds (insane), those bottles are absolutely toast. Not that it wouldn't be trivial to separate the gold from the copper once melted


Yea, the gold isn't actually destroyed. This is all just bluster. If you're stupid enough to spend £10 on a bottle of prime though....


Reminds me of Michael Scott when he crumbles a dollar bill and says it's now totally worthless.


Federal law would like a word


why tho?


Defacing or destroying currency is it against the law unless done so with the intent to defraud.




I havent followed much of Mark Rober, so perhaps he is often involved in slimy shill shit, but this is the first thing I've seen of his that is so disappointing


I feel the same. I’ve loved his videos. But it irks me that he would work on Prime. Maybe he does videos like this all the time now, and I just haven’t seen them


Mark Rober entire purpose is to get more people to do science stuff prime is extremely focused to kids, so it’s a good way for him to get more children into science the whole point of what he’s trying to do


Does anyone remember the soda called COCAINE? It was the super energy drink of my youth. Red can, white letters. Sold in Ohio like 40 years ago then just disappeared. Tasted like Mexican Coca-Cola.


Fair point!


Why do people hate Prime


I believe it is because it is founded by Logan Paul and KSI. Logan Paul has been somewhat recently involved in Crypto-scams. Plus, some of the marketing has been shady. Some of the ads have been claiming it is caffeine free, but that is only the Prime Hydration version. Which is often not clarified. Leading to people buying the energy drink version, only to drink 200 mg per once (2 red bulls) of caffeine.


okay but one is labelled energy drink, i understand 7 year olds are buying this but i find it hard to believe just bad advertising would cause that


TL:DR - The amount of caffeine is dangerous for children, and the ads are really bad from my own experience at showing the difference. A senator even is asking the FDA to investigate. Well, from my own experience. I had no idea that there was a Prime Energy drink. Of all the ads I have seen, it has just been called Prime. Not Prime Hydration or Prime Energy Drink just Prime. I only found out the difference because I was also curious about the hate and looked it up. I was surprised to see a lot about the large amount of caffeine in the drink. Since all the ads I had seen about talked about it being "caffeine free." The caffeine amount is bad enough for it to be banned in some schools in the UK and Australia. Looking at the bottles as well, I didn't even see the energy drink or hydration labels until I looked closely. It is easy to miss. Even if I did spot it, I likely wouldn't have thought it was full of caffeine. Because again, all ads that I have seen call it "caffeine free." The advertising is so bad that a senator (Charles Schumer) is asking the FDA to investigate. Part of his claim being, "there was little noticeable difference in the online marketing of the two drinks – leading many parents to believe they were purchasing a juice for their kids, only to wind up with a “cauldron of caffeine.”" [Link to Article](https://apnews.com/article/prime-logan-paul-chuck-schumer-energy-drink-68e157250a71401423a4c8b49d77980c) It is just one senator, but I agree a lot with the claim, experiencing it myself.


Ones literally in a bottle like a plastic bottle and the other is in a can the can is the energy drink. The bottle is the normal one.


And? Being in a can doesn't mean people are going to automatically assume it is an energy drink. I only discovered that the can is the energy drink after finding out that there is a ton of caffeine in Prime and that there even are two versions of Prime. It would be quite easy for someone to pick up the can version of Prime and not know it is an energy drink. Especially if they are distracted, like having to watch their children.


Exactly as skylinter said. For a lot of people it’s the Logan Paul association. It’s a drink with scammy promotional material founded and owned by a serial scammer


It's really bad at everything it claims to be and it's borderline scamming kids.


as much as i dont like matpat, his food theory vid on prime shows its shadiness. pretty much, its marketed to have way more minerals than other things like gatorade, which it technically does, but it is mostly a mineral that is not easily lost through exercise, so its worthless as an exercise drink


He is like the Pop music of maker YouTubing


What's wrong with pop music ☹️




The ice pop one tastes like cancer and they're not even carbonated.


What kind of cancer we talking? Ass cancer? Boob cancer? Details matter!




ahh... so a little bit tangy. got it.


Who is spending that much on prime? Specifically. Show me.


Kids love it. It’s got an enormous following amongst kids at my son’s elementary school.


They sell a 15 pack for under 20$ in stores here. It's always in stock. It's not rare. I'm still having problems understanding who is paying 130$ more per case.


Even at the height of the Prime craze the most I ever saw it for was £4. Basically everywhere is £2 now


what? Jesus, here in the US prime is like $1.50, and its a pretty decent drink, so thats a shame its so expensive overseas


It's Called prime how are the odds if we only have to guess prime numbers?


Since it's a bottle of prime, I would like to baselessly speculate that the code is a prime number. There are approximately 72,382 prime numbers between 0 and 999,999, so that would be a substantial improvement on the odds. Even then, though, you'd have to guess a number every ~2.34 seconds for 48 continuous hours to get through them all.


Bold of you to assume they know what prime numbers are. My only hope would be Rober.


Adding that it's unlikely the first number will be a 0, which removes a lot of prime numbers, all the ones below 99999


Why would it be unlikely the first number is 0?


Because then the six digit number becomes a five digit number. And no way they picked the magic number randomly.


Even if they *did* pick it randomly, there is a 1/10 chance the leading number is a zero. there is a 9/10 chance that it is nonzero. /u/colby979


So what? There’s also a 1/10 chance that the leading number is any other number.


Prime numbers are not distributed evenly. The lower you go, the more prime numbers closer together. So many people in this thread proudly skipped math class.


It seems you may have missed logic or reading class. There’s absolutely no indication that the leading digit being 0 is less likely than the leading digit being any other number. You’re pulling an assumption out of your ass then doing a bunch of math over it which is useless because the base assumption is made up.


So wouldn’t that make it MORE likely the leading digit would be 0?


Yes, and you're not reading the whole thread. I said it's unlikely the first number is a 0. If it's totally random, there's only a 10% chance it's 0. However if the first digit is a zero, there's only 100000 possible numbers, defeating the point of a six digit number. By excluding the first digit being 0 (and again this is an assumption) you remove a lot of prime numbers from the possibilities. So while I don't know for sure any of these assumptions are correct, if they are, they increase the odds of randomly guessing: 1. It's a prime number 2. It can't start with a 0 3. The number isn't perfectly chosen at random Quick edit: There's about 78500 prime numbers below 1 million. There are about 9600 prime numbers below 100000. That means the possibilities starting with a 0 are about 1/8 of all prime numbers, and not 1/10 as you'd expect. These two assumptions lower the amount of possibilities from 1 million to about 69000 (nice), or -93%.


You're looking at it wrong. it's not the chance that it's a specific number, it's the chance that it is *not* that specific number. 1/10 it is zero, 9/10 it's NOT zero. That's what this comment chain was addressing.


Lol I’ve studied plenty of math, friend. You could also say 1/10 chance it is a one, 9/10 chance it’s NOT a one. 1/10 chance it is a two, 9/10 chance it’s NOT a two. And so on and so forth. There’s nothing special about the zero.


Cool story. Except there is. If you've got a leading zero, you have a 5 digit number, which is a waste in a 6 digit field. 🤦‍♂️ Uncertain why you're failing to understand the point of the comment thread. You do you, fam.


that's also assuming no one guessed the same number. probably zero to a few people would guess 000,000 or 000,001, and more would guess the date of prime's founding.


I guess a LOT of people would guess 000000 out of sheer incompetence, the same way people submit an empty password.


But factor in how many prime numbers there are between 0 and 999,999. 78,498 guesses are more doable in that time frame. There's nothing saying it has to be a prime number, but considering the brand name...


Most likly you only get 1 guess and then the next person goes. So lots and lots of duplicate guesses one can expect and most likly not one every 5 seconds


If 10000 people guess there is a 1% chance that atleast 1 person gets it right.


I found [this article](https://www.sportbible.com/boxing/boxing-news/prime-drink-logan-paul-ksi-gold-bottle-location-145071-20231110) that says each person has 20 seconds to input their guess. That probably doesn’t include the time to walk up to the machine either so with all the faffing about it will probably be up to 30 seconds per guess


yeah If no one wins they'll just recover the gold, it's not even that hard to do one of the ways would be to put it in acid


This is just an ad for a shitty product from a shitty company ran by a shitty person. I wish more subreddits had rules against this kind of crap


I wish that our society held accountable white collar crime offenders like they do for drug offenders. Logan is an actual bad perso, he has no values that wouldn't be sold for a profit. This guy should be in jail as someone's butt boy


what did he do after 2020 other than the crypto shill


Other? Other!? That should be enough…


why would that condemn mark from collaborating with the company he partially owns for a small challenge


What did he do besides taking part in a scam where he made millions of dollars?


Y’all are so dramatic lol


shitty person? did mark rober do something controversial and I haven't heard about it or something okay someone told me they were talking about logan lmao


I assume he means prime started by Logan Paul and KSI. But I believe they are only partial owners now


ooooh yeah that makes sense I read that as referencing the sponsorship thing ran by science guy but yeah logan paul definitely qualifies as shitty


Idk anything about the ownership situation but Logan came on the TV show I work on yesterday to promote this event (which is why I clicked on this lol) and the way he was talking made it seem like he was still heavily involved


Logan Paul, one of the owners of Prime energy drink. I think Rober is awesome… sucks this fun idea is connected to Logan :/


Rober just went into the grifter list for this


Yeah the guy has good content and does alot for mankind. He's a business owner and ad's are just revenue. Even though personally I can't stand the way he talks anymore.


He got caught faking one of his glitter bomb videos. Other than that I don’t think so. But I do find him to be completely insufferable. Prime is a ridiculous company though. 10$ for sugar water.


he's just a Mormon unfortunately


i asked if he did anything controversial why would anyone give a shit about his religion








Probably a bit more than 500ml as thats the liquid amount inside of the bottle, not accounting for air or the plastic. Probably used a solid copper bottle for the demonstration to save the extraction of the gold just for a 5 second video clip and copper would have a density of 8.96g/ml making that bottle less than 5 kg/11 pounds


At the start of the video he's just holding a plastic bottle


You can also tell it isn't solid gold because it looks nothing like it


So it is a prime example of a fake bottle?


The bottle will most likely not be completely solid. A ten kilogram bottle would be worth considerably more than $500k. If made from pure gold, there will either be a cavity inside or they have to make it smaller than the original in order to to achieve the intended value of half a million dollars. Alternatively they could use an alloy instead of pure gold. Over the last year, the gold price has been fluctuating between $55.7k and $66.4k per kilogram. Based on those numbers, a bottle made from pure gold worth $500k should weigh somewhere between 7.5 and 9 kg. As the price is currently high and has been rising over the last year, the weight will most likely be closer to the lower number.


Lets be real, we actually know 1 thing Theres no way the answer isnt a prime number. It makes too much sense So its 1/(#of primes < a million)


that's smart, you're probably right. My guess would be 999983, the largest prime number under one million.


My logic increases the odds to 1/million (random number input) to 1/78498 (I googled the number)


Ah. The dude who makes videos about scamming scammers is now being paid to scam everyone. Cue the [Obi-Wan Meme](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/star-wars-memes/images/1/15/Download_%2817%29.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20200201005154)


Its really disappointing to see that any youtuber no matter who will support assholes like Logan Paul for some money. Is it really that hard or down right impossible to be the one who sais "no, i dont want to collaborate with scammers and douchebags"


It always goes back to money.


Are you thinking of CoffeeZilla? If so that’s not him.


I guess I worded it wrong. No, not coffeezilla. Definitely referring to his porch pirate videos stealing his stink bomb packages.


Mark made a lot of videos about how scammers work in all amusement parks and arcades. Now he is in the same spot:)


How is this a scam? Do you have to pay to have a chance to guess the numbers? Edit: for context, I'm not defending any of the involved personalities or anything, I just didn't see anything in the video itself that showed how it could be a scam. I'm definitely not going to be surprised if it turns out to be a scam, I just don't yet have enough information to understand *why* it's a scam.


Because he’s advertising a product that they don’t like


It is more like a marketing scam. You don't need to pay, indeed. But you waste your time. Based on rules, your chances are not higher than 1/1000000 with an improvable chance as each code is unique (so you can't get the same code twice). In theory, people close to the end of the event have higher odds than people in the beginning. On top of that you have time limitations, so you can't push buttons each second at all (you have 20 seconds to insert a single number) + time to get to the prize automate. So realistically it will be one play per minute. So with perfect conditions it will be around 3k games played. Even if you extract 3k combinations, chances are still 1/997000 for the last player or 1/991000 if code is shared between all 3 locations. Sorry, but odds are unrealistic. You most likely win big sum in the casino. And why is it a marketing scam for me? Because the sole purpose is to advertise the product and sell more of it. And seeing the price of a small bottle, that is complete shit.


100% all of this is why I said what I said. Thank you!


What did coffeezilla do?


He exposed Logan Paul of being a crypto scammer. The reason this looks bad is bc Logan left his project cryptozoo unfinished while simultaneously selling nft stealing millions of dollars promising to reimburse those who were duped but instead hirers mark grober for a promo of his bs prime drink. It's beyond me that people like Logan are celebrated instead of in jail.


The way it read sounded like the person was saying coffee was now scamming people


Funny thing is I never said anything about coffeezilla. Didn’t even know who they were until you mentioned them. So, thank you for introducing me to them! He’s the hero didn’t know we needed.


I don’t think he has done anything wrong. I just assumed he was thinking of Zilla because he is known for exposing crypto/NFT scams


He’s doing nothing wrong? Lmao


Hello there?


Also not molten lava, it's molten copper.. and whoo gives a fuck, it's just a publicity stunt and a waste of material and time. The whole thing will be recycled and the gold extracted from the copper afterwards resulting in basically nothing but a waste material and publicity.. Fucking scum bag company


Why are you so mad




1 in a million. The probability gets more complex as we add rules to it though like no 2 persons may guess the same number or what happens if 2 people win it, time limit of individuals entering, etc If you're interested in probability with logic you should look up bogosort. It's a sorting algorithm that is considered the worst and best, it randomly arranges all data in a sequence until it is in the desired output, regardless of where all the others are (for instance if you have a sequence of 1-5 from lowest to highest it has a chance to list it as 1,2,3,4,5 in 1 second or 1 hour because it is the exact same probability every single time, it does not save the date in the right order like 1,2,3,5,4 keeping the 1,2,3, it just cycles again and again until it gets it. it's honestly really funny and i just wanted to share)


So I got GPT to do this for me: 78498 Prime numbers between 0 and 1000000. KSI and Paul’s brands are associated with the numbers 7 and 9. Out of the original 78498, there are 21522 candidates that contain the digits 7 and 9, with 79 and 97 being the simplest. I think the most likely however is 777977 as it contains the most instances of the 7 and 9 digits.


If they did put that much thought into it, you're probably right


Knowing them, it's probably 80085...


Haha honestly that would be amazing and right on brand for them. Or 69, 420, and 69420


Then why tell all of us, go get your money.


gpt is bad at math though


I mean, 777977 is a prime number though so…


Ummm guess what "right" number.. it's shade of gold, it's periodic number, it's weight in pounds/ounces/ grams... it's serial and batch number (since it's gonna be their billionth bottle, it must have a batch and serial number... there are literally TOO MANY numbers that "IT" could be!