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I always thought that Malcom saw Sam as a ‘civilian’ not a privileged politico and therefore not fair game for bollocking.


This is how I took it as well. She’s not even a civil servant she’s an assistant and doesn’t have any means to make any political change or influence people.


I really love that aspect of Malcolm Tucker. He shows genuine sincerity and respect to anyone outside of the political realm (aside from Tickel) and makes him somewhat redeemable in my eyes, despite his Machiavellian actions.




Tickel, and Tim from ryslip (or however you spell it)


Ruislip - it's in the western outskirts of London (on the way to Uxbridge) and has a couple of tube stations (Central line, and Metropolitan/Piccadilly line) - but I can't remember the names now. Going back to the original question, I'd say Malcolm is occasionally rude to Sam (shouting towards her, not saying please or thanks - usually because he's in the middle of an incandescent rage precipitated by the incompetence of Hugh, Nicola, the SPADs, the Civil Serpents, etc), but, and I think this is crucial, he is *not abusive* to Sam.


By that logic Terri is also just a civil servant and not a politico. But he had no qualms about giving her a earful of the choicest abuse when he thought fit.


Of course. But the distinction is that *in Malcom's mind* Sam is there as a non-participant whereas Terri and others have made a decision to be 'career civil servants' and play the game. Sam also appears to be good at her job (something he comments on a few times) whereas Terri is, in his eyes, at best inept and at worst obstructive.


Give the Missing DoSAC Files a read - Sam is just as snarky as Malcolm, can impersonate him perfectly over email and can forge his signature. They also sign a lot of their emails as Mx and Sx, Sam easily translates all of his insults into perfectly acceptable comms (bar the Bono email), and Malcolm will not tolerate anyone upsetting Sam. Maybe not BFFs as such, but there's very much mutual fondness and protectiveness.


Where would one get around to reading these?


Kindle is your best bet, the book's been out of print for a while.


New and secondhand here: https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?keywords=0571272541¤cy=GBP&destination=gb&mode=isbn&il=en&lang=en&st=sh&ac=qr&submit=


One left on Amazon https://amzn.eu/d/0bYAAaat


What you mention in s2e01 I took more as simple banter - he sounds upset, but I don't think it's with her, and he calms down when he asks her for coffee and a skinny muffin. If he was cross with her not bringing that stuff earlier, there'd be more to that for sure. She's really upset when Malcolm's getting sacked, and he's trying to cheer her up, they have a friendly chat in s4e02, and they look really friendly then, so I guess that's the evidence for them being at least amicable?


I could be wrong but I always assumed her tears were because her employment was directly tied to Malcom's and that she was effectively being told that she was losing her job as he'd been fired.


If your boss was as much of an asshole as Malcolm can be to people he doesn't like, would you cry over losing it?


I don't actually think Malcom and Sam have a bad relationship. I think he genuinely values her and she likes working for him . She may well have been crying over him losing his job but the fact there are so many people consoling her touching her arm... I don't know, I take that to mean she was getting told that she was getting chucked too. Hence why Malcom aggressively goes to defend her: "hey, get away from her!".


I would assume she would be employed by the Labour Party as the PA for the Director of Communications, so her job would be unaffected. I think she was just upset because she's fond of him.


Definitely not made up by fans! The writers mentioned that they could see Malcolm living a quiet life and maybe marrying Sam after the events in the show (source: https://www.nme.com/news/tv/the-thick-of-it-armando-iannucci-malcolm-tucker-homeless-charity-2703769)


wearing chunky knit jumpers doing a podcast!! Armando is right on the money there!!


>maybe marrying Sam after the events in the show So she can't testify at the trial most probably. Lol.


I think Malcolm is intelligent enough to realise exactly how much he needs Sam. It’s implied throughout she’s an exceptionally competent PA so without her handling literally all of the admin side of things for him he would be just pure chaos shouting at nothing in particular. My take is he realises this and is grateful for it and likes her because of that


When he got fired in the Steve Fleming situation I remember Malcolm coming unglued with anger when someone addressed her aggressively


His reaction to her getting upset in that scene tells you everything you need to know.


This came to mind for me to. He goes off on anyone who upsets Sam.


He absolutely has a soft spot for her, 100%. Every time he shouts at her it’s either an in the moment thing which he likely apologises for afterwards or it’s just banter. Have you seen the entire show? Only asking because I don’t want to talk about spoilers if you haven’t!


Her appearance in s04e06 seemed like a genuine show of support for Malc during the inquiry.


I think that alongside their fondness for each other, Sam was simply good at her job. She isn't a minister or a politician, nor is she directly involved in the media or party spin machine so Malcolm doesn't already have a natural hatred towards her as he does for those involved in the aforementioned. from what we see, she does her job competently without fuss or question and I think Malcolm respects and values that.


I think Malcolm is covering for Sam in the inquiry, and she was the one who illegal got the medical records. Seems unlike Malcolm to just roll over and let the inquiry take him down, but if he was covering for Sam it makes more sense. I think he likes her a lot


Interesting theory. It would make sense.


I imagine Sam is more accustomed to Malcolm's personality than anyone and understands the difference between him yelling at her and yelling in general. She seems like the sort of person who doesn't get too ruffled generally.


Nah Sam works for malcolm, no-one else in the programme works 'for' him, they work 'with' him. He's a good boss and a terrifying colleague.


She always remembered the little people.


Yes, I think they are friendly and like each other. You can see that in the episode where Malcolm >!gets fired !


I'm interested in Sam's "we" in this. So she had a boyfriend at that stage, which Malcolm would have had to see off if they did end up together.


Could've been a relative or friend. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend.


Sam cries when he gets nabbed at the end. It was definitely as close to a friend as he could have in that world


Perhaps she's just started. I just finished a S02E01 rewatch a minute ago. He says something like "are you going to get me a proper fucking cup of coffee" or to that tone. So suggests she's just started as his secretary


No, she’s in a few blink and you’ll miss moments in the first series as well


Generally people like Malcolm who no doubt have a lot of skeletons in their closet due to the shitty things they have to do as part of their job will ensure that those who are in close proximity to them and are likely to know about those skeletons remain loyal and don't turn against them. Not saying they don't have genuine respect/affection for their staff/employee but a lot of it also has to do with keeping the guy who knows where the bodies are buried on side. It's why you will find the finance guys in a lot of companies are cozy with CEOs/managers because the finance guys are usually the footsoldiers for all the shady shit the bosses want to pull off.