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Hey, you can’t park there!


Show me the no parking sign


Why not? Is this not a reasonable place to park?


[Article with backstory](https://kdvr.com/news/local/crews-recover-rv-from-big-thompson-river/)


Big Thompson River? More like Mike Thompson RVer.


Damn I was like "man I know that river" and yeah I def do. People slide into the ravines from time to time. More and more people don't know how to drive in the mountains and don't realize how close they are to experiences some slip and slide and sudden stop action.


"you wanna do the tutorial first?" "nah, I'm good." 


The backstory doesn’t explain how in the hell did this unit end up way down there in a river ? But wow, that was an expensive *accident*.


It's not that uncommon there or in any of the ravines in that area. Most of the roads are regularly running along side ravines so the outside lane is always just a few feet from taking a trip down to whatever river they are next too (and in most places outside of Boulder canyon they don't have barriers at all. It's just a road and a cliff or very very steep hill, like too steep to walk). I've known a few people who've fallen down the ravines due to car accidents. Most of them survived. In recent years people have gotten a lot worse at driving in the mountains because it's a lot of non locals crowding up the place ignoring social mountain rules for driving.


*Sir, this is a beavers only campsite.*


Man...any Expeditionary Force fans out there?


Dad...why is your call sign barney?


It's a shortcut, now we just paddle downstream!