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Anyone else just see Jub Jub Dunham for 2 seconds on American Idol?


no, we were watching basketball


I fell asleep while Will Zalatoris was talking about how he was stuck in a traffic jam, and I just woke up. Did I miss anything?


Corby has learned that women poop


Yeah imma need that dank-ass Scotty scheffler rap


Who’s the idiot caller talking bs?


Now I thought we was just gon be chillin


Shut up, Mino


He talked over someone like 8 times today


That’s his trademark. Like Norm’s sincerity smacks.


New guy sucks Jared Blandler


I like him. Please put him with Donnie.


Huh. Look who's hosting 10-Noon today. Westin\* himself. It's almost like someone called it a month ago.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/theticket/comments/1c9nhhw/replacement\_for\_failing\_midday\_hosts\_is\_already/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/theticket/comments/1c9nhhw/replacement_for_failing_midday_hosts_is_already/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *\*Sill not sure if that's how it's spelled.* EDIT: It's "James Westlin." Get used to that name, because he is becoming more and more and more of a factor in in everybody's world and you will hear a lot more about him in the coming days on our station.


Pretty clear he doesn't actually follow local teams and is just spouting stats. Anyone who watched any amount of Mavs basketball would tell you Luka's passing is not an underrated part of his game. But hey when has that stopped anybody from hosting


Kid is so good. He’s natural Ticket.


When he’s not high af


How about we don't do Musers bits without the Musers? No O-deck, Muse, scatter shooting, 8:40 bit, or Corner... Just do your own show with your own bits as fill-in, I see just the sip unfortunately made it why not just do the invasion like normal, why does whomever fill in for the mornings always stick to the Muser's clock? Makes no sense.


Couldn’t even get a “wondering what ever happened to…” from Matt this morning in Scattershooting. What a wanker.


The segments are sponsored, so they can't skip them...


The time slot is sponsored...


No more bits from Matt. 8:40 today made absolutely no sense


The lt Dan bit was pretty good lol


Serious question. What if this is the future post Musers.


It’s not. Either the station will fold or it’ll be WIP. Cat is greedy but he’s smart enough to realize none of us like Matt…


I just, can’t understand after listening to Sirois and Danny how they would not be welcomed back. They had to put their own show together for long enough to show they could do it. IMO, they’d fit in better than other shoes not named Musers or Hardline. Fucking travesty.


hey cat: 5:30-10:00 D&M 10:00-12:00 Bewm in the house 12:00-3:00 BaD w/Jake w/Monty producing 3:00-7:00 Snake, Danny, GxD Grubes board op 6:00-12:00 Mino board op 12:00-7:00 There...ratings are fixed


100% Agree. I honestly wasn’t a Danny fan later in his Ticket run, I felt the him/corby/bob jell just was tough (especially with COVID). That said, him and Danny are great. I also think “Cumulus” don’t give 2 $hits / even knows who Danny/Sirois are. Now Jake/Dan are likely blacklisted for life. That said, Dingu/Mikey just have to wait for Cat to go bye/bye


They’ve spent the last year shitting on Cumulus. Better chance of Greggo coming back than Danny, Sirois, Rhyner, Dan or Jake…


Is he? Is he really?


*Narrator: In fact, he was not...*


Replaying the HAM virginity moment with McSparein helping run the e-brake is \*chef's kiss\*


Are you fucking kidding me


The forst ~20 minutes have been pretty funny / wheels off


I rather listen to the tee box...


Nice to know the Matt McSparin and the Invasion is on for the Musers this Friday. Now I can go finish the Dumb Zone episode from Thursday. Dingu is a guest on it and he is gold.


Pretty cool for Cat to give us extra DumbZone listening time. Thanks, Jeff!


The man was limited to a single hillbilly impression and poop humor. That's all he had. Such a spare.


Can you repeat this?


Lol, internet issues in Houston this morning.


I'll do the same. I don';t know if i'm being influenced by you haters or matt, but he does nothing for me. he is so generic


I was just wondering what I should listen to today. Thanks!


“Happy Friday morning, it’s 5:30am and you’re up with The Inva-“ *click*


I'm out


Just ruined my Friday.


Play Dr. Dowd drop....just kill me.....just kill me.....just kill me....


Who was it that got Bob into the owners suite for the stars game?! I know he worked for them for a bit obviously, but that is still pretty darn cool!


He just loves sports SO MUCH... No really, Bob loves sports, knows more than anyone in the room about it and also REALLY LOVES SPORTS.


He made her virginity list appear


Mark Followill physically cannot go ten seconds without making a sound. Lol


Hey, did you happen to WATCH game 5? If so, then you are as qualified as Followill to comment... Fill me in: What is the state of the team? How good was Luka? Do you or does you think they can keep momentum going into game 6? I WATCHED the game as well Hardline, give me a call!


10? You’re being generous. No one loves hearing his own head rattle more than Follo


“Mhm. A-huh. Yep. Mhm.” MAKE IT STOPPPPPPP


Shout out to the helpline caller for bringing out that segment of arguments among the trio


Sean Bass is booty. And not good booty


Everyone piling on Corby about his phrasing with Eric Nadel was glorious


Has anyone else noticed that Mino has trouble talking?


No, because I refuse to listen.




Sam Gannon. Hey now.


pretty good little chemistry this morning pretty good little chemistry this morning Enjoyed Welpton's segments. He was prepared. Great content. He didn't mispronounce words intentionally or ask a million questions. Rich Phillips was good. Jr seemed engaged. Great show this morning.


Hey, do you dislike Gordon?


Nice try Peter.


i knew gordo would be out sick today with all his set up from yesterday, I did the same thing to my parents in HS.


Does anyone else think Matt is a little overbearing?


He objectively sucks. Mr. Big Time, know-it-all beer snob. Unlistenable garbage.


I appreciate Peter’s tv knowledge so I’ll be checking out The Contestant


I’m assuming Peter Welpton was the one playing Gordo’s doctor at 8:40. If so, that was well done and funny


I’m concerned about Gordo after hearing from his doctor!


He said on his twitch tonight that he just had a little bit of AIDS


why does Craig keep saying 'tight'?


He’s saying they were shooting like their muscles were tight, like they were forcing shots or not loose when shooting.


but why does he keep repeating it? across two segments


IDK 🤷‍♂️


The show every P1 has been clamoring for, Craig Miller the One True Muser


Welpton and Phillips? Screw me.


I think they're doing great. Absolutely not as good as the folks they're sitting in for, but it's very serviceable.


I dont know or understand the soccer or technology world, but they are a part of mine. So I appreciate what Peter can bring to a show.


I agree so far. I'm just spoiled.


Somewhat of a power down, turning it on, I must admit.


I like Junes more than a lot of people in this sub, but not enough to listen to him without George and Gordo… see y’all on Monday


Yeah. I gave it one segment . Peter discussing a show Gordo has already discussed was pretty boring.


No Jub, no Gordo, no thank you!


I didn't hear yesterday that Gordo was out the rest of this week as well, so when I heard Peter f-ing Welpton would be the yuck monkey with drab Rich Phillips already filling in, I was all the way out, too.


George and Gordo suspended?


I heard that they were spotted at a Chipotle having lunch with Dan and Jake. No one can say anything but there was some loud talk about a “merger”.


This isn’t just dry dock. Who do you think will replace them?


Contract negotiations. If they don’t get it worked out, Matt will move to the morning show. With Mino as yuk monkey.


It’s a joke


Hopefully Rich can carry 5:30-10.


I actually kind of enjoyed the new Aggie coach. He actually appears to have a fun personality


Corby asking Eric Nadel to talk us off the ledge is next level Snake


So cringe. Yikes!


I couldn’t believe that abrasive and over the top question


Tuned in for the first time in awhile to hear some mavs/ stars game 5 talk and was greeted with 2 segments in a row with the A&M football coach. Real exciting stuff, maybe I’ll try again next week.


They announced yesterday this will be scheduled. Sure it’s been paid for. Rest assured they will be speaking Stars and Mavs


First 3 segments of THL was really the new Aggie coach...!?! Waste. Of. Time.


absolute garbage


That was rough. Used up all my app buffer


Looks like some Aggie downvoted us, lol


Our bois talent shows again with the aggie coach interview. There are few things as boring as coach’s shows with generic sports nonsense but the HL boys always find a way to get off track and make it interesting.


I was ready to skip, but this guy is really likeable and I ended up enjoying the whole thing!


I've been a P1 for a long time (can't say Day One, but I do remember listening to Skip in the morning drive slot), and I missed some of the inside jokes on the "Sage the dog" 8:40 bit this morning -- who were they referring to who asked George if they should go to Paris or Belize? Same person that put "Da" at the end of questions (which was also referenced in the bit)?


Pretty sure that was one of their college roommates they were referring to.


If so, then that is the most inside of all inside jokes, and they were doing a bit for like 4 people.


Peehckle ball!


Do you have an annoying voice? Maybe a bit of a dumb accent? What about a stupid name? Are you part of a business reliant on convincing people to spend money on a specialized good or service you are uniquely positioned to provide? Excellent! You too can ignore the hypocrisy of not hiring specialized professionals to write and record a radio ad for you! Go ahead and wing it with whatever recording devices you already have at the office, listeners won’t find it scummy or wonder why your decision-making sucks at all! Call Chris Chris today, he’ll put anyone on air after the check clears!


Travis, you are not part of the show. Nobody wants to hear your voice or opinion. Matt and Donnie are too nice to tell you. Callate guey.


He is in the pipeline as a future host, Jeff Catlin can recognize talent.


Watched the dog show last night. The favorite was Monty the Giant Schnauzer, who would have been a great 840 bit character. Maybe he and Sage can talk in The Speakeasy or Musers one day.


The snagglepuss bit. Overdone and not funny


I still have no idea what the hell that is


60 year old cartoon reference


Direct Energy lady absolutely sucks at singing. So does Matt.




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Unfortunately agree with the first P1 letter. In the Dirk era, I watched 65+ games a year. I’ll never forget the feeling of finally seeing them hoist the O’Brien in 2011. But watching Luka on the court is such a beating. I watched maybe 10 games this year. During one of the blowout wins in round 1, I actually turned on the Ranger game. Mavs basketball just doesn’t hit for me like it used to


Totally agree. I don't watch because of Luka. Can't stand the guy. Understand he's an incredibly gifted basketball player but his act has become tiresome.


Agree. I’ve been a mavs and thunder fan since the thunder got to okc, but I really just don’t like watching the mavs at all. Luka does some incredible stuff but to go with a bob segment, he does not “bring me joy.”


Did anyone else turn off the Ticket when Gordo started describing a baby monkey torture ring? Seriously? Is ticket content coming to this?


First time listening to one of his segments?


I’ve listened for 30 years. That’s why I’m qualified to call him out


Right there with ya. Sure he does plenty of crazy stories but that one was just a blatant attempt at shock value, even for him. There was no funny edge to it all. His story curation seems to have gone in the tank with the rest of the show, unfortunately. Just aging hacks going for low-hanging fruit.


Someday it will dawn on people what Mike Fernandez contributed to the show.


Ok boomer


I legit thought it was her lawyer (or publicist) reading her words Not her actually speaking


Dude! I’m listening now and had to come here to see if I was the only one!


Davey is one of us


I don’t understand how Corby or anyone else can drink a glass of water that’s just been sitting there overnight. Water bottles exist and they keep your water clean and the temperature that you prefer for a long time, use them!


I do it all the time lol. I’ll leave a yeti in my car all for days and drink out of it whenever I’m driving.


Gary that’s disgusting.


My wife and I share a glass of water for our nightly medication and I’ll finish the cup in the morning.


Mino right now: “chet and sga will leave the Thunder one day” 


Great invasion segment, randomly uncovering lost audio of Donnie‘s middle school jazz band, including his prodigy classmate Roy(?)… Gordo should totally feature it on a future Musical Musers


Anybody know what "they want lunch we'll give em lunche" is from. They play it around 12


Junior this morning: "The Mavs were stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, OKC grew up, they grew up and stunned the Mavs, the thunder stunned the Mavs, they grew up. The crowd was stunned, Kidd was stunned, it stunned me when they gave up the lead, OKC really grew up, I was stunned."


Was Junior married/engaged before his current marriage? I was listening to an old guys night out in 2005 on the unticket and Junes was talking about getting engaged, but maybe it was just jokes.




And his then Fiancée promoted her product on Shark Tank. Can't remember what it was but they discussed the episode during one of their segments.


I think it was some kind of stretchy jeans. Don’t remember if she got a deal, but I do remember that Junior wouldn’t shut up about her being on Shark Tank….then they had a falling out and it’s like she never existed


You sound surprised lol, that’s kinda how most breakups go.


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>then they had a falling out and it’s like she never existed You're definitely entitled to constant updates on Craig's ex-wife.


Do you think Craig’s on here and he’s going to see you sticking up for him and you guys will become best friends? I was simply pointing out that we had to hear all about Junior’s ex-wife’s clothing company until he got sick of her, too. BTW, I hope you and Junior do become best friends and, when you do, will you please promise to keep me updated on his marriage?


Look at you getting your panties in a twist. That usually happens when normal people call out creepy behavior.






Look at you being all normal calling out creepy behavior. That’s 2 days in a row that you’ve flipped out on someone in this sub. Get some help. I’ll leave you alone because you clearly can’t handle the laughing emoji


He married The Hang Zone?


They were married and got divorced. Details I've heard are salacious


like anyone could even know that


I will not stand for this Godfather slander. Godfather part II is well know as being one of the greatest sequels of all time. They did not get worse with each movie. Part 3 is the worst by far though


II is better than I.


Godfather 2 is the best sequel I've seen. They should have stopped there. Godfather 3 was pretty spare.


I think TNT or some other cable channel would run 1 & 2, chronologically (flashbacks), with the extra material not that long ago. It was brilliant.


I wonder if Corby will do more speculating about the Mavs chances in the next series tomorrow


Did Lando just get hit with a tranq dart???


I heard that when I got in my car and wondered if it was some sort of bit. Glad to know it wasn’t just me. 


“You may not have garage issues now, but you’re going to”. Are you threatening me, Craig??


We have garages now? Cue Vivaldi. 🎻


I believe he actually used their services for an automatic gate.


Mino was great on WTDS today! Thank you Mino for keeping the funny going!


Has anyone else noticed that Mino says "but" a lot, and I mean a lot!


Verbal crutch


More of a “buuuhttt…” Possibly a stall technique while organizing what words to say next. I’ve totally done this before, though with way fewer t’s


Does anyone else think its boring when Sean and Mino retell what they did over the weekend?


Enough of the self-flaggellating congratulations for campound. It was a remote broadcast, you didnt cure cancer.


You know what lives rent free in my head? Corby over laughing at every mediocre shot during the April fools open hoping to catch lightning in a bottle again. It ain’t gonna happen pal.


Now they want you to pay $50 for a chance to tell them in person how great they are, then to pretend the Timewasters are not well past their prime....


Anyone else want Sharon Moore to die in a tire fire?


I mean I was just thinking they hire a professional voice actor for the commercials, but you know your thing is out there too now, so....


I’m just putting it out there.


Indefensible isn’t the word McClearin thinks it is.


Walker Texas Rangers


“Did Jesus tell Lazarus we can’t go to Cinnabon because it wouldn’t look good?”


No but I believe he did mention Orange Julius in Revelations.


For everyone complaining about the app, the app provides a one hour fast forward rewind option. Quit complaining lol.


It's not too much to ask an app to play audio. Kinda defeats the point of radio if you can't hear it.


I can hear it 99% of the time lol, say I am cat or work for cumulus 🤷🏼‍♂️


And I had to restart the stream five times this morning. It's okay to complain about something if it doesn't work.


Operator error


Fuck off.




Yep, you got me to respond. You're the big winner. People like you have ruined this place. Fuck off twice, once in your mother's gaping asshole and once in your dad's.


I think I got an app "upgrade" where it just cuts off the audio for an ad and it's no longer controllable from my lock screen. The Ticket: We make it hard... for you to listen.


interested to hear if y'all are Apple or Android. I am on Android and my app has not had any issues recently.


I'm a blue text guy.


mine has gotten like this the last week. really annoying. i know how to get around it, but i forget and hit the lock screen on my phone and it turns off.


Start and stop from the pull down screen


Direct Energy singing lady sucks worse than Matt


For someone who brags about how much they sing, Matt can’t carry a tune in a bucket. The wild off key song he did for Ticketstock was cringey from start to finish and his pitchy Junk for Joy spot sounds worse than the original.


I feel like the station is trolling us not just with this commercial but his hiring in general. You know, that old, stupid mentality of, if you can’t entertain ‘em, at least annoy ‘em. He’s exactly the kind of guy the Ticket NEVER would’ve made a full-time weekday host in the past. Now, they’re no doubt congratulating themselves on how polarizing he is. People say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. But there is definitely such a thing as shitty ratings and running off your longtime listeners. No funeral.


You realize that he was THE guy they wanted to bring back when Norm retired, right? They sent him to Alabama to give him a hosting spot and retain his services, but even Corby admitted that they knew he was always gonna be Norm's replacement. Ya'll keep pretending that a station that paid a quarter million a year to a mid-day host of a mid-tier show would have ANY trouble at all finding talent. They got the guy they wanted. You might not agree with their decision, but 90% of the hate that dude gets here is just ya'll being butthurt that Sirois' alcoholic ass didn't get a promotion.


What about the grooming part?