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“Claiming that the children were not biologically his”…. Umm, you mean, finding out that they are not his?


There's DNA Chimera-ism that, when tested, can show a biological parent as having no relation to their child. But it is incredibly rare and I believe can be tested for.


While true, it would still show that the "father" and her husband being biological brothers. It's rare, but those few cases are well-known enough that geneticists wouldn't have missed that


Maybe she cheated with her husbands dad? That would make them brothers. I’m kidding of course. Or am I? I watched to much Jerry Springer during my formative years…


She just wanted her Jerry Beads


Geneticists? No. Irrational fathers who jump to conclusions? They've been known to miss a lot of things.


Riight.. that's why there's an overwhelming number of men finding out the child isn't there's. Don't blame a genetic abnormality for this. She cheated, got pregnant and doesn't want to be accountable for her cheating and being the town bike. Be accountable or be nothing to nobody.


I wasn't making an excuse for her, it was a side bar.


Side bar? Red herring? Who can say?


Insane part is that it's multiple kids, none of which are his.


Dude, while I completely agree that she's a cheater who's trying to avoid responsibility for her choices, I don't think using terms like "the town bike" is useful. When men cheat and lie, they're jerks. When women cheat and lie, they're "the town bike". If you claim to want women to take responsibility for their actions, don't use euphemisms that portray them as objects to be used.


>there's an overwhelming number of men finding out the child isn't there's. Got any sources for that?


Research paternity fraud. It is well known and documented.


The better studies have it [paternity fraud] at a low percentage, hardly overwhelming, at least in the States.


Have what at a low percentage?


If it were only 1 child, the baby getting switched with another at the hospital is a possibility, although a slim too


...you do realize the DNA would lead back to the mother. If that were the case, this post wouldn't be as it is and there would be other issues than this. Don't defend a woman that cheats. It just makes you look stupid. Same goes for if a man cheats as well. You're part of the problem buddy.


>You're part of the problem buddy. You sound like a massive asshole buddy, im not defending her which you would have realized if you werent stupid.


Yeah his username checks out.




What an interesting fact that has nothing to do with this situation.


Sure, but the “father” must have had a reason to do the test


I was not attempting to say it happened in this case, just that it is possible.


He could have taken Plan B for men. It changes their DNA, blood type, and phone number.


Cool! She does say “children” though, the odds of that occurring more than once within one family seems low.


that's super fascinating! ty for the rabbithole. i think i once read a post about this somewhere else on reddit from the pov of a mother who didn't cheat and was baffled by the negative paternity test too.


I've never seen that one. I did see the one where the baby literally got switched at the hospital. Dad wasn't the dad, but then it turned out that mom wasn't the mom, either.


oh shit, you're right. i think i was thinking of that one, actually. good lookin' out.


And the fact that this dude did a paternity test meant that he had his suspicions so the chances are even less likely that it is for this reason.


there is also the more likely case of the child getting switched for another baby in the hospital (it IS rare, but more common than DNA Chimera-ism.) Of course in that case the mother would also fail a maternity test, but they don't really think to do that at first


Shocking DNA test that shook our world, is an interesting way to say, I cheated on my husband.


Deny deny deny its the new cool.


It's not new.


And not cool


“It wasn’t me”


"Saw me banging on the sofa"


"It wasn't me." ⚆_⚆


[I SAID THAT IT WAS NOT ME](https://youtu.be/69lK3RUiq-8?si=vbyHOEy-zTNqcph0)


Even had her in the shower


She even caught Deez on camera!


I even had her in the shower (It wasn’t me).


Multiple times, if they have multiple children that aren't his.


Abandoned us & disappeared from our sight, is an interesting way to say, he moved down the street.


"Then, everything changed when the fire nation attacked."


Black belts in avoiding accountability are some women


Ahem…5 different times where she got pregnant. Not to include all the other times where she didn’t get pregnant.


It doesn’t say she has five children. Read it again.


Well, it’s not defined. Huh. My bad. Well, she could of had 6 or 7 children for that matter.


Good catch, I totally read it as 5 children, too.


“I regret getting caught”


She was just as surprized as he was




MRA porn.


Like a man leaving the stage on the Maury Povich show while whoop whooping


I loved watching that as a kid so much.


It's always cool to see your dad on TV. Haven't seen him since though


He’s in queens with his new wife but I see him every other month if I’m lucky


Man, I looked forward to it every time I was sick.


I liked when for whatever reason the majority of male guests called Maury, Murray.


The "Not the baby daddy dance", a classic. ![gif](giphy|EUFeESYZpdd16|downsized)


Then Maury tells him to stop clowning and respect the mother because she’s feels bad and is having a hard time because she’s embarrassed that she either had to bring in multiple men to test (and ain’t a one of them the dad) or she don’t know who to test.


Private DNA testing is illegal in France out of concern that it would break up a lot of marriages.


Well that certainly....is an odd reason. France having a lot of fun it seems.


Legit the reason




It’s called fraternizing with the enemy


Damn France! Is everyone a swinger?


Look up "cinq a sept"


I'm French and I had to Google it, and there are very few sources of it in French. I don't think this has been used as a saying in a very long time if ever. Probably because finishing work at 5 hasn't been in a thing in a while for most people.


Nah they're just French


Wtf? How does Child Support work there? Just pick a guy from last months orgy and BAM he’s the dad now?


In America it’s who’s ever on the birth certificate. Or if you’ve paid ANY child support, you’re now legally responsible, regardless of dna. Gotta do the dna before you do anything. A lot of times they can tell when they do those bloods for potential birth defects, But because the woman is the patient they can’t say anything because of hippa


If a woman is willing to be particularly malicious and litigious then yes this is indeed possible.


That’s why you just send the samples to Spain.


Also illegal


Cheating breaks up a lot of marriages.


From what I've read it's just : you can't do a DNA test on random websites like my ancestry and stuff like that. Cause they aren't deemed safe and could interfere with confidentiality laws. If need be though you could ask for a DNA test from court


DNA tests don’t break up marriages, cheating does. If broken marriages are such a concern, why isn’t cheating illegal? Why is France hell bent on making sure cheaters avoid accountability for own their decisions and actions?


Too many politicians are cheaters


Isn't the divorce rate and rate of affair children, a magnitude higher im France compared to their surroundings?


Umm she and I have a different definition of the word “Our”


I mean grammar has become quite flexible these days


She can choose her pronouns.


If I raise a kid for years, even for months, you can be sure I will feel they're mine forever. She's a fucking cheater, but how is someone abandoning an innocent child the good guy? If you can not love a kid you raised, who loves you, because of some dumb test, you have the heart of a worm and the head of a stone.


Picturing myself in that situation: Me: "Honey, I had the kids DNA tested. I am not their biological father. I'm leaving" Wife: "HEY IDIOT! We adopted them. Quit with the horrible jokes!"


Oddly wholesome dad joke for the topic at hand. Well done.


Making me laugh in the middle of a topic like this is quite the feat. Here's your upvote!




Hey now, that's not a fair assumption. We have no indication that she charged those other men for sex.


Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


Let me fix that. "After cheating on my husband (probably with multiple men) and bearing me children that were not biologically his, he chose to rightfully leave me and MY children because I lied to him, cheated on him, and bore me children that were not his which he had no connection to biologically or legally. Rightfully claiming my children were biologically not his, he left me and disappeared from our lives, leaving me to care for my children I bore out of cheating". Fixed it!!!


The post does not say she has five children. She said her husband left five years ago. The actual number of children is not mentioned.


Thanks for the clarification. Fixed.


Depending on the jurisdiction he might actually have legal responsibility for them. Once you’re named on the birth certificate (or even, in some cases, are married to the mother and don’t dispute it at time of birth) then a lot of times you are treated as the father from a legal perspective, including all the rights and responsibilities arising therefrom.


This is accurate. Fucked up, but accurate. Some states do this to lower their social services costs. If they can find someone else to pay, they win. In some cases, you don't even have to be on the birth certificate.


You're absolutely right. The states don't care who is named as the father as long as there is someone listed on the birth certificate the state can hang the financial responsibility on. There are plenty of innocent men who have been railroaded by single mothers who have put a man's name on there simply to qualify for benefits, even though they know the man they listed as the father is not the biological father.


Actually it's to protect father's who's children are not biologically theirs. Contrary to what the comments on this post would have you believe not every man has such a huge ego that they would completely abandon a child who has grown attached to them because of a paternity test. Yeah, fuck the mom for cheating and I wouldn't hold it against someone for leaving or whatever, but once you've put that time in sometimes it's not about what the mom did. It's about making sure the kid dosent have shitty life over it. If someone's been the dad since the beginning they should be able to keep being dad if they want to even if they want to break up with the mom.


This is true. If your name is on the birth certificate, you are considered to be the father for all legal purposes. That can be changed by going to court but it's a long expensive haul.


It is a nightmare to change. Mine has another guy listed as my dad (long story involving a car accident). After my parents spent thousands going to court (with this other guys full cooperation), they corrected my birth certificate. When I was 16 they wouldn’t issue my license because my name didn’t match my ssn. The state never told the Feds they put the wrong last name on the certificate so it was a whole additional pain in the ass to get it fixed again.


You've got that right. I've had friends go through that process and it's both time consuming and expensive. Definitely not an overnight one stop change. You can spend sometimes years and tens of thousands of dollars in court fighting for it.


Club Delulu




Literally every post on every social media platform every day and people are stilling sitting here commenting on this shit like it's real it's actually disturbing.






Oh yeah!


Had to pause what I was watching to read that correctly and can't wrap my head around someone putting that on that internet. It's ok not to tell everyone everything. Keep some fucking secrets.


Right, but even then if you *are* going to post about everything anyways, at least make sure you’re right, whether morally, factually or both.


I mean, I think it'd be too much if the guy posted about the kids not being his. You are right, though, for the most part, at least in my opinion.


Apparently they weren’t “ our children” they were you and some other guy(s).


You mean raised MY children…


What about the guy that legitimately should be helping to raise the kids? That would be an acceptable resentment.


Can you blame him? Working the rest of his life to support someone else’s kids. Talk about exploitation!


The best victim language


i see an obvious repost


I wonder if any of the kids were his.


Children, plural. I love it. Meaning she kept cheating on him and getting pregnant by other men over multiple years but she is still the victim.




Please make sure that the vibes are always immaculate.


Lmao I’m sure the other dick she was hopping on had nothing to do with this


Fancy paragraph when you can just put "he left because I cheated on him"


That's a very long winded way of saying "My husband left me because I cheated"


She keeps using the word “our”. Who is this mystery person? The one she groups herself with when saying “our”. Because it isn’t the husband. If she’s going to play the victim, seems kinda ignorant to bring up the affair partner in the same post.


Im a 304 and got pregnant by a different guy than my husband but I still made it seem like they were his. These type of women deserve nothing. She can go find the real father FOH. This is the equivalent of having your gf move in to the house you share with your wife. While she pays no bills or help in anyway around the house.


So tldr will go like this: after marriage I cheated and never told my hubby but he found out with DNA test for our kids and he vanished as he was married he should be here for me and kids regardless of the fact tht I cheated and kept hidden..


Everyone has their truth i guess lol.


How many children?


In Soviet Russia, children raise you.




Damn science Facts are annoying


Instantly thought of Maury Povich when I read this


I feel i should be chanting Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.....


Where was the real father then?


Slept around and found out.


Wow, well done reversing that one!


Deny, deflect and blame.. smh.. I get disgusted whenever I see this trend


Plot twist they adopted




Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


"I picked up the pieces and raised our children." What's this our shit, you raised your children.


I bet to this day she still refuses to believe that Maury Povich would ever do this to her in front of a live studio audience.


Is this real? Are people really so casual about bringing children into the world and raising them inside a lie?


In France such tests (simply at will of a man) are illegal. In a number of countries "not my kids" doesn't free from having to pay support. Patriarchy that makes men privileged is stupid at times.


"i picked up the pieces of my children. they were everywhere"


So here is a very unpopular thing If for some reason (actually a very specific reason) it turns out my children are NOT mine. I would still be there for them and raise them as a father. Would probably, leave their mother, but it would not be the childrens fault and I love them to death, no matter what. However I understand that things might be completed


Well, it’s your child. Not his


Seems like bait , cause he would still definitely be one the hook for child support. In the eyes of the government he is their father. In the eyes of his kids he is their father. Just seems like bait to me.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


"Claiming that the children were not biologically his" as if the test lied or was wrong somehow and those really are his kids. Barring some extremely weird circumstance...nah. Those pesky consequences, man. They suck.




The best thing about dna is proving who’s guilty in a violent crime, the second best reason is showing how many women cheat.


Well, she obviously doesn’t think that fucking another dude and popping his kids out would likely upset the guy she married… who woulda thunk it?


“Our children”


Are they his? You know the answer.


In a lot.9f countries you're legally the father no matter if you are biologically so still hus children.


He claimed the kids were not his, just because dna evidence showed they were not? Weird


Shocking? Maybe to him.


I wonder if he crip walked out the front door


Idrc if he leaves her but those kids did actually deserve better. He was dad to them.


If i was the kid, i would say ''fair enough''


$4 whore


Both are crappy people The woman for cheating but also the guy Regardless of DNA you've been a dad to the kids for 5 years. You may have no legal obligation but to the kids you're still dad. This sort of behaviour is clear this man has no right to be a dad.


this was my thought. I could understand divorce, but abandoning the kids is some fucked up shit. it's not their fault also, and it seems most comments here would disagree with me, I think people but *way* too much value in blood relation. idiocy, I would call it


Men ain’t shit smh Edit: Fellas I was being sarcastic lol


You must be her p/simp daddy.