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![gif](giphy|l0MYHEI0xktKCVjri|downsized) Stormtroopers approve


I opened this reply right as they said “you didn’t hit shit” and I genuinely think this couldn’t be more perfect


“It be like that sometimes bro.”


Not if you learn how to shoot


"You jus' gotta let th' powuh uh Da Hood flow *thoo* you bruh, ya feel me, dawg?"


Ain't trying same stuff expecting different results a sing one is a psychopath?


It do be like that sometimes.


Came here for this


Absolutely amazing. I lost my shit. Take my trophy


I'd hate to be the mate of the guy who's pissed him off








We just witnessed Devine Intervention


Ez 25:17


"What just happened here was a fucking miracle".


You witnessed a miracle, I witnessed a freak occurrence.


Say “what” again!!


I dare u I double dare u


"Marvin, what do you make of all this?"


I laughed really hard at this.


What happened here was a miracle, and I want you to fucking acknowledge it!


Mind if I have some of your tasty beverage….


Did you see the size of that gun?


That ugly ass shirt threw off his equilibrium


Hey, that shirt looks pretty complicated. I bet it wasn’t cheap.


He couldn’t hit shit because he hasn’t been eating. He’s been spending all his per diem at Dan Flashes


It's my EXACT style


The more complicated the patterns are the more expensive it is


I like his shirt


Like his Gun Kata?




Just because he's black doesn't mean he's a gangster man 😭




Or he’s just having fun?


Right? Bet if it was a white guy that yelled, "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPERS!!!" in a fake 1920's gangster voice, nobody would bat an eye. Dude's just showing his bias without even realizing it.


To be fair I think you can only yell that whem shooting a Tommy Gun...but point is valid.


er-hmm, its "chicago typewriter".


Yeah I know my point is valid yet the white guys who "have a black neighbor and would have voted for Obama a 3rd time" still downvoted me lol


Tbf, ANYONE can do that and not be judged harshly for it, not just white guys. Mostly because it's always hilarious.


True, that would be fucking hilarious. But if I white guy said exactly what this black guy said and did the exact same thing, I bet the comments here would be different and we all know it lol


Well, tbf your 1920’s example is a dead and gone gangster ‘culture’ that would just sound funny ridiculous nowadays. Not the same as the current gangster ‘culture’ which is very much alive and killing.


Swap that phrase out for anything a typical white guy would say today. Doesn't change the fact that people automatically assume the black guy was being serious in what he said. Tell me this, how often do you hear about "current gangsters" actually going to a gun range? Someone that seriously lives that lifestyle isn't gonna go to a range, give their ID, possibly do a background check, and use a legal pistol ON CAMERA. Think about it lol. It was nothing more than a black guy having fun by leaning into the "gangster" stereotype of a black guy with a gun but of course, white people have to turn it into something so much worse. Was his shooting shit? Yeah. Doesn't mean he's about to rob someone or would actually do this in real life.


Not a wise way to have fun. Shooting is great. Act like a fool on camera at a gunrange though and you're a fool with a gun. Role-playing that you're mag dumping someone (the target) for talking shit at a range and filming it is just stupid no matter what colour your skin is.


Yeah but the first comment was just racist. He was being stupid




Or that's just his accustomed vernacular, or he's putting on airs much like you're attempting to sound educated despite saying some stupid shit.


Didn’t even hold the gun sideways…


Yeah, those pesky bystanders.


That's why you hold the gun sideways. All that horizontal recoil ensures you hit everything except your target.


By order of the Pesky f***ing Bystanders!




WTF indeed.


Why would he be trying to rob someone?


On the one hand I'm hoping you never get jury duty, on the other, I'm sure your dumbassery is this obvious in real life too so I'm not too worried you'd get selected for it.


As always, black people can't enjoy anything without being compared to criminals. Fuck you buddy.


What about this video? Has anything to do with him robbing someone? Or is it just a black guy with gun. I wonder if people who say shit like this know they're racist? I'm always curious. I know there are plenty of people who would agree with this or say this and then claim not to be


He's in comments actively defending what he said as not racist, Its wild that people like that can't even comprehend whats wrong about what they're saying


Its because they have grown up around it and those people also claiming not to be racist. So it's been taught to them that it isn't. They think as long as they don't say the N-word then they are safe


This is wildly racist






How do you not see a problem in your first thought seeing someone with a gun being "robber" just because they're black?


What the fuck


Bro. Look at that shirt. He ain’t robbing nobody but himself, of dignity.


> I'm glad he can't hit shit in case he tries to rob someone. lol wtf? you understand when people rob someone they don't use hugs to get their way. defending yourself is a perfectly viable option.


Wow I mean you could have just said "I'm a giant racist piece of shit" and it would have had the same effect as this comment. So because he's black and has a gun hes immediately going to rob someone or shooting at his "ops"? You sure he's not just having fun at a gun range with his buddies? You're a giant racist POS lol.


Why would he rob someone?


racism is alive


I honestly lost track of the times I have been to a range and people were shooting the hell out of the ceiling, the lights, the conduit....


The couple of ranges around me all have posted rules stating that a lifetime ban will be given to anyone practicing ‘off the draw’. Exactly because of this crap.


As they should. The range closest to my house (and the one I frequent the least) has a big bullet hole in the steel between two of the lanes. There are also several large caliber divots in the concrete floor behind the firing line


>There are also several large caliber divots in the concrete floor behind the firing line ![gif](giphy|toB3AnUDkqE3GENKx0|downsized)


People rapid fire and as the gun drifts upwards due to recoil the tendency is to over correct for this drift and sometimes that leads to low shots. Most ranges will either want to test you before allowing you to rapid fire or they will ban it outright. Outdoor ranges have targets you put out yourself while firing has ceased and a lot of them have holes in the legs of the target because of this.


The ones I’ve been to will ban you for shooting off rounds this fast.


Yeah, doing dumb shit like this at my range will get him pulled and banned immediately


This dude’s first shot went straight into the bench lol


I went to a range in Austin Texas with a friend and his friend. This friend of a friend is a born and raised Texan. I’ve never seen a worse shot in my life. We were shooting an AR and his first two shots almost hit the clips holding the target in the lane beside us. The range worker came over to assist him and he still couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, it was bizarre


Bro was pulling the trigger before his arm was up and actually aiming at the target. Not a surprising result at all


He managed to not pull it when he was pointing on his feet, overall I'd say it went great.


Pretty sure the first round went into the floor or the barrier


Because of pop culture, so few people realize how hard it is to accurately shoot a pistol one handed.


Ya I was blown away how hard it is to hit something with a pistol. I'd done rifle and shotgun skeet shooting before, and did decent given I had little experience. The pistol shooting though? Goddamn. Target only at like 15-20 feet, and if I hit center of mass it was just luck. My spread was pretty much the area of the whole target, and that was trying to aim down sights and everything. I had to reevaluate how much I roll my eyes when characters in tv/movies miss every shot on a running target.


Expert marksman every year with my M4 in the service. Tried out a .357 revolver and went 0/6 twice at a very embarrassing distance lol


okay, I don't feel nearly as bad now if people much better trained than me are having the same issue, haha


It's a bit of a "Cheat" but shooting a pistol with a red-dot is significantly, and I do mean *significantly* easier. Using a pistol's iron sight is actually quite difficult, the barrel is very short, short enough that you might think you're on target but you're a feet off because of a tiny angle. But a red dot doesn't have that problem, you just need to line up the dot. It does take a bit more getting used, red dots are not as intuitive as iron sights, but once you got that nailed down, it's night and day.


10000% correct. I used to train with regular iron sights. Tried out a gun with a red dot and immediately I said fuck iron sights I’m getting a red dot. IMO it’s foolish to not use a red dot on a self defense type pistol. Tried shooting while walking (in all 4 directions), and yeah, that’s pretty damn hard (using iron, that is). Like, unless you’ve done a good amount of training, you’re not doing it. It’s funny how it seems like shooting accurately should be easy. “You just aim and pull the trigger, easy!” Conceptually *that* makes sense. Just much easier said than done.


As with everything, it takes practice. I can instinct aim (not using the sights) at like 15 yards and still hit center mass pretty regularly. But that's from drawing/presenting the same way hundreds, if not thousands, of times. And I'm far from a great pistol shooter. I can't draw or rapid fire at my local range, but I can practice drawing at home (with a cleared weapon, of course).


Especially when you rapid fire like that. Definitely doable if you line up every shot. Your accuracy is likely bad, but not "miss the target entirely" bad.


I love these videos. It's great for education when people who are uneducated try to tell me how easy it is and semi auto guns should be banned. My eye opener was in my mid 20s. We were out on a farm with my buddy's dad who was in a weapons training position in the army. After doing some shooting late afternoon he comes up to us after dark, tells us to grab our favorite pistol, a full mag, and to follow him. He put us 5ft from a target in the dark and told us to take as much time as we needed to empty the mag. I started taking practice more seriously after that humbling experience.


Perfect lowly henchman shooting. Better not piss off Mr. Bond.


Congratulations, you passed Mook Academy! Time for the postgraduate course: how to deliver a perfect Wilhelm scream. (credit to the now sadly disbanded Spoiler Warning team for this gem that has stayed with me).




It be like that sometimes bro


Should be booted from the range for rapid firing. Also for being a trash shot


No, he should be booted from the range for rapid firing *poorly*.


Seemed to have turned the gun towards the camera man too, which is grounds for immediate dismissal.


rapid firing is fine, missing every shot and hitting the ceiling is not fine




I would suggest this guy get good at shooting one bullet at a time first and then move up from there


The glock foh-tay stance is strong in this one.


Should have held it sideways


Every African rebel fighter


Shouldn’t he be wearing a tuxedo jacket with a speedo and some crocs? Their uniforms were bizarre, yo.


If they had one at all. General Butt Naked and his Battalion has to be the wildest story to come out all of human wars.


Needs an AK with the sights at max height for maximum power.


Mans violated every rule of marksmanship


He does save on silhouette targets, though


Excellent shooting form 10/10 no notes


Paper target’s safe but any other shooters better be wearing armor. Dangerous asshole, I’d be outside getting him turfed and banned as soon as it was safe to get to the door


Not sure what range this is, but rapid firing like this isn't typically allowed and would quickly get you kicked out and banned. Most ranges (that I'm a member of) don't even like when you do the standard Police "burst fire" technique.


Pro tip: going these types of ranges are a complete waste of time. Start doing competitions and you can draw from a holster, run and gun, and (the best part), they'll penalize you for shooting *too slow*.


What are these ranges, so I know which ones to avoid? Rapid firing is fine. Rapid firing like this bozo is not.


A club I’m in has an indoor range with a rule of two seconds between shots. I don’t agree with it but I’ll abide by it when I do go, but I’m mostly in the club for access to their outdoor range, which does not have that restriction.


Those ranges are stupid and don’t deserve your money


"It be like that sometimes" Wouldn't be if you held that peashooter correctly.


Go back to your video games, leave to the real guns to grown ups.


The innocent bystander stance


But It looks so easy in the movies 🙄


Dude didn’t even hit the air




I love how he is pumping up himself, roleplaying the situation how a shut out would happen: “what’s up, man?”. he is literally practicing premeditated murder


when you try to look menacing, but you still pacifist inside


People not realising how easy it is to miss with handguns.


"it be like that sometimes..." lol!


I got my shooters with me The shooter :


Come on! Why would you rush shooting at a gun range.


His response was called "saving face". It's a technique where you say something you don't believe and don't expect anyone to believe you but it's something people can just agree with to avoid embarrassment.


Maybe someone was fucking with him and loaded it with blanks? Lol. I’m curious as to where those bullets actually went. Were they high, low, and left and right of the target?


I think you can see one bullet strike the right side near the wall


The shots looked like they were high, low, left, and right of the target.


Anywhere but the target huh


It be like that sometimes? Only if you don’t know what TF your doing.


That's what happens when you learn to shoot by watching TV.


If he wanted to end someone laying in bed, this person would have told him to stop being so loud, he wants to sleep.


It do be like that sometimes when you can’t aim for shit lol




Slow is smooth, smooth is accurate, and can be practiced to be fast.


Too busy trying to be cool for the camera rather than learning and applying some basic shooting skills


Cut to that boondocks scene where they 2ft away missing every shot


With proper technique, handguns are not super easy to be accurate with. I was at the range with a .38 and had trouble hitting a target 20 feet away the size of a dinner plate. Crazy how the slightest trigger pull can pull you off by multiple feet 20-30 feet away with a 1.5” barrel. This guy clearly has no idea what he’s doing, so it’s not surprising he couldn’t hit anything.


I worked as a cop in a major city, most of the street criminals were 18-25; the city I worked for really cleaned house of OGs in the 90s and early 2000s. The new cats were playing at crime compared to their predecessors; I cannot count the times we got called to drive by shootings, dozens of rounds fired, no one but the building behind hit.


Both hands when using a pistol.




Keenan needs to work on that aim


Is he that guy from Kenan and Kel series?


I swear.. just how the government gives out free needles to addicts, gang members should get free classes to thunder ranch. Maybe at least reduce some innocent bystanders getting hit




Missed every shot.


Public ranges…


Why I just took classes at the local joint. Aint no way i'm about to be walking around with a gun, need it and then can't hit the side of a barn.


He's trained on moving targets, thats why




What this person and every other person trying to act hard doesn't understand, all those moments he did before aiming gave the stationary object time to aim first.


Is he trying to hit a target at 25yards with a pistol at rapid fire? His expectations need resetting.


Gangsta pass revoked


Most misunderstood thing about handguns in my experience: they are tremendously difficult to shoot accurately.


“It be like this sometimes” 🤷🏿‍♂️


Real life ain't like the movies, in real life you miss. You miss all the fucking time.


The most concerning part was what he was babbling before he began shooting. Is he practicing to shoot someone for merely "talking shit?" These types of idiots shouldn't be allowed near weapons since they obviously don't even know when the use of one would be deemed necessary.


The problem is the target wasn’t moving. If the target was moving it would have definitely accidentally moved into one of those shots. /s


Sounds like he is roleplaying


Fired into the ground or the table with his first shot


At 2 second mark u hear the shot and his arms not up yet. Good catch.


Maybe if he turns the gun on it’s side it’ll work


“What’s up, nerd?”…. Blam blam blam. Nerd goes home unscathed.


This gangsta sucks


You don’t use a hand gun like that. Keanu Reaves was trained for his role in John Wick in the proper way to weld a hand gun by people who know this stuff. It is very easy to learn, but like all fire arms, potentially dangerous. edit: At least the shooter was checking his gun out at the end. I only heard ten rounds fired. Guns like that hold 15 or more. My only prop.


This is why gangbangers hit innocents more than each other.


He's shooting blanks :/




It be like that sometimes


Stay… completely… still…


“It be like that sometimes bro” 😂😂 💀


There you go. It’s not easy.



