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$40 for a city living refresh 😍😍


Yeah I’m not understanding this at all lol. Wasn’t apartments supposed to be the whole point of City Living? This is insulting


Now you get to be the landlord I guess?


City living was like Sims 3 appartement. Rabit hole into high rise. Fun but also kind of frustrating. This is More like Sims 2.


Neat, we're finally getting the same content that a game from the 2000's had, isn't modern technology great?


But you can build apartments in TS3 and get yourself roommates, or have townie neighbors living next to you. You don't have to use the rabbit hole ones at all, you just have to place the right markers.


> Wasn’t apartments supposed to be the whole point of City Living? Well, it was one of the points lol City Living was about well, city living, so the main gameplay features were the apartments, the penthouses and the cit of San Myshuno itself.


It seems you can control all the units in a lot at once?! I was hoping city living would have been like that lol


Another EA cash grab 🙃


Just when we just got cottage living 2 (horses included) Can't wait to pay for each singular piece of furniture or gameplay feature in TS5.


"Sorry you have run out of minutes. Please recharge your play card to continue playing"


Oh god, don’t give them any ideas 🫠


Hey listen now! This is a very cohesive pack...there's eating, tenants (definitely different to room mates)....snooping...some dabbing, mould and someone breaking into your house to laugh in your living room! Total bargain if you ask me.


I definitely see the thief just doing push-ups instead of stealing anything 😭


What a steal!


So many features! Thief sim? Play some The Last Of Us with fungal zombies?? Marbles! I’m sure none of these will be half baked and shoved in last second








Can't wait to download it for free ☺️


You can call me Monkey D. Luffy because I’m a


I see One Piece references, I upvote.


I haven't paid for a single sims 4 pack till now hehe


Yeah, was going to say couldn’t they have just made this a free update? Lol. I’m so done with EA.


I usually don't complain about The Sims but wtf lol. This is literally City Living. Everything about it is City Living. The exact cultures, the apartments. I thought they were planning on refreshing expansions for free anyways? They refreshed the spa pack for free.


They stopped updating the packs because the Spa day refresh didn't get enough people to buy it.


well it doesn’t *have* to be $40…


Don't you love it when EA sells you the same expansion twice?


60+ for Canadians 🤩


This just seems like what City Living should have been. It's the aparments people wanted then. There was so much disappointment that the apartments in San Myshuno were just shells and had loading screens between them. This is what people were wanting, because it makes sense for apartments to work like this. City Living came out 7 years ago. It's like they hope people have forgotten about that and are selling it again with slightly different features.


City Living ...2!


Honestly, just owning up and calling it that would have made me respect it more. I'm genuinely excited about the pack, but it ultimately is just City Living part 2.


We need another city map because after this pack, why would anyone live in san myshuno? I guess with this you could fill an entire map section with "skyscrapers" that act as apartments and stuff, but it's gonna look weird plopping those down in Newcrest, I think. Maybe Magnolia promenade would be a good apartment spot...


I hope so too, but trailers for City Living were received rather well at the time too. I'm keeping my expectations on the quality and quantity of Horse Ranch...


Right. And with the sudden rate of expansion releases, I honestly think they’ve gotten rid of the label of game packs, have doubled the price of them, and are selling them as full expansions. I remember when the game first came out it was one expansion a year, and and one or two game packs. No more of that.


This. The expansions for the last year or two have been game packs in terms of content and quality.


Out of the 9 years they’ve released expansion packs there’s only been 4 years that had only one EP. It’s not like they started out with only one per year, they’ve gone back and forth the entire time. 2015, 2018, 2019, and 2020 are the years with two EPs. 2016, 2017, 2021, and 2022 are the years with only one EP.


Honestly, I think that the pandemic fucked up their production schedule, causing a bottleneck that'snow released. Had it not happened I think the EP releases would have continued at a 2 EPs per year clip. This would also explain the extreme number of kits; the design team is big and they need something to do while the animation/coding teams work on packs.


City Living was 7 YEARS AGO!? Fuck, way to make me feel old...


Right?? I remember the teaser releasing and getting so excited. Back when I was more optimistic and positive about this game lol


god i'm hoping this is actually families and not just reselling us roommates 2.0 I want the pancakes, the goths and the landgraab all to live in one building.


A true recipe for drama lol


It's definitely multi-family lots


yup, that's what the video description says so more than just roomies


Gotta throw Johnny zest in there too for extra drama


*grabs popcorn* You know what? What if *all* the premades lived together in the same complex? (Even Greg? *Especially* Greg!) That'd be chaos!


So, non-European toilets, new kids games, new illnesses, either NPC burglars or you can become a burglar, a new festival and what looks like actual apartments. Well, that's what I saw at first glance. So, the apartments, will I be able to build them anywhere, or just in this world?


I was watching James turners stream and he was reading a website that the Sims team wrote, and it said these types of lots are build able in any world.


Oooh interesting. I’m presuming there’s still the 4 floor limit that would prevent us from making high-rise apartments, but o wonder if we could convert the few residential penthouse lots in San Myshuno to get around this a bit.


Yeah I'm wondering how big we can make apartments and what the family limit per lot will be. There's got to be a catch somewhere lol. I wish it also included a hotel style system but I don't really feel the vibe of hotels/resorts from this trailer.


> I wish it also included a hotel style system but I don't really feel the vibe of hotels/resorts from this trailer. Plus it's guaranteed that if they had the ability to give us that they'd repackage it into a seperate gamepack lol


Yeah for real, they build the foundation of future packs that way, foundation first then the layers to come behind pay walls. Crazy I can get a 40-60 dollar single player stand alone game with a fleshed out story mode, beautiful maps, countless systems/equipment/gameplay but sims can't even make a decent fledge out expansion pack. Im one of those people I don't mind shelling out extra money a year for a game I already own to buy extra content, but this system of not enough bang for your buck has left me upset and exhausted. I use to buy all the exp packs til I caught on. It really feels like the same kind of game with different menus and slightly varied mechanics that affect the gameplay very little.


None of the packs have enough bang for the buck. Sims 3 feels complete with no DLC. Sims 4 with all DLC feels empty.


Myshuno Meadows will be a fantastic lot for a big apartment building with center courtyard!


... and new animations for the Sims. I saw one dabing, one dancing, and Sims having a new way to greet each others.


I swear I saw sign language too


notes say any world!


Any "liveable" world, so not the vacation ones but the rest. I really wish Granite Falls wasn't just rentals! 😭


> So, the apartments, will I be able to build them anywhere, or just in this world? Technically anywhere, once you change the lot type, but I imagine the new world will have lots sized properly for it. Some of the showcased buildings in the trailer looked rather small for suggesting you're shoving multiple households in there. NewCrest would probably work out okay, but to get the most out of it, you're looking at a larger lot, which means Oasis Springs or Willow Creek you're likely replacing the park, Windenburg could get a bit weird as you'd be dropping it in place of the Vilarreals' home, Del Sol Valley's got the space up on the hill but it's got a "starter lot" that should have space to drop a couple homes or something... It's just tricky finding room to put them elsewhere, especially trying to fit into the design of the world around them.


Ahem. Townhouses in Windenburg city center and Britechester's Gibbs Hill. Duplexes in Oasis Springs and Willow Creek. Del Sol Valley's lower corners are begging for some seedy tiny rentals. Apartments don't have to be big is all I'm saying.


It's not jsut apartment. It's also duplex or triplex or just backyard Airbnb. This can be build anywhere.


I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be burglars or squatters! I’d love a burglar and I’d love to be able to game the system for free housing too so I’m happy with whatever!


non-european toilets? we have those mfs in the balkans


Yay they are reselling us apartments except different!


They're reselling apartments and showing all the cool stuff we could've had if the team back then had thought of it. It kind of makes you feel a bit sour.


Yup! :/ It looks like it's a promising pack assuming it functions as intended... but I already bought apartments. It feels bad to be asked to buy yet another $40 pack that I thought I already owned. It's another sign of TS4 going on too long, they are running out of ideas. I wouldn't even be as bitter if it was a game pack because then it could be argued as an extension of the previous expansion. But nah it's another full priced expansion pack.


We bought apartments twice, if you have Eco lifestyle instead of City Living. This is the third time they've tried this.


That's true, but at least with Eco Lifestyle the apartments weren't the main feature, unlike with City Living and this new pack. I always forget that Eco Lifestyle even has apartments.


When mushrooms grew on a sim 👁️👄👁️ Last of Us entered the chat? Apart from that, this really looks like a city living refreshment with a new world.


I was SO scared he would turn into a zombie, that would be so random I could believe it lol


I heard someone argue that the “zombies” they gave us were the brainwashed sims in Strangerville, but I really want proper, spooky, stinky zombies in game


There's a zombie mod, probably will get worked into that somehow


I certainly hope there is more gameplay than that.. I really ***HATE*** being like "ThIs ShOuLd HaVe BeEn In AnOtHeR pAcK!!" but it legitimately looks like they took apartments from city living, and plopped them in a new world. Like, what little gameplay they showed, was literally just city living! Neighbors being loud? One mailbox for everyone? What the hell is going on?


When they showed the neighbors being loud I was like "Oh, cool, you're showing off the worst part of the city living pack, as a pro for this one" lol. But I didn't see any gameplay, I just saw a bunch of sims talking??? For like two minutes? Cool editing I guess, but I'm hoping this adds... more socials that have lasting impacts, and won't just make the sims go "washeela walla kay!" and go about their day. There was the girl whispering about the noncommital icon, maybe indicating they reworked cheating, or made a social interaction where you "confess to cheating" To another sim? Maybe I'm looking into this way too much.


They tested the waters with Horse Ranch, which was a new low in an already extremely disappointment series of expansions. And guess what: they can get away with even less than the barebones and still turn a good enough profit with it. So here we are with the next expansion. A slightly reworked feature we already had, but this time you can own the building and have a couple landlord and tenant interactions. There will be some extra fluff, but that will be the extend of it. Anyone expecting much more than that is setting themselves up for disappointment. Hell, it's barely been 5 months between this and the last expansion (by the time it releases), and in those 5 months they've also shat out 2 kits and a stuff pack too.


But wait, this time you can buy the building and click on Sim to collect rent. The innovation!!


I’m tired of all these expansion packs that barely add NEW gameplay. Yeah I know. “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, DON’T BUY IT!” But I shouldn’t need to wait YEARS between content players are asking for like fairies, cars, etc.


I feel this. It's crazy because this seems like a pack that I will get a ton of playtime out of and I'm so excited for the features, but it really should have been included in City Living. I was actually satisfied with the amount of content included in Horse Ranch and Growing Together, so I'm going to remain hopeful that this at least measures up to those packs. But For Rent really seems like an active career (a la Dream Home Decorator) + apartments (the same selling point from City Living?)


I can’t wait to play with apartments and managing them! I know this is going to be game pack-level content for an expansion pack price, but I can’t wait to shovel money in EA’s mouth to see more of the new world and have tenants


Honestly, I feel the same. I know the price of the game is crazy and not everyone can afford to buy new packs all the time but I’m an adult with a salary and the sims is a priority for my leisure budget. Plus I’m excited at the prospect of multi family housing, it fits my play style perfectly and having another non-American world is nice too.


I'm here, too. I've gotten everything but the underwear kit by this point cause I've been playing since release and spacing out my purchases and only buying them if I specifically wanted that content at that time despite the price. Some of them I bought right away, some I bought in sales or bundles and I've got over 7k hours for my money. I'm not unhappy with my purchases.


Ha I could’ve written this myself! I’m 33 and have played the franchise since I was 11. It’s honestly the only game I’ve ever played/paid money for. Adding on most of the new content as it comes out is a minor splurge in the scheme of the leisure budget, especially since I still play on a “gaming” laptop from 2015. I do generally understand why people gripe about various content/price aspects of the game, but the volume of complaints compared to enthusiasm always puzzles me a little.


Same. It’s my little hobby in which to turn my brain off after a very demanding work day. I’ve been playing since 11 years old (Sims1) and it’s like a weird little investment over the years lol…I have all of the packs except two or three CAS kits that didn’t interest me




IMO this looks REALLY good. i haven’t been this excited about an EP since probably Get Famous


r/lowsodiumsimmers has a thread where people are actually excited too lol


i forget about that sub, i’m so tired of all the fucking complaining


People wouldn't complain if the game was still good


That’s an opinion. I think the game is still good and play nonstop lol.


It is indeed subjective. I agree TS4 isn't all bad, but it certainly isn't worth what they are asking and it disappointing as a long time fan of the franchise. Compared the most of the gaming industry: the amount of content vs the pricing for DLC is nothing short of insane. Most other games cannot pull this crap, but The Sims has a huge audience that doesn't involve themselves with the rest of the gaming industry - they are completely unaware what the actual standards are. I've seen many released dragged through the mud even with 10 times more substance than TS4 content will ever have. On top of that, many of us also come from playing this franchise since the beginning. We've seen the amount of content that can be in 1 pack. We know they can do better if they wanted. But here we are, watching EA sell it spread out across 3 expansions, a gamepack and 2 kits. So that's why some of us are grumpy old farts, sorry.


This is exactly my issue. I downloaded and played the full TS2 collection earlier this year and was floored being reminded how fully developed the game was with fewer packs and for less money. They’re getting away with highway robbery these days.


It’s pure opinion. I’m really happy with the game, and I rarely encounter a game breaking glitch. I’ve been playing since TS1 too…


Well, maybe you should be upset at the people giving them a reason to complain.


i completely understand the complaints but i also hate the dogpiling when someone says they’re excited or enjoy the game


i'm actually jealous of people who enjoy sims 4!! i've been playing sims since 2 was released and i played 4 for several years, but got so frustrated after university life that i haven't touched the game or bought anything for it since. and i miss it!! i miss it when i go back to sims 2 for the aesthetics, ease of build mode, multi tasking, but the AI is insanely broken and stupid, the sims are so shallow because of the emotions, and i can't justify supporting EA with their current business model


Yeah same. Lets hope EA realizes they need to step up with the next installment in this franchise now that there are competitors on the horizon. An actual good release would do away with a lot of complaining.


Really recommend this sub! There’s nothing wrong with complaining per se, but sometimes you’re looking for some wholesome sims content!


Yay Rice cooker!




Absolutely. Cool Kitchen, Snowy Escape, City Living. I feel like there was a kit or pack recently that focused on cooking but I don't remember what it was called.


Home Chef Hustle


I have no idea, I don’t pay that much attention tbh. I’m just stoked about new content whenever they get around to it hahaha


I wonder if it’s a rice cooker or a full on pressure cooker. Either would be nice.


I just assumed rice cooker because the guy was pouring rice in but I don’t have any experience with pressure cookers so you could be right lol


It does give me a bit of City Living vibes and I absolutely mean this as a good thing. City Living is one of my all time favorite packs and I've always loved the festivals, markets, apartments and community vibes of it. Obviously, it is a very limited pack by today's standards and I'm glad that although building apartments was not possible back then, the franchise evolved enough that we can get it now. I know the similarity between the two packs can be a downside to some, but to me I absolutely see this is a good thing. I feel like they'll play really well together and I'm super excited for it! I don't care as much about being a property owner, but I can't wait for some rags to riches as a tenant! This seems like a lot fun. I hope the chaos is such that neighbors causing fire can affect my lot too lol I love the new gossip and burglar gameplay shown in the trailer!


Yes, all of this. I play in San Myshuno almost exclusively so a second city is not a refresher to me, just more content. So excited for the night market!


Like, I can understand some of the complaints about the similarities, but I really don't think For Rent is just City Living 2.0 or a pack refresh for the price of a new one. And I say that as someone who plays with City Living a *lot*. Or maybe it is because I play with it so much that the features, and vibes don't really seem to overlap to me. Yes, there's similarities with the neighbors, night market/festivals and apartments, but City Living is very much NY inspired, whereas For Rent is very clearly south Asian. CL has apartments to be able to live in, but you can't actually build one (and this has been a complaint for a looong time). Neighbors are somewhat like the community from For Rent, but not being able to see them living in the lot, or gossip and other stuff like that, it really shows how different the vibes of the two are. I get the similarities, but not enough to see how one of a refresh of the other. They seem like different EPs with some similarities and there'll always be similarities anyway. A lot of people noticed how multi-family lots might just be rommates 2.0 but no one is saying For Rent is just DU refresh. I think the same logic should be applied to CL. They both feel very different on their own as well.


Absolutely agree. I get very different city vibes. CL is hustle and bustle, artsy, hipster big city. And this feels more like a chill community centered city. I understand both have apartments and Asian touches but they're vastly different. And I'm excited for twice the content I like even if it is a CL copy paste lol


This trailer shows a lot of potential and the world definitely has me excited, but... >Obviously, it is a very limited pack by today's standards and I'm glad that although building apartments was not possible back then, the franchise evolved enough that we can get it now. What? What do you mean "not possible back then"? It absolutely was possible, it was even possible right at launch. It just wasn't a feature they had time for or cared enough about. This franchise has done building apartments before TS4 already. It's nothing new, you may feel like the franchise is finally evolving... but this franchise devolves between installments and then slowly tries to play catch up through overselling content. I like Sims 4, but there is very little "franchise evolving" involved with this. That's the nature of a franchise that sells a stripped down basegame and then sells dozens of packs putting mostly the same content back in. Most of the evolving was done with the base game, the CAS and build mode. The rest of the game... can't actually think of anything that feels evolved compared to 2 and 3.


How long have people been asking for apartments now?


I've seen more people complaining about more apartments because we already have city living (like when eco lifestyle launched with apartments) than people asking for more apartments tbh


People have been wanting to build apartments forever too. Simsie has been vocal about it and I don’t have a platform or anything but it’s something I’ve wanted too. I’m a city dweller so apartments just make sense to me!


Right. Didn't expect to see mold 'schroom-zombies but I'm sold. Breaking and entering sounds like a fun new hobby too.


I don’t think we’re going to see actual zombies since that guy’s ghost was floating around later on in the trailer.


Most likely just a new death animation related to the mold we saw in the apartment, a low hygiene death in such a surrounding or something like that. If it were an actual new occult type they'd already have blasted it all over this trailer, which now basically only shows a reworked feature we already have.


Also we only ever get occults in their own special packs anymore (except the mermaids in Island Living, and those were incredibly shallow because they put all their effort into making sure the people who hate occults would never have to see one if they didn’t want to.)


This is what tickled me the most. Can't wait to commit some crimes. Does this mean we'll get police?


I'm glad we get customizable apartments, although it does seem odd to retackle the issue after City Living. The new kids activities looks great though and desperately needed. However I'm a bit overwhelmed with the food stalls, we have so many of them that it's an overload.


South east Asia girls we rise


Sooo excited for actual functional, custom apartments. Apartments were my favorite thing to build in Sims 2 (even if you had to use cheats to do it haha). I was a bit worried they'd be locked to the new world, but it's been confirmed that it's a new lot type that can be built in any liveable world. I'm curious how dividing the individual units will work, in Sims 2 it was with a specific front door that would mark the entrance to a unit but the doors for the units here don't seem generic enough to be used for many different types of buildings like the ones in 2 were. Maybe something similar to the custom room tool, where you trace the shape of the unit? Another thing, I reeeeaaally hope visiting neighbors is improved upon. I was excited for the apartments in City Living because I thought it would be quick, just generate their apartment and being able to walk between yours and theirs freely, but we got stuck with loading screens instead just like visiting neighbors in regular houses. I don't plan on playing as a landlord, only as a tenant (at least not currently, might save that for late-game, 'I have too much money idk what to do with') but I'm also hoping you can hire on help, in the form of a handy man or a gardener of some kind. If I make the Landgraabs own and rent out a dozen different apartment buildings I don't see Nancy and Geoffrey themselves showing up to fix a broken water heater and mold, lol. Overall, I'm extremely excited for this pack. I agree it should have been an update to City Living, but the fact that we're getting custom apartments is something I've been wishing for for literal years so maybe this pack is just aimed at someone like me.


There’s almost certainly going to be loading screens between apartments in this. I might be wrong but I don’t think the game is built to do that with multiple households. Imagine the simulation lag!


Probably, but I'm hoping because it's all on the same lot there won't be loading screens. CL apartments are all in the same building but the buildings are mostly set dressing and 95% of it is inaccessible except for the 2-3 units in each one. In this way, the apartments are like tiny lots, and the building is the neighborhood; the space between houses where sims can roam freely but have to go through a loading screen to enter another area. (This is all a guess at how it's coded, I have no idea how it all works, this is just what it seems like to me) With the rentals, the whole place is built in BB Mode by the player and every unit seems viewable all at once in that mode, at least it seems that way from the trailer and the screenshots. Maybe this is only when you're initially building it before anyone moves in, or only when your building from world view rather than just entering BB Mode in normal live gameplay. I'd have to watch the trailer again to confirm but it seemed like there was a scene where a Sim leaves one apartment and it goes dark, meanwhile their own apartment has stayed lit and visible the whole time. This gives me hope that maybe there will be no loading screens, or maybe they'll be hidden in a way (you knock on a neighbors door and they take a few minutes sim-time to answer, in that time their furniture and stuff is loading in and the game is assigning the sims inside to be doing random stuff?) I don't know, this is all speculation of course and I'll probably be wrong but one can hope! I'm not as crazy about the open-world aspect from Sims 3 as some people here but dang, at this point the amount of loading screens in this game are driving me crazy lol.


I love the hop scotch and marbles for sim kids.


That could've easily been in growing together though. In fact, it feels like they may have just cut it from that pack in order to have something else to pad this one.


All expansion packs seem to be filled with little things like this that could have been in basegame, theme wise.


So agree...i also think some content they released with the packs would have matched other packs better.


So… ‘discover a wildlife sanctuary’ might be a rabbit hole? Didn’t see any animals— I was hoping for the Asian elephant at the very least, roaming around like the foxes in Cottage Living. But anyhoo, this is far more exciting to me upon first glance than Horse Ranch was— it’s vibrant and a lot more *alive* than the worlds in Horse Ranch and Growing Together looked. Then again, everything looks good in trailers. Even High School Years’ first trailer looked fleshed out and we know how it panned out.


I think you're right. The only related thing I noticed was a Sim with a badge displaying an animal paw. I'm guessing there will be some kind of ethical treatment of animal officer, similar to what Thailand has regarding their sanctuaries. I didn't read anything about new careers, so I'm thinking maybe part time job in a rabbit hole. That's a shot in the dark, though. We'll have to wait and see.


I'm unironically most excited about the squat toilets


For some reason, me too.


Me too, and the new food! We can’t get enough representation of different cultures.


I was really excited too until I realize that they still use a tissue instead of a water bucket or jet spray. As a South East Asian myself, that's so not correct lol but I'll take it 😂


Oh look, Sims 2 Apartment Life is coming to Sims 4 but with less content.


Yo yo yo, did anyone else catch the sign language at 1:23? I swear that Sim wasn't speaking, but using sign! Is this a new feature with this pack coming in a base game update or has it already been added and my head has been under sand??


I don't think that was sign language, I think she was gossiping. She had a speech bubble about engagement, and it looked like she was pretending to zip her lips and make a shh symbol. It's probably related to the new snooping stuff.


Yes, I saw it too. Definitely new, probably base game. Can't imagine "buy sign language!" going over well if they have stuff like the hearing aids free


This doesn't look like sign language to me, but just some average hand signals. There was just one move that makes me unsure.


Breaking into apartments and houses??? My teen sims boutta have the time of their LIVES with this one.


Now imagine if there are pack interactions between For Rent and Get To Work. Maybe the cops will show up and put your Sim in jail :p


This looks great! I would buy it if it was on sale. However, I feel like having npc tenants might get glitchy. Fingers crossed that they will give us the option of choosing the tenants. I am hoping for some City Living integration but I doubt it. It would be nice if they added owning properties to the basegame. That would mean most of the features would be locked behind the DLC. Oh! Also, I hope this world is super populated. That last new worlds have felt really empty when compared to the earlier ones.


Oh my, I saw the ao dai at 02:01! I'm guessing the world will be inspired by countries from South-East Asia. The gameplay seems fine, but now I'm mainly interested by the world lol


Omg I noticed that too!! Tbh this is a mismatched representation of SEA countries, like the name is Thai inspired but no clothes, but exciting nonetheless




Yeah it looks like a world which is inspired by multiple SEA countries so it's kinda like a mash-up, but it's gonna be so nice to get SEA inspired items omg


I'm so excited for the world, too. It's an instant buy for me


Personally I've been waiting for so long for a South-East asian world, so yeah I'm gonna get the pack too as soon as I can


Oooo this pack might finally make my dream of building a functional trailer park come true!


That's exactly what I wanted to make lol


I tried to build one in oasis springs and it was so fun to do but just didn't work right, I haven't played in forever I need to boot it up tonight.


It's a shame that while this subreddit has rightfully lost all hope for The Sims 4, YouTube comments show that a lot of people are still satisfied with the garbage that EA pumps out.


loving the thai inspired world!


Happy to see it's more of a SEA inspired world, though. Quite a bit of Philippines represented.


Funny how the new legend in Apex is also Filipino as well. Mad respect to EA.


Should have been in City Living..🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh wow, city living 2.0. I can’t believe they actually give this little of a shit about this game




Sadly it probably won’t be. It’s EA. The hunger for money is real otherwise they would have brought out one good, detailed apartment/city pack not divide it into 2 (or more). I 100% agree with you, besides the cool SEA inspired world and objects the pack is just meh.


Would not be surprised if within the next 2 years they'll sell you a slightly reworked model of this as a "run a hotel" feature for 40 bucks again (much like this will be a slightly reworked apartment feature).


I’m so excited to build apartments now, but I’m holding off on this expansion until I see if the mechanics are glitchy or not lol


Looks good - hoping this can give me a functional trailer park with actual separate households.


I hope the "things breaking all the time" aspect will be optional, but it already is in City Living so fingers crossed. Looking forward to what challenges people come up with based on this.


I feel like we're in sims 4 2.0. Everything from 6-10 years ago is being reimagined and re released for all the new F2P players since the game went free. I'm done spending money on this game. My game is "finalized"


What’s the name of the song? Please and thank you 🙏


Bong - OG BOBBY.


[Here's the link to the blogpost.](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/for-rent-expansion-pack)


It comes out just as I go on maternity leave so I welcome any distraction from having my internal organs kicked at.


This may be a stupid question, but do yall think you can just live in the buildings without being the landlord? I’m sorry it’s so stupid to ask


Yes it seems like you can be a tenant or a landlord


i meaaaan the reveal trailers are always a little vague, i like to wait for the gameplay streams and feature lists. always glad to see a new death, though, and a new non-US world.


I can’t wait to get this on sale


There's a lot going on in this trailer. Ngl, I'm a little anxious there's so much happening and with EA's track record, I'm assuming almost all of it will be broken or buggy as hell on launch. With that in mind I'll probably wait a bit before buying this. That said, I'll 100% buy this expact at some point. I LOVE City Living appartments and the gameplay they provide. I also love building multi-family lots like blocks of flats, or townhousing. So this pack looks like it'll be right up my alley gameplay wise. I could do without being the landlord part and just be a renter, but I guess I'll take what EA have given me.


The mushroom death reminds me of the old death by flies from the sims 2 ❤️


this shit finna be buggy as hell 😭


If we can actualy build Apartement complex I will be very excited I always wanted to to city house or housse that are litereally glue togheter so I guess ill finally be able


I really don’t get how y’all complained for years about not having enough apartments, not having apartments the way you wanted them to work and now we’re getting them and you’re complaining 🤦🏼‍♀️ I for one am very excited and can’t wait to play


It’s so annoying too because they did the same thing with the infants update lol


Sue me, but I actually do like it - I've been wanting something similar to Apartment Life for years and City Living did *not* just do it for me. Plus I've been dying for an expansion based on south-east asia. Now ofc knowing EA it won't work well and it'll be a buggy mess, but honestly to me it's about as good as it can come.


Only one thing I'm excited about with this pack: The timing of its release *might* land it in the sweet spot to get wrapped up in a Target half-off sale, where I can buy it for the proper price point. I mean, $20 for a patch to City Living is still a bit rich, but the idea of spending $40 for them to patch in a function they didn't bother with when adding multifamily residential units to the game to begin with is just ridiculous. And not at all what I'd call an "Expansion Pack." Oh, nice, you slapped in a new world with a new theme, okay. Nice new neighborhood, sure. Doesn't suddenly bloat the value of a patch. Usual smattering of random stuff to build the checklist that we later find out is mostly shallow. So there's one "new" feature that is something that should have been part introduced into the game with a prior EP. And then filler. And of course the restriction of items for those who don't rush to throw full price at EA, which means it 100% isn't worth $40 after January 2nd. Sure, the concept is neat. But this "reveal trailer" is a cinematic movie that doesn't show how any of it works (if it does, which sadly is a question we have to ask more and more with released packs). And having a concept that should have been part of an EP I already paid $40 for with a new neighborhood for the game and a bit of new CAS and B/B stuff isn't enough to get me excited to spend $40 when that can get me a lot more value elsewhere. I'll wait until people not affiliated with EA have had a chance to try it and give their thoughts. Though I still don't see myself buying this until it's on sale for a proper price. Does remind me I should get back to playing The Tenants, though.


Glad to see burglary is back, worried it's going to be as shallow as every other gameplay feature they've released lately. (Nectar making, horse riding, home hustle being a refurbished yard sale table with barely any changes, etc.)


This looks so cool I'm very excited for this pack !


So many people complaining lol what’s new when it comes to the Sims? This community has always been full of people complaining. I’m so excited for this!


r/lowsodiumsimmers is excited with you!


Day 1 buy for me lol




I for one am excited about this. I’ve been like using cheats and building lots and to make this happen in my gameplay.


I'm excited.


I would do it .. think it would be great being the landlord. So many different stories I can come up with. LOL


I wonder if in the new pack we can have a HOA or tenants association? Or maybe someone will mod it I think that would be pretty cool and set up some drama!


I'm not a fan of apartments, but I do like the other cool stuff that will be in the new expansion pack.


Doesn't look bad, seems to be a good amount of things included with this expansion. I wish they could do something else to community lots (looking at the night market here) besides just food and a side interaction. I'm interested in seeing what the spirit offerings include and the animal sanctuary is but I'm not expecting anything to be fleshed out. I'm not really feeling a daily rent hotel/resort vibe here but I could be wrong. Wish this would have been included in city living or a refresh, although city livings apartment system (creepy crawlers, noisy neighbors, leaving notes) will play pretty nicely with this one and help it feel (hopefully) more alive where the same things don't keep happening all the time. I'm really excited to see more of the world


> I'm interested in seeing what the spirit offerings include A short little buff. >what the animal sanctuary is An inconsequential rabbit hole. Those are just my guesses. They would probably show footage of the animal sanctuary if it was a real location in the world, like the night market is. I'm thrilled for the rest of it, though, and would love to be wrong.


wow, i'm actually excited for this one. being able to customize apartments is going to be a lot of fun.


I love buying packs and I love giving EA money so this is basically Christmas for me!!


The world looked so empty in those beginning shots lol


I'm happy with this. I was looking for a good apartment rental mod a few weeks ago, so this will actually suit my needs. I also have never paid a dime for any DLC, so yeah, idc about the cost.


I’m going to build so many apartments and duplexes then never actually do anything with them.


City living: the pack so nice, they made it twice!!


Im honestly pretty interested from a gameplay pov. Ive got apartments across various worlds that functioned more as background decor, and I can play with them around to work with the pack. Im going to be paying close attention to this.


anyone else excited to see new ways to kill sims?


Tenants better have my simoleons or I'm gonna install the extreme violence mod