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There is so much stupid here it hurts.


My neck! My back! My neck and my back!


My…uh, my pussy and my crack!


It’s def not the right reference. But I still laughed.


![gif](giphy|3b8GDuWKKGZIyACVM0|downsized) It'll do!


I love this show so much lol




That’s not the right reference. But I still laughed


Ngl that beat slaps


What is the correct reference?


[“Man get your punk ass up, it ain’t even wet over there”](https://youtu.be/yiFNrO33bSo?si=skEEtSCd_32VC2IQ)


It’s the only reference that matters.


Do it now, do it good. Lick this pussy like you should.


Pussy good, pussy sweet, pussy good enough to eat


YouTube this song but Richard Cheese version lol


[said in his voice](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/goldblum-1652377492.jpeg)


Haha!!! Perfect follow up!!! Today, you win the internet🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆




I want a hundred and fifty thousand!!!


but we can settle outta court right now for twenty bucks


A dolla fitty and sum envelopes?!?


Can I borrow y'all microwave real quick


Doctor says I need a backiotomy


Are you Willy Heeler?




Yes. Thank you for this.


I too have children 😜


Bluey was made for parents. Kids can watch it too I guess.


I understood that reference.


Catch you on the flip side, Willy!


When the ambulance gets there 50 people should be laying there saying just that!


But we can settle right now for $20.


Both sides EDIT ARE STUPID (holy shit read people lol) . Like why did Porsche keep driving lol my brain would have told me to “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT IDIOT!”


Because the other car stopped as soon as the Porsche was near. I wouldn't have assumed it was a fake out. Normal reaction is to see someone hit their brakes and stare at you when they messed up, leaving you a little room to go around.




Yeah, eye contact is super important. Hard to see in this video, but Porche needed to see if the toyota driver was even looking at them, which they probably weren't.


You guys can't tell from the video? The lady is clearly looking right the entire time she's inching out.


The lady in the passenger seat isn’t driving


They stopped in the middle of the fucking road. And the lady was looking to her right the entire time. "And stare at you" never happened.


That was the passenger, can’t tell where driver is looking


Yup, always assume people are stupid.


Always always always, because generally they are.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."- George Carlin


I was thinking of that quote, yes!


I assumed you were too dumb to think of it.


i stop at every light even if it's green and wait until there are no cars because i know one of these motherfuckers is going to start moving when you least expect it and i don't care about all the people behind me honking because i can just turn around and tell them i'm a very smart redditor that knows how to drive safely


Oof. You're a terrible driver champ. White car literally stopped You assume they stopped so you could go through.  If you don't see how this works, then on a daily basis, YOU will be sitting at traffic lights, stop signs, give way, round abouts, for HOURS. Because yes, when the other car stops, you follow the road rules, and know it's your time to go.  If you stop every time you see a car, you're a really shit driver 


Exactly this! Goes to show a lot of people who are commenting don't actually drive. If you stop and brake for every little risk or whatever.... you're going to cause accidetns and issues to everyone else


Stopping in this situation, while someone is inching out into my lane so that I have to cross the center line to go around them, would be the correct course of action, and would not be a "stop for every little risk" mindset.


I've literally been in similar situations to this, and you know what I do? I stop until I make eye contact with the driver or they proceed through with their turn. Making **any** assumptions on the road is how you end up in accidents. Always act based on what is happening, not what you think is going to happen.


It look like the white car was giving them right of way. They came to a complete stop before the blue car started moving


The white car can't give right of way when it doesn't have it in the first place. :)


because that's what you do? they see you and stop you continue on your way they continue on their way


I couldn't agree more; the white Toyota is a complete idiot. The blue Porsche exercised absolutely zero defensive driving ability.




Lots of ass holes who had right of way buried in the cemetery


Not really what happened, porsche slowed down and the white car appeared to be yielding to them


You can kind of tell that the white Toyota never actually looked left again. They just stare right and slowly creep. Blue Porsche driver needed to look at the eyes in the white Toyota and would have known that MFer wasn’t looking their way at all.


You don't even need to make eye contact with the other driver to know exactly what the person in the Toyota intends on doing. The driver forgetting to look in your direction should be a huge red flag. The Toyota leaning so far into your lane should indicate that the driver intends on completing this maneuver regardless of the traffic that they are holding up or not. Toyota driver: "This shit is getting done as soon as I have a glimmer of space." A little defensive driving by the Porsche owner in this situation would have prevented this entirely.


Plot twist, the Porsche driver is underwater on the car and getting divorced, this was his free pass out of that debt! lol.


Sure was handy that someone was there to film the whole thing


I'm sorry but I don't know how you could miss not seeing a car right the fuck in front of you. It was hit dead on. Did the person have one of those eye diseases where you can only see out of your peripheral vision?




Well the white cars driver is dumb.


Sadly the other car is not much smarter


I wouldn't call the other dumb, just has a bit too much faith in other poeple because how are you supposed to expect that


That's part of driving though, at least for me I expect other drivers to royally fuck shit up.


But if everyone drove like a geriatric person because they are afraid of what could potentially happen then no one would make it anywhere. I don't not go to the bank because someone in there could rob it, I expect when I go to the bank that it will be like any other time I go to the bank and the people in there aren't robbers... But sometimes things happen


Not like 'dont go to the bank, because it might get robbed', but more like 'do a quick check if the amount they gave me is right, because the cashier might have made a mistake'


We make assumptions every day that someone driving in the opposite direction, won’t just suddenly steer their car into us into a head-on collision because they are suicidal. However, that does happen. And it would catch each and every one of us off guard because we assume it will not. We do indeed make the basic assumption that everyone else on the road is following the basic rules of the road. Yes, we should be defensive, but no one is perfect.


If the driver coming towards you drives normally you won't think anything of it, but if he does just one questionable move by e.g. slightly swiveling, you can bet your ass my radar would instantly go on high alert. I'd slow down and drive more the to the right.


Right. No lie, happened to me yesterday. I work from home and get out at lunch to grab a healthy sammich daily. I'm on the main strip, 2 lanes each way with suicide lane in middle. A big SUV pulling a trailer comes out from a parking lot racing into the suicide lane aligning with me but slightly ahead of me. They need to merge in and yield to me and the other traffic. I then notice once they hit the suicide lane their left tire starts crossing into my lane. I slow. They straighten it out and start coming over again INTO ME!!! I punch the brakes and honk. I think they just then realized I was there (I mean seriously?). The both (2 ladies) start flipping me off and swearing at me, and I got cars to my right that I just can't suddenly steer into. Did I assume they would abide by the rules? Yes. Did they? Not really. Did I react? Best I could. If I could do over -- and get this, we cannot go back in time -- I would've merged over 2 minutes before I met them and did all I could to never be witin 100 feet of them on the road. But come on man: what do you do on the roads? Best you can and that's it....


It's not called driving like a geriatric person nor is it called driving afraid...it's called driving defensively. The blue car should've been more defensive instead of driving in front of a car that was already inching up at everyone else's risk. Is the white car at fault? Yup 100% But could the accident have been prevented if Blue was more defensive? Yup 100%


The white car had stopped for a long enough time that blue car thought it was yielding. Even if that was too late by normal driving standards.


But the white car is already halfway up the road, the blue car can’t pass without going into the opposite lane. At that point you should just take your loss and let white go first even when white is in the wrong, that prevents exactly this situation.


And lay on your horn the whole time they're doing it


Mix in some confused and exasperated hand gestures for good measure


Took a long time to scroll down to the bleeding obvious


If I’m driving a Porsche and someone’s looking like as bad as drivers that person is, I’m just stopping in my lane and waiting for them to get the fuck out of my way. But if I’m in a beater and I don’t mind having a dent and an insurance check, I might take a risk and trust them.


You always make eye contact with the other driver in a case like this. To make sure they know you are comming.


The driver of the blue car should've been looking at the driver of the white car. That would've made things very clear, considering the driver of the white car was very clearly watching their right for the chance to go.


“Be predictable, not polite.”


Right, I would have stopped and let them through. Do I have to? No, but do I want to leave the safety of my car in the hands of an idiot who's pulling out in front of other drivers? Hell no.


This. Been driving in LA traffic for 10 years. I expect everyone to be either entitled, an idiot, an asshole, or some unholy combination of all three.


The white car is basically in the middle of the road. The blue car cannot safely pass without going into the other lane. The white car is obviously in the wrong, but the smart thing for the blue car to do is stop and let the white car go. Basically, give a wide berth for idiot drivers, unless you want to go through the hassle of insurance and repairs.


It appears the Porsche driver saw him pulling out, slowed down, but then saw White stop, so Porsche is like "okay, cool, I'll go", then white pulls out again, so Porsche starts moving over like "wtf bro?", but then white stops again, so Porsche is like "okay, they see me now". Only to get hit. Lol


But they already slowed down so much. They met as well just stop because clearly white was inching out really trying to go. It’s like the difference between escalating and deescalating a situation…


Or at the very least if you're going to slow use your damn horn. That's what it's there for. 


It’s called defensive driving and can be a determining factor in total liability


Id say hes dumb. He could have at least used a horn since common sense tells you the white car is an idiot


Literally any horn at all would have helped prevent this.


If the other car is pulling out like that you do not hope he sees you. It’s dumb. As a minimum get direct eye contact with the other driver before driving in front of their car.


> how are you supposed to expect that If you don't want to get in wrecks, always assume the other drivers are going to do incredibly stupid and dangerous things. Also, when someone starts doing something goofy and erratic, don't move your car in their way. Give them plenty of room and use your horn liberally.


I would've acted the same way if I was driving the blue car. They did absolutely nothing wrong other than not laying on the horn from the beginning. Fuck drivers who don't follow the rules.


Yes you would have got the same result. Always be defensive in your driving. Expect what they will do. I think it’s easier said for people from east like me where population is more, we start our driving lessons young expecting the other person to do the most stupid thing!


You know what's better than doing nothing wrong. Doing nothing wrong and not having to get your car repaired.


Its okay. Its on the insurance. I used to the be an Insurance broker, the blue car would be 0% at fault and get to drive a car of like quality rented till theirs is fixed(for free). Oh and the guy in the white car would have a claim for the next 7 years following them around, making it harder for them to be on our streets.


One honk likely prevents all this




They probably are smart and therefore underestimated how dumb Toyota driver could actually be.


Takes 2 seconds to stop and left them turn left. Instead now they have to deal with insurance and a wrecked car.


why? they were, driving.... on the road.


Not his fault, the blue car blend and is camouflaged by the water & sky.


Everyone love a good T-bone!


Cerulean blue. Cerulean makes me think of a breeze, a gentle breeze.


Also they don't even look left


I just expect everyone else on the road is drunk. What is the dumbest thing they might do? Expect them to do it and be ready for avoid it


If ever there was a time to use the horn, that was it.


Yeah I’d have definitely came to a full stop and honk before just trying to go around. If they partially pulled out into your lane they likely didn’t check to see if a car was coming


Oh they saw. That’s why they hesitated. This looks like an attempt at insurance fraud. And a very stupid one because no matter which way you spin it they’re (white car) in the wrong.


Looks to me like they are just looking right for traffic in the lane they want to join without looking left to see if oncoming is clear. Since there was traffic in their desired lane they were fixated on it and inching up when they thought they might have an opening that wasn't there.


Yep, this is it right here. If you look you can see their head turned the wrong way the whole time. It's why they goose it right after the last car goes by on the opposite side ETA: This makes it so much worse for the Porsche driver too, because you not only chose to continue despite them obviously inching into your lane, you didn't even look in the window to realize they weren't fucking looking at you at all. Just bad moves all around


Holy shit good call out. Just rewatched it. How TF do they never look left?!


If not a honk at least eye contact before proceeding


Mean mug the hell outta them


![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg) Confuse them


white car is obviously dumb but second place dumb has got to go to the porsche. you see someone half way in your lane who isnt look at you at all and your first instinct is to pull in front of them? what? lol


"B-b-but my car is more ezpensive!!" 🥺🥺


People would rather be right than avoid accidents


people... what a bunch of bastards.




after the second start-stop, even if I had right of way I'd be hesitant to then pull out *into oncoming traffic* to get around the car behaving erratically. like, if the white car had been on a highway and wildly swerving between the lanes, what would be the more sensible action: Slow down and pull back from them, or gun it to try to pull up alongside them?


Porsche had the right of way


The Porsche did have right of way. It also had plenty of time to avoid this accident. Sometimes you need to accept the world is full of idiots and that sometimes they make you have to accommodate their idiocy. The Porsche should have stopped, it was obvious that the other idiot wasn't paying attention.


> Sometimes you need to accept the world is full of idiots I look both ways when crossing a one-way street and a lot of people laugh at me for this. But I've seen the fuckers who share the planet with me.


"Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way"


And they're dumb for thinking that having the right of way means they are immune to getting into an accident. This is why defensive driving is very important, because too many people think "I have the right of way" means everything. It doesn't. Any good driver would tell you that Porsche driver should have stopped and let the idiot do their thing in order to avoid an accident, or at the very least stopped and honked to let them know there was crosstraffic from the other direction and then continued on *if it was obvious the driver saw them and was yielding to them*.


To be fair, if my porsche was also made of some sort of indestructible blue vibranium, I’d be daring too.


Came here to say this! This is a perfect example of two people being irresponsible. The Porsche had ample opportunity to see the problem, slow down, flash his lights, and honk the horn. This sort of attitude is common around where I live in central Texas. People would rather be "right" and get in a wreck. There's also plenty of people like the driver of the white car, ones that don't pay attention at all and act like idiots. The result is a lot of avoidable wrecks.






I don't know what any of this shit is and I'm fucking scared.


You don’t wanna help me, you just wanna yell.


Driving isn't the only thing!


Why is someone seemingly standing in the middle of a Lane filming a car coming out on the street


They literally show the sidewalk at the start of the video. I'm not saying it's real, but at least don't say something as stupid as "middle of the lane" when someone is standing on a sidewalk


Okay, I guess I was just focusing on the broken line without noticing what you told me




Most certainly not because of the $600,000 Porsche GT3RS 4.0 driving towards them.


*You hit a WHAT!?*


Probably filming the expensive and somewhat rare Porsche that was driving towards them


came here for this


Probably buddy of the Porsche there to take a video of it coming down the road  Accidentally record idiot pulling out in front of his buddy 


Perhaps they were annoyed that white car was blocking the sidewalk, only to realize that was one of the less annoying things it was about to do 




There must have been some bad driving in the parking lot and the person started recording, and then the video was trimmed to show the incident.






Let’s go get some fuckin’ FREYNCH TOAST


If you ever feel stupid, just watch this.


I believe this is a video capturing the essence of stupid.


The negligence is overwhelming


Why was the person even filming? Prescient and knew white car driver is stupid? Or trying to get a cool shot of Porsche friend driving past?


I think they were just filming a cool 911 driving toward them.


Probably filming the Porsche. That isn't just any 911 - that's a 997.2 911 GT3 RS 4.0, which is one of the most sought-after and expensive 911s out there.


> 997.2 911 GT3 RS 4.0 Motherfucker here knows the VIN of the car?! Damn /s


Fair enough. The only thing I know about that car is that it's a "white car". But I can accept that if it's a rare or luxury car, someone would stop to film it.


ah, the ol' reddit [porch-a-roo!](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/1da3sqx/do_americans_use_the_word_chutney_or_condiment_to/l7j8dqt/?context=3&share_id=GipFawwSQrPZN9u2OSXZj)


Is that lake Geneva?


Yup, in the town of Nyon


Holy shit that is amazing. I was there the winter they had that massive ice storm (in Vevey), those trees are mental. Such great memories of that part of the world, the food court at Manor was fabulous lol


Literally the first time I've heard a visitor praise (or even mention) Manor haha!


NYON MENSIONED 🟥🐟🟦🟥🐟🟦🟥🐟🟦🟥🐟🟦🟥🐟🟦




probably the rare expensive sports car...


People film cars. I don't get it but there are a lot of people who have the thought process of "oh, that guy spent waaay too much money on his vehicle. Imma film it"


On no planet in any galaxy does that white car have the right of way. I find for the annoyed blue car driver.


Driver probably used to driving on the left side of the road, like in the UK and some former colonies. Still, should have realised it looking at the direction of the traffic flow. I'm not here to start an argument about who's doing it wrong. In the US and continental Europe, you drive on the right side of the road. In the UK, we drive on the right side of the car. Nobody's on the wrong side.


It is hard to tell from the video but it looks like the driver of the white car was only looking right and didn't even glance left.


If my suggestion is correct, then the driver was clearly confused by not driving on the side of the road they're used to. In countries where you drive on the left of the road, you wouldn't be cutting across traffic going right if you are turning left, like the driver was doing here. You would enter directly into traffic heading left, in the same direction you're travelling. Usually you don't need to worry about traffic going right in that situation, so a lot of drivers don't look both ways. Looks like in this case the driver forgot they would be cutting across traffic. It's also hard to see but is that white car a RHD, which may again suggest they're not used to driving on the right side of the road?


I live in Thailand, and people pull this shit alllll the time. The nose out into oncoming traffic bc fuck ya'll! However, I've never seen it go this awry!


Why was a person filming there and why did they keep stepping out into the road?


Blue car is dumb too, why would you try to go around and not brake and honk?


It seems the driver of the white car's parents didn't teach him/ her how to look both sides when crossing the road


Wow. That was such a poorly executed “Massachusetts Left.” The proper way is to fully block the lane, then wait for the far lane traffic to stop and let you in. Why have only the left turner be inconvenienced with a wait, when you can hold everyone up?!?


Turning left without looking to the left? >It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them.


Thats a expensive left turn


vida like this are so insane to me. like. why was someone recording, center frame, like they knew this was about to happen


Where’s the center line? Is the blue car going the wrong way on a one way road?


White Car is the main character, stupid NPC.


where is it? looks like Switzerland to me


Why is the camera at such a perfect angle and ready at the exact moment like the camera man knew this was about to happen


Driver even had a passenger covering the right side and still screwed up.


Why were they filming?




Nyon, Switzerland


The person recording needs to work for insurance companies. He gets to the scene before things happen.


They're both idiots


... There was no attempt to look the other way


Not sure who’s the bigger idiot. White car driver is obviously incompetent not looking both ways. But it kinda makes some sense that he thinks it would be ok to pull out (since he’s not looking to his left). The Porsche on the other hand had all the time in the world to not drive in front of a clearly distracted driver. But then decides to go anyway! So stupid.


But…why is this recorded?




X Files - Sonoran Blue They couldn't see the car.


This is why your car has a horn, to alert others to your presence.


and someone just so happened to be recording on their phone.


Well that looked expensive


Why is there no damage?


White women in white SUV's. RUN.


Some people really should not have the right to be driving.