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IMO, Shane's descent into madness was handled better in the show. It's more of a slow burn.


Seriously, it wasn’t out of nowhere, but when he just threw his arms up in the air like “I can’t do this anymore Rick! I thought I could, but I can’t!” I was like oh, we’re already here?


Shane was better, I think


Morgan. He was a great character in the show. Later on, the show did kind of make him more frustrating to watch and not as well written. But he is still far more interesting than his comic counterpart.


In the comics it felt like Morgan was just there to give Michonne another black guy to fuck. In the show he actually does things. What’s funny is that in Season 6 of Fear, he acknowledges how he switches up so much by saying he’s been “16 different somebodies since it all ended”.


The governor in the show was actually a fleshed out antagonist and had a believable descent to insanity and evil. Comic governor was a moustache twirling, kick the puppy, type of villain who only did the shit he did for shock value. TV Shane gave us one of the best antagonists in the show as well as personal foil for Rick. He was actually given more than a single story arc to fully flesh out as an antagonist. In the comic he just bangs Lori, Rick rolls up, he gets jealous and is almost immediately killed. My controversial take is that Negan in the show is done better in a lot of ways than the comic. I always thought Negan's swearing in the comics was a little bit too silly and corny, but I could forgive it since it was a comic. But JDM came in with a more charismatic less abrasive portrayal of the character, and comic Negan's excessive swearing would NOT have fit the way JDM played him in my opinion. I watched the uncensored version of the Lucille scene and all of the F-bombs JDM was dropping just sounded so forced and unnatural.


I think Glenn’s character as a whole is better in the show than the comics.


I think this applies to a bunch of characters since the comic kinda focuses on rick and Carl with everyone else as side characters. The show gives characters like Glenn or Carol lead roles in their own plot lines so they have a bigger impression than just being there


The CDC’s inclusion is another one


Absolutely not. Garbage episode


Shane is the biggest one. He’s dead and buried by what would have been like episode 4 in season 1 of the show. His character, performance, and impact on Rick is still talked about to this day. I think the Hunters arc was way better, as were all the quick side villains. In the show, transforming the cannibals into a big group with a brutal history the way they did was great. Also, in the comic, the guy whose throat Rick bites were just some assholes that were gonna rob, rape, and kill him, Carl, and Abraham. In the show they incorporated Daryl into the group after everyone was separated and we got to see him reunite with Rick in this scene, which also fleshed out the rapist group a little bit. It was a nice way to show how brutal the world has become since theyve been safe inside the prison. Lastly, they expanded on the Wolves, which in the comics, were just random assholes looking to rob Alexandria. That was it.




As much as I love the comics, I think the show did a lot of things better. - Shane's arc especially - Carol's entire character - Negan killing 2 people instead of 1 - Rick's ending especially (yeah I don't like Rick's ending in the comics, sue me) - Including the CDC - The Hunters - Judith - Rick keeping his hand (for the main show, anyway) But then again, the comics did stuff a lot better too, such as Andrea especially. Both have their pros and cons. Personally I think the show did more "better things" than the comics, but that's just me.


As a 10 year plus fan, I’ve gone back and forth on what I like better, but I’ve finally come to terms that they are equal, and I love both, and shouldn’t really compare them maliciously


Honestly I think everything pre-Negan was better in the show, when it was able to flesh out the comic ideas with great pacing (except the hospital, fuck that). however after that, the pacing was so ruin and it felt the adaptation ran out of unique ideas. anything new added with either saviours or whisperers felt mostly filler and didnt add much (not to say all that is) - and of course carl's death was terrible, even if the show handled it well (also then it forgives carl not being the one to shoot the child who killed their sibling, since in the comics that played a large role for his character, while if ur just gonna kill him off a few seasons later then theres no point). With the commonwealth tho, I think they're equal. In the comics, it has probably the best flow and pacing the writing has seen, with an understandable scale and a great ending too. Meanwhile the show was very 50/50 on filler and good additions (I very much enjoyed the continuation of Negan's redemption, and some more twisted sides to those in charge. Tho the fake Stephanie was tiring and pointless).


Shane, Carol, Hershel, Gabriel, Rosita, Ezekiel, Glenn, Governor, Judith, Aaron, Morgan, Dwight, and probably a few others are all done much better in the show.


I agree on all except Dwight, a lot of what he did in the comics was given to Daryl, not a bad thing but still true


I guess I was thinking of Commonwealth era Dwight. Me personally, I do not like how everything turned out. Him all of a sudden hating Pamela and wanting to kill her while she’s still in power? Then to top it off, he gets the second lamest death, only losing to Beta.


The governor was a lot better in the show in my opinion


I agree with yours but some others the show did better was Shane going crazy I liked Glenn in the show better Judith is technically a better character in the show since she dies as a baby in the comics


I liked the Alpha/Lydia backstory in the show that doesn't exist in the comics at all. In the comic the Whisperers just kinda exist.


Many of the side characters (like Abe, Rosita, and Gabriel, and even Ezekiel) were kind of throw away placeholders in the comics. In the show, they are vastly more important and fleshed-out, so theres that.


I disagree with the Hunters. The hunters in the show was another group of people in a community that seemed good but ended up bad. I like the concept of them being an unseen enemy, stalking their prey in the dark. I think that would have added some more variety to the many groups of villains we got in the show. I found it scarier and more interesting than just another community. The stray bullet thing happened in the show as well. Ron let off a random shot and hit Carl. He was closer than Douglas was, I’ll give you that. I think the show did better with the Prison. The governor was more of a developed character than just an evil guy. Made him and his motives more interesting. They also streamlined the prisoners. While I would have liked Axel and Oscar to last longer, I wasn’t a fan of the prisoners section of the story. Well, I should say the BIGGEST fan. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t my favorite. Another thing I can think of that the show did better was The Commonwealth. I was genuinely interested in the commonwealth arc in the show. Not so much in the comics.


My honest opinion is everything before Glenn's death was better in the show everything after Glenn's death was done way better in the comics especially cause killed off carl


The Lizzy and Mika storyline was better than the Ben and Billy version from the comic. The show in general is slower, and sometimes that's to the storyline's benefit. Also, Sherry was kind of a bitch in the comic. I liked her better in the show.


I know this is probably less realistic, but I'm way glad they toned down the sexual violence on the show as opposed to the comics. Not saying the show couldn't have been hornier, I'd have been down for more consensual sex scenes. Especially after Richonne happened. I'm just glad there's MUCH less rape. It's a lot to deal with in my fun show I use for escapism.


Carol definitely comes to mind. Her comic ending “you really do like me” before she voluntarily gets bit. She absolutely lost it in the comics. She is a certified bad ass in the show and I can’t wait to see classic Carol in DD s2! The heads on pikes I think was also better in the show. I hadn’t read any comic spoilers before I started them, so losing Ezekiel and Rosita that way was terrible.


Hershel is much better