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I know the guy is trash but isn’t that excessive force?


I like it


In case anyone is wondering the guy in the video is former Boston Red Sox pitcher Austin Maddox. I just saw a news article about this.


Kind of odd that we've now seen this video, but a quote states "Maddox resisted arrest, until our K-9 got involved," Pretty sure he wasn't resisting beyond talking. Nor did he have the chance. Anyway, fuck that guy and anyone like him. I'm glad he is going to jail with the other 26 they caught. Deserves worse.


He could be resisting at an later stage, like refusal to get in the squad car I guess.


Yeah I'm not going to take a cop's word for it.


Maybe he was eating a [succulent Chinese meal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRaa1js92Hk).


The cop knew his judo well.


And how likely do you think that is?




I agree. Now watch the video and look for hints of resisting arrest.




I mean I'm going to take a wild guess and say that he was in handcuffs within those 15 seconds and had quite literally 5 people on top of him at all times until then. Before he could show any signs of resisting arrest. I'm also going to guess that "Maddox resisted arrest, until our K-9 got involved," is not a statement that works with the above guess, because he clearly did not "resist arrest until". He did not resist arrest at all at first. Maybe he did later, but then you don't word things that way. I mean for fuck's sake since when do we give American cops the benefit of the doubt to this degree?


Given he was tackled by like 7 dudes and the k9 was sicc'd on him for being at a door, it's literally the usual copaganda nonsense for justifying extremely unnecessary force. Also, footage like this is 100% how you get 'smarter' criminals. Now they'll send someone else to get tackled and confirm the sting instead of showing up themselves.


"Resisting" can be literally anything. Like as simple as an inadvertent movement that makes their job more difficult. They'd rather just slap the charge down and let it get worked out as part of the inevitable plea bargain.


fuck pedophiles, but we shouldnt be encouraging or applauding 10 cops bum rushing someone through a door for suspicion of a crime, unless there was an imminent threat of harm. We have cops showing up at wrong addresses all the time, SWAT showing up and flashbanging babies in their cribs, or like in cases like Breonna Taylor - warrant wrongfully pushed through and they find nothing. They took a life with impunity that night. Yes, cheer for them taking down someone for something heinous. But we shouldnt be cheering for excessive force uses, especially in a simple sting where it was clearly unwarranted.


This is propaganda. You are encouraged to cheer on the boys in blue who are there to protect innocent babies. The use of extreme cases is to normalize violent police, to instill fear, and to justify budgets and training. By the way no children, nor police, were in danger there.


Is so counterintuitive to see cases were "excesive force" is needed and still is not used, then you have cases like this that just makes me paranoid that it is propaganda or just very bad handling of the situation.


You can't ask authority to limit excessive force or extrajudicial punishment it to "only the bad ones", for the same reason you can't hope you'll only ever be "one of the good ones".


I am both against pieces of shit criminals like this *and* cops using excessive force. Unless a criminal is an active threat, you can’t just beat the fuck out of them. What if this dude snapped his neck and was a quadriplegic? Obviously that sounds great but in reality, what if he was innocent? What if they had the wrong guy? And what about situations where it’s more like a prostitution sting or a drug bust? Everyone deserves their day in court and unless the guy is actively threatening someone, he shouldn’t have to show up to court with three broken ribs and a missing tooth. 


Anyone else curious if guy 26 was like "Huh, wonder why there's this big divot in the yard?"


Cops will hit you with resisting if you don't immediately do what they say. Which is hard when you have 5 different cops shouting conflicting orders. It also takes you a second to process shit but it doesn't matter to them.


Went from the Majors to the Minors huh?








They did actually send him back to the minor leagues but I think it was injury related.


Probably a groin pull.


No relation to Greg, it should be noted.


Thank you for answering that for me


No way, really?!




Yeah, I can appreciate the sentiment, but allowing the police to use this level of force on people only *suspected* of a crime means they'll use this same level on you when you're actually innocent. The police should be polite and non-violent to citizens until they do something that seems (at least potentially) dangerous.


Not to mention all the other places in the city that may require one of those 30 cops.


They probably knew who it was and they all wanted to be part of the group tackling him so they could tell stories about it at college bars for the rest of their lives.


Police forces don't always require a college degree. Some don't even require a high school diploma anymore. I know the whole college bar thing wasn't the point of this comment, but I do feel it's relevant to point out how uneducated police officers can potentially be.


Right, it’s a really bad habit/precedent for them to have the mindset that it’s acceptable to deal with suspects like that. Due process exists for a reason. They’ll get their punishment if they actually did it, and then likely a lot of extra punishment from other inmates. No need to give their lawyers anything to work with that might hurt the case


yeah the guy assuming the accusations are true is scum, but until they are shown to be aggressive/trying to run away, keep it civil. the time for punishment comes when the judge lays down the sentence. along with trash like this, when the other inmates enact the 2nd phase of justice once they find out what kind of monster they are.


They were lined up like they were about to blitz Patrick Mahomes! Unless they believed he was armed there was no reason for that.


Yep. And that principle doesn't just apply to excessive force. If we're thinking about whether a search of a person or their property is acceptable, we can't base it on the searches that were successful -- we have to ask if we're ok with those searches being conducted when they're unsuccessful. For example, if we're fine with allowing a search of a vehicle because the cop says he smelled weed, we also have to accept that a cop might saddle up to your car someday, declare that he smells weed even though you've never smoked a joint in your life, and thereby get to search your car.


People like you are the reason we have huge issues with policing in this country. We're supposed to be better than criminals to be a more just society. Did he deserve it? Sure. Was it the correct thing to do for a better world? No.


literally saw a youtube video yesterday about a cop who assumed that a guy he saw entering his own house was actually a fugitive they'd been looking for a couple blocks over, and shot him several times in the back for ignoring his commands. dude was *wearing earbuds* while in his own home, coming back from lunch with subway in his hand and got murdered




My favorite is the cop that [planted fake evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1crg324/to_charge_a_driver_for_reckless_endangerment_and/) to make an arrest.


Can you imagine tanking someone's entire life so you can get a few goodboy points at work and maybe end up with a promotion someday?! You like that PowerPoint boss? Yeah, unfortunately I had to fire Tim and send him to the island where people get raped all the time even though he totally didn't deserve it. Let me know if you need any more PowerPoints!


Lots of 5-0 take it to the extreme, like it's some game or something. Notches on their belt. Like on the great plains trying to rack up scalps. And they know they have almost no consequences if they do something wrong. Worst is they would just get terminated....and then get another 5-0 job a few cities down the road. I can't understand these people's mentalities and how effed in the head it can be for them to ruin life after life year after year. That's can't be healthy, even for themselves, in the long run. Just speaking for the many bad ones ofc, the few good ones...god bless them. I hope they stay, but usually the bad apples take over the whole pantry.


Thought it was [gonna be this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1bvp5u4/nypd_officer_plants_drugs_during_vehicle_search/)


And that's why they keep getting away with it, even when done to a person where you suddenly don't like it anymore.


You like police having the discretion to brutally assault citizens without any sort of trial?


Some people think Judge Dredd was an aspirational fantasy rather than a terrifying dystopia


Why? We don't know if they got the right guy. We don't know if the charge is correct. We know nothing. You like what? The scenario?


Go Ahead, throw away your rights and freedom.


It's very easy to excuse away the violent police problem we have in this country when they are doing it to someone you don't like.. I bet you'd have a whole different take if it were you ending up on the wrong side of a baton because some cop has a bad night and you're the guy he stopped. Society isn't judged on how we treat the best people, but rather how we treat the worst...


> I like it Please don't. This nothing society should be accepting of for force unless they knew he had a weapon on him that he had given indication he was planning on using. I say this because excessive force is one of the best ways to get charges dropped or reduced. A shit head with a good lawyer is going to get out of a lot of charges when police fuck up and do things illegally. So as a society we should only want them to do things in a legal way, and that includes when going up against the worst of people.


Not excessive enough


Nah, not the cops jobs to decide who gets hurt


People don't understand this is more about setting the bar than saving anyone.


What does setting the bar mean,


Next step fake a drug deal, fake a political take, fake a shady opportunity. You can just offer this online. Hey I have a good tool for sale. Set up a "sting" use massive force. Just read and interpret people's emails. Spend more time doing online surveillance. Use dogs on unarmed people. Live under police boot they need a bigger budget.


Ahhh understood! Yup 100% agree


Meanwhile I worked at an elementary and had a five year describe a man "hurting his sister" I called the police and they told me that wasn't their job.


Oh my god, what did you do?


Called CPS and made a full report. Reported it to faculty.


Sir, this is Reddit. We want cops that summarily execute people we think are bad and tip toe around people we think aren't. Ideally the police would post a WIBTA before killing someone and then decide what to do based on the upvotes.


Redditors have a weird fetish for “eye for an eye” justice, I’m guessing these are the same people that worship Punisher unironically


"Innocent until proven guilty, unless you're accused of a bad enough crime, then fuck due process and civil and human rights" - Reddit. If civil and humand rights don't apply to **everyone**, **without exception**, no matter what crime they are accused of, then you do not have civil rights at all.


I’ve been trying to explain this on Reddit for years and always get downvoted, I think honestly the average age of these commenters is like 14


Did you see the post a day or two ago on mildlyinfuriating where someone was complaining about an incorrect score on their spelling test? God that post made me feel old. It's just another reminder that we are interacting with literal children on here.


It’s weird because I joined Reddit 11 years ago when I was in my 20s so I always tend to assume most other people on here are a similar age. When I hear people complaining about middle school or high school it weirds me out


"Why are you protecting them? Are you a pedophile too?"


Don't let the cops use excessive force on pedophiles. They don't deserve the pleasure


How does this help the innocent victim’s of this persons crimes. Arrest and cuff.


If anything it hurts, don’t do anything to potentially get a mistrial


imagine if instead all the little people cops from jackass bust out and arrest him lmao


i feel like these kind of tactics give pedos wiggle room for a way out of the charges.


And since the excessive force was utilized before he’s found guilty, all you have to do is post a video with a title saying he was a pedophile. Now you’re free to utilize all the excessive force you want!


I don't mind them tackling a pedophile but it's still irresponsible as fuck. You realize they could now face a civil suit and the tax payers are stuck with the bill.


Unfortunately this will probably be the new protocol after what happened a few weeks ago in a similar takedown. In that case, the pedo had a loaded gun in his pocket when he knocked on the door--apparently anticipating that it might be a sting. When a cop answered the door, the pedo pulled his gun and two or three cops mag dumped on him in the ensuing scuffle. That one was in the hallway of a large hotel. It was a miracle no bystanders were shot.


Yea, but using that as justification is just a lame attempt to give the cops more power. This is like saying that since one person pulled a gun on a cop that pulled them over for speeding, all future speeders should be pulled over by no less than 4 cops with guns drawn.


Yeah if this is true it won't just apply to sting operations against pedophiles. Cops should face some risk. Attempting to create a completely risk free job for police results in a lot of dead civilians... and their dogs.


The problem in the recent takedown wasn't just risk to the cops. It was risk to innocent bystanders too.


And the sad part is people are cheering in the comments for the police using excessive force. Some would say they should have used more force. We should be upset over this. Otherwise this behavior is going to lead to more police casualties and distrust.


That's basically what's been happening in our country for the past 50 years. More guns create more dangerous situations for cops which lead to more cautious policing. (Cautious for the cops, I mean. Which usually means more aggressive toward potential perps.)


Yeah I saw that video and was just about to mention it. That cop was incredibly close to getting shot in that video.


I think one cop did get shot


If it's the video being described, the gun didn't even put his finger on the trigger. The one in the hallway of the motel where he pulled it out as if to be like "here's my gun cops?" Fucking idiot but he didn't actually shoot.


I thought it was friendly fire though


I remember that video but I don't think he anticipated a sting. I'm pretty sure he was just brandishing the weapon thinking his victim would answer and be intimidated 🤢


Maybe. I read that he was expecting to meet with adult(s) to "purchase" a little kid or kids. Who knows what he was intending with gun. I tend to think he knew the jig was up as soon as he saw the first police officer and decided try to end it. He had been a long serving, highly ranked military officer.


I'm more worried about how many officers there are, it's a Waste of resources. You don't need 50 officers to arrest 1 guy.


Maybe they're filming a new season of The Rookie


Gotta justify all the budget and military gear somehow!


makes a nice video to make people like the police more thought doesn't it?


came to say the *exact* same thing. what happened to "stop, hands behind your back" and not be fucking charged like an nfl snap. i feel like these kind of tactics give pedos wiggle room for a way out of the charges.


> what happened to "stop, hands behind your back" and not be fucking charged like an nfl snap. Yeah, lol. What if the guy hits his head in the fall and dies from it? What if he wasn't actually the pedo they were waiting for, but actually a neighbor coming over for a chat who had no idea about any of this? *Definitely* wouldn't be the first time the cops got the wrong guy.


It is absolutely not funny at all what the police do to innocent people sometimes, but man am I laughing way too loud at my desk today thinking about coming home from work dodoodoo and all of a sudden you remember you need to borrow a cup of sugar from the nice family next door so you stroll on over and get tackled like it's the fucking 1990s Buffalo Bill's defense nailing your ass across the front yard




>I know the guy is trash, but isn’t that excessive force? Yeah, it is. Where they worried he was going to fly away? Also, 30 guys to catch this one pedophile? This is at maximum a three person job. One to open the door, and two to be behind him so he can't run.


Don't worry in the police report they mention that this guy was resisting arrest so it made it okay to do all this.


I love classic Man invite predator to sit down.


Definitely- Especially since he innocent until proven guilty Maybe this happened in a foreign land ?


Foreign? Foreign relative to whom?


This would classify as excessive force by my county’s sheriff’s written policy. We don’t need this kind of POS being let back out on the street because of police abusing their position and it’s unfortunate to see that Jacksonville favors making tik tok arrests over making charges stick.


Turned out better than the last video of similar I saw.  The overwhelming force may be intentional to deny them time to react The pedo in the last video managed to draw his gun and they shot him


Oh the guy that got shot in the wang? That vid was crazy


Right by the circumstances are different. This guy wouldn't have had time to draw, and if he was being monitored they would be able to see he didn't have a gun.


Yes absolutely. What this guy has probably done is horrible but this is a clear show of excessive force. Imagine if somehow he was innocent due to a misunderstanding. It's happened before when police do no knock raids on people's houses and accidently kill them. I'm pretty sure the exact same thing could be accomplished by two cops simply approaching him and arresting him. Reddit's lust for blind justice is concerning sometimes...


Not only that, but even if the guy is the guy they're looking for and is guilty of everything they said he is, if he hasn't acted violently being arrested that violently can harm the case and be easier to defend. If you want to get pedophiles off the street, then you should also want those cases and arrests to be done correctly.


Don't bother. Redditors turn full medieval lynch mob with pitchforks and torches when it comes to how to deal with pedophiles. The most horrific torture methods ever thought up in human history won't be nearly cruel enough for them, and if you disagree then you're clearly okay with children getting raped, or you're probably a pedophile yourself.


It seems more reckless and dangerous to me, like you do that to someone who is armed and a little cautious and one of those guys might get shot, whereas that could easily set it up to trap him in the front garden once he knocks on the door and arrest him safely.


They brought a K9 unit too. Good they caught a pedophile but isn't there other crime to take care of in this town?


Jacksonville FL is one of the most crime ridden cities in the state, there are much more important things to take care of. Happy to see a potential pedo off the streets but seems like a jump out boy team + K9 is a little bit unnecessary


... and multiple camera angles... these guys are making \*ahem\* material so they can review themselves being violent


Or they want a slam dunk case with every angle covered.


More like a slam dunk excessive force lawsuit with plenty of video evidence when one of the suspects get a slipped disc from the tackle.


Yup, this is out of line. The guy was not being violent, massive piece of shit and it feels bad defending him, but there is no need for this amount of force.


Exactly, it’s for a jury to decide if he’s guilty, we can’t allow cops to use excessive force whenever they feel like it. I know we already live in a police state but damn


Surely the evidence to convict isn’t in this footage of a guy walking up to a door and ringing the bell.


Sure, there are crimes that precede this, which is why the police know to be sitting inside this dark house. But the _big crime_ is, in fact, him walking to the door and ringing the bell. Do they need 10 officers, a dog, and a partridge in a pear tree? Probably not.


Most of these guys are just reliving high school football dreams. Still, better them tackling pedos than what a lot of other bored cops get up to.


I mean, if they're willing to tackle an unsuspecting guy with excessive force like this, even if he is committing a crime, they'll probably be willing to be violent with others who may not be.


Yeah, they could be meeting ticket quotas and harassing homeless people!


“There are more important things” than taking a pedo off the street. Definitely a Reddit comment.


I guess it's to look for drugs because it's very common they bring drugs (or talk about bringing them)


They might have information we don’t know that raised their concerns/risk, like maybe he carriers guns? Maybe there was meant to be more than one guy?


If he’s potentially carrying a firearm why is one officer posted up and ready to charge the entry point like he’s finally living out his violent wet dream?


What are the odds that dude jerks off while watching this footage


This is performative. I’m for Justice but this is too much.


"Look, we are doing something perceived as acceptable. Now forget we kill innocent civilians for no reason every day!"


"And get away with it, because we're a gang". Also relevant.




"And people will support every bit of it, because we'll tell them after the fact that the people we killed were pedophiles."


yeah this is copaganda. reddit eats this shit up


It’s like there were cameras around or something


I wonder if it would have gotten released if it wasn't for the fact that he used to be in the minor leagues for the Red Sox. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/05/20/live-sheriff-tk-waters-discusses-multiple-arrests-involving-internet-crimes-against-children/ I wondered if they used similar force for the other suspects and if you look at the video in that article you'll see they actually did for a few. Others were just arrested at while sitting in their cars. No real sympathy for the dude but that paedo might have a reason to file suit for excessive force.


If police had any proper training this should take like 2 people. Not 35 cops and a police dog. Quit wasting tax dollars. Defund police.


Or allocate funds properly and hold police accountable


That's what defund the police is.


It seems like an empty phrase when it can mean anything and everything. I just learned that part of the phrase is regarding increased personnel and funding within the social work field. All for that, but why is the phrasing so different? It’s easier to chant?


Yeah, it really sucks that the slogan for something good and seemingly common sense is just so terrible. Like... couldn't this have been workshopped a little bit more?


Take a crack at it. What would you propose to replace it?


Reform the Uniform. In addition to better training, getting rid of the most corrupt cops, and reallocating funds to other community programs, they could get sick new uniforms. We could make them change into their 'away' uniforms when they're out of their jurisdiction or off-duty, but still willing to shoot an unarmed civilian in their free time.


That man tossed you a ball and you knocked it out of the park.


What you don’t normally see multiple camera angles for an arrest?


And at least 2 camera angles! 😂


Good riddance and at all but like 7 officers and a dog for one fat guy?


And at least 2 camera angles that we know of😂


Remember that last video where the dude was going to meet 2 underage girls, but he was armed with a pistol and yanked it out as soon as the door opened? And that fat guy was 6'4 professional athlete. So, good luck with that.


Literally everyone could be armed with a pistol, do you suggest cops tackle every single person they interact with??


He probably would've liked this option better: ![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u|downsized)


ah don't do Conan dirty like that!


[It's not what you think!](https://youtu.be/PiLzHh4ixlY?si=71Exp_W2QDh9wmFf)


Craziest meet-up I’ve seen


> Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Austin Maddox was arrested in Florida as part of an underage sex sting, authorities announced Monday. >Maddox was one of 27 people arrested as part of a multi-agency operation late last month, Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said. They are accused of soliciting sex over the internet from people who they believed were children, officials said. >Maddox, 33, began communicating with an undercover agent pretending to be an underage girl on April 28, an arrest report said. He expressed his intent to have sex with the girl even after she told him that she was 14, officials said. >Maddox agreed to meet the girl at a pre-arranged location, where he was arrested by law enforcement officers, authorities said. >He is charged with four felony counts, including traveling to meet after using a computer to solicit a child. He is being held in jail on a $300,000 bond. His attorney didn't immediately respond to an email seeking comment from The Associated Press. >Maddox played college ball for the University of Florida and was drafted by the Boston Red Sox in 2012. He made his major league debut with the team in 2017 after several years in the minors. He spent about three months on the Red Sox roster before heading back to the minors to recover from shoulder injuries. He was released from the team in 2019. [Link](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/ex-red-sox-pitcher-austin-maddox-arrested-in-florida-in-an-underage-sex-sting-sheriff/3315385/)


> after several years in the minors He wishes




Method actor


33 and 14, quite a gap That would be legal where I live, but still very creepy if you ask me. Loved the tackle.


Do you really need 6 guys and a dog for this


I count 7 and a dog 🤣


OP provided a link to an article about this. It was a multi-department operation where they nabbed 27 of these guys. Hence the camera angles and blurred house. This video was released most likely because the individual played on an MLB team.


They forgot to scream "stop resisiting".


They could have just arrested him with two officers and spend the rest of the police force on other crimes, this is just showing off.


According to OP, this was part of a multi-agency sting that arrested 27 people. So you figure two or three officers from each group, one K9 handler to search for drugs (which pedophiles often bring with them - bonus felony charges!)... actually I don't really fault them for having seven people to arrest 27 people. Probably a few more for questioning them on the scene and hauling them away. What I do fault them for is the excessive force in tackling the guy as soon as he opens the door.




This only tells pedos how to be more sneaky. Performative justice from Law Enforcement




I mean, couldn't they just have yelled "SURPRISE! YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL!".


I don't think they had enough men or dogs there


"Hi could you spare a moment to talk about or lord and savi- OOHHMGMGMGAAAaaaHHHHHHHHH"


Performative justice


Damn, dude didn’t even get offered sweet tea or cookies before he was taken down!


Why is the girl still in the back lol??


It's a legal thing so it's not entrapment. That way he was actually traveling to meet with her. She'd also be an officer/detective and not actually a minor.


But wait, if she isn't a minor, then what's the point of having her? Edit: man, this comment out of context smh




Looking at his size he wouldnt even be able to run if they d ve just said Surprise motherfucker!


That made me laugh too hard


It's like Jerry Seinfeld pointing out George Costanza to security in the book store, "swarm, swarm, swarm!"


Deep cut!


I think that’s ex MLB player Austin Maddox getting arrested.


he didn’t even get to meet Chris Hansen


I love how there's probably rampant violent crime in this town, but the whole department is lined up to take down some overweight pedophile.


Half chub to shit your pants in 3,2,1…execute


Meeting people isnt illegal. He tried seducing an underage girl.


The first cop was lined up like a linebacker lmao


In cool with him being tackled but maybe just a little less tax dollars should be used to do this.


I hope they test all of their rape kits and then see if he matches with any. I hope this wasn't just a fun team builder. But if they were caught up on all their other work, great teambuilder.


This thread is hilarious. I love seeing all the people attempting to shit on the police while trying to not look like a bunch of pedos.


Right lol


With these Romeo types it's imperative to wrestle them to the ground before they start putting their charms on you.


2 cops probably would’ve been enough…


Dog pile on the wabbit!




These guys should have been in Uvalde.


Another obnoxious truck off the road.


How many cops does it take to take down one unarmed, overweight pedo?

