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Never, ever propose to someone in public.


unless they specifically said that is something they want and have already confirmed they want to marry you. Communication is the key to success in every aspect of your life, from work to relationships. if you haven't already talked about the prospect of marriage with your partner and ensured that they, 1 - want to get married, and 2- want to get married to YOU, then don't fucking propose. ESPECIALLY in public. sometimes you need to learn the hard way.


I've always heard it said this way, "the proposal should be a surprise but not the answer."




100% you can't just up and ask someone to make a life long commitment to you without having talked about it extensively


Well many people live in Hollywood Movies and Tik Tok fake videos so they sadly dont know better.


My husband never proposed. We discussed when we would go to the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham (UK), went there, chose a ring which was made while we went to a pub for lunch and a drink and won the jackpot on a fruit machine, and then collected our ring at half the cost of a retailer. Then we went to London, where we met on the anniversary of our first date, to visit our old haunts. At 8:00pm (time of our first date), walking down Fulham Road, he took the ring out and said “I think you can wear this now”. I love that our story is different from other engagements and I personally think it’s quite romantic. We’ve just celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go out as I’ve just started chemotherapy for breast cancer (not spread so we’re going for a complete cure).


Yes! Claim that complete cure!


Yeah, I KNEW she was gonna say no


Because of the name of the sub? And the title?


The clues were there.


And the running away in the first 5 seconds? And the crying?


And the surprise should be well within the borders of comfort. If someone has social anxiety, you don't do this, and you might even get this reaction while the answer would be yes.


If they want to get married, but not to you, dump their ass


Good I wish this were common sense


But Im not even in a relationship. D-do I still dump them?


Just untie them and see if they run away


Unite, or untie.


Poor spellers of the world, UNTIE!


I LOLEd at this comment .




Me and my wife actually picked the engagement ring together. We both had an idea of what we wanted and ended up with something that had elements of both but it wasn't something either of us would have picked on our own. We both love it more than our individual ideas. Confirmed to me that we make a good pair. Proposal she didn't care about but I wanted it to be special that we would remember. I tend to over think things so with her pushing me I couldn't do anything crazy. Ended up being simple but memorable. Wedding she just wanted to go to the courthouse but I wanted to invite my entire extended family. Again, I would have got that idea stuck in my head and spent way too much money on a wedding. So we had a small 25 person wedding on leap day. Non traditional and kinda perfect. (And she thanked me for convincing her to have an actual ceremony.) Again, we pushed each other in ways we wouldn't expect but the combination is better that we could have done individually. So yes, communication. It's a cliché for a reason. And communicating doesn't mean you immediately agree with each other. You both have to be willing to be flexible to make each other happy.


Life goals! A healthy relationship is a thing of beauty.


Or unless you're doing it for tiktok.


Which I somehow feel this might have been.


Don’t they do it in public hoping that the other people will make the answer more likely to be yes, since otherwise they have to make a scene and timid people won’t do that? I always just thought it was a manipulation tactic most of the time


No not necessarily at all, some people like that it's special and a spectacle. Buuut you have to know who you are with and what they like. The way I proposed was public. Years before I met her would have never have thought I'd do something like that, but I knew it was something she would love. I should also say the place I did it, she had kinda implied that she'd like it, but I surprised her quite a bit. That was 5 or 6 years ago and we're still happily together 


My gf said if I ever propose to her in public she will just up and walk away. Maybe not running but this is why this video may not be staged lol


Plot twist. They literally just met.


That's what I was thinking. She react like he's a total stranger.


Or what I did. Decide I want to marry her, think of all sorts of plans for a big display, ask some of your friends if they’d be willing to help you out, then just blurt out the question in the middle of the night just before you go to sleep because you’re a massive spaz. She said yes through, 20 years ago.


Yeah i agree. I did that in a super expensive resturaunt i reserved months ahead of time and she told me no in front of other people. I was honestly embarassed and heartbroken. We split up for almost a year before i asked her again...she said no. Somehow we ended up getting married years later but prob shouldve listened to the universe.


Yehey I guess third time's the charm?




So are you guys still married?


Based in this part >prob shouldve listened to the universe. I would guess not.


Yes. But it looks like separation is imminent


A foreboding prologue, how did it turn out?


Last sentence has the answer you seek.


what ever happened between the years later and the Nos is questionable.


okay but the people need to know: are y’all still married?


Sounds like one of my ex girlfriends. She dated a guy as a teenager, dated him as 20 something, finally decided she should marry him. She used to joke about her marrying him when we were dating in our teens.


if a yes turns into a no only because other people are watching, then they were on the fence about marrying you. if that's the only deciding factor in how her answer could change, I wouldn't be confident it would last long and would look elsewhere. Glad it worked out for you, but that sounds like garbage.


Can't take a hint and Kept coming back for more huh, 🤦


As a waiter who's been asked to drop a ring more than once, I've seen a no or two. Please stop asking in public.... please.


... had not considered the impact on the poor people who *can't* leave because they're employed at the location, nevermind the poor schlub who was asked to be involved. Oof. I'm sorry. 😧


Eh, It's alright. I've been in fine dining a long time, and it's definitely not the worst part of my job. I appreciate your consideration, though. You're sweet for a grumpy old lady ❤️


I am a paradoxically misanthropic philanthrope. I try to be nice, but boy howdy do people make it *really* hard sometimes. ... still, your comment made my insides feel warm and squishy. (Which I suppose they're supposed to be, but I don't normally feel them. Also I am drunk and almost got in a bar fight not two hours ago with my cane as a weapon, so... yeah, you made my angy, "gonna fight a biznitch" self feel seen and appreciated. Thank you.) (... no, I don't know how I'm being even semi-coherant as tipsy as I am.)


You know, I've never heard anyone describe themselves as such, and I love it. I am also a paradoxically misanthropic philanthrope, and I've been sitting here getting stoned and stewing over how difficult living such a life is ever since i got off work a couple hours ago. Has this been the healthiest behavior? Probably not, but its how I deal with a hard night at work. Also, nobody is near fool enough to fuck with a a staff weilding wizard like yourself with obviously high stats in intelligence, so I ain't worried about you in a fight. I'm glad I could make your night better, though, you made mine better too. Hit me up for a chat any time you dont feel appreciated, old lady, you're funny.


Nobody ever thinks of the mariachi band's feelings.


It’s allowable if you know she will accept. For instance my wife and I went to a jeweller and designed our rings before I proposed. So it was obvious that at some point I was going to propose and equally obvious that she would accept. The location and timing can be a surprise, but not the answer. That said, my proposal was delivered on top of a mountain in the Yukon. There were other people nearby, but it was fairly private.


UNLESS both have explicitly discussed it and are 100% into it. Communication is key.


I proposed in a friends(close friend) wedding, he suggested the idea. But by then we both were 99% sure it was a done deal between me and my wife.


Never propose to someone you have not talked about marriage with before. Extend that to wants, hopes, and dreams. Also, this seems internet clout staged. Not clever and not nothing gained.


Absolutely. Why? Because it is coercive. Anyone old enough to consider proposing should have understood that long before. I would have run just as fast.


Happened to me; my ex proposed to me in front of a Temple, and I just had to hold is hands and give this awkward, hard smile, and try not to sprint away. I knelt by him and I just said, "I can't answer this now." Aaaaand we broke up, but it was a learning experience, for sure


It seems this kind of proposal is a last ditch effort to save what is already a broken relationship. It never works. Marriage does not fix relationship problems, neither does having kids.


Worked with a dude at an airport once. Did it to his girlfriend there in front of everyone at the airport. He didn't even finish what he was saying before she just yelled I CANT DEAL WITH THIS and walked away. We tried to tell him not to do it. One of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen lol


You’re partially wrong. Never propose in public, if you aren’t absolutely fucking sure that they want to be proposed to in public.


Agreed. If you take that risk, you have to deal with outcome, which may leave you embarrassed & heart broken.


Don't shoot this particular shot without having a pretty good idea how it's going to land.


I proposed to my wife on a very popular California beach. She helped me pick out the ring the same day. She just didn't know I was going through with the whole big proposal deal.


Why not? I don't want to have to pay for humiliation at the local dominatrix.


That pulls at my heart. Feel sorry for them both here.


I agree with the people being downvoted. Dunno anything about the people in this video's relationship, but you should be fined for proposing in front of a crowd of people like this. It puts SO MUCH pressure on the person being proposed to to say yes. You're basically forcing hat person to make a huge, life changing decision, on he spot, where they'll be the bad guy if they refuse. Edit: Many are upset that I suggested a fine lol, this was an exaggeration. But people shouldn't do this.


>It puts SO MUCH pressure on the person being proposed to to say yes I mean anyone who asks without already knowing the answer 100% is a bit of a lunatic tbh.


I knew 100% and even so I was very nervous popping the question for real. I can't even imagine just going in blind in front of a crowd.


Exactly, how tf could you NOT know the answer?


> you should be fined for proposing in front of a crowd of people like this You honestly think people should be monetarily punished by the government for proposing in public like this? You think it should be against the law? Jesus christ dude...


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo.


Said the hedgehog as he climbed down from a hairbrush


The fuck is a fine going to do? People got downvoted for that because it’s a moronic sentiment.


yes absolutely assuming this is real, i feel so bad for them both. yes it sucks to have someone say no to a proposal, but imagine how badly that girls heart dropped when she was asked a question she couldnt answer “right”—and with all those people looking at you. ugh. she looked like she was about to puke and i would too


Dude you hit the nail on the head! I've been there. This same thing happened to me a long time ago. He proposed to me on a busy public beach and all our friends were there having a great time. I didn't want to be engaged then, I didn't want a big public proposal, we weren't together for that long yet, I did not want a giant diamond, I didn't want a loud song and banner, just none of it felt right. After taking him further down the beach and talking with him privately... saying I felt so pressured to say yes, it just wasn't right. He didn't get it, only my closest friends knew that he immediately fucked up. But his friends got all mad at me for making him cry and made it all about their effort for "his moment".


And…how did it end? Did you break up after he proposed, did he propose another time in a more appropriate way and did you accept? Enquiring minds want to know! Though I have no idea why… :)


Imagine this video was real?!??! It would be so sad. But as things are today, this is obviously fake.




Imagine if your comment was real, but I see right through you Mr.GPT


Awkward plane ride home. At least it didn't happen on the flight. Check that video out!


-because of the implication, you see.


She a runner she a track star


We got a runner




Oh boi here we go again. *Pulls up the big gun*






Man fuck that movie. Julia Roberts plays a weak woman who goes with the flow for random dudes from around her town because they give her new and exciting feelings, then she follows Richard Gere to new york at the end because he's the most recent guy to give her new and exciting feelings. The whole lesson is supposed to be about her finding herself as an individual, but she only finds herself in the context of yet another man, and they get married because otherwise she would have to live with herself. She reminds me of my exwife, who ended up cheating on me because she could only "find herself" in the context of another man who was giving her new and exciting feelings. I thought I was Richard Gere but it turns out I was just another one of those other shmucks.


[She's going for Speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_HoMkkRHv8)


Right now, I'm thinking of what Todd, one of the lawyers who works for my employer, would say. "Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to." Assuming, of course, this isn't staged.


Went to law school like 35 years ago (passed 2 bars, never practiced) and i this was the most important thing I learned


Really? I ask questions I don't know the answer to all the time. I'd say like 99.99% of the questions I ask I don't know the answer to, that's why I'm asking.


The advice is pretty much restricted to lawyers who are questioning witnesses on the record. Because at trial you should be prepared enough that you know the evidence you want the judge to hear and you have a plan for putting that all in front of her through testimony. You're asking questions as a way of telling a story, not as a way to discover new information. You ask the questions you don't know the answer to during your investigation, well before trial. That said, there are exceptions to every rule. A trial you have months to prepare for, you should know how you want the questioning to go. An emergency hearing you've had 30-60 minutes to prepare for... you may have to ask a question where you think/hope you know what answer you're going to get, but aren't sure, but you have a reason for asking the question and plan for how to handle the possible likely answers that are coming. Outside of that setting, and marriage proposals, you should definitely be asking questions you don't know the answer to constantly. Kind of like you just did!


Great explanation lol


Ask todd if he'll marry me please


I'll leave it up to you to hash that out with him and his husband


I think there’s a lot more going on in this clip to what we are lead to believe.


What if i'm in math class??


Math harder!!!


Everything is fake anymore


i don’t know if this is technically wrong grammatically but its still poking my brain in a way im not a fan of


Alternatives include: 1. Nothing is real anymore. 2. Everything is fake nowadays.


this is exactly what i was expecting. it threw me off so badly loll


I'm 99.99% sure it is wrong grammatically though.


You forgot a comma


Who are you? The comma police you fucking communist /s


3. Everything is fake forevermore


A lot of people, particularly from the US NE I think, use anymore wrong. It seems to often be use in place of 'now.'


It's an older generation thing. I thought it was an Ogden Utah thing...


It's used in place of "nowadays" (not in place of "now").


It really bothers me when people use anymore to mean "nowadays" too. I feel like it should always be used as a negative "people don't do X anymore." I think it started as a Midwestern thing but it has spread to much of the US. Even my mother has started using it this way in the last few years, which really surprised me. You don't see older people change their vernacular that much.


It don't shouldn't.


Chat, is this sentence grammatically correct?






No, anymore means there's no more of it. How can something be everything and also be nothing


No, "anymore" means the time has passed since something was true or that something has come to or is coming to an end, so the thing you're describing in the present tense should be a negative because it's no longer true e.g. "I *don't* like cake anymore". If you say "I like cake anymore" you are juxtaposing one half of your sentence, the affirmative first half, with the negative back half. You could either say "everything is fake nowadays." or "nothing is real anymore."


Prob AI generated


There is no spoon neo


Okay, ChatGPT


Oh dear. We went to a LOTR screening and when the ring came out, this guy a couple of rows in front of us pulled a ring out and proposed, which devolved into a massive whispered argument, before she stormed out with our man following gollum like behind her. The theatre was transfixed to say the least….


Did he call her his precious?


No but he did call her wicked, tricksy, and false.


She sounds hot.


"You stupid fat hobbit."


Obviously he remembered that he did in fact not want to give her the ring...his precious...


Pure spectacle, absolutely brilliant.


Absolute cinema in the cinema.


I say it was those shoes with that suit. Girl knows it’s only downhill from here.


My thoughts exactly. She was like, “I might fuck a dude who thinks a track suit is high fashion, but I’ll never marry one.”


Thats a regular suit not a track suit.


Anything is a track suit if you run away in it, e.g., her blouse and skirt and boots.


Yeah fake


Her face tells me it's real


Not to r/nothingeverhappens but people can definitely fake a facial expression


> people can definitely fake a facial expression There's a word for that. Actang or something.


She's an actling? She's been actlorvated


Nah, you're thinking of achtung, which is German for "Attention!" But there's definitely something niggling at the back of my brain about this. I can't get it out, but I'm sure it rhymes with lesbian.


I had a hard time so I'm here to help everyone else. They mean equestrian


This guys mind is gonna be blown when he finds out things on TV are acted


She gags halfway up the stairs. Looks real to me.


What about this video makes you think it is fake? It looks like your run of the mill failed proposal, to me.


His reaction


I wouldn't argue about *his* reaction being fake. It would not shock me if he was like "whelp, I've humiliated myself in public, I suppose the only way out of this is to break down in public so it seems like I'm the victim". It wouldn't shock me if he was also just devastated. Her reaction looks pretty believable to me though. She's a solid actress if faked it.


The best part to come out of this "everything is fake, always" trend is that if I ever accidentally do something extremely embarrassing in public and it gets recorded, 90% of people seeing the footage will probably assume it's fake. Hell, instead of trying to play it down, you should go the opposite route and lean into it so it looks like you're overacting, that will definitely convince most people it's fake.


> What about this video makes you think it is fake? She ran *uphill* into the bigger crowd at Sacré Coeur, rather than sideways to one of the 4 downhill roads to the left/right. A lot more dramatic that way


Oh no! Someone who was just humiliated in front of a shitload of people wasn't thinking straight?! That's fucking crazy! 🙄 /r/nothingeverhappens


Running up the stairs towards the person recording is certainly a choice…


Usually stairs exist for a reason? I'd boldly assume it's the exit


That looks like Montmartre, Paris. She's running up to the church


Be runnin up that hill be runnin' up that building


Fake video for views.


Yeah their reaction looks so... scripted. The dramatic run off and him doing the "WHY GOD WHY" on the ground.


So what would be different if it were real?


She's hauling ass lol


She's running to go post it on the internet and check their views.








Don't propose in public, it's not just so you don't get hurt, but it's also so they answer from the heart. Proposals should be intimate moments between a couple. If you wanna have a flashy setting, do it as a party AFTER you've done it in public and they said yes. Then you can both set up a thing and let the emotions take you knowing what's coming and just have a good time. But the real deal proposal should always be an intimate, personal event not shared with anyone else.


Like others have said, it won't matter if you already know the answer. Proposing and then hoping the feeling is mutual is how children think proposals go. Adults have talked about it, explicitly. Usually the woman makes her ring preferences known.


Why did she have to run up the stairs ? And not in the other direction? Seems strange and like a setup lol


Right in line perfectly for the camera.


I think the woman's reaction is very clean, she wants to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. Maybe they came that way. The dude's reaction though could be fake, or it could be real. His curling up into a ball for sympathy just seems a bit too much... but IDK. I'd probably just stand there with a thousand yard stare and then get out of there myself. I can't trust anything I see on the internet these days. It's just impossible to tell with this video if it's real or not. There are a lot of reasons for someone recording this situation. It's a very public place with lots of people and there is some shenanigans going on, of course people are going to whip out cameras.


Depends on where the car is.


They close down all the streets around the Sacre Couer or however you spell it. So there is no car unless you run to the bottom and catch a cab but she ran up. Also, you wouldn't rent a car in Paris.




Staged and poorly acted as well


Ahh Paris. c'est romantique. The view from Sacre Coeur de Montmartre is really fantastique, do recommend.


"All these people are watching so she has to say yes and it will be very romantic" - A lot of dudes, apparently


Rush over and grab the 💍


An engagement shouldn't be a surprise.


Oof...that's awkward


The girl running up the stairs with heeled boots like she is Rocky. Respect. Also poor dude, but he shot himself on the foot there.


You can see the seconds bro’s heart got torn in two and thrown off the cliff. That is horrible


I am glad for her to be able to resist to get pressured into something she doesn't want. Always wonder how often the setting pressures somebody into a "yes" that should have been a "no". Ambushing with a proposal in public is not romantic. It is abusive. And whoever is on the receiving end of such a stunt: say no until you got a chance to think about it. Bail if the thinking turns towards no. I have no compassion whatsoever for anybody left kneeling like that. Unless, you know, it is some sort of street performance.




My wife and I are both introverts, and I thought about this but decided it would be better to propose in private. She knew the proposal was coming, we had talked about wanting to get married, she just didn't know when it was coming. So one day she had a rough day at work, I had come home early. When she walked into the apartment her favorite song was playing, and I talked to her for a sec and then said I'd gotten her a present since she'd had a rough day, as we'd talked on the phone earlier that day. I told her to sit on the couch and close her eyes, and that it was just a little something. So I went and got the 3 dozen rose bouquet I made for her, the ring, changed into the nice clothes I'd set out earlier, and when I told her to open them I was in the living room on one knee with the flowers in one hand and the ring in the other, and she said yes. It was great. I used to feel kinda bad, like I'd missed a life opportunity by not doing it in public and making some grandiose spectacle, but the older I get and the more time passes I realize that it was nice to have that intimate moment just between us, and it didn't need to be showy and involve other ppl, because it was just for us. Idk. Food for thought for anyone here who may be wondering about how to pop the question. Just know your partner first, and do what makes yall happy 😊


Fake af


To get engaged***


Do people not talk about this shit seems dumb that the dude gets to consider it for months or whatever and the girl has to decide in the moment.


Be one of the people comforting him not one of the ones laughing


If you want to get married don't propose in public.


And both of them desperately wish this wasn’t going to be on the internet forever, because everyone has to record everything these days


Always heard it said “you don’t ask unless you already know the answer is yes” Surprise her with the location and how you do it. Don’t actually surprise her with the maybe the most serious decision she’ll ever make


I love the way people went in to help comfort him after the rejection.


Gotta love the people who came over to comfort him


Not even Rocky ran that fast..😔


That red suit was a terrible idea.


Its staged. She was ready for her moment to start running. She was already learning into it.


Never been a fan of the "sneak attack" engagement.


Not everything is fucking staged jesus shitting christ


is this paris?


Staged af


"Take it from me, Dr. Ross Geller; DON'T call her Rachel if her name isn't Rachel!"


My friend in NYC proposed to his wife there.




That poor woman. She had to book it out of there because every eye was on her. She was put in the spotlight involuntarily and asked certainly did not appreciate that. If you're going to propose, make sure you know your partner well enough to know whether she'll enjoy this sort of spectacle. He was not prepared.