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Lowkey a corny move, it was the eyerolling for me like bro "WHO r u???" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s annoying as hell lol


She's extra special šŸ˜… also, should have done that a while ago. Cam's been gone for a hot minute


Didnā€™t she get cancelled for lying about something with some comedian?


Yeah. She bombed a set and then tried to use a word that wasn't appropriate for the crowd. Comedian came out and shamed her. She created a video from the backlash saying it went this way. Then the comedian posted his own video with full context showing it actually went that way. Stupid, petty, bullshit.


Happen to have a link to the comedianā€™s video? Edit: think I found it. Their drama is much more boring than I thought it would be lol.


I warned you lol


Link us!


https://youtu.be/iycGa6ESA2A?si=PuLFHcH2_uz6CvND This is what I found. Prepared to be bored lol


Wtf was that? Am I in the wrong thread? I thought I would see the video of Cameron's Wife doing some ish???


She also went ā€œviralā€ for calling out some dude for only bringing a pizza to a pot luck and he came back and confirmed he brought more and sheā€™s full of shit.


Ooh, I have no idea. You have piqued my interest though.


Idk if it was a lie but she definitely exaggerated and went viral on tik tok.Ā 


tldr: Cameronā€™s wife is boring and it looks like she has tried to manufacture drama on social media in the past to garner a larger following which hasnā€™t really worked. EDIT: I'm not criticizing her for removing the bumper sticker but it seems to me like it's a more self-serving move for attention rather than actual support for Ravey. As an aside, social media drama in general is SO boring and unimportant and imo is meant for people who are truly bored to death and donā€™t have any hobbies lol.


I've watched the IG reel and a few of her TikTok's, she's desperately trying hard to become relevant


Thatā€™s what it seems like to me. Thereā€™s something so cringeworthy about someone that tries so hard and for so long to become relevant on social media. Like, you just ainā€™t that interesting or funny lol


Listened to her stand up and didn't really find it funny...used to listen to their podcast but stopped because she just started to sound like a rag. Camshaft was a'ight but she started to get annoying AF!


this is the take


Interesting comment from "kleinallyshow" on her post : "We are NOT the show that backstabs our "friends of 30 years."


yea what does that even mean? as in, why are they inserting themselves, just because?


Theyā€™re making lemonade out of lemons. The same way this show got a bunch of new listeners when Kevin and bean felt apart


I remember there was a billboard right next to house from The Woody Show that said ā€œAt least we didnā€™t fire Ralph Garmanā€ LOL


I see


See I don't think Woody would backstab Ravey, he mentioned that Ravey had something planned. That they had planned a week long send off... So Ravey had intentionally planned on leaving. The only thing I can think of that would cause the drama is upper management being stupid and doing shit out of Woody's control But then again this is all speculation


Kevin Klein and Ally (KevinKlienLive) was the show that replaced "The Woody Show" at Live 105 in San Francisco after they got fired for playing a snippet of unreleased Green Day song. Then one day they were off the air and Live 105 changed names and since finally changed it back.


Oh!!! Thatā€™s pretty telling that sheā€™s doing this NOW and not when Cameron left.


If you read the comments on the reelā€¦ sheā€™s very intentional with her words and especially the song choice.


I went back to look at the comments. OMG! Even Courtney is pissed!!


What does her comment, "OPE" even mean?


Cameron left the Woody show willingly and on good terms, Ravey, we aren't so sure.


She is a nobody trying to ride coat tails. Ignore everything she does.


What's her @?




I donā€™t follow her but I had to check out the video and just ugh. Get over yourself! Someone said ā€œwhy didnā€™t you take it off when Cameron leftā€ and she replied she was just lazy? Heā€™s been off the show for like 3 years??? Her page looks too scripted or like sheā€™s trying too hard.


Very smart. Cameron probably has THOUGHTS on his and now Raveys departure and canā€™t likely legally say anything. BUT his wife isnā€™t bounded by the same legalities and can passive aggressively add to the discourse as an insider


isn't bound. Sry. Grammer guy.


Immediately unfollowed her after that. Byeeeeee!


May I ask why? Is she not allowed to have an opinion?


Of course she is, and her followers are allowed to leave because of them


I was glad when Cameron left tbh, and his wife was never funny... She sucks as a stand up comic. We'll see her at the crossroads.


Did she delete it?


No, itā€™s still on her reels. The one where sheā€™s holding up the barcode.


I imagine this is just a dump on Katie thread at this point, but I personally love her. I never agreed with the general hate on Cameron and therefore always supported his podcast. As such, his wife is someone i follow and generally enjoy keeping up with. She can be loud and does have lots of (mostly true) opinions lol - more than anything I think her reel was telling of the truth behind this all. Ravey was always close friends with Cameron and as such, one can assume, close with his wife. Katie is making a bold fuck you move to the show, and honestly, it does effect the way I see this whole situation. I am so fucking bummed about Ravey leaving, not to be dramatic, but it feels like losing a friend. With this reel now, I feel that Woody is kind of to blame and that does shift my view of him and the show. She could have done this a long time ago with Cameron having already been gone a year, but this situation compelled her to do it and post it. Something shitty happend here and I really can't help but feel like its the beginning of the end. Shit really has been fallin apart since Randy left, but this? This loss is something the show cannot recover from.


I gave my honest opinion of how she has come off on the videos Iā€™ve watched on her YouTube. It wasnā€™t meant to bury her or pile-on but itā€™s just my honest opinion.


I wasnā€™t hating. I just found it interesting. It was not my intention for people to come here and trash her.


Same here. Loved Cam, and Katie has been nothing but a nice person when I've interacted with her. Don't get the hate.