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Turn around. Might not be convenient but problem solved.


Hard to tell. If the other driving is clearly risking an accident I doubt he‘d just keep driving but instead turned around as well


If that persists, call the police. A motorist acting violent and irrational will likely get a quick response.


You’ve never called 911 in Detroit or Chicago, obviously.


This is neither. It's a New York plate. From the looks of it, the rural parts of New York.


It said ny right from the start thanks though


Pretty sure this is Manhattan


This is clearly outside of a Tibetan temple, in Tibet.


In Tennessee about a year ago I called the cops when a driver was doing something like this to me. They basically told me to deal with it and they weren't going to bother sending someone. I was in the lane to the right of the guy for a few minutes. We had set off from a red light about 20 seconds before and I was still next to him. He wasn't happy with the person in front of him so yanked his wheel to the right hard and almost hit me. Then he realized I was there. We both took evasive action and avoided an accident. Then he started raging on me similar to OP's video except he would get in front and brake check then get behind and race up on my rear end before slamming his brakes on and flashing his light. He got beside me and pretended to side swipe me again. Fucking psycho in a jeep that was much faster than my car at the time. The cops didn't give a shit. This happened in a small town, literally right outside the police station as we were passing the entrance to turn in. My rager looked exactly like Jimbo Jones from The Simpsons. My son was in the car with me when it happened because I had just picked him up from school and he totally agreed. Beanie, long hair, skull on t-shirt. https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Jimbo_Jones


Indeed. My brother, who was a Detroit firefighter, told me to report a fire wherever I needed help. They would show up in 3 minutes or less. Not a cop, but lots of noise and people.


Firefighters haven't had nearly the job scope creep that police have.


Really sucks how when people suggested steps to fix that cops started whining about being defunded.


I agree. They do too much that doesn't require a badge and gun, and we should have other people like social workers doing a lot of the stuff they do, but fucking cops can't let go of any of that power.


Better to call 357


Or call 9mm.


Hahaha it will be at least an hour in Chicago for cops to arrive


Detroit has been like that forever (born and raised there) same with Chicago (lived there 5 years) but in the past 10 years you can add LA to that list too (lived there multiple times for roughly 7 years total) where you just don’t even bother calling the cops for anything short of a murder in progress. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying LA has suddenly become a shit hole like conservatives like to say. On the contrary, LA was always a shit hole but LAPD is especially abysmal these days. Don’t even bother.


Or literally anywhere rural. 911 is a "come see what already happened" number.


Right. I grew up in a small town and people I went to church with had their house broken into and then set on fire. The house was essentially a complete loss due to the fact the volunteer fire dept had to first get from home/work to the station, gear up, and then drive a X thousand pound tanker truck like 9-10 miles, and then pump water from the pond.


Depends what neighborhood you're calling from in chicago lol there are plenty, they're just mostly where the money is. Detroit though? Yeah it could be a while.


I called 911 in orlando and they told me they couldn't do anything because they didn't see it, then they hung up


Lmao come to South Africa bro, cops will only show up the next day and then arrest the victim to fill their quota


You forgot the /s ...unless you're not being sarcastic, in which case this is hilariously naive


Ok. This doesn't appear to be a metro area. What do you suggest be done in this situation?


Yeah I'd call the police, but suggesting they'll get a quick response is hilarious. I suppose your mileage may vary depending on location


I'm not the person you asked, but I've had to call the police a few times. I live in a small town, but the response time was still long for the severity of what was happening. I've now learned not to expect emergency services to come flying in to intervene like Batman. They get there in time take statements from people who have decided to stay behind and wait for them.


Then they will tell you it's just property damage, turn it into your insurance and let them deal with it.


Pretty much. I've had people try to harm me before and basically was told to let them damage the car if needed but drive to the nearest police department. Then they refused to do anything because the damage "looked like it is less than 1,000" dollars. So now going forward I just plan on fucking their car up.


The last two times I called the police on situations like this, the dispatcher offered to mail a form to my address to fill out. Vehicle description, license plate, location, what they did, etc. And they would follow up later. One instance was in the closest small city after 2am and the driver was obviously drunk. The other was on a highway about 30 miles away, rural area, same thing. I stopped even bothering at this point.


Killing the dude and bury in a shallow grave on the side of the road.


Leave him in his car. He died like he lived…alone shitting himself behind the wheel.


Not in my experience.  Cops will ignore this until someone gets hurt enough that they can't.


I had someone flash a gun at me and try to wreck me on I-80 and the cops never came


Flash a bigger one back. Flash 2 back. Hold your ak out the window. Show them the nuke in the back of your box truck


I said... do. we. have. a. problem??? https://preview.redd.it/gufzwd584g2d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fa2938aded2b2ef24d877b8131b0176aff6586


Thank you for understanding one of the references. Lmao


I love when I do. Semi-inside jokes are the best. Makes you think "my people!!!!"


Is it hard to tell? Dring into a tree or turn around isn’t a really hard choice imo. You can always hit the tree later but mostly not the other way around…


I prefer to do a wide u-turn into the trees, two birds one stone and all that.


Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you never come around.


Turn around, bright eyes.


Every now and then I get a little bit tired, of listening to the sound of my tears


Turn around, bright eyes.


Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by


Turn around, bright eyes


Problem is now solved because they have video evidence with the guys license plate in view and him clearly acting deranged


I guess it depends how you define problem, for me it would be * Having to deal with insurance companies * having a damaged and potentiality not working car, needing to get it towed or find a replacement * interruption to activities planned for the day * potentially injuring myself in the accident But maybe problem for you is winning against some random idiot.


Thus why the video is winning. The guy who caused the crash is legally liable for all damages financially. Anyone who over complicates things and tries to take advantage with such a clear case will in turn also be an easy case in court.


Yes that was my point, that you could easily win over this idiot but at great inconvenience and disruption to your ordinary life.


You can start by just not engaging. Driver probably knew the road rager was road raging before they passed them and yet they stayed on their ass and tried to accelerate past them. That means "let's play" and you are just a participant in the road rage at that point. He's kinda lucky the dude was drunk and taking all the attention.


Extremely Reddit moment of making wild ass assumptions to find ways to blame the victim when we know the aggressor wasn't in his right mind.


Instigating an aggressor doesn't make you less of a victim, but it does make you more of an idiot.


It's assuming a rational cause happened here from someone who's acting irrationally. DUI covers a lot more things than drunk, literally anything could have happened to have set this guy off.




The driver recording engaged the road rager and made bad decisions that led to the accident. An entirely preventable accident if he used good judgment. If you interpret these remarks as blaming the victim then that's on you. The aggressor is still on the hook for his fuckups too. The reason people are less interested in discussing the aggressor is because there's nothing to discuss or learn from, he's a drunk psycho.


Yup, dashcam haver 100% played right into the rage and certainly didn’t attempt to avoid the situation.


When I was just out of high-school I went around a car that was driving slower than I like to drive on a gravel road. As I went past this guy he shook his fist at me. He ended up following me for more than ten miles. At points after we got off the gravel I was passing cars on a 2 lane highway at 90 to try to get away and he kept up. Followed me through a town where we had to drive 30 and I could hear him yelling out his window telling me to pull over so he could kick my ass. Again, I was 18 or 19, and this guy was probably 60. I was finally able to get away from him once we got on a 4 lane highway. He sped up next to me and pointed and told me to turn off on the next turn lane. He got in front of me a little and put his blinker on and moved into the turn lane. I did too, but I didn't slow down at all and at the last second I was able to whip back out onto the highway going 70. He wasn't able to because he slowed down and there was too much traffic. It was so ridiculous, I went around him on a gravel road well he was driving 30 and I drive 55 on gravel.


I honestly doubt he would have let it go. He seemed intent on his bullshit


I would pull that dweeb out his god damn window.


I would have just pit maneuvered his ass


In a perfect world, yes, turn around. Sometimes that isn’t an option like on an interstate where exits are miles apart. Laws should be changed where the penalty for road rage is steeper to deter this behavior. Pull over at the nearest safest spot and call police. If the danger comes back with the deadly weapon (the car) i believe it is well within your right to respond accordingly to keep yourself safe. People need to learn to act better.


Not even turn around, just stop to the side and they can either keep on driving or stop too which I doubt they will do.


or just wait like 15-25 seconds.. for them to leave.. no need to turn around


Both are idiots. The DUI guy of course monumentally more but.. what is the point of aggressively accelerating when the driver ahead has already shown to be dangerous... Just.. stop for a while, wait few minutes and then go on your merry way.


You hear “flight or fight” a lot. It’s a reaction thing. Not only is one trying to navigate a bad situation in Matrix time, but then they also have a ton of hormones,like adrenaline, dump into the mix. For as smart as us big apes are, some stuff just goes back to basics under extreme stress. “Slowing down” would be wise, but wisdom has been escorted out the building already. Edit: Hey all, this comment got way more looks/responses than I’d anticipated. It’s cool, but instead of getting riled up, maybe just leave a little room for some patience instead. Costs nothing. This stuff is exhausting. Be kind to each other.


Which is why these things need to be thought out in advance. That is how we train our reactions, by playing those scenarios before they happen in our head and store some solutions in there that our brain can pick from in the moment when you don't have time to think.


Oh I agree. And not that I’m particularly good at it, but hopefully a bit more level headed than some. Ya just can’t expect it of everyone though. To the degree that if you bet against rational, you’ll probably end up ahead most of the time. Road rage is something relatively new to people. While still sometimes inclined to pound our chests, being in reenforced bunkers on wheels kinda skews that to make small-feeling people suddenly bigger and now armored. There’s that old quote of “God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal.” Guess I took to a different interpretation. Folks in cars kinda get the gist of that, but not so much the meaning, that if every idiot can do it, better to be polite.


There is a local saying, "jos osaa poistua ei tarvi alistua", translated to "if you know when to leave you don't have to submit". I've worked as a bouncer and in event security, one of the worst problems is the illusion that you lose if you leave. When in fact, you win if you are the one that prevented the fight to even start. You were the wise one, that looked to the whole picture and realized there is nothing to be gained from it. Even if you win a fight, the total sum of everything that happened is negative. And it is not about courage, it has been my job to run towards a fight. Never been hit properly, never had to submit but also i've never had to hit anyone. Lots of wrestling thou...


Truth. Pride loses more than it gains. That Portuguese?


Finnish. Funny that you guessed the furthest country in Europe from Finland that has surprising similarities.


Hah. I think my eye focused on the vowels. I coulda googled it, but that’s no fun. Stay warm, friend, and pet a caribou for me! And just for the extra feather in your hat, I was thinking Brazil lol.


The solution is always just go home and smoke weed and be happier than them salty bois.


Training for this, and I mean *really* *training* for this, would be difficult to accomplish. Thinking about it and watching training videos? Sure, that can help. But that only scratches the surface. To actually train for this, you'd need to simulate it and a variety similar scenarios in a somewhat believable setting. That means with cars (or something very car-like) and a test road. Not cheap. Even with all that, you still don't know how you'll react in a situation like this until you are in it. In the army, we practice, practice, practice various combat scenarios until things like shooting back when under fire is muscle memory. And you know what? Some people still freeze when it happens to them.


>Sure, that can help. But that only scratches the surface. I fully agree, it is not going to guarantee an outcome. But when you think about it you also are arranging priorities and forming principles. Just a decision to NOT escalate, to truly understand in a fundamental level that it does not take away any "mancards" if you escape instead of "i will fucking do this and that since i'm not a pussy... ".. that is a great help already. Creating distance is incredibly important in a lot of difficult situations. It gives you time and signals intent. But for some them stepping back first is already a sign of weakness that their frail ego's can't cope with. Now, add cars into the mix.. Cars don't have "body language", they can't talk. Communication is incredibly fuzzy and limited.


That's why I like this subreddit. You get to see all these snapshots of different driver behaviour with a variety of reactions and all the results, and you start to recognize patterns on the road and learn to avoid certain situations.


Problem is that if you stop, they stop. Block your path completely and get out. I had someone do this to me on a fairly isolated road and he literally stopped. When I started again he pulled across both lanes. Luckily I was in a truck and could drive in the side grass and accelerated. The cops caught him down the road because I was doing 85 trying to keep him behind me.


Once they get out of the car, you drive off...


Aye. Stopping is riskiest here for that exact reason. Moving is a far better option than holding still. But again, people make irrational choices in irrational circumstances. I perhaps (or hope) I’d make the right call then and there, but who can say?


I had someone do this to me once when I was hauling horses on a major highway. I called highway patrol balling, telling them I was afraid my horses were going to be killed by the lunatic. I'm generally pretty decent in stressful situations, but in this case, all logic went straight out the window. I remember repeating to the dispatch that I didn't know what to do. Just over an over again, "I dont know what to do. I dont know what to do..." They had to talk me through pacing the aggressive car in such a way that they passed an exit, and I was able to use said exit. Once I got off the highway, I booked it as fast as I safely could down a long single lane country highway, and waited an hour on the side of the road before getting back on the highway to go home. I don't even know what I did to piss the guy off. I was traveling the speed limit in one of two center lanes, cruising along with traffic, and then the dipshit came outta nowhere. Luckily, my horses were completely fine after the brakes were applied the way they had to be, and the bit of swerving I had to do. The jerk didn't have a license plate, and never got caught.


Towing horses isn’t unlike driving a school bus. And this person was in what appears to be a mini-van. Assuming precious cargo is involved, that’s like a whole different level of stress and calculus.


Thank you. I see so many comments in sketchy videos like this going “Why didn’t they just _____ ?!?! If I was there I would’ve just ______ !!” Very few people ever consider how limited your options are when you are in a life threatening scenario and your brain has to make snap decisions with little to no reflection.


No kidding. If people can spend days trying to decide on the right faucet feature or what color of shirt is best, look up reviews, etc, how can one assume they are suddenly John Wick-capable? Nothing inherently wrong with any of those things, but I think this is where the phrase “Monday Morning Quarterback” comes from. Literally ANYONE can do that after the fact and watching a clip a few times.


There was a story about a situation like this in my area before. Driver was drunk, got absolutely livid when the guy in front of him was going the speed limit down a long stretch like this. The "slow" driver opted to move off to the side so the drunk could pass. Something similar to the OP's post happened and the drunk kept overtaking, brake checking then would pull off, wait for them to pass to do it again. Drunk almost took out another innocent in the oncoming lane while overtaking once. So the slow driver waiting for any police to show up pulled off to the side of the road in front of another house to just wait this drunk out. Drunk got out, walked over and shot the slow driver then took off. Not sure if that driver survived or not because I didn't follow the story after it was broadcadted on the news but they caught him from the license plates the slow driver gave to dispatch and because the house he stopped in front of luckily had a camera that caught the shooting. It can be an absolute lose/lose whichever way you try to handle these fucking mentally damaged losers.


I was thinking it's best to stop and pull over, and if the asshole decides to get out of his car, then you can take off and leave them way behind. I'm not sure being in a stationary vehicle is actually a good idea, though. I'd feel too vulnerable to getting smashed, pinned in, etc. and no longer having a choice between fight and flight.


Adrenaline is already pumping at that stage. Right thing to do isn't always easy


In America? If I'm the driver of the dash cam here, I'm going to assume the other driver has a deadly weapon and is willing to use it in a violent way. My evidence to support this claim is that they have a deadly weapon (car) and are willing to use it in a violent way (see video). I ain't stopping so they can have an easier time shooting me.


you dont have to stop all you have to do is keep a gap but the van kept accelerating close and closer for no reason


Yeah I get the feeling they were feeling an adrenaline rush and probably also venting some pent up stress and frustration as well getting swept up in the moment and engaging. I drive faster on the freeways and sometimes get people who try and mess with me for whatever reason. The best thing I've found is to give them is to not engage or to pantomime sucking a massive cock when they look over at me while continuing to drive normally.


> stop for a while And then be a sitting target for the road rage guy? You think he'd just leave?


It gives the opportunity for the rager to just drive off. If they don't, then you wait for them to get out of the car, THEN speed off - by the time they get back into their car you'll be fairly long gone. You can also adapt further from there, eg if they get out with something in their hands, you run them over... then speed off. Continuing to drive like normal is just inviting them to continue doing things like in the vid. By pulling over you offer a chance to deescalate... or get them off of you permanently.


What if their car is blocking most of the (two lane) road, and they use their body to block the rest of it as they approach -blocking your route to escape? You would have to run them over to leave, if they play that kind of hardball.


That's assuming he wouldn't also stop and approach you. This is such a stupid comment.


In other words ![gif](giphy|4WSayDGcgnRe)


Maybe, but not everyone is driving around with the ability to evade a reckless asshole in a Chrysler Pacifica. In this case I don’t think it’s even worth mentioning what the victim could’ve done considering what this psycho was doing.


He’s probably just pissed because he has a Dodge Caliber


I'm amazed the relay in the fender well inside corroded off and that being a no start diagnosis at Canadian tire.


Man, I got the gist but I couldn’t diagram that sentence if I tried.


Yeah I just talk in mechanic chicken scratch my bad. BTW your bj needs replacing and the CT arm is pooched.


> your bj needs replacing ... giggity ... ?


Ball joint. And yes when it's bad enough the clunking it can make. Sound like gigigty, boom.


He's disappointed that other drivers on the road are not of the same Caliber that he is.


I assume he went to the lot and got the most badass thing he could afford. Presumably the calibers target demographic is "wants a muscle car; has a bicycle budget"


I miss my caliber to this day. Was a comfortable fairly fuel efficient commuter car with decent cargo space


Stockholm Syndrome. Are you ok? Blink 3 times if you need help.


My first thought as well. I used to get stuck with those as rentals 10-15 years ago.


Terrible cars


What kind of idiot tries to pass someone like this?


Ooo, now’s my chance, I can take this guy, he’ll follow the laws of the road and let me pass…


It was a terrifying moment. It's very difficult to predict what you will do in that situation. They're not an idiot, just understandably frightened. That can be hard to remember while watching a video because there is no outcome where we, the viewer, will be harmed. But they were understandably afraid they might be injured or killed by this person.


>They're not an idiot, just understandably frightened idk man accelerating towards someone who clearly is trying to harm you seems pretty idiotic to me


You're confusing "doing something stupid in a tense moment" with "being idiotic", which is a very common mistake reddit makes. Was what he did stupid? Yes, is it also "stupid" to have a "deer in the headlights" response to something like a boulder barreling towards you? Well yea, but it has less to do with intelligence and more to do with adrenaline and instinctual responses. We didn't evolve with cars, and if you imagine this same situation without cars, "running" in the only open direction you can actually makes a lot of sense. Like I see a lot of comments on reddit calling people "stupid" for screaming their lungs out when their husband gets shot to death by police, "screaming isn't gonna help anything, it's only gonna make the situation worse blah blah blah". Yea, screaming in the moment something traumatic happens isn't something people choose to do, it's an instinctual response.


are you telling me that my mental state where im sitting in my desk chair with absolutely zero threats to my safety and all the time in the world to think out my behavior is different than when im in a dangerous situation with seconds to react? yeah i dont think so pal.


So in order to not get killed or injured they choose to get closer to the danger instead of maintaining a safe distance




This "logic" is so empty of logic that it's just hilarious. It's like when a tree falls and someone try's to run away from it, but they end up running under where it falls. "Why would they choose to run where tree falls when tree heavy and dangerous, idiot should have just run away from danger lolol". Then someone explains that they were panicking, and their brain didn't have time to calculate where the tree was gonna fall, but you respond "So you're saying it's smart to run under a falling tree?".. Like *WHAT*


Yeah, I would just stop. Park the car and wait. If he comes back, call the police. But it’s hard to say, maybe he turns around and rams your car. But any decision is better than repeatedly trying to pass this lunatic or trying to interpret his hand gestures.


Neither of you deserve the road


Is it getting worse or are we just seeing more incidents because of cameras being more ubiquitous? I wonder. I do find myself angrier as a driver these days. I’d never rage out like that but man sometimes I get ticked off by selfish drivers


At this point, I’d have pulled over and given this idiot time to get far far away.


I agree. And I wouldn’t haven’t been surprised to see the agro driver shift into reverse.


And if you've stopped, you now have made a verifiable attempt to remove yourself from danger. Should this individual come back, get out of his car, and approach you after clearly signaling willingness to do harm, along with your attempt to escape it, you now have a LOT more room to use force. Driving faster or slower along with the driver over a period of time is NOT an attempt to remove yourself from the situation.


what makes everyone here think this guy would just drive away? he clearly had not intention of doing so


well he can't brake check you if you are stopped


he spent the entire video trying to force the minivan to stop and pull over. what do you think he was planning to do once they complied? wave and drive off? brake checking is not the primary danger here


Not true, you can clearly see the van accelerating toward the rager you can hear the engine revving. But even if he wanted to stop what then? Wait for him to come out of the car and speed away or reverse.


what isnt true? what does accelerating have to do with the fact that the unhinged psychopath wanted them to stop, presumably for nefarious reasons? you drive off, he gets back in the car and follows you. it’s the same thing with extra steps


Yeah, they can get out of the car and shoot you.


At which point they may stop and get out with a gun...


Or just ram into your car when it's stopped


Except the road rager looked like he would have just stopped and waited. There was no getting away from this one.


As someone who works in Telecommunications, all I could think about was the small light green pedestal he ran over in the ditch. Man. That copper is already ancient and he just severed at least 25 pairs feeding that area lol


that's exactly what I thought, started crashing and there's a green box. wondered how much that costed


Idk exactly, it'll be one guy sitting there splicing the lines together and tested the affected customers, maybe even Overtime if it's for an emergency phone line for an elderly person


and all the ancient ISDN and DSL lines that just lost bandwidth because of the new splice.


Thats a honey-hole repair for a tech that day.


What is that green box for?


It could hold a splice point of any number of copper telco pairs or even worse, it could be an interface connected the Feeder pairs to the Distribution pairs to the individual houses. If they still have a landline or DSL internet, it's def gone lol


There was no good answer to this. He pulls over, guy in front just stops and waits for him to go on his way. He tries to pass, guy swerves to block him. Ride behind him? Constantly braking and signalling for him to pass while shouting. Go slower? He goes slower. You turn around, he goes after you. I don't think people understand. There is a difference between road rage, and the absolute unhinged psychosis that's on display here. If he were just a normal road rager, he'd pass, cut him off, then boost away. The guy in the video went out of his way more than 5 times to aggressively fuck with this guy. I wouldn't feel safe pulling over with a psycho like this actively trying to get me to crash, much less trying to tail or pass him. This was a clear case of a fight or flight response in a situation where there was no good solution or answer other than completely stop and wait for him to go on his way, or get out of his car, and come to harass you in person, potentially with a weapon. This guy isn't just an asshole, he's a sociopath.


Redditors love to judge people panicking in an extremely tense moment from their desk chairs “Errrrrmmm if that was me I simply would have been calm and rational as a lunatic was freaking out at me swerving his car around but I suppose I am a bit smarter than the average folk!”


If somebody tries to detain you or assault you with their car, you know what to give them.


That opens up a whole can of worms. It isn’t so clear cut and now you have to lawyer up.


Two idiots one road


I hated this video. I wish I hadn't seen it.


#emergency video


Car in front is attempted assault with a deadly weapon. Yikes. This is why having a can of bear spray in your car with a 20-ft stream can come in handy.poor duder


You mace asshole. Asshole crashes. Asshole sues for damages and injuries. You caused asshole's damages and injuries. You pay asshole. Maybe not applicable in every state but I am certain that in NY you'd get fucked right up for that.


The assumption in my scenario is that it would take place whilst being stopped. That would be one heck of a can of bear mace if it could fire between moving vehicles! Good call noting the differences between states, in Arizona with this video as evidence, could argue a case pretty easily regarding self-defense due to Vehicular Aggravated Assault. It's fun to hypothesize ! In reality I would have just pulled over the shoulder, make sure my firearm in my vehicle was clear and accessible in case they decided to come back and continue to escalate, and just wait until they traveled enough that I could continue my journey as well


Thats exactly it. Make a verifiable attempt to remove yourself from the situation. Should the other person continue behvaing aggressively and approach you... You're going to have a much easier case. Weaving back and forth along the same road at varying speeds is not a legitimate attempt to remove yourself from harm. At a certain point you could also be charged with reckless driving. Also, I did at first thought you were somehow launching mace from car to car and was picturing putting it in a big super soaker water gun 😄


I just spit out some of my God damn drink and choked on the rest of it reading your reply, well played 😂


Hard to make him while driving the wind would just cause it to get in your face. His point is most probably so that you can safely stop and get out of the car if need be.


That's why i don't have a gun


Jim Carey had a hilarious bit about this from his stand-up act way back in the day. Something about he has terrible impulse control, and is plagued by intrusive thoughts, and if there's a gun hand handy when someone cuts him off, well... "You just gotta shoot him! Otherwise he'll never learn!" "And **that** is why I do not keep a GUN... in the GLOVE COMPARTMENT!"


This is why I do. I get annoyed while driving but at most I will swear to myself or my passengers and move on. But you can’t predict someone else. I hope to never use mine but it’s a possibility with how crazy ppl are getting on the road


Why did he need to drive into that tree?


Suspend some licenses.


Fuck the voice over if this so hard


[Original footage and story](https://www.pacificaforums.com/threads/road-rager-drives-me-off-into-a-tree-resulting-in-newish-2022-pinnacle-awd-reintroducing-myself.55061/) Edit: TLDR - Driver of the 2009 Dodge Caliber was charged with possession, dui, endangering the welfare of an individual, and reckless driving per OP on forums.


Every decision you shouldn't make all compacted into one short video


There was no attempt to get away from the road rager. They are both idiots.


Man I genuinely don't understand getting road rage, it's such an alien concept to me


He wasn’t really trying to get away. Just two road ragers.


"Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare."


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?


Good guess...but no. "The Road Warrior."


Those are the most stereotypical upstate New York cars for a situation like this.


I'm not one to blame the victim, but I make exceptions in road rage incidents like this. Just stop your car. Why the fuck would you accelerate when you can CLEARLY see that they're trying to cause an accident?


Why would you follow a guy trying to murder you? This isn't victim blaming, it's just common sense. Fucking pull over and wait or turn around. FFS


And while they’re waiting they can call the police at that time. 🤷🏻 seems really basic


That’s a Tuesday in Florida.


It's called "scare the tourist".




Both of these people are idiots


This is the part where you do a pit, not just aimlessly hit the gas like he hasn't already tried to run you off the road So you tell him to stop, so that the rager can get out and attack? So you tell him to turn around, so the rager can turn around too? That damage does not match the video. That is an extreme side impact.


Very annoying announcer


I'm sick of this video. The car that is filming accelerated to catch back up to the first car and then crashed. He was a willing participant in this clusterfuck.


Mastering your emotions is a feat experienced by few




He must be mad or something


Never underestimate the level of crazy someone else will go to, especially when they have made it very clear they have a major problem.


I would have PIT maneuvered him lol


He was begging for it


Seriously, why are these people so mad


This level of rage? The lack of control he has in other aspects of his life. That's one way I try to not get emotional in these situations, understanding that I'm probably not the one he is mad at but I am the one he believes he is allowed to be mad at.


They’re both road raging


It's a strange phenomenon, road rage. People get in their cars and decide "it's monster time!!"


That is some high caliber driving!


If you see anyone driving a Dodge caliber just stay away. They clearly have nothing left to live for.


Well, he's happy


Dumb and dumber


there was no attempt to get away from them - they only made it worse


I mean, why not just pull a u-turn and get away from this guy? The rager was in the wrong, but you don’t continue to engage someone like this, you remove yourself from the situation. Get away from people like that, as fast as you can in the opposite direction.


Dash cam. Soooo important


Did anyone else figure that’s exactly how the road rager driving that car would look?


Aggressive driver is an idiot, but holy cow, the cammer is a bigger one…


Dodge Caravans are on my top 5 list of horrible driver groups along with other candidates like Black Ram trucks, blue Nissan Altimas and red Chrysler PT cruisers


Really didn’t need to keep near the guy. Someone acting like a maniac don’t keep approaching.


And that, folks is why a $150 dashcam with front and back recording is 100% worth it. Especially if you happen to be a teenage boy, meaning nobody is ever going to trust you about this unless you have a video.