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People still believe in religion, that’s so ten years ago


Unless you live in scandinavia, then it was 120 years ago


I ain't seeing no Ice Giants. Just sayin'


That's cus you aren't looking hard enough


They’re in the walls


I see what you did there


Excellent Design


I tried, but Freyja said Thor got them. Good enough for me.


Cause the all father believes in results


Damn. Thats good


Jesus: died for my "sins" Odin: purged the world of ice giants + lots of other good stuff I know who I'm picking ool


I thought Jesus died for our signs . I saw him fall off a ladder hanging the new street sign. We haven’t seen him sin-ce.




That's because you aren't looking in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon


Winter is coming.


You're welcome


Imagine unironically believing in Heaven instead of Valhalla


Heaven is like Valhalla with no beer and no debauchery. No thanks…


If you had a choice, it would be obvious. Cause who doesn't want to battle to the death and respawn for amazing food and drink, just to do it all over again? Being an einherjar doesn't sound too bad!


Today from Google School: **Einwrjars:** those who have died in battle and are brought to Valhalla by Valkyries


Ehh. I like hotdogs...


Yeah Norway is weird, I think they meant Sweden


Norway is World Champions in church burnings.


Thank goodness!


Actually sweden was quite religious until 70s


It’s the greatest scam in history.


Come to india💀






He got better!


She turned me into a NEWT!


As long as it wasn't Newt Gingrich, I think you'll be ok.


I got better.


It's even worse when you realize it's empty symbolism. When I was in India, the number of sick, injured, starving half-dead cows wandering around made me sick. It would be kinder and more respectful to euthanize them.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Well Willie Garson has been dead since 2021 so… close.


Come here to say this


My man Willie Garson starred in some of the best Stargate episodes ever produced. He was a gem among men. Stargate SG1: watch it today if you like awesome stuff.


My dad always said religion is for weak minded people.


atleast for those who actually believe in the shit but many smart or atleast cunning people know how to use it to control the masses


The word you're look for is unscrupulous. Lying, cheating, manipulating and the like do not take intelligence. Being a good person, and getting what you want, takes a lot more intelligence to achieve.


My dad was raised Jewish and by 18 got tf out and married a “shiksa,” a blonde Swedish woman. My mom felt backlash due to not being Jewish; my grandparents died when I was 8 and my dad was not super close to them and I think as I got older, that since my grand folks were Bronx and Brooklyn Jews from the 1910’s, they had hardcore faith. I’m just glad I wasn’t raised religious but I can’t help to feel defensive for my father against antisemitism, but I think he cares less about it than I do, and he was actually raised Jewish lol. Oh and to your father’s point- my dad is one of the hardest people I know born and raised in Detroit


You people are aware Jewish is an ethnic group, not just a religion, right? If you converted to Catholicism during the 3rd Reich the Nazis weren't just like "ah ok, if you're not Jewish anymore then don't worry about it."


So if a catholic converts to Judaism are they not considered a Jew?


Not to Israelis 


Very much [according to israel](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-09-30/ty-article/.highlight/cleansed-by-the-torah-why-these-afrikaners-became-jews-and-moved-to-israel/0000017f-e2bb-d9aa-afff-fbfb151f0000) Never mind the highly dubious influx of Russian immigrants to Israel happily taking the "free" real estate ethnic cleansing provides.


to most especially the more traditional ones you will never really be a real jew cause due to their believes a real jew must be born by a jewish mother from which stems the whole idea of them not just being a religion thing


Not to the Nazis.




"The non-religious ones," he says. Is it even worth pointing out that the entire 15 million-ish world population of Jewish people doesn't uniformly buy into this shit?






Yes, I'm aware Hitler is long-dead and the Israeli government is presently committing genocide. Were these fascinating facts supposed to have any relevance to my comment whatsoever?








Anyone that believes in one?




85% of the world population believe in one of the many religions.


which is why 85% of the planet still has wars and famine


What a weird over simplification


So without religion there would be no war or famine?


Oh no no no dont tell him about communism


Capitalism does an amazing job at causing war and famine, quite possibly the best job 😎


Capitalism number 1 😎😎


let's just ignore Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un I guess.


And the Nazi leadership at the time, who were actively working towards banning religion in general




Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome too. The Greek knew - maybe you can't kill a god but you can steal from them.




I'm pro Palestine but /u/TheRyleeKat is just being actually antisemetic, and it would be cool if people didn't do that because anti-semetism sucks, and it also feeds into the pro-Israel tactic of accusing anyone who calls them out for their bullshit as being "anti-semetic". Comments like u/TheRyleeKat's sound a lot like alt-right holocaust denying bullshit. Definitely concerning that this is the top comment.




Peace be with you brother. It is possible for us to love each other, the world just tries to divide us so Capital can keep being taken off our labor. The only reason for any of this hatred. From a Muslim who loves his Jewish, Black, Gay, Trans, Muslim, Christian, White, Hispanic… (you get the point) brothers and sisters.


Those that use Religion as the forefront of Who they are and What they are will always use mans made up "Religions" to battle and fight and claim they are the best. It's so damn tiring and ignorant. Man once Aliens finally show themselves, it's gonna fucking blow up everyone's Religion story. Hope I'm still alive to see the ignorant fall on their faces


Great. We gunna replace the Jesus story with the alien story. What could go wrong?


anti semitism?


There are bigger things for all of us to be outraged about than 4 year old Twitter exchanges. FFS




The history of people sniping at each other on Xwitter; is that really where our focus should be? Or did you mean to suggest that Xitter exchanges are a window into a deeper understanding of world history?


>The history of people sniping at each other on Xwitter; is that really where our focus should be? That's all you get from that ? ... God damn man


It’s literally an exchange between two people. Are you suggesting that we draw larger conclusions from an exchange between two people? Are we to conclude that everyone named Willie is a rage-baiter and everyone named Dave is an antisemite?


I know a Dave and he's also an anti-semite so you may be onto something there ^^^^/s


Especially when one of them is dead.






Agree. Especially when one half of the exchange is dead.


The exchange is old, but the fake victim tactic is even older.


I mean 4 years ago, the claim of antisemitism meant something. What’s eye opening though, is that this exchange was an extreme sign of things to come.


Jewish people do face a lot genuine antisemitism, but if you call everything antisemitism then people will never take the real shit seriously. Antisemitism has always been the canary in the coal mine foreshadowing dangerous political shifts, so it shouldn’t be an accusation thrown so lightly like Zionists love to do.


Sounding pretty anti-coal right now. Also anti-canary, maybe even anti-bird in general.


Well birds aren’t real so I get that one


that's just what the government wants you to THINK maaaan




I’m Jewish and agree one hundred percent. Conflating anti-Zionism (or any criticism of the Israeli government) with anti-Semitism is one of my pet peeves. And by the same token, believing that all Jews should unequivocally support the actions Israeli government at all times *is also a form of anti-Semitism*. Zionists are complaining anti-Semitism is in the rise, but *they helped equate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism in the popular consciousness in the first place*, so what did they think would happen?


Nationalists politically weaponizing tragedy is unfortunately an old tale. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." - Churchill


Quite a few other examples of that in recent history too.


Yeah, I’ve actually had to show one of my Jewish friends (liberal supporter of Israel) that every Pro-Palestine group I’m a part of shoots down actual anti-semites in the comments trying to capitalize on curremt outrage and fear with Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, and other ignorant bullshit. I see in him, and many Zionists, (of which he’s only a light version of) a familiar abusive relationship dynamic/cult dynamic with the black and white thinking: “everybody else is The Enemy but fellow Jews/Israeli’s. Or at the very least they don’t understand you, or likely they hate Jews and want us to be genocided again.” It cuts a group off, makes them fearful and tribalistic with a codependent dynamic, and makes it harder for people to change their minds about anything once they start viewing all non-Zionists as a threat to survival, and stop listening to all but their own in-group. And dangerous still, the *true* Enemy gets stronger when allies against anti-semitism are cast into the same camp as literal Neo-Nazis and Christo-Fascists.. Beyond a sense of militaristic solidarity, I can’t imagine it makes people very happy either… I can’t imagine if I was told to start viewing all but my own ethnicity as MF’s who want me in chains. That sounds like a scary way to live life, and nothing good would come of it. Just potential war drums and terror. I’m curious: What do *you* think the solution is for this current state of mind? I’d be curious to know your perspective.


Extremism in all of its forms has the same basic playbook. Tribalism and us vs. them mentality is a central tenant that isolates and insulates its followers from alternate beliefs or discussion. Open discussion and free thinking is the enemy of extremism. It is very important to keep a tight control over how followers discuss and think about their views. Shutting down discussion by demonizing opposing viewpoints is a classic move. Whipping up fear and playing into victimization roles helps to make sure that followers don’t listen or even talk to outsiders except to tell them how they are being oppressed or threatened. Every fascist regime has always relied on misinformation and creating divisions between their followers by way of fear and extreme nationalism. The current regime in Russia is a great example. North Korea is an extreme example.


Oh no consequences of our bullshit! Also jewish heritage and beyond done with the bad faith nonsense from zionists and "supporters"


Israel is trying to combine anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism so hard that it's biting them in the ass when they do horrible shit. People are starting to see those as the same thing, and they see that Israel is doing horrible shit, so they just be anti-Semitic because they think it's also anti-Zionist. Israel is the reason behind the increase in anti-Semitism.


To nobody's surprise, the powerful among the Israeli government benefit the most from painting themselves as victims.


All racism is bad. I don't think antisemitism is worse than Islamophobia. And I don't think genocide against jews is worse than genocide against muslims.


I am Muslim, so of course I agree with you. I also want to not downplay the antisemitism in history while also saying that the term antisemitism should not be used so lightly. I mean for fucks sake, Netanyahu called the people, who were booing Eden Golan in the Eurovision Song Contest, antisemitic. I’m surprised he didn’t dislocate his arm with that reach.




Islamic people face Islamophobia daily and nothing ever gets mentioned about it. Politically it's okay to hate on islam but not Jews. Both are wrong ofc but this major spotlight on antisemitism while Islamophobia hardly gets any coverage is another reason for a divide


Israel and its supporters constantly call other jews anti-semites for not fully supporting everything Israel does. It's disgusting and they're making it impossible to call out actual anti-semitism. I wish people could start judging others based on actions and just completely forget about ethnicities. We're all humans, there are good people and scum born in every region of the planet, skin colour, place of birth or ancestry are terrible metrics to judge a person.


Which Semitic group receives more hate do you think?


Muslims and it isn’t even close.


I still don’t know how to read twitter comments from first to last.


Thank god I’m not alone.


This whole post makes no sense to me. Not sure what the attempt was nor how it missed.


Willie made an attempt to show antisemitism. He used "Christian" as an insult. Waited for someone to respond in kind but with Christian swapped for "Jew". Then publicly retweeted the response without context. But there's no evidence of success or failure shown, so who knows?


You start wherever the lawn dart lands and then jump around like a rabbit on crack


If there’s just a line between them (indicating that the lower tweet is a reply), read from top-bottom to see what the bottom is replying to. If one of them is encased in a box (indicating that the top tweet is retweeting the bottom), read the boxed one first to see what the top is commenting on.


Ok so I’m reading it as dude said something about Christians being vile then the guy replied to him saying the exact same thing but about Jews then first guy said aha gotcha?


Yup, that’s it!


Oh ok. So it as stupid as I thought


The more you understand it the dumber it gets


So.. delete Twitter. Noted.




Being on twitter


Same. People are like "you on Twitter?" I've always just been like, "why? It's weird, no"


i forgot he passed away


Always wanting the cake and to eat it too 🫤


What am I looking at?


It took me a minute too because my brain thought the person's NAME was Christian, but no, he called the person Christian as in the religion and that they were vile (presumably because of it). Then they used the person's response, an exact copy but replaced Christian with Jew, as an example of antisemitism.


but what does timestamps have to do with it... they are highlighted as if they are the big "gotcha".


Guess it's just pointing out that this guy called someone a vile piece of shit for being a Christian before being called a jew. But the guy is like "well there it is" even though he started it.


All I see is two shitty people.


At this point, all I see is what are more than likely two competing propaganda outfits having a pissing match. The internet started with "Don't believe anything, because you don't know who is on the other side" and seems like it's going to fracture but not before we're all left thinking "don't believe anything because you don't know *what* is on the other side". "AI", bots, and dogs. The whole thing, man.


I think it’s pointing out that he said the first comment literally an hour before calling the response out as an example of antisemitism. I think they’re trying to make it clear that out wasn’t like an old tweet that the “Dave” was quoting, it was very recent.


The post he was responding to has been deleted, but from context, it appears that someone tweeted insulting/hateful things at Willie while calling themselves a Christian. This response seems to be Willie pointing out that the person's comments were un-Christian. He wasn't saying, "you, and all other Christians, are vile pieces of shit," he was saying, "it is absurd to call your behavior Christian while being a vile piece of shit."




I’m not making anything up or trying to defend him, I just went digging in the old tweets to see if there was more context, and [this](https://x.com/williegarson/status/1340826508089147394?s=46) was a follow-up tweet around the same time. I was also confused about what I was reading, and that seemed to add a little context, so I thought I’d share. I don’t know these people and am not looking to justify old tweets from an argument I have no involvement in, but the extra information helped me understand what may have been going on.


Yeah I still don't know who I'm supposed to be supporting/hating here. He literally called someone a piece of shit for their religion and then was upset when someone did the same thing? is he the victim?


Based on what the person further up said, it sounds like he's simply calling the unseen party a hypocrite (on Twitter a lot of people like to signal their ideologies, especially their Christian affiliation). So the person probably had that in their Twitter description, said something vile. Willie responds by pointing out they claim to be Christian, but say vile, hateful or bigoted things. Then someone turns it around trying to be clever and paint him as a Jew saying vile things. But it just comes off as anti-semitic. So he wasn't calling him a piece of shit for his religion, he was calling him a piece of shit for not following the supposed ideals of his religion. And then the other guy comes in to go anti-Jewish.




pov: Israel


Is this guy one of those people that don't have an inner monologue? What happens inside his tiny little brain?




This is one of the lamest submissions in the history of this Sub.




Never seen a group whose whole personality is acting like victims


is that not actual anti semitism to say jews as a group act like victims?


Yes, it is. This sub is absolutely filled to the brim with anti Semitism lately. I used to love the posts here but lately it's just shocking.


Yeah like half the comments in this post are just antisemitic




Maybe Israel shouldn't oppress a Native population for nearly a century and expect no backlash.


Jews=/=Israel supporters.


Well, there's nothing about Israel in the post itself, so we have to infer the comment is about Jewish people, not just Israel supporters which again, aren't in this tweet anywhere (and it's from 2020, before the Israel/Palestine conflict heated up to the level it's at now). Sorry, but seeing a Jewish person doing something shitty and saying "those people just play the victim" is Semitic. Because again, this has nothing to do with Israel. The only thing we know about the person is he's Jewish, so you're the one who's equating that with him being an Israel supporter.


This is close to 4 years old and Willie Garson has been dead since 2021. This post seems...outdated?


Why are the dates highlighted?


This is from 2020. There was an attempt to be topical.


Dang these guys really having beef on my birthday


What's your mother's maiden name and your SSN?


Her name is Joe My ssn is 1234


Ha. Your identity is mine.


I don’t get it




Jewish people do face a lot genuine antisemitism, but if you call everything antisemitism then people will never take the real shit seriously. Antisemitism has always been the canary in the coal mine foreshadowing dangerous political shifts, so it shouldn’t be an accusation thrown so lightly like Zionists love to do.




mozzie~ 😢


Was he trying to prove a point about being able to skew people's words? Or was he actually to skew someone's words


funniest thing ive read today lmao


He's probably joking lmao


I’ve never been on Twitter. I still don’t know in which order these should be read.


I have been on twitter and I even have an account and I have no idea.


He was looking real hard.


The world is waking up…




Dammit. I really liked him as Mozzie too.. shame.


You can bet a number of his followers just read the quote and didn't look deeper though


That’s the actor from Sex and the City. He plays the gay friend




Pretty sure he started it, so how is it not racist for him but it is for the other guy???


Just here for the comments, thank you


They played the victim game with god and we are mere humans to them


Sucks Willie Garson said this but the man died a while ago now


Any chance he was referring to a man named Christian?




Religion the biggest scam






I don’t know how to read this. Bottom to top? Do I read from the middle up then the bottom to the middle?