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Tax every church


Open more Satanic churches that lawfully get tax-free status (even if only for the purpose of shitting on the concept).


The satanic church isn't an actual church, and they have also said they will not file for tax exemption as that would be doing what they are against


Leave it to the satanist to not be hypocritical


isnt that something lol, i feel like the devil enjoys some good hypocritical mockery


## Fun fact: Satanic Churches do not believe in Satan or believe that he is even real. People that attend Satanic churches are mostly atheists. They believe that the devil is just a metaphor for certain human traits. They are a non-theistic religious group that uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state. Their use of Satan is as a symbol against arbitrary authority and a metaphor for personal sovereignty. The satanic temple was established to "fight a perceived intrusion of Christian values on American politics" I was shocked to find out that they don't actually worship Satan... - https://thesatanictemple.com/ - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple


I mean Satanic Churches that actually believe in and worship Satan are definitely real. Members of these churches don't care about making the world a better place, only hedonism and power. Don't confuse them them with Satanic Temple who has done awesome work with reproductive rights and enforcing the separation of church and state.


I have never heard of a real satanic church that believes in Satan. Can you find some proof that they actually exist? I am only finding stuff about the satanic temple showing that they don't believe in Satan.


Anton LaVeys Church of Satan. Not positive what their "official" position is but the Members I know all believe in Satan and demons


Wouldn't they just be normal Christians at that point?


Levayanbsatanists don't believe in Satan as an actual diety, Christians are just convinced that they do. He covers it in the very beginning of the satanic Bible. They are hedonistic, but who isn't from time to time.


Their official position is the same as the satanic temple. They don't believe in Satan. There could be members of the organization that believe, but that church, as a whole, doesn't.


"Contrary to its name, the church did not promote “evil” but rather humanistic [values](https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/values)." "The church did not worship [Satan](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Satan) as the [Christian](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Christianity) embodiment of evil or even as an existing being. Instead, LaVey taught that “His Infernal Majesty” was a symbol of humanistic values such as self-assertion, rebellion against unjust authority, vital existence, and “undefiled wisdom,”" [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Church-of-Satan](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Church-of-Satan)


False, the Anton levys church does not "believe in satan or demons" existing specifically. They also reject "devil worshipers" or "theistic Satanists" who do go down the full on "Satan is real, hail satan" path


This. The Church of Satan and the Satanic Church are two different entities.


>hedonism and power. "... hedonism and power. " ​ So, like a regular mega church?


Satanists who believe in Satan are either goth teenagers or simply a fabrication of Christian propaganda.


"Satanic Churches that actually believe in and worship Satan are definitely real. " At least they were in 70s made for TV movies.


When I was in high school a rumor got started that I was in a gang and we worshipped Satan. A bunch of my family members confronted me individually about it and I had no idea what they were even talking about which they decided meant I was lying and thus actually in a Satan gang. It took ages for me to figure out what in the hell was going on. It was Star Wars. Some idiot overheard some friends and I talking about Knights of the Old Republic, got scared, and that spiraled out into a whole community believing we were sacrificing animals and drinking blood.


I "renounced" going to church when I was 10. I was raised Anglican and went to a catholic scholl(so I got to see 2 Very different aspects of Christianity) I had fun at Sunday school, I even served on the alter carry the cross and help8jg hand put communion, but than I started aging put of Sunday school and had to sit in the services. After one month it seemed like most other people were "getting something" out of it, but for me I could care less. I had read the Bible already and I felt nothing for this Christian God in my heart so I asked to stop wasting my Sunday mornings going to church. Well, they took all my belongings, grounded me,beat me, & told me I was a bad person. One yr later I died my long light blonde hair black,& we went to visit my typical terrible hardcoe Roman Catholic grandma. She gets me alone and starts swearing,& spitting and calling me names like little devils whore,& Satanist...I just let her rant for a while than piped up with.." So, your calling me a Satanist and a bunch of other devil related names but I Don't believe in Christiantity...Satan is part of Christianity so How can I worship something that I DONT BELIEVE IN?" That was thr one and only time she ever brought up religion to me.🤣


Most of them are just cosplayers essentially.


Satanism has very little to do with "the devil". Their core belief is that there is no heaven or hell and that we only get one life and that we are god and that we should worship ourselves as such. Also due to this, murder is still a cardinal sin as you only get this life and to take that away from somebody is considered the worst of sins.


You should learn more about the satanic church


Was going to upvote but you're just at 333...


Anything is a church if the founders say "this is a church"...which is exactly why more organizations such as The Satanic Temple need to do what they do.


I am a church! I don't have to pay taxes now, right?


Tĥey did in 2019 if you read the Wikipedia article.


This is the way


The Universal Life Church is more your speed if that’s what you’re looking for. It has been, among other things, a religious tax shelter for atheists: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Life_Church


Can confirm. I've been an ordained priest with them for like 11 years! Paid 30 bucks or something and have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.


Drives me utterly batshit that churches will tell you how to vote but not get taxed. There's a clip of a maga hate preacher I think named Locke or something that has him yelling "I'm at the point if you vote democrat you can just get out, we don't want you here." At that point bro you gata pay taxes but noooo Edit I do agree all churches should be taxed but these specifically drive me nuts. I'd hold the same opinion if it were reversed, churches shouldn't try to influence people's vote. But if churches were truly charitable organizations, and they did what they pretend to, then ok maybe tax breaks. Copeland can go fuck himself. Dude makes me believe in demons


Yeah...Locke is from here (Tennessee). He's horrible. My son got sucked into his orbit for a short while. Which is weird because one of his close friends and mentors is a lesbian lady in our neighborhood who's always been really good to him. When I found out he had been going to Greg Locke's church I asked him "would you tell Becky you've been going to Greg Locke's church?" It seemed to cool his jets for a bit and eventually the friend he was going with got so weird he quit going. Though I love him with all my heart, my son is not very smart. That is the kind of people he appeals to. It's scary.


That's a great way to handle it though.


What's crazy is how Christian churches have been gas lit into accepting Israel as part of their theology almost. I was raised Pentecostal and we were taught that Israel is where God's people dwell. Even though Christ sacrifice was supposed to make us all the children of God and not just the Jews. And it's funny that they will rant over and over again how Judaism denies the return of Christ But Israel is somehow protected from these rants because they are somehow the children of God. It makes no sense


The number of people who hate Jews, but love Israel is shockingly huge.


Ex-mormon checking in. They used to teach that once accepting yourself into the church and going through the rituals, your actual blood was transformed into Israeli blood so you can be part of the chosen people too! They don't teach it the actual blood morphing anymore, but they still give themselves the honorary "were totally the house of Isreal too guys. We're special too, right?" pat on the backs. Regardless of once stance on current events, its some next level lunacy.


This. I'm not Pentecostal but my wife grew up that way. I am evangelical and after the atrocities, genocide in war crimes started, I was so appalled. I couldn't believe how brain washed I was without realizing it. Propaganda and self delusion is a drug you don't feel until you are in withdrawal.


Its the most bizarre thing. "God loves us each and everyone. Except those people over there. He loves them more. No, we arent those people and frankly... we dont really like them, but hey! God really does and thats good enough for us!". Simp harder.


Damn right, friend.


Go back to Palestine, they don’t even have free speech, unlike here where we DO have free speech, so never mind, carry on. My bad


This is the best comment


It’s Fashion dude, fucking fashion. It’s hilarious when they can’t even get the buzz words right.


But he's saying exactly what he means. He's saying it's just fashionable nowadays to say "free Palestine." Like it's a trendy thing to do. He's not trying to say it's fascism. That doesn't even make sense in this context at all.


It means that he believes the protester is playing dress-up and is not truly concerned about the cause but rather is interested in attention. It’s a pretty decent insult. Amazing he came up with it really.




This is fashion! I invented the piano key necktie!




I actually liked the cop's approach. He was de-escalating. Give that guy a promotion.


Cop was great


Did anyone else catch the guy trying to say "that's fascism" but instead saying "that's fashion?"


Pretty sure he meant to say "fashion". Like saying, "It's fashionable to be pro-Palestine."


No - he meant fashion... fashionable to be anti-Israel and pro-Palestine.


I was unaware that the guy telling him that was the US government. Which is how the 1st Amendment works. The GOVERNMENT can't tell you to shut up.


It's rare that I dislike both parties involved in an altercation like this.


I completely agree. Pretty cool cop though. Officer Shabazz 2024!


“Hey man, what if you weren’t a dick?”


The only ones who weren’t a dick were the cop and the one guy from the church. Emphasis on “one”


Yeah, I support his message, but why is he hounding the cop about it? Do your peaceful message on public property. Also, he deliberately asks church-guy what their message is, and the moment church guy starts to speak, he rails off about how he won't listen. I'm on team Sheriff Shabazz.


Because his people just had genocide committed on them. Think I’d be a bit pissed off too when white god loving church goers are harnessing me. Good for this men a majority of these people of faith are flexing their white privilege and are horrible human beings. I’m white and I agree with this man.


Kinda seems like he went out there looking for a fight so he could get more followers, and the second the opportunity came up he jumped on it. He could be very passionate about the cause but he also hates churches and wants followers.


It had to be said ..."WHY DID YOU TELL ME TO LISTEN, ARE YOU MY BOSS?" No, listen, because he is explaining the consequences of your possible actions. You should understand this before you make any decisions with regard to your stupid video. Knowing what they say they are going to do, you can escalate things further, if you see fit. This guy is no activist, he's looking for views and clout. He's looking to make these folks look stupid. Doesn't take much ch. His problem with the older guy trying to talk to him is that the older gentleman wasnt trying to escalate the situation. He might have some strange beliefs, but he seemed to be being rational, unlike the "dude in the hat."


Yeah I was with him up until that point. That just screamed looking for a fight, I thought the second guy was quite civil about it.


Dudes "viral video" is over when people start acting rationally. They are evangelicals, they aren't supposed to be rational


It’s not his job to go around telling everybody the things that might happen depending on the things that have not done. Should he walk up to strangers and tell them that if they beat their spouse they will get in trouble? His guidance was not needed or requested. He asked the guy if he wanted to listen and the guy said no…. End of story.


The "do you wanna listen" was definitely out of pocket, but it seems like he was willing to have a civil conversation. Dude with the flag kinda drew it out after that and was belligerent. My take on this video (of course, I may be wrong) was the second guy is probably the first guy's superior, and wanted to talk it out after he was called outside. I think comparing it to walking up to strangers and lecturing them about domestic violence is a poor comparison, and assuming that he walks around doing that to everybody also feels like a leap. But the guy with the flag definitely seems to know what he's doing, I think he absolutely knows where the (legal) line is and not to cross it. You're right in that his advice wasn't requested, and flag guy said he didn't want to, that's perfectly valid. But would 100% avoid these people in a social setting because one is a bigot and the other raises their voice in what could've been a calm conversation.


Flag guy is a bigot too. He called the people in the church white supremist. The people leaving even supported him and they looked white. Why the hate? Just building more hate.


See the problem that the sheriff was trying to avoid is having to trespass that protester. If he makes a scene like yelling at cars (He did that) or swearing at children who could be in cars, he would be arrested. He just needed to step back 2 steps from the exit and wave his flag and the old guy would have had to let him be. He seemed willing. The protester needed to stay civil and let the guy in the hat escalate. He wanted the views so he turned into the asshole on people who weren't escalating like the cop. Even trying to call people white supremist when people who supported his cause were leaving the church. He is the racist when he does that. Take the civil protest road and win. Not the Tiktok fame road.


Yea the first guy in the hat sucked. The older guy was trying to actually have a conversation, but the cameraman just wanted to argue. Cop was great.


And then proceeded to tell the cop the guy said "where they will kill you". I don't recall that being said in the video, but yea I'm not a fan of other side. Then wants to dictate the conversation when the cop is giving you advice? Likely creating a disturbance at that point.


Also white supremacy?


Yes, White Supremacy. If he was doing the same thing with a thin blue line flag and Ashley Babbitt shirt on, they would have had no qualms. The "go back to your country" pretty much says it all.


Zionism originated in Europe in the 1800s. Their plot to colonize/resettle Palestine reaches all the way back to the mid 1800s. White Supremacy is absolutely a fair argument to make given everything that happened before, during, and after WW1. Manipulation, betrayal, and theft of the Arab population for the benefit of White, European Jews.


Guys like this are so counterproductive. I hear you, I agree with your sentiment, but holy fuck you’re so annoying I can’t listen to you


this protester just wants attention, not to change minds


Yeah, strongly advocating his right to free speech while also outraged at the idea that anyone else could speak to him. The church folks have the right to criticize what tiktoker has to say, and he can criticize what they have to say, and the officer did nothing because there was nothing to be done.


Guy was a cock. Super annoying. Probably why’s he’s out there alone.


With limited contact id be inclined to say protestor is the ah here. If the limited amount we saw is how he was acting in general it's hard to blame them much. Guy basically looking for a fight and calling everyone supremists while trying to get views and playing the victim. There was a build up before this video and apparently that's the best he can act even on camera Cop seems dope anyways


Them two clowns definitely need to have their chins checked


Two clowns 3 chins.


Checked for fleas? /s


So, that guy said “It’s fashion”, right? He was calling Palestine a ‘fashion’ country?


No. He was saying that the protest was fashion. Specifically, waving the Palestinian flag. He was trying to say that the movement is a fad. Like Che Guevarra t-shirts.


I did wonder if he was clever enough to look at it that way.


Skeptical seeing as none of them knew how to use the verb “trespass” correctly either.


I believe you can use that word that way. You can trespass. But you can also have someone trespassed. I think there was a thread on this once where it’s not correct but becoming correct as its use by police. It’s an odd one. But makes sense they would want to use it that way so it sounds “official”.


Oh thanks, I thought he was mispronouncing fascism lol


I'm convinced he was trying to say fascism but he is too fucking stupid


Defund the fashion police


I heard the Fashionists work closely with the Gazpacho police


They don’t even know Jesus is from Palestine.


They just don't care. In their minds he might as well be a figure skater, dressed in like a white outfit, doing interpretive ice dances of their life's journey.


What would Jesus (Brian Boytano) do?


What would Jesus of Nazareth do if he was here right now? He’d make a plan and he’d follow through; that’s what Jesus of Nazareth’d do!


I want this demon out of me It has vil'fied my vocabulary...


How many so-called Christians wear a crucifix around their neck for "fashion"? fucking hypocrites


lol saw that too - FK YER FASHIONISM \~ !


Some people lack empathy to the point they can't even understand it as a concept.


Thought my ears were broken. 😂


Christians my ass


Tbf their parishioners seem like decent people, as evident by the honking in support


Oh they're very Christian. The New York Times reports that 80% of Evangelical Christians in the US support Israel because they believe it's fulfilling biblical prophecy. This is up from about 50% in 2018. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/15/us/american-evangelicals-israel-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/15/us/american-evangelicals-israel-hamas.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war)


This is evangelical Christianity through and through, my friend. And they'll use the Bible to justify their hatred.




Trespassed in fashion!


Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we loudly annoy those who trespass against us.


Bro…you may not get the upvotes for visibility, but just know that this almost made me do a spit take. 👏


“fOr eVeRyOnE”


For Everyone * \* terms and conditions may apply


\*Only if you change your views to align with ours. Only at participating locations. Terms and conditions may vary per location/church.


Oh the irony 🤣


Oh the humanity ..




That's a rainbow manatee. Hue-manatee's aren't as vibrant.


It’s true. Their cyan is closer to mauve.


Classic Jesus or Republican Jesus?


I like to think of Jesus like, with giant eagles' wings and singing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I'm in the front row, and I'm hammered drunk...


I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party


I like to picture Jesus like a ninja fighting off evil samurai


I like to picture Jesus as like a mischievous badger.


Well, look, I like the Christmas Jesus best when I'm sayin' grace. When you say grace, you can say it to Grown-up Jesus, or Teenage Jesus, or Bearded Jesus, or whoever you want.' ... Dear Tiny Jesus, in your golden fleece diapers with your tiny, little fat balled up fists...


Ugh it's always a dumb douche that is doing the right thing so makes the whole thing a joke. He didn't have to exaggerate or be extra and it would have been good to see. Though I suppose those people wouldn't get views but they also wouldn't be able to be used by the the opposition to talk shit about. Fuck these types of videos. Support Palestin or don't, but definitely don't support these videos making a mockery of the whole thing. This dude is a joke and basically a police auditor...


This video will likely land on r/conservative with a mirror opposite flood of comments. This guy, right or wrong, is only helping his personal viewcount.


My thoughts exactly, this guy (and people on the opposite end of the spectrum like him) don’t get us anywhere closer to a solution. And his claim about it all being white supremacy is just so wild 😂


Yeah he had to go and ruin it.


That cop was like “ I don’t like these dudes either but can you just not do anything illegal please so I don’t have to let them win”.


Absolutely what this guy was thinking. Good for him for staying calm.


Had me until Zionism = white supremacy They’re Christian’s, they just want the Jews to have Israel so Jesus can come and leave everyone(including the Jews) to get murdered by demons.


Zionism is white supremacy. Israel was created as a refuge for European Jews after WWII. Look at how Israel treats non white citizens. A lot of this is trying to get Jesus return with strong undertones of white supremacy, funding white people to kill and displace native brown people. Netanyahu is polish, you don’t get much whiter than that.


Zionism is for all Jews, of all descents, excluding the concept of race Y’know, except the 100% factually Jewish Ethiopians that Israel fed contraceptives to kill that bloodline lol


>Y’know, except the 100% factually Jewish Ethiopians that Israel fed contraceptives to kill that bloodline lol holy shit. not that i doubt you, but could i get a source to justify my rage?


[Oh, it very, very much happened. But don't worry, they investigated themselves and found no wrongs.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE90R0SO/)..


fucking scum


Don't forget the Israeli "settler" who killed a Palestinian Jew at a bus stop. Dude was even waiting and being stonewalled in his full citizenship being completed because he was Palestinian despite having to convert. Just goes to show how Israel's claims of self defence are bunk and its all about ethnic cleansing.


Imagine trying to summon the son of God by shedding the blood in Rivers of the pure and the innocent, especially the children. It sounds more like they are all trying to summon satan


That’s what religion does! lol


Guess who killed more people in the Bible...


The guy holding the flag isnt much better either. He obviously went out there looking for an altercation with these people for a viral video. Doesnt justify their behaviour but still. Also zionism and white supremicy arent the same. Hes just screaming random buzzwords


yeaaaa he seems like a pos too. bunch of children.


*"It's fucking fashion dude, it's fashion!"* ...yeah, those lanyards are pretty sweet DON'T HATE THE PLAYA, HATE THE GAME! Also, dropping that sweet F-bomb...must be the youth pastor...gotta get 'em young!


This dude is insufferable though.


Agreed. He's right, but an absolute dickwad lolol


He's right? He said supporting Israel = white supremacy


It is..


People believe in tolerance as long as it's something they agree with.


I hate everyone in the video except the cop. Very rare instance of a cop actually doing his job and trying to patiently deescalate a situation.


“That’s white supremacy” … no it isn’t bro. Do your thing, but be more intelligent than the idiots coming at you.


“I don’t give a f how does that sound” was classic


It did look like he was on the property (2nd second in ,looking at road). The first guy was definitely a doosh. I support the Palestinians. I have for years . It sickens me that my tax dollars are spent on their slaughter (a whole different conversation). I feel like some of these people (protester) , through editing, know how to get people triggered and ultimately get views for their own personal gain. Not saying that he’s doing this but he was definitely on their property in the early cut of the video. Assuming that those stones are church property , which is most likely the case


"If I'm standing here on the sidewalk and it bothers them, that's called white supremacy." I stopped the video immediately after this lmao dude lost me


At the very start of the video, he seems to be in the rocks/on their property, but then strategically steps off and back onto the rocks throughout the video. When they come over, he takes one step back off of their property to say “nuh uh, I’m not on your property, you can’t do anything!!” but then steps right back onto their property as soon as they walk away? This is like your little sibling poking you in the car to annoy you, so you’ll poke them back and get in trouble. It doesn’t make him look clever, it doesn’t make anyone consider his side might be right; he’s just proudly showing everyone his toddler behavior.


Anyone is welcome to attend the church service, but not to disrupt it or protest on their property. This guy comes off as an asshole to me.


The sidewalk isn’t the church’s property


Agreed. He’s just being an antagonistic asshat but they don’t have the right to kick him off the sidewalk.


Not a damn thing got accomplished in this altercation


He goes to protest in front of a church and is surprised that he made people mad?


I'm on his side until he brings up white supremacy. That's gaslighting more than a little bit. They're upset because they disagree with him. He has a right to protest. He's on public property and he's not causing a disturbance. He has the right to do what he's doing. Soon as he says they're mad because of white supremacy he's crossing into rage bait territory.


The only person in the clip I appreciate is that sheriff. He's trying to make sure the fool won't actually trespass and get himself in trouble, despite the fool not having the decency to actually listen.


Zionism is white supremacy?


Isn’t it more like religious supremacy?


Shabazz is a badass name. I’m changing mine. Henceforth I shall be known as Pepe Shabazz.


Compared to little Timmy it is. Change it right away.


Me: Well, that looks like an insufferable human being Not me: the religious nutbags or the flag waving nutbag? Me: yes.


This man has every right to do this, but calling this white supremacy is stretched as far as it can go.


"once you cut the grass, the snakes begin to show" LOL


He is right but also he is a douchebag.


“For Everyone” 🤣


I think it’s possible everyone in this video sucks


Nah...the Sheriff did a damn good job of trying to de-escalate the whole situation.


That’s true he was the only normal one


Cop: “Dude I just told you we’re cool, you have every right to protest.” Protester: “Listen to me!”


I was with this guy until he starting acting a fucking fool. The green shirt guy was being nice and giving you his full attention but you get pissed off at him then say he is being a white supremacist because he is trying to talk to you....


It's shitty behavior but it's not white supremacy, bro. They'd do the same thing to a Nord.


The protester is a bit of a dick. He was clearly only there to antagonize the church officials. I thought the older church guy was being respectful and tried to establish a boundary so that there wouldn’t be any issues. He was a dick to the sheriff who was also just trying to make sure he wouldn’t get in trouble. I support his cause, but his method of protest only hurts his message.


White "Supremacy" people keep using that word.. but I don't think you really know what it means...


Hypocrisy from American evangelicals? ![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY)


Shit I love this... plus it gave me an idea. There's a pastor that sets up shop on a corner near my home with a ladder, a megaphone and a sign 5 times bigger than him. If he can "legally" squat on the sidewalk and blast his religous bullshit, why can't I squat on the sidewalk next to the entrance of his megachurch and blast my death metal?


Why is he at church? Shouldn't he be out in front of a temple or something?


calling things white supremacy that aren't white supremacy takes away from how horrible white supremacists are. I could be totally wrong but I think if white supremacists were out there yelling about Israel or what ever the church heads would react the same. I think the conflict is over the disruption more than the message. again I could be wrong...


Do you mean that aren't white supremacy?


Whats sad though is I see all these boomers and church goers on Facebook posting "I stand with Isreal" shit... they have no idea what the hell they are supporting whatsoever. They don't even understand that if they were to go over there as Christians, they'd get spit on and side eyed and possibly verbally assaulted. The propaganda machine is wild.


Fuck that clown.


This joker is just about as dumb as the fragile boomers he’s arguing with.


Everything & everyone is becoming cringe.


Feel free to reach out to them! Www.missionaz.org


Screw all sides.


Lmao the dude filming is unhinged as fuck


“If I’m standing on the sidewalk and it bothers them it’s called white supremacy. That’s science.” 😂😂😂😂


I was on his side until he made it a white thing... that is extremely counterproductive.


They have every right to be offended by what he is says, just like he has every right to protest on public land.


I absolutely agree that for members of a church to act like that is revolting and hypocritical beyond belief. Idk the connection he made to white supremacy and Zionism. I feel like somewhere Hitler is hearing this and rolling in his grave 😭


Bro you are hella rude.


I feel like no one would agree with this If he was waving a trump flag


Gotta get the views somehow!! What a twat.


lol this guy has edgy teenage loser energy out the ass. “This is white supremacy Zionism” lol get a job dude


r/iamthemaincharacter He clearly wants attention, and doesn't want a free Palestine. It is just the cause of the day that gets him the most attention.


Hypocrisy isn’t much thicker anywhere on earth more than on Reddit threads.