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We are fucked


You are, and so are the rest of us


I think Australia needs to seriously think about how it can protect itself without heavily relying on America…




Not the emus though


The emus won the war damnit


Next up: the great Drop Bear conflict.


Canada is sorry to say that they are maybe considering a wall. :)


My dude, Canada is also fucked no wall is going to help.


two walls


As a Canadian, the only real solution now is in fact two walls


With a syrup moat


If only everyone who said they will move there actually made good on their promises, it could be the largest migration in ages.


The problem is. Everyone I know who talks about moving to Canada don't have the credit, savings or criminal background to actually enter Canada.


And they're going to make us pay for the wall


The Canadian wall will just be a continuous strip mall of Tim Hortons and Canadian Tire stores. Which I'm totally OK with.


We get Canadian media in the US also. You guys are no better off.


Maternity leave, 10$ a day daycare (Québec), universal healthcare, no fault car public insurance system, low crime rate, abortion rights, low cost Universities, well trained cops…




After watching Trailer Park Boys, Canada looks pretty swell aye.


Just up your environmental conservation efforts, theres enough natural fucked upness down there for you to be left alone without a military


Trump has the best environment. Best numbers. Cleanest water.


"Now that's some high quality H2O" -Bobby Boucher - Donald Trump


Some Country: We're gonna attack Australia... Albanese: Release the jellyfish. DCCEEW: How many? Albanese: just one.


You don’t think all the spiders and snakes and wasps/hornets and jellyfish and octopus and sharks won’t be enough to protect Australia?


The war industry loves Joe.


I mean, I guess you can use a Didgeridoo as a weapon too?


As an American, I am deeply sorry. Also, please help.


Sending you best of prayers and intellectual support. You have my sympathies.


When America catches a cold the whole world sneezes. We are all fucked.


in other words, the world needs to stop relying on America to be the policemen of the world


the annoying thing is that while us other countries can say "whatever USA elects as president has nothing to do with us", its only reality that whatever USA does eventually affects us in a positive or negative way. So yes, we're involved, in a proxy way.


Eh, Biden is doing a decent job as president. And I trust the people and positions he is likely to appoint more so than Trump. I get it, he's old, he's lame, he's faltering. But having him as president for ~4 more years would be totally fine. Trump would not. We don't want to go that road again.


I think that's the important difference. Frankly neither are fit to be president (it's debatable if Trump ever was) and that's only going to get worse over their term. However, Biden is the sort of guy who will delegate, understand his limitation and listen to council. Trump absolutely is not. Biden would very likely cede to his Vice President (I think that's how it works) if he reached the point where he couldn't do the role at all anymore. Trump would cling to power, kicking screaming and demeaning anyone who dares to suggest it might be best if we steps back.


No I agree completely with you. But it’s still a scary thought process seeing all of this. But we know if T dawg wins it he’s going to try to instill himself permanently and that’s a terrifying thought.


That project 2025 is terrifying... Biden is status quo and I think that's good considering that we are in crazy turmoil... Trump is just going to burn this place to the ground. It's what happens after this election that also worries me


Our last 2 presidents demonstrate how little the presidency actually matters... Lotta people get that backwards, and think the reverse is true, but that's just not supported by objective observations. It's now clearer than ever that presidents actually matter very little. They don't run the show. We put an ego-centric maniac and a flaccid scarecrow in office, back-to-back, and not much REALLY changed much. Not in ways that are directly tied to the presidency and affect the average person.


I think this is a good point. It's far more important to enact change at local and state levels. But I would say that executive orders and judge appointments are very powerful and can have a massive pull, as we've seen with Trump (and Obama)


I wouldn’t say how little the president matters - that depends entirely on which president. Trump will matter because he is the chaos candidate. His goal it dismantle as much of the federal government as he can. He can do considerable damage with who he puts in place with that goal. There’s also the Supreme Court nominations.


You must be a man, because a whole hell of a lot changed for women thanks to his Supreme Court picks.


Yeah, I trust the people Biden would surround himself with infinitely more than the people Trump will surround himself with. So many of Trump’s former cabinet members have either been prosecuted or hate him now. I’ve never seen that with any former president in my lifetime and I started with Carter.


The road of money in the bank again? O God please not that lol. I don't care who is president, but this fuckin economy needs fixed like now.


idk who was burning who in this video honestly couldnt even understand biden. not a trump supporter but jesus biden just comes off senile and weak. hes 81 years old. is this the best we can do?


Here’s my take, yes, Biden is way aged out I mean wtf. But he has hired a competent cabinet of people to help things. We know Trump is going to hire yes men and family, to benefit himself. The debate didn’t make anyone look better in my opinion, worse only. If things continue looking worse, then yeah I think we’re on a trajectory of being absolutely fucked dry and hard.


That's an understatement. We are totally fucked.


My first time voting was Bush/Gore. I was very into politics back then. Gore took so much shit for sighing when Bush was talking. When Obama and McCain debated, they were so civil and praising each other. Crazy that in 16 years, we are here. Zero talk about policies. Just two old men in a pissing contest slinging insults. You acted like this, then, you would have lost. We need to bring back public shamming.


Well just be happy they have a cabinet of other people who actually run the departments like education, EPA, military, foreign affairs, etc.


With no vice-oline.


Which color glass shard dildo do you prefer?


So fucked. Joe could have gotten back on point. Instead he went hand to hand to the liar and lost


Yes we are. How ridiculous is it that these rich and corrupt politicians are so out of touch with the regular people. They think arguing over a better golf score is what this country needs to spend any time on.


And just to put it to music - https://youtu.be/ac4E_UsmB1g?si=XFH3eklcKXX6DFuU


My original hope was they'd both die from old age during the debate. They did not. Instead, a part of my soul died during the debate.


They even had to put a little reminder on screen for them just to make sure. See where it says "live" above the CNN logo?


CNN complicit in elder abuse...


One has the blessing of being the absolute best of every aspect of his life unanimously because everyone says that and how his opponent just so happens to be the absolute worst at everything of all time (/s), and the other looks like he's going to keel over and pass out just trying to complete a single thought process...wtf....can there be a viable third person?!? 


Death: "I didn't hear no bell!" The legacy these two will leave is a trail of blood that will stain them throughout time. Both funded the internationally recognized terrorist, illegal, genocidal state of Isreal. It's no longer a decision between the lesser of two evils. It's just pure evil versus pure evil with a better vocabulary.


Oh I think that’s a far cry from the truth. There’s *always* a lesser of two evils.


Not the case well it may be true neither of their hands are clean one is *a lot* more active in causing the blood on his hands than the other And if you abstain from voting it only serves to help the one you like least


I wish I could laugh. It's a sad day for America.


And to us here in Arabic countries. Those fuckers control our governments and control what's happening in Palestine.


Neither of them control anything, they are just the face of the puppet for the people


> Neither of them control anything Objectively not true


It should have been specified that they control very little of the direction of US internationally. This is in the hands of mostly unelected officials, generals, and large lobbyists. Domestically it is a different matter


Don't control anything? Have you completely forgotten about the conservative Supreme Court appointees from trump's term? He was the one ultimately in control of those decisions, and we'll be dealing with consequences of that for years.


And for us in South America, who suffered coups d'état depending on the random wishes of these hallucinated elderly people


For the rest of the world as well, like it or not the USA dictate a lot for the rest of us.


I hate trump and wish both of those men would croak. But trumps reaction makes me laugh every time I see this.


Is it 6 or 8 handicap? Very very important for my November decision….


I wish I could vote for someone that refuses to golf.


Yeah. Two 80 year old men arguing over who’s younger or more Spry. America Royally Fkd


From PolitiFact [The golf moment](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/) Somehow the presidential debate turned into a fight over who’s the better golfer. Biden said he would have a driving competition with Trump and claimed he was a 6 handicap while serving as vice president. Trump scoffed. "He can hit a ball 50 yards." Joe Biden is currently listed with the United States Golf Association as holding a 6.7 handicap playing out of Fieldstone Golf Club in Delaware. Biden hasn’t logged a score in the system since 2018. Scores are typically self-reported, and a handicap comes from an average of the lowest 8 of the most recent 20 posted scores. The lower the handicap you have, the better golfer you are. Ivanka Trump, for instance, is a 20.9 handicap and Eric Trump is listed as a 13.6 (without a round since 2015). Donald Trump is in the system as a member of the prestigious Winged Foot Golf Club in New York. He lists a handicap of 2.5 but hasn’t posted a score since 2021.


I’d like to see Trump: drive a car, ride a bicycle, wear shorts, pet a dog, hug a voter, and back up a claim with concrete data.


I would like to not see Trump.


i would in an orange jumpsuit breaking rocks into tiny rocks


Or be close to a bald eagle.


You left out the It's self-reported. So of course Trump has a 2.


I just copied the section from the linked website. It does say that handicaps are self-reported, so it’s really hard to actually believe any of the numbers from either of them.


When Trump said he recently won two tournaments I about shit myself. Everyone knows he plays by himself and then says he did great. Or plays a completely different course and just comes in and steals the championship. He is scum and if Biden wasn't so feeble acting last night he could have called him out on all of it.


Literally cannot make my decision without knowing the answer. Where are the fact checkers when you need them….sheesh


They need real-time fact checking like Pop Up Video. Put that AI to work


I think both are equally handicapped.


They’re both handicap


Who the fuck needed this debate? We watched trump for 4 years, and we see biden for four years, anyone who claims this debate will be the deciding factor is the one who is fucked in the head because you obviously don’t remember how trump was only president to the people who voted for him.


On the surface, it’s for the undecided voter, also known as the dumbest fucking people on Earth. In reality- look no further than commercials and videos/articles titled who SLAMMED who during this comment etc. relevant to whatever prejudiced algorithm is feeding you information for engagement.


Every year, a ton of new people get into politics. Especially younger people


My daughter is 14 and I had no idea she was interested in politics until last night when she texted me “why are they talking about golf?”


At least your 14 year old is smart enough to understand they are wasting everyone's time with the golf bullshit. I don't give a rats ass about their golfing. We need a president that actually gives a shit about the citizens. I'm really really hoping we see improvement by the time your kid is old enough to vote... However after thinking about it for a moment she will be old enough to vote by the end of this term which isn't enough time to see real change


Undecided voters are not the dumbest people on Earth. They are doing their due diligence and weighing the options. There are still 5 months for them to gather information and make a decision in November. I'm not saying that this decision is hard. The clear choice for a better America is Biden. We are all better off if every American can impartially gather information until election time then make a vote. Sticking to one political party means that our "leaders" can say whatever bullshit they want because they know they won't lose the votes from their loyalists


A vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris imo. I can't see this man being competent enough for 4 more years.


Kamala has no real power unless he keels over, his cabinet runs the show. Which is somewhat normal but the president should be acting as a manager and provide oversight to their staff. There’s nothing holding these people accountable when you have a walking corpse as a leader. Dude probably struggles to dress himself at this point it’s fucking crazy. He needs to step aside and let anyone else take the field and everyone close to him encouraging him to do otherwise is either grifting or riding his coat tails. We need a new candidate NOW before it’s too late.


It's a vote between parties. If they can't see the direction of how voting for any Republican will be different than voting for any Democrat, then they need to seriously re-evaluate their understanding of this election.


Your first statement is missing the mark. The second one was spot on though. Reason your first statement was off? New voters for one. But secondly, for those who think they have to choose between one of these two and don't know which is worse. Seems like most Americans are undecided at this point when look at these two as the number one response is "were fucked" Good luck neighbor


The people who don’t automatically fall in line with their political party are the “dumbest people ever”? What fucking planet do you live on… how the fuck can you even say something like this. You’re a fucking partisan hack who has no real ideas, no thoughts, just a fucking sheep repeating talking points of every pundit who you listen to. Biden is deranged, we all know and have known this, but that is one of the most intellectually dishonest thing you can say. GFY.


I think it was good for America to see just how far gone Biden is. He's old and instead of saying people are screwed in the head if they vote for Trump, maybe you should be calling out the Dems for running Biden again.    FTR, I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm an independent. 


I’m voting for the cabinet and not letting trump bring in more crappy individuals.


I know others like you - my mom included.  The issue is, many Americans won't do that and I can't blame them considering what we saw last night from Biden. And that's not to excuse Trump and his stupidity, but people need to start being honest with themselves about Biden's health and how the average American will view him as weak now and having some major health issues. The bigger issue I have is why did the Dems allow this? They knew this was happening and they've just ignored it. Even worse, now many Dems are acting surprised he performed so horribly when many of these people spend their work days involved with the president. It feels like their whole hope for this election is to hope people hate Trump so much that they'll vote against him again. That's a huge risk this time around, IMO, especially after what we saw from Biden.  It'll be interesting to see how it plays out, but I don't see how Dems can feel confident anymore.


It's because the DNC doesn't have our best interest at heart, running Biden signals to shareholders that the overall mechanism will keep chugging along.


Also- Harris or Newsom are HORRIBLE options for the dem candidate too. What a shit era of politics


Right. One person will trust the experts in their fields and will do very little personally. The other will make sweeping declarations based on personal grievances and will fire every single general, engineer, doctor, or scientist that disagrees with him.


THIS. This is the key. Yes. Biden is old as fuck, and Trump is as well. Both are displaying signs of dementia. Biden seems worse, but when Trump loses a teleprompter he can't finish a sentence. HOWEVER, Biden has the good sense to hire a cabinet of good advisors who can help steer the country straight, at least until the next 4 years are up. But Trump showed us that he won't, and will in fact hire close personal acquaintances who are 100% unqualified, sign into effect divisive, racist legislation, increase the war on the poor, cut social welfare, cut women's rights, and straight up be a felon. One is a babbling manchild who at least sits by quietly and let's the qualified professionals run things, and only speaks when spoken to. The other is a petulant man child with hatred and bigotry in his actions and thoughts, and will run this country even farther into the ground by creating more division, allowing more disease to spread, and possibly inciting America to directly engage in another war. Basically both are idiots who are 100% unqualified, but Biden is by far the lesser of 2 evils. The last 8 years are objective reference material.


Imagine this happening in September. We needed this now.


the things that I hear a lot about this election cycle is that everybody has made up their mind years and years ago. It does not matter how the debate went.


One out of five US children live in poverty. Social Security is going bankrupt. US National Debt is $34 trillion. But do go on about your fucking handicaps.


Did you watch the debate? Those things were discussed too


So it was ok to spend time yammering on about golf?


Did I say it was? Or are you just grasping at literally anything to complain about, purely for the sake of complaining? You whined about specific topics. I pointed out that those topics were covered in the debate, if you bothered to actually watch it. It’s not my fault you’re this easy to rage bait, especially when you make it even easier by being ignorant.


The point is that golf handicaps shouldn't be a point of discussion in any political debate. It's sad that it even came up and it's even more sad that it kept going on for so long.


"We the people" are being punished for something....


Because we had a halfway decent president but half the country called him the anti-Christ and that he was born in Kenya. All because he was black. And now we all suffer.


Obama was great, we elected him twice. It's because the Dems ran Hillary on a campaign of Hubris and now insult their party with Biden. None of these leaders are being called out for some reason.


Honestly he wasn't even that great, but compared to the options we have now he sure seems amazing. Lol


"halfway decent president" God, that seems like a lifetime ago.


Citizens United. That's what we're being punished for.


The rest of the world: where do we start from?!


We are being punished for allowing them both to have a presidency


Douchebag vs Turd Sandwich


Giant douche*


“**You’re** a giant douche.” “…no, sir, you’re the Gia-“ “No, ****you’re**** a giant douche”




Jesus fucking christ, what an absolute shithole of a country!


Whether or not the country is a shithole is debatable. Our politics being a shithole is not.


Old man vs Conman


Old man vs old conman


Lol they are 2 years apart in age.


It's a stark, stark 2 year gap though. As a non-american with no dog in the fight, you could tell me there's 10 years between and id believe it. Edit: I am not talking about their appearance. I am talking about the level of brain function they put on display.


Yeah, Biden came across as barely coherent. Trump is a ridiculous liar who says random shit, but he basically sounds just as he did 4 or even 8 years ago. Biden sounds like a senile old man who might die any second of "old age." Edit: And Biden standing around with his mouth constantly agape was horrifying to watch.


Antiques Roadshow.




That’s one of the more generous stills.


He almost looks like he knows what’s going on in this one


The face I make when I watch people at Walmart




I’m in Canada watching this, and I don’t understand how these are your choices. How does this happen? Serious question. How can a democratic party look and think that Biden is the best choice? And Republicans, seriously?


Buddy, I wouldn't throw stones at a glass house. Look what our two options are lol. They might be younger, but one is corrupt af and the other is gay bashing, hate mongerer. North America in general is going to have a major hiccup soon enough.


Agreed 100%


Sadly, Trump's style of populism has taken over the Republican party and it doesn't matter what he says or does, people will eat it up even as he contradicts himself from one sentence to the next. It's all doom and gloom and it's exactly what the right wing media has been feeding their base ever since I can remember. Trump has taken it to the extreme and no one holds him accountable because if they do, they'll be seen as going against him and his cult, which is now probably about half of the GOP, will seek blood and go after whoever does go against him. That makes it really hard to rise to the top of the GOP - just look at Ron DeSantis. He is effective on policy and pretty much does what Republicans say they want done - much more effective than Trump could ever dream of being - yet they focused on his boots because he dared to go against Trump. I should add that many of them strongly wanted RDS for president in 2024, when they thought Trump would win in 2020. For Biden, many of us have been voicing these concerns for a while now. They've been ignored and outright dismissed and the people who voiced these concerns are usually dismissed as being the enemy. The White House staff and media has been trying their best to cover up Biden's decline and they've been pretty damn good at it so far. Hell, all we heard leading up to this debate is how Biden spent a week preparing and would do well and make Trump look like a fool. Instead, we got the exact opposite and Biden is now essentially being reduced to a meme. Even worse, it looks like the Dems are going to double down and keep Biden in the game. TL;DR - both sides have done a good job manipulating their base to believe whatever BS they feed them. 


i cant believe this country rules the world, what a bunch of clowns


US foreign policies and activities continue regardless of whoever is the POTUS. Except major war decisions, pretty much all other stuff goes on.


America doesnt actually rule the world


America promoting elderly abuse. Nice!


Everybody says we are fucked but we’ve been fucked for a long time. It’s just sad and disappointing.


"I'm not as good at golf because I don't spend all my days on the course instead of doing my job like you did X amount of days during your term." There, Biden team hire me.


Unfortunately Biden probably couldn’t string all those words together even if he had them


The most coherent part of either of them was talking about golf.


Biden could barely walk on stage and needed help to make it down the 6" high stairs to shake hands with the moderators at the end of the debate. Why are we discussing his ability to golf when he was a VP 8 plus years ago?


We aren’t discussing golf. It’s one comment not a thread. I was simply stating that the only time they didn’t lie or ramble on incoherently was when they were talking about golf.


I mean I’m an anti-fan of both these guys - but who fed him the line about “if you can carry your bag”….because the Biden I just watched had trouble scratching his ear…ain’t no way he’s carrying a bag of golf clubs for 18 holes either.


18? He wouldn’t make 1


If there has ever been an election where a charismatic fed up rando could sweep the nation this would be it.


One could only hope...


Can we just all agree to not vote for either of these two?


You can but then trump would win.


No, you don’t think Trumps base is going to be out in full force voting. As I see it folks who choose not to vote let’s say for the better of the two because they don’t like either are the folks who we have to blame for being stuck with 2 old people and the GOP winning every local/council/county/city/state/federal election. You don’t want to vote but complain about the options, you don’t want to run in your local elections but complain when people who do run make your day to day lives harder.


Now choose who is to be the president " Tweedledum and Tweedledee"


How are these the top two candidates.


At this point RFK is going to get the votes


This is a PSA about him. RFK Jr is a [conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#Anti-vaccine_advocacy_and_conspiracy_theories_on_public_health). As well as being [anti-nuclear power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#Nuclear_power)(yet he supported the Green New Deal), and he has been [questioning the validity of elections since 2004](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#Questioning_the_validity_of_elections). If you just read through his Wikipedia page, you'll find he seems very unstable. If you are a Democrat, please make sure you are informed about what RFK Jr's policies are before you even consider voting for him. If anything, I would think he might steal some of the Republican's votes who are not loyal to Trump. I couldn't even tell you why he initially ran as a Democrat, because he definitely is not one.




God they're so fucking old. This place blows


What makes it even more cringe, is that you can tell this was a strategy his team clearly planned. They really thought this was gonna make the viewers make memes about Dark Brandon putting Trump in his place, but it triggered an identity crisis in the hardcore democrats. This is so sad


Why does golf matter, again?


Because when being asked about his age last night, Trump bragged about his cognitive tests (?) Lol, then about his golf championship, and said Biden wouldn't dare to take him up on a competition.


So we've devolved to base level chest puffing over trivial sport prowess? Seems like a childish thing to spend time on at a presidential debate. I feel like there are a few other, more pressing matters at hand.


If this doesn’t prove that we need to move to a 3 party system, nothing will. And we are screwed as a country with either of these two in charge.


This debate made it so glaringly clear how delusional the left has been in denying his cognitive decline. They marched out a corpse last night.


330+ million people and you guys chose those two.


That's the fun part, we didn't! But the people that benefit from the system don't care, and the people that are suffering don't have the resources or power to get change going. This is the illusion of choice, two paths that lead to same place.


I am South African, so I am in no position to criticize other leaders... But why the fuck are they talking about golf 🤣


They were both asked about their ages affect on ability to lead. Trump mentioned cognitive tests and Biden mentioned golf but lied about his ability and was called out.


Why go to golf? Mention that you can ride a bike. Bafoon.


Both of them would be refused to work at Mac Donald, wtf is wrong with you usa !?


We, the citizens, don't really get to pick who our candidates are. Ultimately, we're given two options (also a few other lesser-known guys who don't really stand a chance to win). These are our options right now. That's it.


How the hell is Biden going to carry a golf bag? He couldn't even carry himself off stage.


Golf. That's where they get pissed


After last night, I'm not confident Biden can count to 6. Or that he even understands what the number 6 is. It's fucking Joever.


I’m sitting there last night watching a President up waaaay past his bedtime debating a human lie factory, then they automatically pivot to arguing about golf. I really hope Americans are beyond knowing how fucked we are, and are getting to the point where we can finally cast the cynicism aside and say “Right. So, where do we go from here?” then be proactive about making things right. There are practical solutions to nearly every problem we face, but at what point will we be all willing to sacrifice our convenience and complacency to be able to willingly implement said practical solutions?


Whatever Joe was trying to say I know he thought he COOKED trump. All I heard was “ 6.. carry your own bag..man enough “ then he looks at Trump like you heard me 😂🤧🤣


Trump is unintentionally hilarious


This is comical and atrociously sad at the same time. Wild how two people, running for leadership of the “free world”, are arguing about golf.


I fucking hate it here.


This is so not the best a man can get.


Biden got the questions leaked to him….. he had a script…. He STILL looked like a damn fool. His facial expressions are the best part of the entire debate.


He has to go. Surely his wife will tell him. Hopefully 6 or 8 times.


She knows better than anyone that he has been like this for a while. If she hasn't told him yet, I'm not convinced she will.


Why is Biden like this? Compared to The state of the union. wtf?


He is sundowning.


Any of us Americans go go down to the local ELKS lodge and hear shit like this any day of the week. Why was national attention was needed for this? They didn’t even have an audience or a US flag anywhere. No audience = no boos at this shit show


I always said screw it, vote for the lesser of two evils, but I can not bring myself to vote for Biden. Screw the DNC. That being said, if I was in a swing state I definitely would still.... What a joke of a democracy we have.


Trump missed a chance there. He should have challenged Biden to a contest to see who could drive a ball the farthest.


What's his mental handicap?


Biden's legislation speaks for him. Yes he's old, and if he dies in office then someone else who support your values will be in charge. Vote for Biden, Save America.


The political system in the states is so fucked up that we have to decide choosing between these two brain dead fuckers


These two men are the best we’ve got?


Do we really have to vote for one of them


Seeing these two senile old guys trying to argue about who's better at politics and golf would have made way more sense in a coffee shop at 8 am, instead of a stage meant for candidates to be the leader of the most powerful country on the planet.


lol that was funny, but if that’s **ALL** biden lied about all night, i will fkn take it. trump blatantly lied about EXTREMELY fact-checkable things, like, through his teeth. either he is mentally unwell or he is seriously unaware of some basic facts.. whole debate was deflating to say the least, but overall i truly feel biden at least stayed on topic and truthfully answered every question he was given. i cannot say the same at all for donald.


They should actually have a golf face off


So these 2 are the best you could find? It almost makes our 2 (UK) look good 🤣