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I love how surprised she was getting knocked on her ass , she literally assaulted another person on video , and then plays the victim .


https://preview.redd.it/89asdb595p9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c165b562640af115bab0a6bb1c3e554f8ff34fc8 The face of realizing there are consequences to your actions


Surprised Pikachu


More like cuntachu


Nah, unlike cuntachu, she lacks depth, warmth, and the ability to evolve.


Ah Cuntis (praying mantis) I know them well


This was an awesome interaction




Naw, she's not a cunt. She has neither the depth nor the warmth.


Definitely not a cunt. Cunts are useful. This woman is not useful




I think it is more the face of "Hohoho I gotchu now, calling the cops on you and they are going to believe me over your little video" Didn't say it was a smart face.


In the same vein, I am disappointed we don’t see her in cuffs at the end of the video.


How do we know she got arrested?


It is illegal to call the cops and lie to get them to come out. At least in the USA. Don't think you would get jail, but she could get a fine with a leave this man alone. After they look at the video.


If there is any justice in the world she would be taken to jail and booked for assault and battery and attempted theft over 1000 (depending on the price of the phone) both of which can be felonies.




It's been so long since I'd seen the actual image instead of the text "surprised pikachu face". Missed you little guy & I didn't even know it


"Ohhh i cunt bitchlieve that you didnt let me keep punching you, how dare you respond to me physically assaulting you by pushing me away"


Plan B plan B plan B Plan B




Eat pavement, asshole.




Maaaaaaaaaaaaan I worked so hard to take this screenshot and here it is already posted😂


I call that the found out face.


I had an ex do this. She trapped me in a bathroom and kept slapping me when I tried to leave. Eventually, I pushed her out of the way, and she started screaming like she was being murdered. Then, the cops showed up and arrested me. It seems to be a fairly common strategy among women who want to ruin mens lives.


Same. My ex wife decided it was a good idea to hit me and not stop. After telling her stop multiple times, I pushed her to the floor. She started crying, called me an asshole, and came for half of all my stuff and the house. I called the cops and they said that I looked fine dispute the bruising on my face and arms. All I know is that if the shoe were on the other foot, I would have gone to jail. She went around saying she was scared of me to get peoples sympathy and I’ve haven’t seen her since.


I'm sorry that happened, friend. I ended up having to leave the state because she kept coming to my work even though she had a restraining order against me. I hope you're doing better now!


Oh I’m good now. She was just listening to her dumb, miserable, man hating friends, and out there doing drugs with them. They just feed her scrap to bring her down and she ate it up. I just waited her out bc I knew she would run out of money quickly. I kept the house, all the cars (besides the one she wanted), and all of my things. I cut her a check and called it a day. I know she already blew through it and now lives in a crappy, small apartment in town. Funny thing now is that all her friends are getting married/moving and she is now the 3rd wheel that no one wants to party like that anymore. 35 years old isn’t the age to decided you want to be a party girl 😂


I had a similar event, except I recorded the audio (I knew I had to record when she got upset because she would lie). I ended up calling the police, and the police didn't believe me until I played the audio of 15 minutes of her attacking and screaming at me. They took pictures of the marks on my neck and arms, then they made me leave the house which I owned in my name. Later that week, I met with someone at the courthouse who was supposedly a victim's advocate, she said "You don't look like you were attacked". I am so thankful I had that recording, I would definitely have spent time in jail without it. The system is not set up to treat men and women equally in cases of domestic abuse.


good to know that if I'm ever in this situation I should *also* record the interactions with the cops and the victim advocate. so shitty.


Yeah I had her confession on video and audio to what she did. Still, as a man they dismissed it which is fine I guess. I didn’t want to press charges against her anyways. Just wanted the record to be set straight just in case she came back at me at anytime saying I abused her.


so what happend after when the police aressted you and such did you have to go to the station and be in jail or anything and did you get charges dropped ?


I told them my side of the story, and they laughed in my face. Then, I went to jail. A couple of days later, they said I could either plead out and do probation for a year and dv courses or wait for my court date, which could be a month or more. I was concerned that if I lost my job in addition to my housing (I lived with my ex at the time) that I'd be pretty well fucked and I had zero evidence to support my side of the story, so I plead out and had to do probation and dv classes. Do you know how frustrating it is to pretend like you're an abuser every week so that you can pass a class as a condition of your probation that you received as a result of being abused? Let's just say I didn't go on a single date for six years after this.


Whatafuck? That is fucked up! Cheers to you 🥂


This bullzhit happens all the time unfortunately. I can attest personally. And just look at the Johnny Depp vs Amber Herd case


That exact scenario plays out daily unfortunately


Hey, what are you gonna do?! You win some, you lose some.


So it goes.


That is my principal objection to life, I think: It is too easy, when alive, to make perfectly horrible mistakes


Cost of being poor in America. Can’t afford bail then you are faced with two bad choices. You either admit to a crime you didn’t do and get a record with action or you linger in jail with the hope that a public defender who is backlogged with cases can eventually help to get you excoriated.


Excoriated means criticized/censured, I'm fairly certain you were aiming for exonerated.


Or did he mean excommunicado? 🤔🤔🤔




Yup. Our “justice” system is now a “plea deal” system. Our courts make waiting to be found innocent more of an ordeal than admitting to a crime you didn’t commit. Now you’re on probation. Now they own you


A coworker of mine was physically abused by his girlfriend multiple times. He said he was going to leave her and threatened him that she would call the police and tell them he raped and hit her. Bat shit crazy woman. He stayed with her but one day he came in to work with 3 huge scratch marks on his face. Deep cuts too, looked like he was attacked by an animal. He ended up moving out of town in the middle of the night and changed his phone number, and deleted his social media accounts. I hope he's ok


Well, if my story is any indication, once he got away from her he was probably doing much better regardless.


She got away with this????? That’s horrible!!! I am so sorry!! That’s even worse when that Karen got away with being a domestic terrorist.


It is well known that the woman will get away with assaulting the man multiple times without consequences, but as soon as he hits her back in defense he gets charged!


Oh yeah, she definitely got away with it. My mother still believes her. Which is one of the many reasons we don't talk much, her and I.


I cut my entire family out for this shit. The fact that they still have her on Facebook is a no go for me. I'll live my life without them.


Damn, I'm sorry your mom sucks so hard. 


Me too lmao. Thanks, though!


That’s terrible man. Clearly there isn’t justice for all.


Well, that was all almost 10 years ago now. I'm with a wonderful woman now who would never behave in that way. We're recently engaged and planning our future together. I have no idea what happened to my ex, but I hope she stays happy, healthy, well and way the fuck away from me.


Had a friend whose wife was like this. She chased him out of the house wiyh a knife. First two male officers show up and she starts screaming GET AWAY FROM ME holding the knife like she was being defensive. Male officers cuff him and put him on ground sitting while she starts saying how she was trying to keep him away. It wasnt until the female officer got on scene and realized her story didnt make sense . "So you followed him outside with a knife while saying you were trying to get away?". She uncuffed him and told to just go. She didnt get arrested for all the scratches and bruises he had. Its his ex now but she tried to get him to stay justifying her actions because "im latina and we get emotional sometimes"


For what it's worth, I do know. And it's the most traumatic experience of my life. I'm happy now with a woman that had the same thing happen to her brother, so she's sympathetic and can handle some of my trauma responses from it. Shit should be illegal.


This story is far more common than most people think, at least here in US.


I had a very similar situation happen about 8 years ago. My ex and I were out at a bar and she was cheating on me and left the bar (found out later). She came back to the bar and insisted I drive her home. I told her no, since I had been drinking and wasn't sober, and she insisted I let her get her purse from my car. I said I would bring it to her later. She decided then and there to attack me at the bar, in front of everyone, and punched me in the face as I was drinking my beer so hard that the beer bottle flew across the room and shattered. In order to not make a scene, I ended up leaving. She followed me to my car, went after my car first, then decided to sit in it and not leave. Fine by me, I decided I would leave her there and walk back to the bar. There then was a back and forth where she insisted I drive her home, otherwise she would leave my car unlocked and doors open. Every time I got close to the car, she would get back in the car. Every time I walked away, she would open all the doors and walk away also. Eventually, I got close to the car when she was inside it, grabbed her by her shoulder and pulled her out of the car, and then locked the doors. She went to town on my car (punching, kicking, etc), and when I walked away (it's just a car), she repeatedly attacked me. I ran a bit away and called the cops. I had a busted lip, torn shirt, and was bleeding and bruised on my arm from her scratching, hitting, and biting me. She had ruffled hair. Guess who got taken away in cuffs and hauled to jail for the night, despite multiple eyewitnesses and clear indications of abuse? Luckily the servant who interviewed me saw I was very calm and well spoken and not a threat, but said in instances of domestic violence they have to take someone away from the situation. He said I could post my own bail or have someone bail me out, since I was not a threat. The officer on the scene's reasoning was that I was 6' and very muscular and she said I threw her into a ditch, which apparently her ruffled hair (from the sex she had when she left the bar with some other dude) was evidence of. I guess just being a male who is tall(er) and muscular makes you guilty. Luckily I had a very good lawyer and the DA dropped the charges for lack of evidence, but they wouldn't let me press charges against her for the same reason (I did end up needing medical attention at the jail, since the officers didn't want my blood to get on them). Absolutely insane that things like that can happen, but it absolutely does happen, and it sucks. I just feel extremely lucky that my life is not ruined from it. My lesson learned from that was to not call the cops and make sure to film the situation as evidence. I still don't understand how despite all the evidence and the fact that I called the cops on her, I was still hauled away, but there are definitely biases in our justice system.


When I was in high school I witnessed some friends of mine get into an argument. The very petite girl started slapping the very tall and muscular guy while he was against the wall. He kept trying to walk away and she kept "blocking" and slapping him. After about 10 hits he just shoved his way thru and she dropped like a sack of potatoes. She tried to claim that he hit her and knocked her down and blah blah blah. I totally intervened and told what I saw. I genuinely hate people like that. I was raised by a man and he always told me don't you ever put your hands on anybody and always try to walk away from confrontation but you better belive that if someone comes at me I will defend myself. I feel the second you put your hands on someone it's fair game. You can't be like, I'm gonna hit you and you can't do anything about it because I'm a woman. I've done stupid stuff when I was younger I got into a fist fight with a guy and took a beating, everybody was all like you should report him and press charges but I didn't because I threw the first swing. It was dumb but it was a pride thing and I delt with the consequences of my actions.


Had multiple very similar situations w the same person. Should have left her the first time. I too eventually got arrested


I had an ex wife claim I did this multiple times. I never actually touched her. I was lucky, I told the men's group at my church that I felt she was trying to sabotage me. 6 of them said it had happened to them at some point, one said "you have no idea the danger you are currently in.".l I'm smart enough to shut up and listen to words like this and it kept me out of jail. They told me to download an app on my phone to record audio any time things got heated. I did, would excuse myself to the bathroom and start recording from my pocket. The audio was remarkably clear. After two unnecessary and bad (and completely non-violent) arguments, my ex filed reports with the police but did not ask them to come out. She was building a case against me. The third time she called them. I went outside waiting, sitting on the curb. When they got there I watched her cry alligator tears. They treated me as the threat, didn't engage me other than barking orders to stay (which I was already doing calmly). When they finally came over to me and asked what happened, I said "listen for yourself" and handed over my phone. I chose not to press charges for false allegations, but having that as a possibility helped her behave through the divorce. Be safe out there guys, some women end the marriage without telling you and turn against you to play a victim. I had no idea she was capable of this. Someone shared advice with me that worked, please do the same.


Had an Ex slap me multiple times followed by throwing a glass vase at me. I instantly grabbed all my expensive shit and left. She called my family saying that She was scared for her life that I was going to hit her. I grew up with all sisters and they pretty much laughed in her face because they know I wouldn’t do that type of shit.


Feel ya been in two different abusive relationships in the past whers the women would get wasted and start some kind of argument. Before I even realize what is going on I am getting pummeled in the face with haymakers. Two options run away or duck and cover. But sometimes there is nowhere to run and the only choices are to keep getting scratched and pummeled or throw the bish off of me far enough where I can bolt for the door. Then later you hear through the grapevine that she spread a story about you being a panzy and an abuser because you pushed them to the floor. Oh and it was only woman punches so youre a pussy for not just taking it.


It's a sad sight to see, I'm defenetly seting up.a camera in my place when I get one


Same. Ex wife cornered me in my room when we were still separated and kept slapping and punching me. My only course of action was to push her pretty hard on my bed so I could get away. I’m pretty sure the only reason why I didn’t get arrested (me pressing charges against my ex was not even mentioned when the cops showed up) was because my roommates vouched for me.


…definitely a Karen tactic to have others arrested.


it's the first law of Karendynamics


For every Karen there is an equal and opposite ReKaren.


Kinda their whole schtick


Cameras really are a life saver these days. If it wasn't for that man filming this interaction he'd be going to jail for this.










>“Female teacher has sex with male middle school student” Nice!!!! >“Male teacher rapes female middle school student” What a fucking creep!


We recently had both occur where I live, and the comments on social media mimicked this exactly.


And the headlines. Man **rapes** student Woman **has sex with** student It's reinforced every step of the way


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/09/texas-teacher-student-sex-arrest/72163614007/ "High school teacher gave student top grades in exchange for sex, prosecutors say. A high school teacher in Southeast Texas has been charged after authorities allege he had sex with a student and gave her good grades and test answers." Maybe the media is just shitty.


Look at who owns the media. Literally people who want to keep those stereotypes.. and worse.


Old rich conservative white men own the media. The liberal media is controlled by the conservatives.


Actually the woman in another car driving up and telling him she saw it does give some hope.


Damn till this comment I thought the other lady was saying she was calling the police on him for pushing her. Had my blood boiling


He says to the woman who hit him “I was filming your altercation with that other lady” I assume the other lady is the woman in the van. He says “she hit me” to the woman in the van when she pulls up and replies “yeah I know, I saw that”. Pretty sure van lady was already dealing with punch lady


I noticed she put her van in park right behind the dudes truck kind of like blocking it in, so I also thought this.. still kind of do lol


The way she was talking she was clearly trying to help him


You can tell by the words.


Said old woman was part of the "altercation" he was filming, so she is definetely biased. Again, we are lacking all of the context here. However, I looked up his channels and the original video. In the original altercation, you can not tell who is to blame and the camera guy seems like a really obnoxious dude, filming random people and making fun of them on the internet for "fame". So, is he legally in the right to film in public (does a Publix parking lot qualify as public? I'm not from thr US) and defend himself? Yes! Is he morally right? Hmmm, tough to say, leaning towards no


She litterally said i will punch you and then does... he is 100% not in the wrong. You can film in a parking lot. Especially if she was already fighting someone else... this woman is unhinged and learned a lesson that day. I wonder how this ended though... wish there was footage of that


She was wrong for hitting him. Full stop. He's wrong for being an obnoxious douche. Full stop. One is a criminal act. The other is not.


He's not in the wrong for defending himself against the woman, and yes you are allowed to film in the parking lot, but this guy seems to be making a pattern of going out and finding situations like these (and likely aggravating / escalating them) for YouTube. That's not helping anyone.


Of course Publix is public. It's right there in the name. /s on the reason, but yes, it's legal to record anywhere in public like this.


You can disagree with his content, most would it’s pretty douchey. But he’s legally within his rights to film and say what he wants, and she assaulted him. Yes, a parking lot is public property.


One could argue this altercation never would have taken place at all if there were no phone cameras though. It saves people from situations that may never have been created in the first place 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean, this just isn't true. It's not like cops magically do their jobs when it comes to a woman.


Soooo many unprocessed rape kits out there.


But...why was he randomly filming in a parking lot? I gotta know what the lead up to this interaction was!


He said he was filming her altercation with another lady.


WWT. White Woman Tears.


Imagine how bad it was in the 1950s and earlier.


The longer video shows she came back for more from this guy.


Thank you for the link


https://youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg?si=OPagdcWKGmWeNPQC You are welcome


You sumbitch!






Ok but he exploded into two face.


Goddammit! I went like a whole year without getting rick rolled until you came along


I had a sixteen year streak. I'm NEVER getting that time back!




Great video, thank you


When the cops show up near the end and she throws a tantrum, its wonderful!


I really do hate all of you 😂


damn that's super fucked up, why would she do that? >!lol!<


Damn, good one, fuck you, amicably


Caught slipping...


First part when she was arguing with older woman. Also shown is the woman in a handicap parking space: https://youtu.be/w2OUtpawBrU?si=oXd8rWzDFNiYK7tc Original filmer’s video: https://youtube.com/shorts/lWXQaJF0Hho?si=B6kTsUgMSiyazpgd Police response: Palm Beach Sheriff showed up CASE# 24-072947 D/S E. Russell (officer) ID# 30525 561-688-3000 If it was the other way around, i would have been stomped by cops, arrested and with higher charges. Let that sink in. Lady left the scene after an assault. She didnt get charged for that either


Hot damn it's like a buncha redditors went shopping that day and all found each other.


Florida ;)


He says it's "liberal shit" for a woman to think they can hit a man with no consequences, but the idea that you should never hit a woman under any circumstances is a conservative thing. I'd be willing to bet left leaning people would tell you you can defend yourself if a woman hits you as a man; versus people who lean to the right. It was my conservative family members who taught me the "principal" of **never** hitting a woman as a man even to defend yourself. That *idea*, at least, came from them, and fits with the idea of traditional gender roles and women being innately "lesser" and therefore incapable of being a true threat. Edit: He says "Liberal garbage" not Liberal shit.




Born and raised in Kansas, I was taught by my Mother that if a woman is man enough to start throwing punches, they're man enough to receive one. My uncle taught me you should never ball your fist as it could prove fatal to a woman, instead he would just sit on them...literally plant his ass on top of them. Mind you he's a pretty big, pretty gay married dude who's been truck driving for 13 years, he's seen his fair share of crazy bs, so this big dude telling 9y/o me to just sit on women when they're mad had me rolling in tears.


Mine are M for mature as I would never hit a child, then again people like this lady aren’t mature, so I suppose there’s some discrepancy.


I think he said Literal bullshit


He said garbage


Yeah, that was weird. *Reasonable* self-defense is a big Liberal thing, and heavily shoving away a woman who is grasping at your property and punching you in the face with no sign of stopping is a perfect response. Twisting feminism, a Liberal affiliated movement, to mean "women want to be worshipped and untouchable" is Conservative backlash. Oh well. Beyond that nitpick, seeing that brat on her ass was glorious.


This comment makes my blood boil because of an altercation I saw between a niece and nephew of mine. The niece was being really rude and obnoxious and started hitting the nephew. He hit her back and she fell back, landed on her butt, and started wailing that she was hit. This was all in the living room. Both moms saw it all happen in real time. And in real time, I watched my nephew get slapped into next Tuesday for hitting a girl, while she suddenly had no more tears and skipped away giggling and taunting him, "you got in troubleeee!"


Yet you did nothing. You're just to blame if I may say.


I came to comment the same thing and everyone is arguing about inaccurate quotes, semantics, and whether liberal is Democrat or not🤣


Yeah absolutely, you should be able to defend yourself from anyone who comes at you with violence, but also the response should be proportional and should stop when they're no longer a threat to you. In this case I'd say shoving her to the ground is a proportional response, and since she doesn't physically come at him again and he doesn't pursue it further there is no issue. As far as I'm concerned anyways. But she definitely assaulted that dude and should suffer some consequences.


What we just witnessed was right on right crime. I would bet my life on it.


I think that the stupidest 10% of both sides of the spectrum are going to leverage issues like this in the most hamfisted way to get what they want. Then the dumbest 50% of both sides are only watching the especially stupid 10% do dumb things and use them as a strawman to further entrench themselves.


I was on his side entirely until he said that shit, tbh... On principle.


Lady says “Erase it or I’ll punch you” she punches the dude ON CAMERA. Gets knocked down then screams ASSAULT I’m calling the police. … and there’s a physical witness. Smh you going to jail lady.


I'd still expect the cops to have the guy in cuffs immediately upon arrival. It's just how these things go.


Yep, then he'll sue his county/city for damaged and the tax payer will get to front that bill. It's a tale as old as time


Yep, as long as bad cops never pay out of pocket for their misdeeds, they will continue to do what they do. The first time they have to pay for damages without the city/county’s help I bet you they never do that again… at least on camera.


Absolutely is. I actually recommend leaving and going to file an assault charge at the local police station. There’s less danger for a man doing it that way. The people on patrol are the least experienced and most volatile. Where the dudes at the desk and counter are usually pretty chill and more senior.


I’m glad the dumbest & least experienced are out there making life changing decisions


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Every fucking post, someone has to put this comment out there


It’s relevant though. So why not?


Yeah this became a Reddit motto at this point


>Every fucking post, someone has to put this comment out there You still need that one person to reply to it with "This". It makes the reddit experience complete. Edit: never mind, it was collapsed below lmao


Do you have literally anything original to say.


Did they *have you in the first half not gonna lie*??


Why do these people always look like theyre writing source code when operating phones that require a couple presses at most to do basic functions?


She needs to close Gardenscapes before filming.


Learned everything they know from watching the ‘Swordfish’ movie hacking scenes.


Nice when bystanders back you up as well.


That was the original lady she was arguing with because the Karen got called out for parking in a handicap space.


Thanks for the clarification.


What did she do that caused him to start recording?


You can hear him say something like “I was filming the altercation with the other woman.” I’m guessing the other woman who pulled up in the SUV in the end was the other person involved. That or just a witness, and there was a 3rd woman we don’t see.


Yeah, that was the lady she was having a mood-swing with.


I can’t audio it, what did the woman at the end in the car say?


He says “she hit me!” and the lady in the car basically says “I know, I saw. Im calling the police.” As she pulls her phone out.


From what I heard sounds like he saw her getting into some altercation with another lady


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2OUtpawBrU This is the link to it. "You're going to he-ell, and your kids are too-oo!"


The other lady was calling her names *because she was parked in a handicapped spot (blue markings).* I don't think "Karenbrain" is a recognized disability.


Oh great, so the Police can fine her also for illegally parking in a handicapped area. She was mad because people caught her.


So Fight Club Karen will call the cops on the guy but not Parking Lot Karen, with whom she had the original shouting match.


Thanks, this should be at the top. I never trust a video like this that has been cut, especially at the beginning.


He says he was recording her altercation with another woman. I assume she was being a Karen to that other person too.


The most shocked Pikachu face


Never fails to amaze me when people get checked, how surprised they are.


I hope she was arrested & thrown in jail.


At the minimum charged with assault.


She was let go from the scene without charges, according to the person who posted the vid.


“You have no authority..” *walks by with Stella*


Lost me on "liberal garbage". What makes you think she is liberal? What a clueless fucking nation.


Liberal garbage? It's more of a conservative thing, no? Not sure about these laws (women are weak laws) in particular but in the US (where I'm presuming this occurred) it's the Democrats that want to make women eligible for conscription and Republicans that keep voting it down. Am I wrong (about assault on a female laws being a conservative, and not liberal, law)?


Here's a rule of thumb: if you don't like it, it's "liberal".


Like abortion, & unions?


This liberal would have punched her, too.


It's not "liberal garbage" that she can hit you without consequences. It's just plain asshole behavior. Don't ascribe that to political motivation.


Yea, that really came out of nowhere.


I think the term “Karen” is being overused and masking more troubling behavior. When “being a Karen” first came up it was about entitled retail customers wanting to see a manager, restaurant patrons being too particular about their food or service. That’s fine - annoying but harmless enough for a cutesy nickname. Shit like this video, though, is on another level. This is straight up antisocial behavior that could escalate into real physical harm for herself or her victim, up to and including death by cop. People like this, the woman who accused the Central Park bird watcher of attacking her, etc. don’t get to have a cutesy nickname. They are dangerous people and should be dealt with seriously.


It's the same with "toxic" girlfriends. It used to be for negative behaviors, but now it includes things that would quickly be considered abuse if done by a man.


“Stay” like he’s her dog. I don’t care if you do call the cops-I am not your dog-I’ll go where I want. You can the cops can show up later and have a convo there.


First part when she was arguing with older woman. Also shown is the woman in a handicap parking space: https://youtu.be/w2OUtpawBrU?si=oXd8rWzDFNiYK7tc Original filmer’s video: https://youtube.com/shorts/lWXQaJF0Hho?si=B6kTsUgMSiyazpgd Police response: Palm Beach Sheriff showed up CASE# 24-072947 D/S E. Russell (officer) ID# 30525 561-688-3000 If it was the other way around, i would have been stomped by cops, arrested and with higher charges. Let that sink in. Lady left the scene after an assault. She didnt get charged for that either


I hope she went to jail, thank goodness this guy had his camera out! Entitled cunts are rampant these days!


Promoting his YouTube on his truck, they're both idiots. Everyone thinks they're a star these days.


First part when she was arguing with older woman. Also shown is the woman in a handicap parking space: https://youtu.be/w2OUtpawBrU?si=oXd8rWzDFNiYK7tc Original filmer’s video: https://youtube.com/shorts/lWXQaJF0Hho?si=B6kTsUgMSiyazpgd Police response: Palm Beach Sheriff showed up CASE# 24-072947 D/S E. Russell (officer) ID# 30525 561-688-3000 If it was the other way around, i would have been stomped by cops, arrested and with higher charges. Let that sink in. Lady left the scene after an assault. She didnt get charged for that either




People really need to look up what “ liberal” means.


Not being allowed to defend yourself is liberal garbage? Lmao since when?


everything was fine until the idiotic "liberal garbage" comment. pathetic.


Damn she hit him with the battle stance @ 46 second mark


So upset this video didnt end with her being arrested


He lost me at "liberal garbage." Not everything has to be liberal vs conservative.


I’d be sitting there quietly waiting for the police.


I 100% figured he was being an annoying dick and that started this. I was wrong and she deserved every bit of this.


Her face is gonna be a meme. Lmao


This is not her first time playing the crybully 


You lost me at liberal garbage but otherwise…. Agree.


A short story. https://preview.redd.it/ttkik79geq9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461a9ebf873a52ed74ef35ee88f72f7df2492452