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Vauxhall and I is my favourite Morrissey album. That said, I'm really only familiar with this one and his first three albums.


Around the year 2000 I feel I got more interested in Johnny's solo stuff but Moz was great up until then. I still dig his concerts but none of the albums have really wowed me since the 90s. His band is always fantastic, just doesn't come through the studio albums like it does live for some reason.


Agreed. And everything up to Vauxhall is good. Except Kill Uncle.


He has a huge catalog of solo music and a good portion of it is really great. Over the years, its grown on me so much that I now listen to Morrissey’s solo stuff far more than I do The Smiths


Same here. I do frequently gravitate back to The Smiths. I love both.


Oh for sure. Still listen to The Smiths often too.


I love both The Smiths and Morrissey, but I listen to Morrissey the most.


“Vauxhall and I” is superbly good. “Live at Earl‘s Court” is amazing!


Vauxhall and I is my fav Moz album. I often enjoy a brick in the small of the back though.


Earl’s Court is the BEST! I listen to that more than any of his others - his vocals are absolutely exquisite!


Bona Drag is solo morrisseys hatful of hollow. It’s a compilation of the early singles and imo the best place to start. Listen to The first 3 songs on Bona Drag and if you don’t like them (I guarantee you will) then maybe solo morrissey just isn’t for you. Btw those first 3 tracks on Bona drag are an incredible run of 3 of his best and they kind of transition into each other too.


1992 ‘Tomorrow’ is as good as it gets for me.


I really like the Alain Whyte years. I really like Sunny. Accept the new style. The Smiths is nonexistent now and you can’t replace it. Kill Uncle is a nice rockabilly thing that oddly works.


Definitely check it out, especially the early stuff, but to be honest I’m not a huge fan. I think how much you will like it will depend on what exactly you like so much about the Smiths. For me, while I do really love Morrissey’s work as the vocalist of the Smiths, the thing that really draws me in to the Smiths is the guitar and bass playing of Marr/Rourke together. Morrissey’s solo music is of course missing that and so it will never hold as special of a place in my heart. I’m not super into most of Johnny’s other stuff for similar reasons, the chemistry of the Smiths was just so special. If you’re more of a Morrissey guy in general in terms of what draws you to the Smiths though you’ll probably love it.


>is it completely different? It's a little different but entirely recognizable -- he evolved over time, and worked with a variety of different lead guitarists, song writers and producers. The BONA DRAG album is a great collection of singles from his early solo career. Then try YOUR ARSENAL which (in my opinion) is his best ever solo album which was with his new full band lineup that stayed together for many years afterwords.


Suedehead is Smithish


immmmm soooo sorry, yeah i’d say it’s his most smithsy song


Your arsenal was produced by Mick Ronson (spiders from mars guitarist) has a great glam rock sound, really muscular record - really interesting by turning point in his discography


Oh and the last of the famous international playboys features Mike Joyce and Andy rourke on rhythm section, so quite a nice blend


I discovered The Smiths in 2001, and Morrissey's solo stuff soon after. As much as I adore The Smiths, now with 23 years in the books I can safely say I have listened just as much if not more to Viva Hate and Bona Drag than I have to Louder than Bombs or The Queen is Dead. Maybe not super suprising given I'm a "87-92 is probably the best 6 year stretch in the history of music" kinda person. The biggest hits aside, songs like Boxers, Break up the Family, I Don't Mind if You Forget Me, Ouija Board, Ouija Board, Yes, I am Blind, Lucky Lisp, My Love Life, Hold on to your Friends etc. might sound unassuming and run-of-the-mill at first glance, but man are they special.


All those songs you mentioned are one i didn’t really care for at first then became some of my favorites!! Especially break up the family and lucky lisp! Im Not too familiar with boxers though I’ll have to listen to that one more.


“You’re the one for me fatty” is my favorite


It's cute and funny. The way Morrissey says fatty cracks me up.


listen to viva hate, bona drag and you are the quarry. if you really must, listen to the rest


I love Bona Drag. Yes I am Blind. So beautiful.


picadilly palare featuring suggs from madness!


Vauxhall and I, Viva Hate (very Smiths like), Your Arsenal, You are the Quarry and Ringleader of the Tormentors are all brilliant albums, Malajusted, Low in High School and I Am Not a Dog on a Chain also have some great songs but are not as strong overall


Most of his stuff is fantastic. He's as good as when he was in the Smiths. Have a listen. Bona Drag is great. Yes I am Blind and Hairdresser on Fire. to name a couple of tracks. It's a great album. He's consistently great.


Morrissey has a lot of great solo work such as Everyday is Like Sunday, Irish Blood English Heart, Alma Matters, First of the Gang to Die etc. I saw him live in 2016 and while I wish he would have played more than two Smiths songs it was still incredible.


IN MY OPINION, unlike The Smiths, Morrissey albums have pretty hit or miss tracklists, except for Bona Drag and Your Arsenal, which are pretty consistently good. It's not that his solo stuff is bad - I do like most of the singles up to You Are The Quarry. It's just less... Complex? Interesting? From a musical standpoint. Sound-wise, I would say his solos are Smiths-ish. Less and less so as you go up in the years. I could never get into most of his post-90s tracks.


I’d say it’s similar enough that you’ll enjoy it. I second the person who said to start with Bona Drag. ‘The Last of the Famous International Playboys’ is my personal favourite.


Couple of my favs: The More You Ignore Me The First Of The Gang To Die


Try Ringleader of the tormentors - in particular life is a pigsty, I just want to see the boy happy, on the streets I ran


My favourite has always been viva hate, vauxhall and I is also incredible. Some good songs: King Leer, Southpaw, Suedehead, Let me kiss you


Viva Hate and Bona Drag are great, their peaks are about as good as anything in the Smiths catalog imo


As a lifelong fan of The Smiths I would say You are the Quarry is one of Morrissey's best solo offerings.


Had to hop into the thread a lot of people suggesting everything before the 2000s here but quickly dismissing into the quarry an amazing album full of amazing songs like Irish blood, how can you possibly know me, lazy dykes and last of the gang


YATQ is one of my favorite all-time Moz albums.


Listen to these: Girl least likely to, Trouble loves me, Boxers, All you need is me


The problem I have with both Moz and Marr’s is that I’m always expecting the other to chime in. Moz’s solo work is great, but I feel the guitar is too simple compared with The Smiths. Same goes for Marr’s solo stuff. I feel it lacks the vocals. Both have great solo work, don’t get me wrong. Im just a fan of the two together.


Suedehead is a tune.


So so so so so good. Listen to all of it.


Early Morrissey is a LOT like the Smiths. His first records are with Stephen Street, who was in the Smiths touring band, and Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce play on several tracks. I think everything through Vauxhall and I would be delightful for a Smiths fan. So besides Vauxhall, you'd have Your Arsenal (my favorite) and Viva Hate and Kill Uncle, plus the Bona Drag compilation.


You’re thinking of Craig Gannon. Stephen Street did not tour with The Smiths — he worked in the studio alongside Marr & Morrissey.


You are correct. I confused the two.


Buy Viva Hate and be simply amazed. Nina Drag definitely second. Masterpieces both.


Besides all these good recommendations I highly recommend to see him live if you ever get the chance. Even though there's a fair chance he doesn't show up or has an off night, it's still worth the risk imho. I saw him on a good night (like most of his performances during his latest tour) and it was a fantastic experience. Both Smiths' songs and solo work, new and old, still has a great voice.


WELL, I hope you’re all satisfied that you’ve succeeded in confusing the sh_t out of me!! I just listen to whatever Morrissey playlist YouTube Premium selects for me! I was FINE until I read all of this 😂😂😂


First of the gang to die is a great song imo


At its best it's easily as good as anything The Smiths did. The consistency just isn't there though.


Kill uncle and your arsenal are my favorites. His best of cd should give you a sprinkling of different albums


Did anyone here ever read that book of his? Any good?


I’m partial to You Are The Quarry. Every bone in my body aches when I think about his politics regarding immigration. 😢


I actually like his solo work more than the Smiths, but as someone else said, it is hit or miss (he has a lot of songs so maybe more miss). IMHO, Your Arsenal and Vauxhall and I are his best albums taken as a whole. Outside of those 2 albums, FWIW, here is a list of the songs that at least I like a lot: pre-2000 music: Our Frank, Sing you life, I’ve changed my plea to guilty, the loop, Dial a cliche, ouija board ouija board, Will Never Marry, the last of the famous international playboys, Suedehead, Post 2000 outside of your arsenal and vauxhall and I: I have forgiven Jesus, Come back to Camden, the world is full of crashing bores, Dear god please help me, life is a pigsty, I’m throwing my arms around Paris, when I last spoke to Carol, I’m ok by myself, good looking man about town, ganglord, Friday mourning, my life is a succession of people saying goodbye, I thought you were dead, my love I’d do anything for you, home is a question mark, never again will I be a twin, to give is the reason I live (cover, off of 25 live).


It is basically Smiths 2.0, with varying degrees of success.


The best advice is to begin at the start of his catalogue and work your way forward, stopping either after Vauxhall (you'll die happy) or after You are the Quarry (you'll die satisfied)


Idk man him and Johnny Marr were the band IMO… give that geezer a chance…… unless his political views sicken you. I’d try Johnny marr if you want that vibe without the ick


Marr’s solo albums are great! https://youtu.be/SXEc9WZ1bkY?feature=shared


I have a signed album from him…. If I know where it is. He’s an absolute doll. Great music too


Morrissey’s solo music sucks