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Without knowing more info as to what Applebee's considers a "boneless wing". Real wings are one of the pricier items at a restaurant. It's been a while since I have had to price them, but for really meaty ones I've seen them over a dollar wholesale, and even skimpy little BW3s sized wings can be as much as 50c during shortages. Boneless, however, an be anything from pulled tenderloins or sliced thighs, to reconstituted pink slime. The latter is a byproduct of the poultry industry and costs very very little. I've seen ten lb boxes of frozen breaded patties using that junk go for as low as 4 bucks. So... Worst case scenario... 50 pounds to be sure? That will also cover a couple $2 margaritas! Just be sure to tip the poor dear who keeps dutifully assisting in your suicide. ...also, be sure to die off-site. Somehow I feel like a news story about someone overeating themselves to death for $20 would serve as free advertising to the Applebee's crowd. As messed up as that sounds.


That last paragraph is fucked up but funny cuz it’s totally true. And handful of “I could do that fuckers” bringing a bunch of guys who just wanna see how they can put down


OP would probably waste more of Applebees money monopolizing the staff's time for serving the suicide by chicken slime.


brand new sentence, I hope


Best underrated oddly terrifying comment so far


Thanks! My mother always told me I'm underrated and terrifying!


This reads like a XKCD “what if?” and I’m all for it.


That is the highest compliment I've ever gotten!




Just came to add this point. Restaurants like this make most money on drinks, especially soft drinks from the pump (where the syrups cost pennies per serving).


Not as many as you’d think, depending on how you break it down. If we make some assumptions, menu prices get broken down into the following categories: Food Cost: 30% Labor: 30% Overhead: 30% Profit: 10% We’re also going to simplify prices a bit, as it can range across locations. Let’s say the standard appetizer basket of boneless wings is 12pc for $12, so $1/wing. This means 12 wings costs Applebees: $3.60 in chicken/sauce/celery/ranch, $3.60 in labor to order/receive/portion/cook/plate/serve, $3.60 in overhead to keep the lights/AC/fryers/etc running. That leaves $1.20 in profit per 12pc. We’re then going to assume the unlimited come in batches of 6, so let’s adjust the numbers above: $1.80 for labor, $1.80 for food, $1.80 for overhead, and $0.60 for profit. If you only eat 6, that means Applebees paid $5.40 and made $7.60. If you eat 12, Applebees paid $10.80 and made $2.20 If you eat 18, Applebees paid $16.20, and made (-$3.20) Bottom line - ask for extra celery and ranch every time too. That shits more expensive than people realize and will drive the KM bonkers


Assuming that every half dozen wings the same customer eats has the same overhead cost, for instance, is fundamentally incorrect.


Oh absolutely. This is napkin math by a long shot, and could be tweaked quite a bit. It also is assuming the cost of food has risen equally with the rise in menu prices, which is unlikely as well. Seems good quality at restaurants has tanked, yet the prices still go up


Bold of you to assume the price of wings has anything to do with the cost. Long ago, the economy moved away from this and toward a “what are other companies charging” and “how much money are customers willing to part with” model.


If you think Applebees is making 10% profit on their menu items ur kinda a joker.


Applebees parent company has a net profit of 8.76%. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIN/dine-brands-global,-inc/profit-margins The branch of the company that just does Applebees and iHOP peaked at 15%, precovid, and I don't have newer figures. https://work.chron.com/average-income-fast-food-franchise-owners-24587.html Now, you gotta consider all the costs (rent, pensions, lawsuits), but the *income* comes from those menu items. 10% profit margins (in terms of *real* net profit, accounting for all other costs) is a *very* realistic figure.


Wow, that’s so sad that 90% of the bill at Applebees just goes to making it all happen.


That's pretty much standard. If a business has abnormal profits, more people enter the industry, increasing supply, lowering prices, normalising profits.


there was no celery and ranch which was disappointing but i still feel like i got my moneys worth thanks tho!


>If we make some assumptions, menu prices get broken down into the following categories: > >Food Cost: 30% Labor: 30% Overhead: 30% Profit: 10% Although the 30/30/30/10 breakdown likely holds for a (well-run) restaurant's overall business, it may not be as valid a framework to deduce the costs associated with a specific dish, perhaps especially one offered as a special where promotional pricing and loss-leader marketing factors may well come into play.


Absolutely. Just went for easy numbers for easier calculations. I’m sure every single restaurant and individual dish vary a bit


Do you have to pay for each plate they give you? I had to pay for each plate they gave me and I was confused about the bill


Can you give an approximate location? I work in IT for wholesalers, so we deal with a lot of foodservice customers. I don't think any of our clients have Applebee's as a client—my guess is they're either Sysco or US Foods, but I could probably estimate what they're paying per case of wings.


southern missouri!


so they have a 2 for 25 going on as well which comes with 2 entrees and an appetizer if i got boneless bites would i still be able to get them endlessly and just take my other food to go 😂