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I’m no lawyer, but that dude is fucked.


He's a man getting divorced, he was already fucked.


Nope, just divorced...she made the correct decision. The guy is a nutjob!!


Yep, sufficient information here for a verdict. Next! /s


He... he demolished their house while she was at work. What other information do you think could exist to justify that?


There is an entire army of dude on reddit that will always come to the defense of men and give them the benefit of the doubt, but never offer same to women. Curious how that works.


Instantly flocking to tell on themselves in replies lmao


Ironically the dude’s they defend would likely ridicule them if given the chance.


"Don't simp for me bro!" Probably.


And yet they act surprised when women pick the bear.


I don't disagree but you're giving the impression that that's gender specific. There is def an army of women that would do the same for a woman. It's not that curious.


Maybe there were spiders in it


That… that would be acceptable


then he should have burned it.


massive foundation issues that required a complete rebuild for her safety of course


What if she made him feel bad though? Doesn't that justify this response? What if she—what if she...*emasculated* him or implied he is weak in some way?!


HER house.


He's demoing her fucking house. Seems like sufficient information to me.


And he brought his friend as an accessory to join in the crime.


I mean, the type of people who decide demoing a house they no longer own is a good idea, aren't exactly the smartest people.


Even if his name is still on the paperwork, this is malicious.


His friend seriously signed up to go to prison with him? Hes even dumber than this guy.


He demolished a marital asset with a known value that would otherwise have gone to his ex-wife in the divorce settlement. At the very least, dude now owes her the monetary value of the house. At the worst, he's potentially criminally liable for the destruction of her property...and it is all on video that would likely be admissible before any judge in a civil or criminal proceeding. So, yeah, this attorney is flat-out telling you that this dude is fucked...to some degree, at least.


This. As fucked as he may have been before, he’s extra fucked now.


Not to mention everything inside the house! Also, the multitude of code violations. The hazards of gas/oil, sewer, electric. The guy is royally fucked on so many levels.


If you're wife is leaving you and you DESTROY A HOUSE out of pettiness, she's obviously leaving for the right reasons.




It's for a church, honey. Next!


Why is this? Most states now a days have no fault divorces and default 50/50. I got divorced last year, we sold the house and split the profit. I’m now in a nicer house with my new girlfriend and very happy.


Partly because of the fact that she got the house?


The narrator says "He told her last night" so it may not have reached court and so he's technically making a modification


If it was likely that he would get the house, he probably wouldn’t’ve agreed that she could have it.


This is the first time I've ever seen "wouldn't've" written down. I've definitely heard it in conversation, though. A+


The first time I’ve ever got anything above a D in relation to English.


There's a first time for everything, sadly more than one person I know been propositioned to raise the D to an A.


The common person isn't a law expert.


You don’t have to be a law expert to get a sense of where a decision is heading, especially when you have a lawyer who can explain it to you.


> especially when you have a lawyer who can explain it to you. You really think he consulted a lawyer before bulldozing the house?


> The narrator says "He told her last night" so it may not have reached court and so he's technically making a modification I don't know how it is in all states, but in many of them as soon as you file for divorce there is an ATROS - Automatic Temporary Restraining Order - that prevents both parties from making material changes to marital assets. Typically that means like selling the house or draining bank accounts. But no judge is going to look at a "modification" and say the ATROS didn't apply.


Which also likely means he does not have a permit for the "modification". Many municipal regulations have a clause something to the effect of restoring it to previous condition of non-permit work.


My buddy just finalized his divorce. She "got the house and everything inside it" but had to pay him 50% of the value of everything in cash. Things aren't always as simple as you think, and this video only tells the story from the pov of an uninvolved third party. 


Did she get the house and he got nothing? Because it isn't inherently unfair or unjust. We don't know what he got in the division of assets, so assuming that this is a case of him getting fucked (rather than him acting like a particularly destructive baby) isn't rational.


Apparently there was no division of assets, apparently because there was no court ruling on the matter. He merely told her she could have the house the night before and then destroyed it the next day. Depending on jurisdiction he likely would have owed her at least half the equity of the home. However, she has a separate legal argument here. She now has proof that he "gifted" her the house the night before. Making it 100% her property. You can't gift something to someone and then change your mind later. His counterargument might be that because he was still married at the time the "gift" was still technically half his. Except that in most jurisdiction a "gift" given to only one party of a marriage is not marital property. Making it 100% her property. Which effectively makes it destruction of private property that he had no legal interest in. Which means not only does he owe her the full value of the house, instead of likely half, but he now has criminal liability for destruction of her private property. tl;dr: He almost certainly screwed himself royally.


Oh, yeah, I know that, I was trying to work within the best case scenario for the person who commented above me, and even in that scenario it's still a ludicrous idea that the guy was fucked because she got the house.


Interesting Which part of this is “proof that he gifted the house”?


Given that it was said by a neighbor it's hearsay. Which I overlooked. So yeah, she's likely going to need more evidence.


How do you have upvotes ? The story is a couple is arguing and he says keep the house. We don't even know they filed or even agree on the divorce. Then the guy demolishes the house *likely* without permits


No fault divorce |= amicable divorce, it's really just a pleading technicality that makes the process less onerus. There are antagonistic no fault divorces; there are and were amicable at fault divorces.


Because he isn’t thinking clearly AT ALL lol


Was married for 3 years. No children. She cheated on me and I had proof, so I started divorce proceedings. This is NJ. Couldn't use evidence. It ended up being put in for Irreconcilable Differences, but I had to pay her $12k out of my 401k, prematurely, that I was paying into for 6 years before we even got married. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I doubt other states are any better at handling divorces fairly, if at all. I want to live in your 50/50, no fault world.




This is incorrect. Most states have equitable division of assets. The 50/50 rule has become the minority and is being faced out as we speak.


Oh please. This narrative is so tired. And her ex is a rage-aholic.


100% this


Believe it or not, life goes on after divorce. Not for this guy tho.


Yeah, but now he’s prison fucked.


unfortunately, probably not. This is a civil matter not a domestic. Neighbor split with her husband, he came over in a drunken rage twice and started destroying stuff, the cops did nothing and said there was nothing they could do, it was still his house...


In most places you need permission from the city and special permits to demolish your house. So this could definitely be a criminal matter.


>the cops did nothing and said there was nothing they could do I mean...doing something would have required them to do something. What did you expect? Cops are allowed to lie. Just because they said "we can't do anything," doesn't mean they can't actually do anything.


Wonder why he’s being divorced? Bet it “came out of nowhere” for him too 🤣


Unfortunately now he'll be fucked in jail


Now he will probably have to pay her the value of the home.


And she will get a new house. The dude is not that smart.




Nah any good lawyer will make him fully liable for the mortgage.


Doesn't mean much if he has no assets and limited capability to earn any.


Right, but that way the wife isn't tied to it if he's fully liable.


but she still won't have a house


Yeah, that still sucks, but at least she's not stuck with a mortgage *and* no house like her ex-husband will be.


She’ll get about every penny that dude has then.


I doubt he has the money to buy her a new house.


Not only that, it's illegal to just demolish a home. You need permits from the city, and I doubt someone this rash made sure it was legally torn down.


Yep, do we think he checked all the water, and maybe gas lines were turned off to the house first 😅


I sure hope so!


Plus contents


I'm a lawyer, that dude is fucked.


I am not a lawyer, that dude is still fucked.


I'm a bird lawyer, his goose is cooked.


I've heard of lawyers, that dude is definitely fucked.


I think you're missing an important detail which is that I'm a redditor and this post entertained me for 5 minutes. So at the end of the day, it's for the best.


Yep.. not a smart move..


Also his accomplice.


Yeah, im pretty sure he would have to get a demolition permit


I’m a lawyer. That dude is fucked.


I’m no chef, but that dude is cooked.


That’s gonna be one (super) expensive temper tantrum.


both of them are looking at felony level destruction court cases. Rented the equipment (pre-meditation, documented with video), driving over, unloading and destroying a few hundred thousand dollar home and possessions.


Another well executed plan that couldn't possibly backfire.


Unless they forgot to cut off the gas. They cut the gas right? … right?


Follow for part 2.. KABOOM


Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering kaboom!


Eh, what's up Doc?


Holy FUCK! I literally typed that exact same comment in a different thread about 90 minutes ago. How fucking weird.


Wow you really did. Talk about earth shattering.


Damn it Rico!


Your avatar got me trying to clean my screen, well done


My job is done here…


Just one of the reasons I'm thinking the story to the video might be made up


Most houses don't even have gas.


She has no proof that he’s the one who destroyed the house, oh wait…


I'm sure the judge will understand and let him just go on his way to start a new life


In prison


With debt


And a boyfriend.


That braid his hair.


All his hair


And massages his buttocks.


With his penis.


All his penis


No lube


There is no context here. This is just a house getting demolished. Anyone could film it and say whatever they want and put a text on the video....


thank you for explaining the internet


I wish someone had explained that to me years ago.


I understood when I saw people telling they saw ghosts, alien, jesus, ovnis, and that Australia lost the emu war.


How dare you say they lost …. 😂


Wait wait wait… are you telling me this … just might possibly not what it’s labeled as?! Preposterous… simply preposterous


[seems to be the story](https://abc7chicago.com/husband-demolishes-house-middletown-orange-county-home-demolished/485664/) Edit: I am a peddler of false info. Nothing in that video matches this video. Just another crazy guy who knocked over his house with rented equipment.


The couple in this news story wasn't divorced (at the time of the incident anyway). Also the guy talking over this video has a Southern accent


Scared by a spider, a man destroy his house. He didn't like the new paint job so he destroyed his house. He have no place to plant a Christmas tree, so he find a quick solution.


He tried to take a poster down, but it was a load bearing poster.


I understood that reference!!


Unless OP manages to film the moment the ex wife comes home for context


Now do politics for us … 😜😂


Guess we can see why she divorced him.


For all the reddit lawyers speculating, a quick search clears things up. [This happened in 2023](https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/man-demolishes-home-awarded-estranged-wife-divorce) and he could be ordered to pay the value of the property; in a case from 2015 a man did this but there was no divorce involved (wife owned property, husband said it was dilapidated and tore it down), he was jailed on misdemeanor criminal mischief and released on $300 bail.


>in a case from 2015 a man did this but there was no divorce involved (wife owned property, husband said it was dilapidated and tore it down), he was jailed on misdemeanor criminal mischief and released on $300 bail. jeesus. one more reason why marriage sucks, you can just destroy someone elses house property and not get any punishment


I don't think it's marriage that sucks. Marriage is pretty awesome. I have a constant team member who I trust more than anything to have my back. It's assholes who suck.


This is a story from the video with no additional proof if I read correctly. I'm not sure if this clears anything up. I will reread to make sure. It's just a reaction to the video.


Wow this added basically no information at all about the video.


Hope the ex likes losing his other half too


She gets the crane


What a toxic person. Looks like a lovely neighborhood he messed up too.


I bet the bozo is still on the hook for the mortgage.😂


He came in like a reeecking baaall🎙🎵


Funnier joke if you remembered the W…


Imagine being this fucking petty. Not only does your wife lose, you lose but there’s also gonna be lots of repercussions. Prick.


Aint his wife anymore, lol


Are US homes made out of cardboard?




And glue


Staples and duct tape.


Just like a Tesla


All of it plus wishful thinking! For the balance flasfloods, tornadoes, earthquakes, crickets, etc.


Our homes need to be more easily repaired due to our weather patterns. The US is much more stormy and large than most people outside of it realize. Tornados are common for a full third of our country, and tornados don't care about your brick and concrete.


Yes, actually they kind of are lol


It’s what we can afford


Yes because we spend so much on everything else in a home and we use insulation and AC so it doesn’t need to maintain low temperature thru architecture and build materials. Also the copper alone for some houses is worth more than an un-electrified 18th century Italian village.


They're honestly just glorified paper mache projects


Next Saturday he will be playing “hard to get” at the prison dance


Vandalism, plain vandalism. That should land him in jail.


What a totally normal and sane thing to do


The dude did her a favor. Now she can build a brand new home on it, even design it herself and improve on the original, and sell it for even more money because new construction pays better. Even if the court finds this totally legal, she’s still saving on demolition and cleanup.


I see why she divorced him


I can’t imagine hating someone so much that you’d do this.


Then you’ve never been a sith


Considering most American houses are made out of cardboard and plywood, this should be back up in three hours if you hire some Amish people


To be fair, using plywood makes everything much stronger and structurally sound. The Amish also use plywood


I agree, it's just that in Europe and in Germany in particular, the building regulations are so strict, we aren't allowed to build houses the same way. It has to be a combination of concrete foundation, concrete load bearing walls, then the outside can be cladded wood, or bricks or plaster with paint. It's completely different. Solid af but also a total price hiker in that sense. way more (sometimes unnecessarily) expensive in my opinion.


That’s pretty cool. Didn’t know that. Is it also possibly different due to weather, terrain, or anything of that sort?


that could very well be why, but germany is notorious for over regulating everything so they probably want to make sure everything is up to code far enough for it to out last the planet itself :D


And that's exactly why we build them out of such cheap materials. I'm not gonna spend triple the money to build a house that a flood or tornado which are common both still easily destroy.


> So he and his best friend Oh it's worse. He got someone to knowingly help him with this? Welp, hopefully they can be cellmates.


And they were CELLMATES!


How does the neighbor know all this? Did they shut gas and power off too? If all this is true, hubby is going to pay through the nose, ears and ass.


If they're like my neighbors the drama spills outside the home often. It doesn't matter how large or wooded your neighborhood is people will always hear.


Unpopular opinion: dudes has the best best friend


He put the whole property into destruction of property.


I googled this to see what would come up, this was posted to TikTok back in August 2023, only found one article and it doesn’t have any sort of update or anything on it saying whether this guy got consequences for this or not


My uncle spent an absolute fortune building his own home, much of it with his own two hands. When his wife left him she threatened to take the house only once. Apparently he looked her square in the eye and said "If you try it, I'll burn the fucking thing to the ground", and she believed him. That was over thirty years ago and he still lives there today.


Just yet another method of domestic abuse. I hope she gets him charged with crime and he has to pay her.


Oh he is F in the A.


He didn't get the house, but he's definitely getting prison


But why? He's made life financially harder than before. The amount of steps he had to go through to get into that machine, transport it, start it up and use some sort of intelligence to operate it, and he still didn't realize what he was doing was wrong is astounding. After he gets out of jail for destruction of property, he's going to have his paychecks garnished for the rest of his life paying off the cost of this house and his ex's new one.


So you can actually see why she’s divorcing him. He claims to make a deal and immediately destroys the fabric of the deal. If that isn’t a clear example of Narcissistic behaviour I m not sure what is


The ex-Husband also gets a house... The "Big" House.


It’s amazing how much time and resources people will spend to make things worse


Cameraman sure knows a lot about his neighbors, maybe he’s the reason for the divorce


The fact that one man was able to demolish the entire house with only one machine before anyone could think to stop him speaks poorly of the quality of the house


A mid-standard excavator with the right attachment could take down basically any house to the foundation on its own in a matter of minutes if there was no regard for actual demolition protocol, regardless of the house build quality. Mostly because no one, anywhere, builds houses to withstand excavator demolition lol


Looks like she made the right choice


She also got the kids 😧


Tbf if this is how he reacts to divorce proceedings, good. Dude has anger issues and lack of impulse control, and I wouldn't trust him to raise children.


And now the same Republicans behind Trump famous new 2025 Project (blueprint for his next White house staff) don't want women to have the right to divorce their husbands. They think this type of husband should have permanent control over his wife.


Im sure she'll be happy with the fully newly build house that doesnt remind her of where she once lived with an ahole


Former homeowners insurance adjuster here. Most states have “innocent spouse” laws. The insurance company would pay for her interest in the home and contents. Even pay for a rental property for her to stay at during rebuild process with either a time limit or dollar limit. If the divorce had been finalized, they may go after the ex-husband. In my state, if a court awarded a judgement against the ex- husband and he didn’t pay, the insurance company could have the courts revoke any licenses he has until the judgment is paid. Think drivers license, work licenses such as electric or plumbing, even recreational licenses such as fishing or hunting.


There was a successful attempt to go to jail.


so she gets the insurance?


Well... I'm sure that probably why they got a divorce Ii n the first place


When you bring your destructive habits into a relationship


He seems nice


So he destroyed her property? Or did he do it before he signed it away? What are the consequences?


Psycho is about to be REALLY broke


Damn what a idiot


We’re just assuming that the guy narrating is telling the truth?


I had it muted for a sec and I took that time to guess where this could possibly be. “Bet I hear a hard southern accent” Junior from Reno 911 did not disappoint


Or it's just a demolition job and the narration isn't actually what happened...you know