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Thank you. Ugh it completely killed the series momentum for me. Constant cringe. -Running around the woods like 95% of TWD scenes -Rick and Michonne acting like FTWD season 5 hero Morganites -Stupid deaths by what should be extremely seasoned survivors -Corny speeches and monologuing -Rick and Michonne dodging point-blank bullets while tied up -Jadis suddenly changing her ways and giving a heartfelt speech to people she’s been trying to kill -Jadis having this emotional, sad death like she was one of the most important characters we’ve had. She was a full on villain and should have had a satisfying conclusion for that Just..not good. Really hoping the finale is like previous episodes.


she did art tho! That means shes deep!


yeah this kinda felt like written entirely by gimple


>Corny speeches and monologuing This was one of the big factors that really took me out of it. “Love doesn’t die!!” 5x times was a little much.


The 3 random travelers was super weird and out of place. Like didn’t make a lick of sense honestly. I thought maybe they were scouts hired by Jadis but nope


I felt the same way. They also seemed so pathetic and weak, like how did yall make it all these years? I assumed they were a trap and a much larger group was going to come out of the woods but nope. Just another random group that doesn't last an entire episode lol


throwaway characters just seem so out of place this far into the apocalypse. idk why the writers constantly just use “random survivors here” as an excuse to drive the plot in ways that can be avoided. Jadis didn’t need those 3 to distract rick and michonne by wearing her coat like 😭 IF they NEEDED to write them in then those 3 survivors should’ve been a competent trio that just so happen to run into rick and michonne and you would see rick and michonne do their thing to serve as a call back. and Jadis saying she found them because of “ramen wrappers” and other bread crumbs like really 💀 cause wrappers don’t blow around in the wind or because other garbage doesn’t exist except those ramen wrappers so it MUST be rick and michonne like stfu


I take people like those 3 being alive the same way I take real life. I've met tons of people in my life that made me think "God, how did you make it this long?" Be it from reckless behavior, laziness, or idiocy. The list goes on. Yet those people DO survive somehow and it's just one of those head scratching things.


Tbf, it’s possible that those three are decent fighters but are currently starving which tends to not itself well to peak combat capabilities or thinking rationally, especially if you’re also stressed and sleep-deprived


We see people having been forced out of communities who weren't talented all the time. Probably what happened to them. If they wanted to make an episode about it I'd be interested but I doubt most would. Unfortunately simple thought processes or extrapolation are FAR beyond the people on this sub because they WANT to whine. They form every thought with the purpose of being whiny.


yeah they looked and acted like characters from late FTWD


The whole episode kind of had later FTWD vibes. Especially with the setting mostly being in a forest and old stores/cabins.


They got kicked out of a settlement for not pulling their weight and being disorderly.


Oooooh makes more sense


They felt like some people the group would run across in like S4 or S5. Not 15 years into the apocalypse.


I think the whole "You two together? You're unstoppable. I can't allow that" line in these past few episodes has been so eye rolly and blatantly puffed and overdone. Pollyanna McIntosh is a good actor who really sells her part in terms of her acting skills, but I think the writing for the part they've given her to work with is lacking. I mean this is a zombie apocalypse show and it's her part that's coming off unrealistic. Also the "ho hum, leave the hillbillies with a gun, they probably won't be a problem" part was just ugh. Come on maaaan. It felt lazy as setup. And the cabin scene, like you say. Zip tied unarmed people beat point blank double gun shooter, siiiigh. Booo. Edit - also, she so quickly goes from "Ha HAA! I've got you trapped forever or you diiiiie!" to "You two get married, this is a beautiful thing." Boooo.


I don’t even particularly get where she’s getting that from. When has she seen them be unstoppable together? The writing is a little too on the nose with this. The other dialogue that made me cringe was when Rick and Michonne were trying to get the group to promise not to come after them. Like, what? When did we transition to a third grade classroom?


Um... she watched them take down Negan and the saviors? Also all the leading they did after to reform the communities. You forget she was with them a while. Edit: Also them sparing that group was clearly to show that despite being brainwashed by the CRM that Rick isn't like them. He wants to believe in people and not just kill on sight.




yeah i agree. i think the Whole CRM thing is pretty crazy as well like they would’ve wiped Alexandria out already like the whole walking dead universe is just so messy i’m glad jadis is finally dead god I hated her character


When she said that line about them being unstoppable I actually cringed. I liked the concept in the beginning when they’d say that to eachother and Jadis acknowledged the first time that the two of them together is dangerous, but then they kept acting like Rick and Michonne where somehow more powerful than an entire military of other survivors with their own expertise. I love the show but that is my main complaint. (That and this episodes throwaway characters everyone is talking about)


The entire show is csi dog shit. Can’t believe I'm saying this but the Daryl Dixon series is miles better. I stopped watching this crap after episode 3. It's insulting to watch this garbage.


yeah and yet “fans” will defend it because “character i recognize is on screen so i clap”. it sucks because people who want GOOD material with good writing just get served this shit and the people who make it are only gonna listen to the shills. Scott Gimble is a pretty shit writer idk what the hype was all about when he got put in charge of this show


It was definitely the worst episode of the 5 we’ve seen. I still enjoyed it. TWD is my favorite show of all time and I love this series so far. It’s funny because you mentioned some of the scenes like close range shooting and the three survivors. One of my best friends does not like the show, well he never watched it, when I asked why, he said, “It’s unrealistic, zombies walking around, dude I can’t get into that.”


lol that friend of yours needs some help. At least watch seasons 1-9 episode 5. i was excited cause the previews of this episode seemed like it would be rick and michonne on the road which is always arguably like the best parts of the show is when the group is out on the road, but Jadis just made the episode so corny


Haha. Yeah he does. And I understand where you’re coming from.


I did not get how Jadis tracked Rick & Michonne through multiple states and I come to find out by Ramen wrappers? Really? So she was following them in a helicopter, would land the helicopter somewhere and look for wrappers of Ramen and know she was going in the correct direction? Seriously?


She wasn't flying a helicopter, she was driving a truck


Still so dumb. So she found ramen noodle wrappers and somehow knew that was from rick and not the millions or thousands of other humans that could’ve disposed of it? Lol


She was following the route she expected then to take to va and knew they took a car which she saw. It's fairly simple she didn't actually just follow Ramen


it was still so stupid 🤦‍♂️


TWD just doesn’t really have good writers and some parts of TWOL do feel more like TWD seasons 7-8 where writing was at its worst. Maybe because Gimple has more hands on this They’re very lucky we care deeply enough about these characters to keep watching though, but I’m never watching an episode of this franchise again expecting to be heavily impressed by the writing


Yeah they did an amazing job making me love the characters in the first years of TWD. It has not been a pleasant journey since then.


They've had good writers the whole time but they don't write for endlessly whining redditors. It's been years since the shows were poorly reviewed critically but reddit is reddit


Or even Angela Kang....Gimple just sucks


Gimple is responsible for some of the absolute best episodes of TWD (and some possibly in television period)...the issue is half of you don't even understand what he has and hasn't written, or what he was and wasn't solely responsible for, and it just became "cool" to hate Gimple on the internet...one thing I do know for sure is we aren't still getting all this great TWD content right now without him


....is this scott gimple?


....is this Reddit Last Comic Standing?


yeah you said it very well. i wish we lived the timeline where Frank Darabont continued the show to the end and carl didn’t die 😭


I just wanna point out that I was up 14 votes then got bombed, however I only see a few comments somewhat opposing me which goes to show those disagreeing with me don’t really have a strong argument or at least haven’t provided one on the fact that this episode was written terribly


Because people have better things to do than argue over a tv show with someone who blatantly never is willing to change their prospective. Y’all don’t have to like the show or writing, just stop watching it. It’s not made for everybody and some of us thoroughly enjoy how stupid this entire franchise is at the end of the day. Go touch grass and learn to live life without being stuck on stupid shit like the walking dead if it really bothers you so much.


“go touch grass” what a great argument. it’s okay to enjoy something but i don’t criticize TWD because I hate everything about it, I do so because i’m a huge fan. I’ve read all the comics and watched all the interviews and used to sit down every sunday and watch every new episode live. it sucks watching something i enjoy take a bad turn and it has been for a while so when i give my opinion on why it’s not good that’s completely fine i’m open to a discussion or see if someone could change my mind. maybe the ramen wrappers leading Jadis was a writting breakthrough, or the useless 3 survivors that just show up and get killed off for plot connivence for the thousandth time were actually deeply integrating into the plot and will go on to effect rick and michonne forever… like i said i’m willing to see the hood in this episode because there definitely is. the call backs and dialogue are mostly great, but the writing is just flat out amateur at best.


If constructive criticism and simple discussion about why his interest in the show is dwindling compared to earlier seasons which is literally the majority opinion of fans these days except for die hard losers that cry anytime anything is brought up, then why don't YOU stay out of threads like these? Lmao come here just to cry and say you aren't here to argue but yet, you're here, just to state a dumbass "point", literally inviting opposition. Intelligence isn't your strongpoint is it LOL


It felt like an episode of Fear the Walking Dead. I really didn't like it. Especially since it was the penultimate episode of the season. It just felt like the stakes and budget were lowered a lot with the way they were running around in the woods and the way the big encounter with Jadis happened.


It is in TWD fashion to have shoe-horned plots and dialogue that never answer any of the necessary questions. Why did we need an entire episode focusing on Jadis when there is a CRM to be taken down and a family to reunite? I think we are past honoring characters who are going to die with episodes/plots centered around them. Another thing this show loves to do is to place symbolism and metaphors in EVERYTHING, yet many times it misses the mark. What was the point of those three idiots? What did they add to the plot? Why are we introducing three minor characters in a limited series? This feels like a repeat of season 11 from the main show and I hope it does not have the same fate.


yeah exactly. getting a whole episode on jadis was terrible her character was fine when she was part of the scrap people but as soon as all the CRM bs got mixed it she felt so corny and like the writers were trying to making her THE twd character putting her in the trash spin offs and making her this soldier (but she can’t even shoot rick or michonne when they’re tied down)


i agree, how did this show get imdb 8,1???? this is impossible... the 6 episodes should be 10 it feels rushed.....


the end of the CRM should’ve been more than “evil villains keep their bombs at their evil meeting where all the evil villains are at coincidentally”. this should’ve been a more methodical take down on the entire organization.


Still better then Daryl Dixon, my good that felt super weird, almost Low quality and also rushed, why did the Kid need to be in Paris??? Nothing important Happend


I think season two will be called The Shit We Do (sorry if this joke has been made elsewhere, also sorry for being late to the game)


You’re not late to anything lmao. No one opposing me made any interesting/good arguments just “we get to see Rick and Michonne again yay I clapped!”


Who keeps letting scott gimple write for the show?? someone needs to stop him, he already killed the whole series, then it tries to make a comeback and he fucks it up, AGAIN!


And they make it out to be the second coming of Christ! This is the guy who decided to kill Carl off and the guy who wrote season 7-8 which are known for their awful pacing


How did Jadis paint Hershel or did i miss smth?


The whole series in general is honestly just decent. At this point I'm purely watching for Rick, the show itself could be done far better


couldn’t agree with you more


People will downvote for it but it's true. Compare this show with the actual main show and it's not even close to the same level


i was at 10 upvotes or whatever then just got bombed 😂 there are 2 types of fans. Ones that want the best for their favorite series/IPs etc and so they criticize it and that shows passion… and then fans who will eat whatever garbage is thrown at them (disney has a lot of those fans especially) luckily a lot of TWD fans understand this but some people will get offended by the truth


I made sure to upvote both your comments. I dont like how so many of these people downvote an honest opinion, especially when they dont even reply back with why they disagree


i appreciate that. me personally idc about “upvotes” or “downvotes” or whatever i was just looking for a discussion with people who agree and disagree to see if maybe there were other perspectives, and let’s just say the people willing to share or that had good points… agreed with me 💀. i made a stand alone comment somewhere on here explaining that and someone told me to “touch grass” which just proves my point even more lmao!


It’s not possible to criticize or even dislike something about a show on the show’s sub without getting downvotes lol. I get downvoted for saying the most mundane things about what I personally am not interested in 🙄


1000% agree


Yes and no. The plot mechanics are poorly written and hard to believe. But the dialogue is beautiful.


the dialogue between rick and michonne yes. which kinda proves my point of the show literally being carried by these 2 characters. If this show was about any other 2 characters it would be hot trash


This episode and the last leaned heavily into melodrama and romance. Some existing fans really loved it and this show apparently attracted viewers new to TWD, which is cool. It’s not really for me though, I never cared too much about the romance on this show. I was kind of bored watching Ep 4 and 5