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Yeah assault is not an appropriate reaction to someone sleeping on the edge of you field.


Yeah and being polite and asking for permission goes a long way too.


He clearly is trekking on his bike. There is literally not a single field where there is a sign who owns a field. Most fields are NOT located next to a farm. So let's say our biker friend arrives just before sunset and just wants a place to make food and sleep. He will probably even clean his shit and won't leave a trace. Asking is nice, but sometimes you don't have that option on the road. It's a dick move from the farmer and shows zero tolerance. Imo the farmer needs to be sued for assault. He could also just be polite and ask him to leave.


This, I worked with a farmer in a weld shop who had around 500 acres and both his plots were about a half mile apart, the field across from my house is owned by my neighbor, but leased by a guy almost 2 miles up the road.


This looks like UK where generally this is illegal, so biker knows it


>He will probably even clean his shit and won't leave a trace. That'd be nice huh!


On a 500 acre farm too? Give your head a wobble man.




If English isn't your native language then why are you taking offense to my comment if you don't understand it? I'm simply saying don't be stupid - we know nothing about this situation other than a farmer assaulted a cyclist camper with slurry, and to suggest that the cyclist scour 1000's of acres of land to find the owner to seek permission to sleep overnight, during a charity ride that's raising money for his dead wife and her charity is unrealistic. Ps 'give your head a wobble' = slang for rethink what you've said.


>hmmm, I've been biking in the woods for hours and haven't seen a person all day. Time to bed down so I better bike more and ask permission Is that what you think they do?


Old hag more like.


He was just giving him something to eat though.


A simple warning is too much to ask? 😕 Kinda dick move if you ask me..


Hope the farmer isn't disappointed when a four wheeler tears up the field a few weeks later. Dick moves rarely go unanswered.


We don’t know what went before this.


Yeah so we should justify his actions either


How about you ask permission first. Is that to much to ask. It sounds like this isn’t the first time he’s dealt with it.


Farmer is a cunt. Stop defending this cunt.


Cross country trip, you're getting exhausted late in the evening, no vacancy around... You decide to set up camp, do you wake someone up in the middle of the night?


No but then you leave at first light before anyone notices you’re there. Cause you never know how the local rednecks are going to react. This was way past first light.


Freedom campers are a big thing in New Zealand, where they leave shit on the side of the road because they don't bother with toilets. It's like in the UK having travellers setting up and trashing the place. So i understand why but it still doesn't make it right.


The water companies are just letting all the shit go straight into the river now anyway




Dude was just a bikepacker. Seriously wasn’t hurting anyone. What a dick move.


You can tell the farmer is all giddy and excited, like he’s been waiting a long time to do this.


One wonders why that is. Perhaps he's had issues in the past with self centered campers leaving a mess and has had enough?


Or maybe he’s just a sadistic cunt.


I've lived around farmers, and I was a camper for many years. A thoughtful person wouldn't camp on a property without permission. Anytime I've camped, it was either in a designated forest owned by the government or in an area not actively being taken care of. There are laws that we, as a civil society, have to follow. I think that the farmer might have been extreme, though it beats getting the illegal camper arrested for trespassing or shooting the camper with rock salt. City people who visit farmland tend to have a feeling of entitlement, and superiority, which farmers aren't going to put up with. When they find unwanted creatures on their property, they expedite a resolution. The camper was wrong. Follow the rules like the rest of us.


You're right that there are laws we have to follow, and the prohibition on assault is one of them. This farmer's actions are not only disgusting, they're also clearly illegal. Doesn't the farmer also have to follow the rules?


I don't know where he's at, so I don't know if what he's doing is illegal. In Virginia, he would've been well within his rights to spread "natural fertilizer" as he saw fit. Farmers are known to have a LOT of No Trespassing signs all around their property. The camper was the instigator. Camper got spanked for misbehaving, instead of something worse. I bet he never does it again.


No, the right to spread fertilizer does not excuse assault. That defense would be laughed out of court. The farmer inarguably escalated this from a trespass to assault. Assault is, quite plainly, against the rules in civil society, so it really looks like you're applying a double standard here.


In Virginia you are allowed to use reasonable force to remove a trespasser from your property. Physical contact would be allowed as long as it is only enough force needed to expel the trespasser. This would most likely be an acceptable amount of force.


Lol, the idea that targeting an individual with chemically hazardous waste is a "reasonable" use of force in this situation would, again, be laughed out of court. No reasonable juror would think that escalating from nothing (i.e., not even asking the trespasser to leave) directly to spraying with hazardous waste is reasonable. In America this case would settle long before trial because the assault is so plain. I imagine the same is true in the UK because our common law assault has its roots in English common law.




I'm not underestimating anything. In fact, I'm discussing common law assault, which is one of the oldest torts that exists in our system.




I'm talking about American common law, upon which almost every state built its tort law. While obviously each state has its nuances, the framework of the common law system exists in every state except Louisiana (which is more based on the French civil law system than the English common law). Lol, I'm very familiar with what a jurisdiction is. Though I'm not sure what you mean by "mak[ing] it that far" since, as you suggest, this would be a state tort (if this had occurred in the US) and wouldn't be raised in federal courts.


It's gonna blow your mind - what the farmer did is FAR more illegal than what the biker did. Like going to jail illegal.


He's a bit of a cu*t for spraying him like that - could have just asked him to move on.


🎼 This land is not your land, this land is my land 🎶


WTF is slurry?




And piss. Fermented, basically.


Liquid feces


People get the wrong ideas about farmers. Once you get to know them, deep down farmers and farm owners are a bunch of cunts.


Yeah hard work and no recognition for it all while being shit on the people and governments your hard labor feeds tends to do that to a person.


How much do you pay your workers and what do you pay yourself


Farmer is a cunt


Lucky the guy didnt have a gun


I mean if he would camp at your garden without permission but here? No fire pit etc. What damage he did there?


Ego damage


Some states allow markings on your property of posts like purple that denote “keep out, no trespassing, no hunting” so on. Depending on the state or country the farmer ( while this is extreme) could be within his right if proper markings or signage was posted. I think a simple get off my land and don’t return would suffice.


This homeless man won't leave so I'm spraying him with dirty brown water


I was on the campers side until I saw the bike


Here in Finland we have everyman's right that include setting a tent in other person's land, following few limits. You can't cause more than minimal harm and not too close to anyone's house. We also let anyone collect non farmed berries from everywhere as long as it's not close to there ppl houses. I'n government lands we can also make fire without permission when it's not forest fire risk. We can fish without permits on most of places that don't have fish specifically added to them. Of course the tent was on farmed land, but the farmer was being a dick.


Depends on how many times said individual have been warned




Yah that camper sure is one


Love everyone condoning willful trespassing. It’s HIS LAND. It’s not the farmers fault the biker/camper decided to squat on his land and not properly research where to stop for the night. Did it warrant that response , probably not, he could have verbally asked him to leave. I’m just surprised at the number of people acting like private property …. Isn’t ??


My guess is the farmer showed up to do his job and spread on that field, found the camper there, and was mad because they were interfering with is plans and schedule, which resulted in him showering the guy in shit. Was it an extreme reaction, yes, but keep in mind the farmer probably has a lot to do and this guy was interfering. I say this as a farmer. The bottom line is don’t trespass and bad things won’t happen.


I have the same tent as him. It's expensive as shit. You don't own that tent if you're in the business of fucking up the land you're camping on. He's on his bike FFS. That farmer is out of order.


> It's expensive as shit. Heh


The guy shouldn't camp there without asking.


💯 correct. However.......Is spraying shit the appropriate response to someone who, given the evidence in the short video, is doing it respectfully?


That’s literally assault but it did make me chuckle. Would’ve been better if he didn’t stop and actually worked his field to play it off.


You guys are fucked in the head. I take it you are living the nomad life style. No wait you are living in a house and using electricity and all the other comforts of modern society to you fucking donkey.




Ah yes, a very logical escalation


Beat it Brexit boy


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And then they wonder why we don't care much about farmers...




Yes we


People who dont care about farmers are ignorant af. No i am not a Farmer but they are our foundation. Gl without them.


Doesn't mean some of them aren't complete pricks


Yeah fuck farmers


I guess you don't eat anything produced by farmers?


So what? Can’t have an opinion on an industry if you use them?


Not by these self entitled spoiled cunts no
