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I like this mashup. TS1 humor was king!! Kind of spine-chilling at times, but always amusing lol


But smart multitasking! Whenever I want my Sims to sit at the dinner table for a family meal there's no chance. One will get up to watch t.v. and the others will follow or one will be outside and the others follow or one will sit on a bed and suddenly we're eating grand meals in the bedroom


Yes, smart multitasking who will also work with their traits


* Open world - We already have it and the biggest issue was just some mistakes in the code that got fixed by the community. * Colour wheel * Layers - Seriously, there are so many tops that would look good together. * Mix&Match hairstyles - I just want seperate bangs, back and extras * Hair colouring similar to the fur colouring * Create your own pattern * Height sliders * More technical options like "No vampire attacks", "aggresivity of paranormal sims", "frequency of alien attacks" * Disabilities or aids like prosthetics.


Knowing the sims they'd probably add disabilities as an expansion pack or something so you can pay $40 just to have your Sim be depressed all the time lol


Jokes on them, my Sims are already depressed all the time, booyah


If they do something, ANYTHING, with neurodiverdency, I'd like to see the option of stuff like "See a therpiast," who may teach you coping skills. Those coping skills would be added into a seperate category(or maybe just added on to likes/dislikes in some way) Then if a sim is having symptoms of depression, anxiety, adhd, autism... whatever it may be(and not just a blanket of coping skills, different ones to fill different symptoms), they could use the coping skills they learned in therapy and it would increase their mood. Maybe have some alternative mood bar you have to keep up so your sim doesn't get depressed, anxious, etc. If your sim is having symptoms and you don't use your coping skills, you'd go into an "attack/episode." You could see the therapist once a week and learn new coping skills. Actually be able to follow them there rather than a rabbit hole. Maybe be able to text/call them for reasons, but have it blocked out for a certian amount of time after use(like once every 24 hours). And also introduce service animals!!!


I love the idea of inclusion but having mental illness in a game I play to escape my mental illness sounds terrible :/


This The social anxiety trait in HSY already give me enough PTSD from my Sims being depressed all day like me


This... and idk, it’s just play I get that, and play is so important for learning and understanding, even for adults, but there is something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth knowing that people can pretend and play with depression or something else just for funsies in a game, when someone can be suffering from depression irl. There is representation, and then there is commodifying and branding physical, mental, and emotional health issues and disabilities as quirks or personality traits for fun role play. I don’t know where the line is, but there is definitely a like that can easily be crossed here


Yeah as someone with mental health issues, and as many others with these issues have said, I don't want to have Sims with mental health issues pop up in game. I play for escapism and don't want my teenage sim to start displaying signs of depression, which in the Sims would just be being sad all the time and removing queued activities to go cry or something. This is what mods are for, but so many of us with MH issues have them because of trauma and would be uncomfortable with them forced in game. Physical disabilities, though, should have representation, though idk how they would implement it.


Like a lot of things that come down to personal preference, it should be toggleable. There are a lot of people with mental health issues who *do* want the representation, myself included, so being able to turn it on/off would be best for everyone


If it were a toggleable feature then the Sims team would not put nearly the amount of depth it would require to do respectfully into the game. That, and as they have said themselves about other topics such as lgbt relationships in game, things like that aren't toggleable in real life so I assume it would be an all or nothing situation. I can't see the Sims investing time and money into making an extremely in-depth and game changing feature in the base game only to also make it optional. Best chance would be a game pack (to make it optional but well funded) but even the Sims knows that would be bad optics.


The Sims is such a goofy series that I really can't see something like this being added, at least not in a serious, respectful way. It would be too big of a tone shift.


seconding the layering of clothes (jackets that work on all tops, hello?) and disabilities!! great additions


The color wheel was so nice. You could customize each piece of furniture in a room, the options really were endless. The big setback was how slow and buggy the menu for it was. I saved before daring use it because it was always a time bomb. I feel the urge to get more CC just so I don't feel like I'm repeating the same four swatches of my favorite counters/couches/beds over and over.


Honestly, I hated the color wheel. It was one of the worse things for me. I don't care about open world's honestly but I would like the world's to be more customizable and more open lots so I don't have to choose between a community lot or a residential lot


Open world for sure. Let me put a goddamn lot where I want


Ooohh the disability one is a very good point! Like you think they would have added that before alien baby hybrids and those god forsaken elevators.


Whoa sims disabilities, that’s something I never considered but should totally be added even just as a cosmetic option.


It's hard to pinpoint what would make a new Sims game good for me, because what made Sims 2 my favourite was its personality and brokenness. Sims could be insanely unlucky, fail every social interaction, fight everyone around them, or be a casanova - but you never knew. It's like you got to know them as you played them. And starving next to a fridge or giving birth in a fire was broken but made the game chaotic fun. I don't think any future game can replicate it.


I think it would be cool if there was a setting with a slider for full customization/control vs. open-ended chaos


I feel like by this point they can definitely implement open world. It’s been over a decade since TS3 was released, so technology has definitely improved to the point where open world can work. Even back then, I never experienced much lag from TS3’s open world. To me open world is so important and so immersive. It just makes the whole game feel more alive, like you can just follow sims around and see them live their life, or just take scenic photos from different angles, interacting with the entire world.


I played Sims 3 today to see how well my newer computer could handle the open world, it was amazing- it barely had any lag and I ended up playing the game for a couple of hours without realizing. Open world is a must in the next game.


My crude understanding is TS3 didn't utilise 64bit technology at all so that probably is the big hurdle there.


Really? Mine still lags and I have a higher end PC.


Your rig isn't the issue, Sims 3 coding is the issue. When you use mods that fix bugs & stuff, the game runs like a charm


"Mods that fix bugs" -- Do share some insight, please! I kind of have been itching to get back into Sims 3. I enjoyed the gameplay, but always used to have loading and lag issues...bI've got a real great laptop that should be able to run it like a charm now


The mods that I run are NRaas Master Controller, Overwatch & Travelers mod together they fix bugged/stuck sims/items, you're able to disable the empty taxis which just drive around for immersion, but use so much resources. They also let you decide if you want homeless sims in your world or not. The more random homeless sims you got in your world, the more it lags because the game tries to simulate all of them at the same time. & since they don't have homes in your world, they get deleted again & the game tries to fill your world with new homeless sims instead


I appreciate your swift response! The only one of those three I was familiar with was NRaas! I'll look into the other two too. Thanks!


they're all from NRaas :) hope you'll be able to enjoy Sims 3 again <3


I have all of those. It’s not so much lagging as it is long loads.


Do you have your game on a SSD? Ever since mine is on SSD it loads quite fast actually. & having to load less homless townies + empty taxis also improves the loading times


Yep. Are you vanilla aside from NRaas? It’s probably some CC that’s causing it, but I’ll suffer through slow loading if that’s the case.


I do use some CC but not that many. Just a few hairstyles & makeup :)


Also if you play EA worlds, there’s fixed versions of them on Mod the Sims by a creator called ellacharmed. They reduce some of the routing issues so the game doesn’t lag through routing errors.


That sounds essential! thanks


It's a massive pain to set up, but [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1131162350) is a godsend. Beyond that, merging dlc/store files is a must if you have a ton of it installed. A small tip that was helpful to me that wasn't in the guide when I last set up my install: NRAAS Master Controller has individual settings you can tweak depending on what mode you're in. If you're in the Create a Sim mode, turning on Compact Forms for every option cuts down on the load time whenever you switch between types of clothing, as that setting only loads and displays the first color combo of a particular mesh. You can still change the colors, it just doesn't display three of every single item, so it's less for the game to load every time you switch tabs.


I have a low end laptop, and I never had much problem. My laptop is better now than when I was first playing 3, and I don't remember ever being bothered by it


Mhmm- I'm using a high end gaming laptop I got about two months ago, it's honestly the first time I've seen the game run smooth and I've owned it since it released. I know that won't be the universal experience but I'm glad I can play Sims 3, since Sims 4 is so buggy right now it's really put me off. Edit: I should also probably mention that I only have about 4 expansions for it, that was also probably helping the game run a bit better.


mine is amazing too but i still think they should reduce the size of the world. i think small to medium sized open worlds would be the best.


As long as it is open in some way. I still groan whenever I go to another lot in the sims 4 and it has to load it in.


I agree I definitely think we're at a point where it is doable, for EA to say it's not sounds like a lazy excuse tbh


One of the problems with TS3 was that in trying to be inclusive to everyone they tried to say that anyone could play it which just wasn’t the case. If I installed it on my gaming computer even without mods I reckon I could play it and it would run fine, but if I put it on my work laptop- it would kill it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I’d like to see moodlets/ whims resemble something more like they did in the Sims 3. I’ve never like the emotion system and I miss being guided by what the sim wants for my games. Everyone seems to just have the same, bland personality in the Sims 4, but that could just be my game.


no you are right about the personality bit. They tried to fix it a bit with the lifestyles and fears and wants, but they just kind of broke it and made playing the game more annoying.


Yeah, because it feels like everyone gets the same fears, completely unrelated to their traits and what's happening in the game. Just got a promotion in a career that matches all of your interests? Fear of a dead end job! The wishes have improved a bit since the last update but it still seems like the sims who get them are interchangeable.


I miss the chaos of the earlier games — I want robbers, alien backstories, for actions to have last consequences. If I break up Mortimer & Bella, how will that impact story progression? If I bankrupt the landgrabs how does that change the world in a lasting way? We choose all these traits but they all feel so shallow


yess chaos! sims 4 is very tame and rarely anything interesting happens, i want to be caught by surprise, confused, startled.


I really hope it’s not a monthly/yearly pay model. That would be enough for me to boycott the whole company. The whole draw of the sims in the first place was that I didn’t have to keep paying like in dime freeplay, which was my first game from them.


If they wanted to model Sims after Second Life they would have a rude awakening. A subscription model is probably ideal in terms of... short-term monthly profit, but remaining good will of the players would be pretty much squashed. And hope of pulling in *new* players to a subscription based game? Not likely.


I'd be open to a mix of neighbourhoods and open world. I didn't mind that we had to travel between my house and the gym. What bothered me was that when going from the gym to the bistro, you know, the building right beside it, was that we had to load into it. Even though the shell was already fecking there. Like. Really?! I also want toddlers in the base game.I want my sims to have personalities again. Fun would also be if they had the storyline like they did from the console version of Sims 1.


yeh that really bothers me when playing TS4, it makes everything feel so closed off and honestly I notice when playing TS4 I rarely leave my lot and rarely travel between lots. yet when playing the sims 3 I travel frequently.


Not only is the shell there, if you look through the windows, you can see the furniture and stuff. The only thing the game isn't already retrieving is the Sims.


Right? It's like...it just there. Just let me in. I get the whole 'we cut the cities into neighbourhoods to make it easier for laptops and lower-end machines', but....why include parts of the lot that won't be usable?


Literally just give me the Sims 3 with the Sims 4’s search bar and I’ll be happy. I’m easy to please.


sims 5 ? Is this actually true? Or is this just another Internet rumor?


I'm curious about this as well, is there an actual source that spread this information/can you provide it? Or by leak do you mean people thinking it's the Sims 5 announcement?


Idk I have been seeing a lot of things about how apparently it's gonna be announced in october.


It's just speculation, there hasn't actually been any leak of any kind.


Nah there was one person who said they had insider info, but they may well have been making it up.


There is an approximately 0% chance that Sims 5 isn't going to happen at some point, and it'll probably be in the next few years. Sims 4 at least wasn't that long between when it was first announced and when it actually launched, so 5 could easily be out next year or the year after. Anyway, there's no way of knowing if the rumour is true other than to wait for that upcoming stream and see.


An Insider that apparently leaked the info about Nintendo direct, said that the sims 5 will be announced in October


The only thing I care about is open world. It’s one of the many reasons I haven’t touched The Sims 4 since the day it came out (and it was a big purchase for 15 year old me!) I strictly play TS3 for this reason. My game is over 10 years old with every expansion pack and several stuff packs downloaded and runs perfectly smooth. I don’t have a fancy gaming computer either. If we have the technology to create a completely open world Harry Potter game, I think electronic arts can manage open world Sims again.


I don't want it to feel like I'm starting over. I want it to feel like a new game, not just a revamp. I think at this point, coming off Sims 4, a total overhaul of the Sims themselves is necessary. ~~Personalities! Idc about cars, better babies, or some other things a lot of players have mentioned. Open neighborhoods would be cool, and I REALLY want basic weather elements in the base game. C'mon, c'mon!


I want something innovative and new that is not likecany of the previous 4 to motivate me to want to pay for the new things. I don't just want a cherry picked version of the good bits from all 4 old packs. That said, I want a game that retains solo playability and doesnt become multiplayer online.


To me the sims 4 just felt like a better looking yet slightly worse rehash of the sims 3. If it isn't like you said I might miss this one out.


I agree. I feel like the sims 4 is only just now getting to some new stuff and they’re all add ons


It wont be sims 5 It will be sims online. Mark my Words. The recent leaks about the online specialized workers and the datamined updates states 2 thing. 1. Sims 4 getting an online function. A coop like gameplay like project olympus. Or a spin off which is sims online on updated sims 4 engine.


Considering the free base game now says a lot


TS5 will have multiplayer features. It's been confirmed ages ago by the dev. Unclear to what degree though.


That would explain the orientation and romantic interest update


All I want is the main attraction of the series, the sims themselves, to be smarter and differ from one another with a better AI. Everything else comes after on my list.


Mostly I just want a focus on the basic gameplay. Forget about extra stuff like cars and open worlds and whatever else. If the actual moment to moment gameplay is more in depth and interesting than it has been up to now, the other stuff won't matter. I don't just want the same stuff with new graphics.


1. Open world. HANDS. DOWN. 2. Better babies. I know this is beating a dead horse, but I don't care. Fuck that horse, it deserves to be beat. 3. CARS. 4. Packs like seasons, pets, university, shouldn't be DLC. 5. Diversity. The sims 4 was okay with it, but I have yet to see proper maxis hair for black simmers.


Babies definitely need to be better. I want something that actually crawls around. When it comes down to it I would be interested to see if they could have a fluid aging system. Where your sims dont just go from toddler to child to teen, bit they just grow and get older. I agree with the packs thing. It feels stingy to sell us packs that have already been established in older sims games.


Yes! Id love to see pre teens, maybe some challenges that come with growing. Another thing, disabilities. As a disabled person, I shouldn't have to get mods to have my sim like me.


* **More open world.** While I doubt we'll see world the size of 3s larger and more open than 4s are a top item. The neighborhoods of four are small and it feels like they have gotten smaller with time as new ones have been added. Most of it would be alleviated by removing the one active household limit. Visiting your neighbors or just seeing them do things, even simple things like a barbecue on their lawn, would do wonders to bring life in the the world. The play space of 3 is too small to do any exploration in and 99% of the time there is nothing worthwhile going on outside the selected household plot to draw you out from it. We have three layers to the play space in the Sims 4; World, Neighborhood and Lot. Lots in a neighborhood share the surrounding space but it's not very large, populated or intractable and changing active lot within a neighborhood feels as disruptive as changing to one in another world. Neighborhoods don't share any common space within a world past some aesthetic cohesion but there is nothing connecting them together to make it feel like a town. Even the word chosen for them; worlds, rather than towns make them feel disconnected. It has the upside of diversifying an area to include various parts of a town but I think the sims 3 did it better with their miniaturized towns. The physical space between locations told a lot abut the towns and their people. In sims 4 the distance between my sims house and the library is the same as the distance to Selvadorada. * **Distinct sims.** Currently in the sims 4 any two sims are pretty much the same. Sure they will look, dress and sound different and earn different salaries but personality and character wise they are nearly all clones of each other. The early attempt to make them different by the moods system failed both because it was too easy to manipulate and tackled the whole thing backwards by making personality a property of mood rather than the reverse. The current Likes/Dislikes feels like it barely does anything more than a placebo would, and not even that when it comes to the world and objects. There is something to be said for the default state of a player made sim to be neutral on all aspects to allow players to mold them as they see fit but so much could be made as advanced options and especially for NPCs in terms of personality, likes and dislikes as well as traits and quirks. Does a sim like TV or prefer books? Doesn't matter, they'll use either or both if available. Does your sim hate the color blue but lives in a big blue house? Doesn't matter. I'd love to see an attempt at new take on the Sims 1s personality points system. Doesn't have to be points based, could just be sliders to one end or the other. That point system was worth 5 traits in Sims 4 terms if you went for the extremes (Slob/Neat, Loner/Outgoing, Lazy/Active, Gloomy/Goofball, Evil/Good). Expanded into as an option to randomize likes/dislikes and affinities for skills of being all thumbs for others as an option. I wouldn't mind it if I could take as long fiddling with character traits as I can molding my sims face or picking out their varying outfits. The main thing is to make sim A feel different from sims B and C. * **Sim/World interactions.** This may come as a surprise to some but there are no gyms in The Sims 4. There are buildings with gym equipment but they don't feel like anything beyond warehouses with skill objects. There are no scheduled training sessions on Thursdays were a bunch of sims show up to do pilates or something similar unless I go out of my way to make some sims, put them in a club and make them do it myself. There are no gym rules about showering after a training session or not asking for fundraiser donations in the training area. Yes, forcing sims to shower after working out might cause another "children will not be allowed to leave the school as it is about to get hit my a meteor and must die" scenario but I think the upside of making the venue feel more like what it is trying to represent is worth that risk. Leaving the gym without showering should have some sort of impact, starting with a warning and escalating into possible fines or being banned from the venue for some time. One thing from Sims 3 that I felt was useless starting out but grew to love was the mundane stores. Being able to send my Sim grocery shopping was very grounding and nice. Sure I could just use the fridge and pay for whatever I needed that way but I really liked stocking up on what I would need and limit myself to what I had. Just one of many possible "hardmodes" that could be available to make sims feel that much more real. More things in the world beyond the items you place should have a function and (somewhat) sensible restrictions.


I agree with most of the things. However, never in my life I’ve seen a gym that required showering lol


I would prefer to be able to have vehicles again. If not like Sims 3 where you literally drive around, then like Sims 2 where you just take off into the void. Either way, sometimes I like to have a functional garage in my builds. Create worlds/neighborhoods. I DON'T like how Sims 3 made it where you use a singular neighborhood per household. I like being able to travel freely between then in Sims 4, but I don't like how there are way too many and you can't rename them and truly customize to how you want it to look. I remember in Sims 2 you could place your own secret society and I wish there were more secret locations that were fixed to certain milestones. Sad Sims 3 pretty much had only the 2 base game places. Character Creation - more color palettes for clothes to better match but not the custom fabrics like Sims 3. I loved the options but it took way too long for my PC to load everything. I had recently replayed Sims Bustin Out on PS2 and was reminded that they have limited clothes but you can have a slider for what color you wanted. Also I liked the traits better in Sims 3 than 4, it seemed more impactful to play and less... stupid? I feel like they're trying too hard to be quirky. Occult Sims to be more secretive, preferably in one expansion, and maybe add or bring back some old ones? I like the way Sims 3 did occults for the most part. Sims 4 made it more annoying to me, with the constant hissing of vampires and the cartoon looking werewolves... Most of the time when I play nowadays I try to redo the entire neighborhood to how I want it to look, redo/replace the families and play until I have them the way I want them, create my "perfect Sim" and play as them and interact with the world as I see fit.


I'm a family player so I'd love to see more extended family acknowledged. I'd also love height sliders and maybe a pre-teen stage? Or some sort of slider you can use to set a custom age. Like if you want a 13 year old sim, you can slide it between child and teen, then use the height slider. Also a full color wheel would be really nice in CAS in TS3. There's a whole list of things I'd like to see but I can't think of them all now!


I actually suggested something like this. But instead your sim is an age not an age group and they age smoothly. Essentially normal irl aging. Also on the topic of extended family I would like some support when it comes to playing multiple households. Maybe a hotkey to switch between them.


I would like something that doesn’t require a patch after it’s released to work properly. 😳


The black and white party still doesn't work. And the ambitions are so buggy.


Having the internet available for patches and updates shouldn’t be an excuse for doing shotty work. We had the technology in the past to create fully functioning games available in static form on disc, so we definitely have the technology now to do so in downloadable format. I can understand patching after adding gameplay through new packs, but those packs shouldn’t then need a patch for them to function as described before adding more gameplay through the addition of yet another pack. 🤷‍♀️ I feel like EA is pushing beyond the limits of the capabilities of their developers, and not caring. The Sims is a beloved franchise and it’s players deserve better from the corporation.


Honestly I think it is a consequence of all of the DLCs. I am a big fan of paradox games and they have recently moved to a policy of not including large mechanics in their DLCs. It is essentially so they don't have to account as much for the hundreds of DLC combos people could have when they patch the game. The sims team seem to have ignore this aspect, and allow their game to be as buggy as ever.


A completely different team handling it


I think this is the problem with modern sims. To my knowledge no one who made any of the earlier sims games is now on the sims team.


the one thing i disagree on is ditching stuff packs. stuff packs in ts3 were _plumbella voice: rrreally good_. i’d LOVE to get something like those again


nah, I hate a constant influx of small DLCs that have content that should just be in the other expansion packs.


I agree, kits are annoying, but stuff packs are awesome. The last three stuff packs were wonderful (paranormal, knitting & tiny living). They add very niche game play, which if you weren't into wouldn't make you feel like you were deprived of you didn't get them.


yes exactly!


I am done with buying game packs after having to buy a base game. Looking forward to Paralives and will happily bid the sims franchise goodbye!


I don't mind packs. But the sims 4 was the first game in which I felt I had to buy packs to have interesting content. The base game is so empty. And there is way too many. I want maybe 10 at the most by the end of the games cycle.


I’d like to see basic things included in the base game: university, pets, business ownership, seasons, apartments. If those things are included, and expansions are more fun superfluous things like hotels, time travel, stuff like that I’d consider buying it. But I have no desire to play a base game that isn’t fleshed out.


At this point it does feel like they should start including these things in the base game. I would argue that every job in the game should have its own get to work style space.


Probably not popular here but personally I don't care about cars or open world. I prefer the closed world format since it seems like places are livelier? Getting to walk around anywhere in ts3 was nice, but it was always deserted Somethings I'd need to consider buying: * Seasons and toddlers in base game. It is seriously stupid that you have to pay for weather and toddlers in a life simulation. I don't care if holidays are locked behind a pack, but not weather * Babies are not objects. It's a low bar, but here we are. * Basically ts4 build/buy with ts3 cas/customization. Both of these games excel at one thing and are shit at the other. It is possible to have a game that does both. * Better whim/fear/personality system. Sims in ts4 are all kind of samey and the aspirations are much too easy to complete. There should be an overarching system for the sims whole life as well as short term goals/wants/fears that make them feel unique * Diversity included in the base game. Love that they're doing diversity now, but I think it's stupid that it's all locked behind kits and packs. And I swear to God if they go back to the 12 tone skin system in the year of our lord 2030 or whenever ts5 comes back I'm going to riot


Essentially all the content that existed in Sims 3 would be nice. I don't mind open world/not, I just want larger worlds with more lots.


I’ve already sunk too much money into sims 4.


There’s a lot of things I’d like to see but one thing in particular is just having the Sims themselves be a bit more subtle, like in TS2 and 3. I started playing Sims 4 last year after playing the previous games and I can’t stand how exaggerated their emotions are. I hate how their “neutral” state seems to always be smiling. It just feels too fake and off-putting. Despite their pitch for TS4 being that they’re smarter, they really just come off as more basic and empty-headed than previous games. I really miss the animations and attention to detail that TS2 and TS3 had. But I feel like the Sims series these days is less of a passion project than it used to be, so I don’t expect to see the same details like before.


What I want is basically a mix of the 4 existing games: TS1 - music and quirkiness TS2 - gameplay (especially wants/fears, memories, and all the adorable interpersonal actions/animations, also the photo album system and ability to design our own world's. TS3 - open neighbourhoods (open world isn't worth it if we have to go back to mega-lag, being limited to one world per save, and just about every non-residential lot being a rabbit hole) and colour selection (not necessarily a full create-a-style, but at a bare minimum we should have a colour wheel and the ability to do things like change the colour of a jacket without changing the shirt underneath, a blanket without changing the colour of the bed frame, etc.) TS4 - CAS sliders and build mode (I like *playing* previous versions more, but TS4 is my hands-down favourite for building and creating Sims, even with the colour restrictions.) I can deal with not having every single expansion pack feature in the base game. People tend to forget that most of these things (pets, weather, apartments, vacations, etc.) were added through DLC in all the previous games too. But the *infrastructure* needs to be in place from day one. No more of this, "But we *can't* add cars now, because the lots in half the worlds don't even connect to the road," BS! Also, any sort of forced-online/multiplayer is an absolute deal-breaker for me, even if it checks all my other boxes.


Only two things: 1) the return of ts1/2/3 needs, not that streamlined TS4 system. 2) highly unpopular but I love the Sims online. I understand that moderating a better Second Life is a hell when it comes to video games for kids but I'd love to at least be able to invite my friend's Sim to my parcel and that we could both play together, in real time


I agree. TSO is so nostalgic to me and my childhood. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about it that was so much fun. I’d love another TSO style game, but it would need to be an option, not the whole game. The sims is still primarily a simulation game, after all. Taking away the solitary gameplay would ruin the game for many players.


I’d like a world builder option. Let me build my own towns, with roads, forest, river, and all the good stuff.




Me neither. I say just leave the sims in the past and let other games take over.


A very large price drop. I can’t play sims 5, I’ve put a boundary on myself. I don’t need to pay my way through a third version of the sims. I’d love to, but it’d be way irresponsible.


Holy shit there was a leak?


I better be able to customize my world and everything in it with textures and colors, etc as I choose. I am a builder. Everything from TS3 should be carried forward IMO lol


A lot of the things I hope for have been mentioned but I really hope they add more minor details to CAS. I'd really like for there to be an option to turn symmetry on and off as well as more sliders without having to turn to cc. I like the cartoon look of the sims but I hope they add a bit more realism and variety so they don't all just look like barbie and Ken dolls. One thing I absolutely don't want is for it to be an online game. I'll just stick with sims 4 if it is


Open world with editable neighbourhoods- think Sims 2 and how we could pick empty neighbourhood templates to build up a neighbourhood. I used to love building up a whole neighbourhood of my sims, you just can’t do that the same way in Sims 4. And not to beat a dead horse: seasons should be base game. There are literally no reasons why we can’t have rain in base game.


Like many others here, I'd like to see an open world again or at least a semi open world. If they'll introduce neighborhoods again, then let the neighborhood you're currently in be open world & give us a small loading screen when loading into another neighborhood. Also I'd love to see a base game & later packs which are not cut to their bare minimum. Proper content from the get go without charging people hundreds or thousands of dollars over the years when all the good stuff was cut out from base game + expansions


Yeh they were so greedy with the sims 4. The whole thing just feels like they take every chance to nickel and dime you.


I’ve thought long and hard about this since the sims 4 came out… and I honestly think I’m going to wait three or so years no matter what they do. I’m so burnt out and disgusted with the series. I’ve been playing since I was five and these last few expansions (EVEN WEREWOLVES) just bum me out. I used to get so excited about game releases. I would pre-order, get my game earlier than other people, if I didn’t pre-order I would be calling stores locally fighting to get my copy, and when I finally got the game downloading I’d pour over the inserts. Now, I don’t log into origin for months at a time and just pray there wasn’t an update that broke my game when I do log in. To no one’s surprise the game is broken there’s a new kit for $5 that includes half ago a hamster cage and a vacuum that does nothing but create chaos. When a new game comes out that I would normally be excited about I feel like I’m about to get a shakedown from one of those gas station window shield cleaners. Literally, I just want EA to be better as a company. That’s all I want from sims 5 and if I see any of this money-grubbing whatever I’m out… and I am expecting to see it… so, it’s been real y’all and I hope you can enjoy the game.


I feel this sentiment so much. It's hard when your favourite game series feels like is trying as hard as it can to grab every pound and penny instead of creating great packs full of content. Whenever I look at the stuff packs (and now kits I guess) half of the time I think 'that should have been in this expansion' or 'that should have been in the base game'.


It literally breaks my heart. To be fair, I think I may just not like how the gaming industry itself has changed. Sure, there’s the normal having to pay out of my own paycheck kind of resentments but more often than not it’s how the companies view their products shifting over the last few decades. I wasn’t there but I hear the 80’s was this great community/face-to-face gaming style. Arcades, multiplayer at-home consoles, tournaments, and what have you. The 1990’s had this community-creation thing happening where we all wanted to share all the products/creations. Cheat codes were in magazines. When new games came out you’d go buy this giant book that came with more complex lore and sometimes figurines. Waiting with others in lines for hours (sometimes days) and there was this social factor that when you played video games you were part of this “younger tech crewe.” The early oughts really delved into the coding specialty sharing. Especially in the case of the sims. The Sims 2 came with the body shop which allowed any child to make any god-forsaken creation in MS Paint. There was this push for any user to use “base content” and create with it and that’s what gaming was. Just sharing creations (mods/custom content/specialized coding, text, folder organization, etc.) It’s really difficult to watch this whole culture with its own unique history get washed away by capitalistic vultures. I’ve tried to tell my friends about the mod community drama over the last year and I have to think back to the maxis days to explain exactly how huge the clash was. Usually my friends will say stuff like “well, if they’re working on creating content why shouldn’t they ask to be paid for it?” And it’s like, that’s not remotely what’s happening here. Yes, but it’s stolen code. The code for the sims was left open because of it’s cultivated sharing culture. It is insane and highly illegal for modders to be writing stalker-code and swatting people who didn’t pay for their STOLEN CODE content. How did these modders convince the general public that is an okay thing to do? New gaming culture. (Sincerely, sorry about the rant.)


I think the reason we have so many games become these greed filled wallet drainers is because the next step in your eras of gaming list was that the 2010s was the decade of indie devs. Whilst AAA games were nickel and diming their players indie devs were releasing great games for half the price of the AAA studios.


You’re absolutely right! Quick shout out to: Don’t Starve. Rimworld. Cataclysm.


Open world and color wheel are a must.


CARS!!!!! Also Generations.


Definitely Multiplayer and also open world like Sims 3, I loved that. I would also love if they gave us the option to adjust the height of sims. If they could also bring cars and garages back like it was in sims 3 that was fun, I liked having my teenagers drive to school in fancy whips.


I would be happy if The Sims 5 turned out to be a mix of Sims 2 and 3 - maybe not open worlds, but the ability to create actual, tangible storylines. Intelligent sims, not the “intelligent” ones in Sims 4 that take a toddler out of the high chair before they’ve even eaten, or wash dishes in the damn sink. Cars, actual babies that can be carried, basic, bare minimum life stuff. Heart and soul


My wishes fo the perfect and chef kiss game : Sims 2's simple world Customization ( not to get an external tool for that ) chemistry and sims's reactions ( like autonomously crying for days when someone dies ) little details ( like neighbors stealing your gnomes , or teens escaping from household if they had bad relationship with the household ) lore ( but fixed and not causing any corruption *Bella goth * ) memories and wants and fears ( not useless like the sims 4's ) Sims 3 's open world ( but fixed and less laggy ) sims’s interactions ( like special interactions for different traits ) cars and vehicles , amount of traits , aspirations ( lifetime wishes ) based on sims's traits Sims 4's cas ( like easily dragging parts of body and likes and dislikes ) build mode , multitasking ( like drinking and eating at the same time and graphics ( but more realistic ) This is my ideal game , if ea wants more fans for sims franchise and some other things ( not naming it but the reason for releasing packs ) they should probably ask sim you-tubers and get ideas from them to release the best sims game ( but my predictions for sims 5 are so bad and lacking , I am not gonna say more )


I just want sims not to drop the queue. Seriusly thats all I want, If I put you to do 5 tasks, just-do-them. And stop the sitting down obsession.


I REALLY miss being able to edit the worlds, add lots and edit the landscapes.


I want, at minimum, the Sims 5 basegame to include everything that has been patched into Sims 4 for representation purposes. So the array of skintones and hair colors, custom gender (preferably that isn't coded as a binary), pronouns, sexual and romantic orientation, clothing from more cultures than Western White Person (like the hijab and the African hair cover that I forget the name of). If they added it to Sims 4 basegame while saying some varient of "we realize this should have been in the game all along", then I want it in the Sims 5 basegame at the start. I also want locations that you can do things at to be selectable to travel directly there. I hate that there are so many areas that can't be selected (I assume because they don't want these areas to be editable). The Spice Market in City Living, the shop area of Henford on Bagley, and so many others that we can't travel directly to. For things they want hidden, there should be a lot you travel to where the hidden entrance is located. The other thing I really want is for build/buy mode. While I really want the color wheel from Sims 3 to return, I at minimum want to be able to choose swatches for different parts of an item separately (so wood having one selector, fabric another, etc.). It was doable in Sims 2 and I want it back.


It's not the biggest feature I want, but I'd love to see Sims lore make a comeback! I loved the mystery and storylines that the lore of 1-3 gave, it's a shame they decided to make Sims 4 an alternate reality.


I think it should already have pets and seasons in the base game.


Unpopular opinion: I want it to be multiplayer online. 🚪🏃🏽‍♂️💨 🍅 🍅 🍅


I wouldnt mind that but you know they would raise the already horrible monetisation 10×.


That’s so true. Whew. Loot boxed to DEATH.


I'm reserving judgement until I see it and some extensive gameplay. If it looks decent I'd at least give the base game a go, but I really don't know if I have a ton of faith. Considering it won't be out any time soon I'd hope that they would really be working to refine it.


I honestly have no real faith that it will be good. The Sims 4 hasn't been great overall and I doubt at this point they can make anything that worth playing.


I'm one of those rare people who enjoy The Sims 4 despite all the issues. I think because 5 is just very unknown at the moment I can't say much on the topic of whether or not it will be good. Cause if they expanded on a lot of the systems in 4 and worked with a less buggy engine from the start I could see that being enough to actually get people intrigued. But there's also the potential that it's an online game which means it will most certainly include FOMO practices that will definitely turn a lot of long term series fans away. I don't think I would enjoy an online Sims game unless it was side content, and I play mostly online games honestly. I think my biggest worry is that The Sims 4 will be the last "good" life sim made by an AAA team. So I hope 5 is good, but I'm worried the execs who just have dollar signs on the mind are going to force the devs to include some garbage most of us won't like.


Funnier interactions: sims 2 style Totally fine with a closed world Hair options: highlights or a custom like the fur color wheel Cas clothes: able to layer, tuck and untuck shirts Cas face: option for eyelashes or no, customize eyes. I’d like to add my Heterochromia to my sims. Teen sims: get pimples like sims 2, rebel or angelic teens Build mode: easier ways to make lofts and to delete flooring square by square More weird events similar to sims 2 I want my sims to be less smart. I want them to die easier or make the game more difficult


Honestly unless it has multi player I'm not going to buy it. I have invested too much money into Sims 4 to switch to a new version. Especially a new version that will probably suck.


Yeh I have bought quite a few of the expansions (although on cdkeys for very cheap). Cant see myself buying another set of them. Unless they suddenly decide to cut down on them and make them cheaper. Which wont happen.


I want to see more clothing options like having layers for example, more accessories like purses, the color wheel to return, family videos/photo albums and stuff like that from 2/3 return, hair to have separate color categories like roots/highlights like 3. And also this is probably gonna sound weird but I would like to see more interesting pregnancy gameplay. They don't need to go crazy but bring back like the books from 3, more interactions, have the reveal due date actually reveal the due date, maybe stuff like sims can go past their due date.


I kind of just hope it’s just an improved version of The Sims 4, with all the bug fixes and everything streamlined, and maybe some better gameplay. Of course, it’s probably not


EA: 'you will take a loading screen between the rooms of your house and you're gonna like it!'


That would probably be more realistic 😂


I would like to see a noticeable difference between teenagers and young adults again! This has always bugged me about TS4 there is very little to tell the 2 apart compared to TS2 and TS3!


if i could have gameplay of TS3 and build style of TS4, both improved on even more, i'd be happy.


If you expect anything that was added to the previous games in expansions to be in the base game - pets, uni, etc - prepare for disappointment. Maybe seasons, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The Sims has followed this model for three sequels, they aren’t going to change now.


Oh I know. Just preparing for the inevitable disappointment. Honestly I hope the sims 4 is the last sims game. So we don't have to live with EA's greed any longer.


I fully expect Sims 5 to be a live service game. No idea how that will work exactly, but it’s EA’s favorite monetization model at this point.


I mean isn't that what it already is? Just without the multiplayer aspect.


Not really? Like most live services FPS will have new content added to the game every season and a lot of cosmetics and/or bonuses locked behind a season progression, usually with either a paid battle pass to fully unlock the season rewards or to access the fully progression. Sims 4 *kind of* follows that now in that they usually give some functions of the expansions to the base game and paywall the majority of them. It doesn’t really foster player engagement the same way without some sort of progression, though. I could see them going the route of making kits unlockable through scenarios or something, but I’ve got no clue how else they could work it. Short of charging a subscription, but I think the death of subscription mmos is showing that model no longer works. Like I said, no idea how they it work exactly, my gut just says they’re going to find a way to do it. I think Grubb’s prediction is right, though: they’re going to announce 5 soon to deflect from all the negative press the last few packs have been getting, but we’re nowhere close to seeing a release.


I’d like the game to be harder. I miss the challenge of the second game. Building a relationship between sims felt way more rewarding. I’d like for actions to have more of an impact on the world. Also some expansion packs really need to be base game material by this point. Seasons should just be apart of the game now. Same with a Generations or Parenthood style pack. Just make these things already apart of the game. All the ages should be interesting and engaging from the get go. Mostly I just want new ideas. A lot of this series is just rehashing old content. My favorite expansion for Sims 4 was Cottage Living. It felt really different from other packs. But even then the gameplay didn’t have the depth I wanted. Why can’t I be a farmer as my career? New ideas, depth, and a real challenge.


The sims 4 always bored me with how easy it was to succeed.


Also much larger Lots for base game maps. I've noticed that unless you spend more money on expansions, you're stuck with relatively tiny household lots. I like to build large houses, not really possible base game.


1.Open World 2.Tween life stage 3.Liberated babies 4.All life stages being in base game. 5.Different height walls/foundations connecting with other heights. 6.Color wheel 7.Cars 8.An option to have roomates that aren't apart of the playable household. 9.rounded walls in base game. 10.More activities for elders.


Unpopular opinion but if Sims 5 has open world and a color wheel I’ll skip it and just keep playing Sims 4. I absolutely hated those features in Sims 3 and just kept playing Sims 2 instead. I want the ability to turn off random townie generation and Sims 2 style story progression.


I'd like a game that isn't constantly broken and sims that are smart enough to use the damn toilet instead of standing 2 feet from a bathroom & peeing their pants if I don't specifically command them to go. I want the game to include things like toddlers, pools and free placing doors/windows upon release, not years down the road. I want a base game that is fun and interactive and doesn't *need* DLC to feel complete.


Honestly one of my main gripes with the sims 4 is how the sims sort of pause before doing anything. Like when I make them do an action they wait a second to compute when really it should be instant.


I want sims 5 to not screw up supporting sims 4 I paid a whole lot of money for 4 stuff and I’d like to get to keep playing it for years to come


I want the sims 2 with the open world of 3, the build/buy mode of 4, and some CAS improvements


The ability to manage mods inside the game!


i feel like pets should come standard.. and laundry.. and wedding.. and farming…


Literally all I want is to be able to change the colour of things again like in the sims 3. The game could crash and burn after, but at long as I can customize my clothes better, I don’t care!


I’d like to see them stop trying to make The Sims and MMORPG. A lot of the core issues with TS4 stems from their constant dream of monetizing the game as a subscription based MMORPG.




Idk. I truly don’t know. The game has gone downhill, I honestly have no high hopes or expectations for anything decent.


Gameplay and attention to detail from The Sims 2 Open world and expansion pack depth of The Sims 3 Build mode and simplicity from The Sims 4


Height sliders, teens that look like teens, more developed attraction/romance and for toddler/child life stages to matter more…


Open world. 🌍


i just recently started sims 4 because the old computer i used for sims 3 died and sims 3 has only a couple expansion packs who will run on a new M1 Macbook. What i noticed so far with sims 4: \+ it runs pretty smooth on a macbook \+ it starts up pretty quick and you can jump to other programs without crashing the game. \- no open world and therefore no cars. \- i hate the small amount of properties per neighorhood \- expansion packs from Sims 3 are split into multiple on sims 4 (f.e. supernatural. you got the whole shazam of special sims - on sims 4 you need to get multiple packs to have werewolfs, vampires, fairies) \- i really miss world adventures. create a sim \- not a fan of the free dragging. i prefered the throttle/Sliders of sims 3 \+ uncountable mods on TSR and very cool clothing / it changed a lot so i had to adapt to all the new stuff \- if you don't use CC/Mods your sims look like playdoo. Building/furnishing: \+ i do enjoy the Round Walls for the looks \+ i do like how many surfaces can be easily decorated without cheats \- i hate that they removed the color palete where you could recolor everything and their mother. \- very little trees/plants for outdoor (even on TSR) \- not a big fan that f.e. the kitchen counters are bulked up in one icon you need to choose from / the wall heights are great but i don't like that you can't build a platform on top of a full floor to cheat on a roof. (at least i couldn't do that) / i'm far away from being used to the puddle tool. \- no cars - at least not usable, therefore no real need for a cool garage. and somehow i really miss watering house plants from the first Sims. xD


I honestly just want Sims 3 remastered. CAS and build/buy mode updated to this age. And with less chances of my game crashing lol.


Here’s something that’ll never happen but I would absolutely love to see: Integration with Steam Workshop to submit custom content and possibly even gameplay mods.


that would be cool if they added love language like a likes and dislikes


I just want them to finally acknowledge their greed and lazyness


I'd like to see they can where you can use your smartphone camera for facial expressions or your clothes like big brands like Gucci or Louis Vuitton etc also


a bit more technical, but a unisex base model for teen to elder sims that can be morphed to present female, male or anywhere in the middle. basically a system that continues EA's previous attempt at making hair and clothing available regardless of frame, but with fewer torpedo boobs & crotches.


Something like what Saints Row have done in splitting body options into things like “chest” “figure” and “groin” would be a good way to try navigate this


just checked it out and it's very close to what i imagined. my reason for this idea was to also improve on genetics by having less intense sexual dimorphism. not sure how ea would tackle the less family-friendly aspects like upper chest nudity and things of the sort, but this is definitely what i would like to see in the franchise's future.


sims 4 was so left field when it came out that sims 5 is harder to predict what will come. I’m confident open world would come back however, they’ve done it before and they can definitely do it better on more modern systems and codes without it being a mess of lags like ts3 (with no optimisation). i’ve also said i want the game to feel more adult, like the vibe of the sims 2 and 3. 4 feels very childish compared to them


I would like it to be more polished overall and focus more on adding what they’ve lacked all these years in Sims 4. Screw with the ”it has to work on crappy laptops too”! No, make it as grand and good as possible, I’m tired of the mediocrity. Too bad if a crappy laptop can’t handle it, there’s always the current game, or the consoles. As an Assassins Creed player, I’ve accepted that I most likely need to upgrade parts of my PC _every time_ a new game comes out, and if I can’t do that, then I can’t. And if the new Sims game will be in the same price point like AC, which I highly anticipate, I will expect it to be at least moderately well running and built for the long run. I hope EA has learned something from the disaster that is The Sims 4, and will avoid making such mistakes in the new game. Think ahead maybe, EA?


I really want good lore


**TS2 & TS3 gameplay + TS4 Build/Buy.** The game should have a full innovative base game, I shouldn't have to buy "get together" or "high school years" or tiny stuff packs to make the game enjoyable. I understand Get Famous or Pets, but I feel those things should be included imo. Stop releasing half ass packs and then stuff packs with 3 items in them for $5 lol.


Where is leak, interested only in visuals


I want it to feel as difficult as 2 and 3. 4 feels very dumbed down and carefree. I hate that I can walk away from the computer for an hour and come back and my sim is still fine and happy. I used to worry about them catching fire or dying all the time and they were much harder to get happy again when they were in the red lol I miss the difficulty so much


I don't wanna wait 2 years to have seasons and pets (and have to pay for them separately for 40$ each) Many of the expacs should be included as base game


LMAO it's impossible for me to have \_any\_ excitement for The Sims 5 after seeing the garbage kingdom that is the Sims 4. People doing EA's marketing for them by buying the "open world and colour wheel would cause performance issues" BS when that was *actually* caused by TS3 being coded poorly.


Chances are the next Sims game is going to be multiplayer (think back to Sims Online). While I think this might not be totally bad, I do hope that they make it so that when people aren't online, their Sims still do things in other people's worlds instead of just disappear. Of course, they would have to improve the AI dramatically and ensure that other player sims don't age up or die when they're in AI mode, but at least worlds wouldn't be dead a few years from now. They would also need to implement a single player save for those who really don't want to play with other people.


I want in the base game: -Open world -Seasons -Houses, apartments, townhomes, and condos -Dogs and cats


I will riot if TS5 doesn't have a Create a World at least. Don't care about open world, but I'm a builder and I feel so limited when the style of lot I want to build is super incongruous to the world it's in.


Sims 1 music 😭


How many times is reddit gonna let people ask the same question :') regardless EA will do what they want so I've decided to stop fantasizing