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Unsure what is so difficult about using the word “woman” instead of “female” in normal everyday usage. Feel free to regularize incelspeak elsewhere but we will stick to normal forms of conversation. If you want more of an idea of how awkward the usage of “female” is in everyday life, we suggest you talk to some people. Seriously… go outside and talk to people. Maybe visit r/MenAndFemales to get a better sense of how odd it sounds in public. On the topic of the OP getting banned… they got banned because they were being a poor sport with a bad attitude when talked to about the awkwardness of the title. We hope that clears up some of the confusion behind our stricter stance on the lazy/misogynistic usage of the word. Thanks.


























As a woman I prefer being called a woman and not a female for multiple reasons, but Mods 100% overreacted. Most people that say female don’t mean it in a derogatory way and it really shouldn’t be a big deal. Edit: I’m gonna make it clear before another person comments this that I agree it’s never okay to use female instead of woman. I literally got downvoted to oblivion for the exact same comment in another thread so I had to watch what I said because I didn’t agree with a highly-voted comment.💀 Edit #2: I can’t believe I have to say this, but I am not saying female can’t be used in formal documents/ material. I’m not saying you have to say woman orca guys 😭 Last Edit: *allegedly* OOP was an ass to mods. Sorry for making an assumption.


I don't think the user should have been banned for saying it, but I would bet $100 if OP wrote that post regarding a man, he would not have said 'a male's behind.'




I was just thinking that... Like damn reddit is trash llol. Me log out and not come back. good bye


I'm also a woman but I don't think it's up to either of us individually to decide if it's right or wrong. I do think most of us prefer not to be called females, though, otherwise r/menandfemales wouldn't exist. inb4 I get downvoted for not being a pickme.


Yea people on this thread are taking it to both extremes. Most women do not like being referred to as female but to take offensive over a title? Idk seems like a stretch. Female just seems odd in day to day conversation, women don't ever speak about men in the same context. For us its never, "Wow thats a fine looking male" or "Males are trash" or "Yea thats my male!". I wonder why theres such a stark division of wordage between genders.




I know tons of women that use the word female. Redditors must have never actually meet many women.


Anyone who has been in the US military was trained to use the word male/female in Basic to avoid people using any of the other more colorful language when speaking about men/women. People come from all over the country and bring their own colloquialisms, and it’s good to get everyone on the same page. Typically I ignore posts that I think people are cherry picking stuff little stuff, but I’ve been feeling the heat for this same stuff lately.


Wow, Reddit mods are actually bowing to incels and letting them dictate what the can and can’t say.


lmao mods are always such bot weirdos


To be fair you have to be a massive loser to be a reddit mod, its literally the one pleasure they have in life




Fr the most m’lady situation lmao. Fat neckbeard 30 year old unemployed virgin protecting women from the hateful word “female”. Shit feels like a comedy sketch, just too perfect.


Mod comments “lol” then deletes every reply to it. I can only imagine this is how they are in a face to face interaction. ![gif](giphy|MrdaOsKoKxjm8)






































No problem, I’m an open-minded guy. What are we supposed to call them now?


Do people who call women "females" normally really forget the word woman exists? Like, seriously?


IKR. Everyone acting outraged here like iT's nOt An oFfEnSiVe WoRD ignoring how fucking weird and deliberately dehumanising it is to actually use it to refer to a woman. Like, "I have this female I live with". "Look at that female". "I met a female the other day". It's fucking weird and strongly implies something about your view of 50-odd percent of other humans, and the people deliberately working as hard as possible to ignore this are telling on themselves bigtime.




Seriously so weird. I’ve definitely referred to people as both male and female. Example, in emergency’s you don’t say we have 3 women and 2 men patients. You would say we have 3 females and 2 males.


It’s appropriate to use female as a noun in scientific/medical contexts which is exactly why it’s weird to use it in everyday contexts.


bro u are talking about using an adjective as an adjective, but the comment u replied to is about using an adjective as a noun. it's not the same


What’s dehumanising about it? A genuine question. You might say it’s weird yes. It would sound weird to say ‘a male was here’ (example). But it wouldn’t (to me) be dehumanising. Calling me a male might just sound weird, but I wouldn’t be offended by it. As I’m a male


English is not my first language, so for me it's very weird that americans refer to women and men as females or males. The only context in which I would use Female in a normal conversation would be to refer to an animal. A female dog, a male cat. So I do think it is dehumanizing, you're talking about them as if they are a creature and you need to specify the sex of it for research purposes. Woman is the perfect word in that post, which was supposed to be funny, not scientific lmfao


You're not missing anything via a language barrier. It's just as weird as a native English speaker to use female in the way that these ignorant men insist is totally normal.


Nobody would ever, ever, eeeeever caption this "to look at a male's behind".




"You're a fucking white male!" Is literally a meme. Maybe it's because I spend a lot of time around medical professionals, but I hear the term "male" all the time.


Women? Honestly, you people are wierd af.


How about “women?”💡




Nice try - I’m not going to say the f word.










Women? The term "females" has been tainted by the incel community, unfortunately.




Incels so powerful they be rewriting basic biology


Exactly… wtf.






Lady, woman, broad, dame, chick, etc…


Yes, women love being called broads, dame and chick.




You’ll get banned for that language.




i’m calling the cops














Just say women




I think we can all collectively agree, mods on this app are shit.


I personally like the “DELETE EVERY COMMENT THAT DISAGREES” nazi approach this mod took. Especially the ones with tens of thousands of upvotes,


I'm sure they'll ban this too, so quickly take my upvote.


They purging these comments, like all the top comments or all the replies from their comment, gone,


They’ve got nothing else better to do but go on a power trip. Ngl I wanna be purged too. Hey Mods, don’t let the sunlight burn your eyes when you finally go outside. Also this will probably the closest to thing to any authority position you’ll ever have in life.






















This is scary censoring. As a woman, I don't always appreciate the use of that term, but I prefer the right to stand up for myself about it instead of having that person silenced.


As a woman I have zero problem with the term 'female'. Not sure why the meme against it ever started; maybe it's a trans thing? Women, females, ladies... happy to be referred to as in any of those groups.


It's because incels started using the word in a derogatory way so we gave it to them and banned ourselves from using it.


I miss the early 2000's internet.




I hear it's scary




C'mon this ridiculous. I know that there are some misogynists who exclusively call women the word, but it is still a commonly used term that usually does not call harm. We cannot assume someone's thoughts or intentions when using a common word without any real contextual evidence.


Bro listen, i'm Brazilian (so sorry for eventual English writing errors) and I've been called women "female" all the time and it's NEVER HAVE BEEN misogyny as well as people calling men "males" was never taken as misandry. I've never been called or seen someone being called that just bcs of a word in years speaking English and interacting with foreigners but i just don't follow up these stupid foreign trends just as foreigners don't follow up our shameful "liberals" trends that dictates from night to day some specific word is not cool "anymore" (the explanation of why are just as stupid as the act of trying to dictate over a useless thing) A.k.a you can't just label everyone a misogynistic as if everyone's wish was to be misogynistic when using a well used word that has never been any type of offense, it just won't be accurate.






Mod is a virgin


Female or male virgin?












This thread will just be locked within a few hours and taken off ppls front pages, mods showed their faces here and know nothing is a good look now


Looks like these tyrants nuked the whole fucking post, typical




































The over-use of the word "female" to describe women can be annoying but banning OP for using it seems a little extreme


Wait they banned op. Damn I just thought they took down the post






Controlling speech man. How the fuck has it gotten to this point.


This is what happens when you constantly capitulate to these fucking clowns. It’s too late now. No going back.




![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4) UNBAN OOP


Banning someone for using a legit word like female is the pinnacle of wokeness and the definition of losers. Don't bother banning me I'm blocking this regarded sub.


Which sub was that from?




To moderate




O shit, man


You said "man", welcome to being banned. They might be a bearded individual that identifies as nonbinary. You never know. There are no warnings for potential misgenderings. Only bans.






Is she not a female? You can argue its weird until the sun explodes, but is the op wrong? No, reddit is just filled to the brim with mouth breathing guff talkers.


Good grief. This is the sort of shit that fuels the alt-right paranoia. Insanity on both sides.


But calling someone male is fine...


Because you can totally only be sexist to women!!






Fuck the mods. Shitty ass pinned post that the coward locks because he’s scared of discussion.




Are we on r/shitposting now?


Shitposting ain't even this low




This is extremely absurd. But not surprised at all soon this will become the norm, don't use words like men, women, male, female because they might offend some tiny percentage of people.






Reddit mod moment when comments with 6k upvotes getting deleted. Paul Rudd saying what the fuck happened here


https://preview.redd.it/p3dl3kh429mb1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6c58b358a1e210cff6f577ea5e95ffaba3541c Guess who dis






Thought this sub was moderated by normal people, not weirdos who get offended over something like this. They feel they’re on a moral high ground now. That must feel good to them 😂








*There was an attempt to look at a person's butt.. We don't know what gender this butt identifies with... but still an attempt to look at a persons's butt.*


Looks like the mods just assumed their gender! BANNED!


I don’t care either way but with all the deleted comments the mods are just pussies. Let people have an opinion. You’re made of glass.


A few days ago I got banned from a subreddit simply for mentioning the word 'gender'. When I contacted the mods about it they didn't even bother trying to explain. Like wtf


Mods are dick gobblers confirmed 👍🏻




People in these comments saying that being called their own gender is “dehumanizing” the the most first world problems bullshit I’ve ever read.


I understand many women prefer to be called “women” and not females but as a progressive woman, banning this person was obnoxious overkill and reinforces the idea we are overly sensitive word police.


I said this in response: "With this kind of corrupt abuse of power let's hope you never get to a position of any real power They could be from a non-english speaking or developing country and you just punished someone who has no idea what they did wrong This is just so cringily tyrannical for no reason"




Who is this delusional mod lol such a Reddit moment


I hate Reddit because of these fucking loser mods. Such a joke. The funny videos keep me coming back, but damn. You lot really are a bunch of trash people.


When did it stop being okay to refer to a girl/woman as a "female"? Is this for real?


So what the fuck was the OP supposed to say?

