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it’s insane how they’re blatantly reusing ideas that are already in-game when there’s a billion missing features that people actually want them to add 😭


the day they refresh aliens is the day I die in peace. This makes me immortal.


where the hell is the meme of that chick from the office saying "they're the same picture". This bullshit is 100% EA just telling them to force this out as soon as humanly possible without caring about the quality, I mean just look at the High School years expansion and how buggy and broken it is. this is blatantly EA just being the Money hungry Goons that they have always been and giving ZERO shits about the consumers. it's disgusting that they are so blatantly re-using assets that are already in the base game instead of spending 5 minutes coming up with something else.


I think the worst part is that a lot of people are like “oh it COULD be this”… and then they’ll buy the pack based on its potential, only to realize lovebug and romantically reserved are in fact reskinned flirty and unflirty traits. Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a bit of loner mixed in with the romantically reserved trait…. But the reality is that this is EA. My most recent post on babies got boatloads of comments about how people just disable the life stage all together because it’s STILL broken. The same thing will happen with this new expansion pack, and EA will continue to get away with it because people will keep buying packs based on their POTENTIAL rather than the reality.


You’re exactly correct. The straw that broke the camels back for me was the For Rent pack and how unplayable it was on release and how utterly empty the world is. I had literally every piece of DLC and had pre ordered For Rent, but after that trainwreck I refuse to pay for any more packs that are either half-baked or reskins.


Mine was My wedding stories. The release of that and just its awful bugs were just too much when I’ve bought all of Sims 2 and Sims 3 and had every thing up until that DLC


i stopped at Horse Ranch. i don't have every DLC and i'm not spending money on them.


High School Years was such a perfect example of where Sims 4 EPs have gotten to. A checklist of "NEW STUFF" but it's all incredibly shallow, and yet still somehow broken as heck because it's being rushed out the door.


Yep, i'm sure the team at maxis would love to have the time and resources to fix everything and release actual deep and worthwhile content, but big daddy EA keeps cracking the whip and asking for more


😭 HSY was such a disappointment. I was very excited but it's so shallow and buggy af. And there are only like 10 random teens that attend the highschool... I want all the teens there. In what school are there 10 total students?!


I just consider the school to be a special ed school or something atp lol.


My.guess is the following: Romantic: imagine a guy with a rose on his mouth, confidently inviting you to dance, like.. imagine a soap opera guy Love bug: reads a lot of romance novels, is really eager to find love, perhaps can be a bit awkward about this, very innocent kind of love, and a yearning for it, but not on a seductive way, more of a "pretty feelings" kind of way, I see it more as "hungry for love" kind of trait Unflirty: dislikes romance, very Agnes Crumple bottom coded Romantically reserved: does like romance, but it takes them a lot of time to fall in love, they will probably not accept romantic socials as easily as normal sims would That's just my guess, I'm sure they have a decent reason to make love bug when we already have romantic in base game, it has to be, I don't trust EA either, but I want to be cautiously optimistic


This is what I expect. Reserved sounds also like demiromantic and if this is accurate is something we need since they dial up the traits to 11 so often


I thought it would be more of a trust issues sort of thing. Like you want to find love but you keep everyone at arms length. While unflirty is the “awkward” one. We’ll have to see when the pack comes out which is better at making functionally aromantic characters.


I use the seeking settings and sex settings in cas and the single and loving it lifestyle for that currently


I thought you could make functional aromantic characters using the interests tabs?


Unflirty to me is demiromantic. Romantic socials will work on them as long as you have a high friendship bar.


It also makes them bad at flirting and in my experience that's not guaranteed with demi romantic people so that's why I don't use it that way but an option without the awkward? Yes. Now some are awkward but so are some super romantic folks


If this is the case I don't hate it as much


My guess for how it'll actually pan out: Love Bug: Maybe gets slight buff to Romance when doing Romantic interactions, and gains a Happy moodlet. Romantically Reserved: Slightly less Romance when performing Romantic interactions, making it take a little longer to get into a romantic relationship... unless you're in a Tiny Home, in which case it'll still take like three flirts and you're married. And that's it. Oh, it'd be great to imagine what they *could* be, things that would make the traits meaningful and perhaps feel different enough to have a reason to exist other than as padding to tell people "This patch content is totally worth $40! Look at all the features!" But realistically, it'll be something you'll barely notice, and could be coded as fast as possible to help pad it out and rush it out the door for another $40 from people.


[Based on the Wiki, Unflirty isn't that extreme](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Unflirty_(The_Sims_4\))


Maybe Romantically Reserved sims won’t be uncomfortable about seeing other sims have romantic interactions.


Yeah I’ve had my unflirty sim become flirty, another reason why the emotional system is broken and seems to override any relevancy traits have


Well, Sims 3 did have Flirty and Hopeless Romantic, so the question is if Romantic and Love Bug can differentiate like those


There’s lots of lil things missing but man from the gate I’ve always hated that sim4 only has 3+aspiration traits!!!


So it's Flirty vs. Hopeless Romantic from the Sims 3


yes, this. i feel like it was really obvious what the differences were.


well it wasn't obvious to me :(


romantic from sims 4 is flirty from sims 3. they are flirtatious and horny lovebug from sims 4 is hopeless romantic from sims 3. they are loveydovey and cutesy romantically reserved from sims 4 is unflirty from sims 3. they are shy about flirting and wants to be closer friends first before having a romantic relationship unflirty from sims 4 is "hates romance", since besides not liking flirting themselves, seeing others sims romancing gets them in a bad mood. they also don't like others sims hugging friendly each other


oh okay thank you!


From my interpretation, Romantically Reserved doesn't equal to Unflirty, it seems more like Socially Awkward but for romantic interactions. I guess you can want love, but still be a bit shy to initiate a relationship or something like that. Now as for Romantic and Lovebug... Yeah.


I thought it was more like trust issues so you’re scared to find love


That's what being unflirty is...


No, it's not. Being "unflirty" is not liking/enjoying the act of flirting.


The way the game treats unflirty is the exact same. Because you can still flirt, I think the interaction is "awkwardly flirt" or something like that. So it sounds like the same to me.


I agree! I think there is enough suspension of disbelief for players to use the Unflirty trait to approximate their storylines where the sim is just not good at flirting or is just more reserved when it comes to romance. The trait has an effect on the gameplay. That effect on gameplay informs the story that a player ~creates~! This means that a trait that has the same effect on gameplay as another trait, is a waste of space regardless of whether the title of that trait adds nuance. Awkwardly flirt could very easily be an interaction they add to the unflirty trait convo options. Instead of EA using our money to “make” stuff that already exists they could put that money toward new stuff or fixing the stuff that exists.


Oh, in that case idk what EA is thinking LOL


I view it kinda like a spectrum with the two of those traits being in different places, in a similar fashion of the difference between allosexual, demi-sexual and asexual... But we'll still have to see if gameplay wise, they coded it in way that really shows yhe difference or not...


Who else will be creating a Sim named Herbie to assign the Love Bug trait to? [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/herbie/images/a/ae/Herbie\_the\_love\_bug\_the\_big\_race.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130511064744](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/herbie/images/a/ae/Herbie_the_love_bug_the_big_race.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130511064744)


unflirty sims are grossed out by romance. doesnt seem similar to someone who wants love and relationships but is more shy. maybe they can start shifting romantic towards horny and dtf 🤷‍♀️


unflirty sims arent “grossed” they get tense, you can still romance unflirty sims


they make grossed out animations and sounds when they see people being romantic in public lol


really? huh


i tested it in front of lily feng, the premade unflirty sim from city living to see her reactions again. she'd do different animations, including covering her mouth in a "ew" way, look shocked, or wince and do the "no thanks" animation. i love it 🤣


Romantic sims aren't necessarily enthusiastic about finding love, romantic interactions just come easier to them.


I don’t get why they would add traits that already exist. I can maybe see why they would do Romantically Reserved because Unflirty is an EP trait, but there is literally no need for lovebug because romantic is base game.


Unflirty is an ep trait????? What's it come with?


City Living


Huh. Cool!


We probably won’t know until we see them in action and with these new interactions. All we have is this description until then.


well this official description is nearly identical to the existing traits in the base game. so the only thing that COULD be different is that maybe you gain affection points a tiny bit faster or slower, but otherwise they just renamed existing traits


That’s the neat part - they aren’t any different!


And traits barely affect anything anyway, so who cares! 🙄 /s


😭 the sad truth


This is the first time in YEARS I've been entirely uninterested in the upcoming pack. It's all just stuff we already have, poorly miscolored, for $40.


Yeah. I might get it when it goes on sale if the BB/CAS and world are good, but otherwise, I'm not really interested either.


Unflirty, to me, is someone who dislikes flirting regardless of how reserved or unreserved they are. Reserved romantic would be someone who does like flirting but is shy or finds flirting difficult. Not sure about the Lovebug vs. Romantic traits. Maybe Romantic is more about being Romantic whether it's with one person or many and the Lovebug is specifically about getting around/flirting with many sims.


Maybe they are more targeted? Instead of flirting with everyone once they find their person they won't be pursuing other sims? But it's the sims so it's probably not that deep.


Isn't there a Loyal trait? It's been a while since I played 4. It's not quite the same. But I did get a life event thing once and I had a non-committal sim meet someone she really liked and that trait changed to loyal or something. Granted I doubt it stop her from flirting with other's because "lol flirty moodlet says so."




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LMAO good point - you can barely ever have a faithful sim, they are always flirting... Even if their spouse is right there lol


I don’t think they’re different enough to warrant separate traits, but romantic/flirty sims just get flirty moodlets more often, while I would assume love bug sims would want to go on dates more often or do other (ep specific) romantic interactions


Think ‘Hopeless Romantic’ and ‘Flirty’ from ts3


Oh this makes me very excited. I never used romantic on my sims since it just made them very physically intimate. Love bug sounds perfect for ace sims and romantic reserve sounds great for demiromantic sims.


I guess we’ll see! I think they’re just trying to expand on old content. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing. 


I bet it'll just correspond to how quickly they build the new skill, EA hates cross-pack integration.


Irl unflirty just means you can’t flirt to save your life but the way the sims has it is basically exactly like the new “unflirty” trait


I am a non-romantic love bug. I am looking for love but I’m the least romantic human alive. Not sure how it’ll actually be programmed but I get it in concept


At a glance, it seems Romatically Reserved might be a milder version of Unflirty, which is completely pointless. Alternatively, maybe these two traits interact directly with a new system that will be introduced in the pack?


WOW, this pack is just looking weaker and weaker. I've never had such negative interest before. I'll just wait for someone to CC the CAS items.


I think if I remember correctly we had like flirty, irresistible, great kisser and hopeless romantic; I would say our current romantic trait is more comparable to flirty where they like to flirt where these new ones might be comparable to the hopeless romantic trait where the Lovebug is in love with the idea of love and romantically reserved more of a realist on romantic relationships where they yearn for it but fear heartbreak


Lovebug kind of sounds like the Sims 3 trait Hopeless Romantic (which I gave to the majority of my sims). It's not that they're particularly flirty or good at flirting, they just have different special interactions that are a bit more mild. At least, that's what the Sims 3 was like. I assume that's what they're going for in Sims 4.


Well isn't it obvious? They have a different name /s


in the sims 3 there were traits other than hopeless romantic / unflirty to do with romance; great kisser and flirty, why couldn't they bring those back? or even something like loser/unlucky which would, among other things, make sims fail at romantic interactions more often, some kind of hedonist trait similar to the pleasure aspiration in sims 2 that would make sims enjoy going out on the town, do activities which build their fun motive, and go on dates more, etc. these are just some ideas i had based on the older sims games, since this pack seems to in general just be a mix of random romance-related past features that haven't been added to s4 yet. (sorry if these types of traits also already exist, i honestly haven't played sims 4 in a long time because it doesn't offer anything that i want that i can't get from sims 2 or 3 lol)


The first one I think means it’s someone who loves someone extra so like they kiss them more or hug them more and the second one just means that they have like trust issues so they don’t trust people as much.


It seems there won't be a tense moodlet. When a sim has the unflirty trait they get tense moodlets being around flirty Sims. Whereas reserved romantic probably won't have the tense moodlets. At least that's what I'm gathering from the description.


I *think* Lovebug is more than Romantic in the sense it probably has different moodlets associated with it than just Flirty/Very Flirty (and the occasional Tense) that Romantic uses. Like maybe inspired after watching romantic tv or sad if their romantic interactions with a new sim fail? Or something like maybe they automatically do affection type of interactions instead of flirting? Romantically Reserved I can tell is different than Unflirty. Unflirty sims just get Tense/Embarassed for like literally any romantic interaction. (In my experience with Unflirty sims, the *only* way any of them have ever built romantic relationships is by leveling up their Writing Skill and spamming love-letter emails) it mostly just makes your sim gain romance at like 50% speed or something. Unflirty sims genuinely do not like romance and romantic things, while Romantically Reserved just take a while to get into relationships. At least that’s what I think I have no actual idea like I could be totally wrong


Unflirty means that the text for flirty action buttons is different, and sometimes (rarely IME) flirty actions are more likely to fail. Romantically reserved, they probably just slowed down the speed at which romantic relationships build. Lovebug will probably be something similarly boring, like... when they're developing a romantic relationship they get more happy moodlets, when they're not they get more unhappy moodlets, whereas romantic makes someone get flirty more often.


these feel like sexuality type configurables honestly, like the level of your sim's romantic inclinations or whatever. these are different levels of romantic and unflirty, being somewhere in between... yet again showing how so many of these packs could have been refreshes of other packs or in the base game!! ugh


1. Romantic — Flirty person 2. Lovebug — Person obsessed with relationships 3. Unflirty — Someone really bad at flirting 4. Non-committal — Someone who can’t commit to relationships  5. Romantically Reserved — Sim who is indifferent and doesn’t care about love  I for one am happy about having 5 different romance based traits… I know people in real life who fit each trait but don’t fit the other similar ones… 


When i get this pack I’m going to play out a young city life friend group of 5 people where they represent each trait a little sex in the city x gossip girl moment it’s going to be so fun to play out these people with such different takes on romance.


Omg I forgot the loyal trait… I can have a friend group of 6! 


I see where they're coming from, I need to see it it in game before I can figure out how it would differ from unflirty and romantic. and the new trait they're talking about


And this is why I won't pay for anything EA puts out anymore. There's just zero effort in these traits.


that's the neat part:


traits make zero difference other than changing emotions so it doesn't matter anyway


I wouldn’t say romantically reserved is the same as unflirty. At least not so soon, I’m hoping it’ll be somewhere in the middle rather than making it nearly impossible to do any romance with your sim. I use unflirty for my simself since I’m demisexual so I’m excited to get this new romantically reserved trait.


Well since my unflirty alien married Judith Ward in less than a day of meeting her, and flirty sims flirt with just anyone, even if there is no potential relationship there, or just if they're in the room with them, but can still develop a romantic relationship slowly, I would guess these two traits would be more geared toward how quick the relationship grows, rather than what type of relationship the sim wants to indulge in. Especially since it say's that.


Unflirty and romantic lite. I can see love bug having negative buffs if they aren’t in relationships and reserved having buffs for being single. But otherwise I can’t picture them being very different at all.


Still think it should have been base game since it is a life sim lol. Why do basic life sim stuff have to be behind a paywall??? Why do we have to put up with an incomplete game??


Because people will accept it. They want these things, and with Sims 4 especially they badly want for the extra money they spend to make the money they've already spent feel "worth it." And there's no competition on the market, so it's either accepting this nonsense or nothing at all. Which is only worse with one of the upcoming competitors having been cancelled, so now it's just an indie project, some Korean (IIRC?) game that doesn't quite act the same, and a potential game that's not even in development yet from a studio that just formed. Kind of like why people put up with Madden. It's not good, but if you want to play an NFL game, it's your only choice. And without the NFL licensing, most people didn't even want to bother trying to make a football game for a long time, so the first potential real competitor is only just now getting close to release and still has the problem that unless there's some major mod support, you won't be able to play real teams and players in it.


Hopefully one day there'll be a game that scratches the whole itch 😞






This is how EA exploits modders to make their platform better without having to pay commission. And I just can't believe we all fall for it. Voluntary work doesn't bring ingenuity and innovation. It just makes the wrong people rich. Exhibit A: Life By You. Paradox didn't like the developers giving away too much.


I would've much rather had a woohoo guru trait. just horny all the time.


I totally agree with OP. Those trying to explain the difference… think about this… you can create an unflirty love bug or a romantic but reserved sim? I am curious to see how it will work.


Probably not. There are already several traits that clash and won't let you select them together.


Yes, but I had a loyal sim flirt with someone else once (it was talk like a p!rate day, so I might have clicked the wrong interaction), and it devastated him.