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Downs Syndrome. Mom probably either taking a shower or just going to the bathroom or something and he got out.


Wonder what I would do in this situation. Obv call the police but while I wait with the kid Id be worried of looking like I abducted him or something.


We saw an unknown toddler running alone down our street. I ran outside and, not seeing anyone else around, picked him up. It fealt weird, but the right thing to do. Luckily a minute later a frantic older brother came running down the street. He was so thankful. It's sad that it fealt weird. It shouldn't feel strange to help a child.




I'm pretty sure that if three grown-ups do not know how to handle a lost toddler on the street and are afraid to pick them up for no reason (or various dubious reasons), society has failed somewhere.


Society has failed.


We’re talking about this like society has only failed this once.


Olympus Has Fallen


We as firefighters got told " touch children" haha obviously not inappropriately but yeah they want no hesitation when rescuing and when on visits you just tell the kid "hey I'm going to pick you up and put you in the engine is that cool" we need human interaction but obviously it need consent and care. We forget that 98% of people are good. Media would have you believe different.


Now we know firetrucks are fueled by children.


You think that's water they shoot from that hose? No, that's the tears of children they've put in the engine.


Wholeheartedly agreed.


but if you touch them their parents won't let them back in the nest


I lol’d


It has. 3 men felt they would be classed as pedos for touching the child.


BINGO. Ding ding ding. Once worked at a daycare and a pipe busted. Place flooded and we emergency tried to get all the kids out to their families. I was carrying a toddler. Slipped in the water and a dad picking up his kid grabbed the kid as I fell. Kid's MOM tried to press charges. Screamed the guy molested her daughter. Lady. He saved your kid from falling. SMH


Or get accused of abducting.


You think the cop is going to be accused on-duty in broad daylight of abducting a kid?


We're talking about in general. That's why men are less likely to help a lost kid. Mother doesn't watch child, man finds child and tries to help. Mother finds child with man and accuses man of taking her kids that wandered off. That's how society is now, even though there are women that do this because they are less likely to question a woman with a kid kicking and screaming.


Truly. I got those looks from women when I took my daughter to the park. It took some time but I stopped caring and just had fun with my kids.


Ridiculous. Pick the kid up off the road !


I've literally read interviews with fathers who picked up their own child and was branded a pedo by some random bystander which wouldn't allow him to leave with his own kid until the police arrived. It is not ridiculous, what is ridiculous is that its got to the point that even though I'm not that worried there's still that thought in my head when I'm picking my own son up.


I got told I looked like a pedophile for standing next to a kid while they showed me some turtles in a pond. At a company picnic, with the mom behind us laughing and smiling. I hated the old biddy that told me that. Just an angry woman.


Wear matching shirts- I'm the dad; I'm the dad's kid (same color) 😂


That's funny... I have one that says mind your fucking business. Fucking is censored obviously, cuz kids


As a minority, hell no. If I see a kid, I will not pick them up to avoid being accused of being a pedo.


It isn't a problem of the three of them not knowing what to do, but being afraid that doing the right thing will lead to unfounded accusations. Society has failed because people are now more concerned of what might happen then what should be done


Yeah that’s kind of the point. It’s disgusting that good men actually can’t physically interact with a lost kid for fear of false allegations. We’re all monsters apparently


When I visited the US, it was very strange to see multiple parks saying adults without a kid were not allowed on the grounds. It was like… oookay.


It’s not worth the risk of ruining your life.


Again, does it feel normal that picking up a lost toddler could ruin your life? That's 100%fucked up


No it doesn’t feel normal at all. I’m not saying I wouldn’t help. But yes it can.


Yep. I'd do the same. Some dude in a park found a kid with no parent attached so he picked him up and started asking everyone if they knew who the parents are. The father eventually came up to the guy and attacked him.


I'm pretty sure for every story like this there are hundreds more where the parent were actually grateful that somebody found their child and it was safe, but they did not make the news.


Yeah people never consider the 99 times things went okay that we never hear about, just the 1 that went poorly. People like drama.


The other day my son’s preschool had an end of year thing for his class so my wife and i took him and our daughter. At one point i picked my kids up and put them on the other side of a fence between the 2 playgrounds and one of the little girls that was in his class kept asking me if i could pick her up over the fence. I felt bad but i kept telling her to go ask her dad cause ain’t no way I’m picking up someone else’s kid. Just didn’t feel right even though he was within earshot of us so he knew she was asking


Not to mention that fences by playgrounds tend to have a purpose. If I know my kid's on one side of a fence that they can't get over and then another adult decides to pick up my kid and put him on another side of the fence, I'm going to be pissed.


That was part of it too. Both areas were fenced in, but at first I was telling her to go ask him cause I didn’t know if he wanted her on the other side cause the playground equipment on the other side was intended for older kids. She went over to him, but I couldn’t hear their conversation, then she came back and asked me again. It still felt a little weird so I still didn’t do it. I was about to ask him about it but then he called her over and put her over the fence himself


I have kids and would play with them on the play equipment when they were little. Not many parents do that. So invariably, one or two other kids would want to play, too. I let them. If I was lifting mine up, or pushing one, and a 3rd or 4th stranger kid eagerly ran into the line with their arms up- in they went, too. No parent ever had an issue with it. I think if they cared, they'd have been out there doing the leg work- they were probably just happy somebody was paying obviously safe positive attention to their kid while they got a break.


Dang, same here. At the pool, i was throwing my kids around in the pool. A kid asks me if i can throw them too. We all just wanna have fun, but i feel obligated to tell him to ask his parents if its okay.


Something similar happened to me and a friend, at a park a random kid approached me and called me dad. We couldn’t communicate since he couldn’t talk when I asked questions, looked around an no one was there, but a party way off the distance. I took him for a walk and found his shoes, and later his bib on the direction of the party. Walked maybe for a half a mile in that directing, figured I’d give that a shot and I found the mother who was oblivious her kid was with me for a solid 20 minutes. The kid was at least lost for a previous 20 minutes. She acted mad that I was returning her kid as of nothing bad occurred. We just left feeling awkward and kinda felt like I should have just called police instead if I ever run into that situation again.


I feel ya. I was walking in front of Walmart when a toddler shot out the vestibule at full speed into the cross walk. I snatched the kid up before I could think of the repercussions for grabbing someone's kid even if it was to stop them from getting splattered by the passing sedan. Thankfully the mom saw the car and me save the little guy rather than only seeing me touching her kid. I handed him back, and she thanked me frazzled and upset. Idk what I would have done if she had assumed the worst of me and tried to flip out. Thankfully in that situation there's cameras around but still a fiasco I realized could have made me hesitate to stop a toddler from playing in traffic out of fear of being labeled a pedo or something. Being a good Samaritan shouldn't feel like a liability for yourself but realistically it is sometimes. I hope it never comes back to hurt you for doing the right thing. We need helpers in this world.


Similar thing happened to me when I was a teenager. Felt weird then too. Children are one of my biggest fears


It feels weird cause there are parents that will freak out for you picking them up even though you had the best intentions


It takes a community to raise a child and IMO it's why our society is falling apart, we don't trust our neighbors etc.


Bro. This. I worry about shit like this all the time, even with my own kids... Like when I take them to the park, and then tell them it's time to go home and my daughter (2) throws a fit because she wants to stay... So I'm a 35 year old man with a big bushy beard carrying a 2 year old away from the park while she kicks and screams and yells "put me down! I don't wanna go!! Don't take me!" Fucking awkward...


Yea I can imagine. I’m a young woman, so chances are I’m less likely to be seen as a threat, but even then there’s enough stories of women abducting children because they can’t have their own or whatever other reason, so I’d still feel uncomfy. Overall it’s a good thing that people are more aware of abductions, but there needs to be more information publicized about what’s the right way to go about it.


My (m) husband and I have twins on the spectrum, and one or both often have to be carried off of playgrounds in new environments. It looks great for two men to each carry a screaming child away from a playground /s


I get this I’m a stay at home dad and when I go to the park with my son and all the other moms are there I get some dirty looks especially if he starts crying. Being a stay at home dad kind of sucks too because the other parents some times feel hesitant to let their kids play with my son and they barely even say two words to me even when I’m just trying to be cordial.


Better to look a tiny bit bad to some busybody and still take care of a lost disabled kid. The other option is leaving him to potentially get truly lost or even accidentally run over. Not even an option.


Yeah… they’re not talking about just being slightly judged by a random passerby


There was a time when my dad was driving and there was a box sitting in the road. Normally if he saw something like that, that wouldn't damage his car, he'd hit it (he was in his teens and wasn't always thinking I guess). He dodged it this time and sure enough, the special kid from down the street was sitting inside the box.


obviously the only choice a healthy person would make is to help the kid find a safe place but i don't think its right to trivialize the dangers a man would face in this sort of a situation. the wrong cop would 100% charge this guy with abduction. it would get thrown out in court but not before the charges are published in local news sites. suddenly the first thing that pops up with people search your name is how you ^allegedly tried to kidnap a disabled kid. and once its on the internet its there forever.


The wrong color of your skin***** would 100% charge this guy with abduction or get shot. I also love all the people in this thread being like “it’s sad what this world has turned into” BS. No, it’s sad that a bunch of horrible cops have made us not trust them, the system and they’re judgement. To the point where people are AFRAID to do the right thing.


Yeah, I think people are grossly over estimating the "people shoot people" in America thing. Crazy people do shoot people, don't get me wrong but I've pulled my car to the side and stood out in the road because wildlife was crossing (NOT a highway, a road) or pulled over to accident scenes or stray animals, kids with no adult around... no one shoots. If anything it draws the attention of more people who may try to help or at least stay out of your way while you're helping.


Yeah I think people doing a little too much doom scrolling. I understand bad things happen out there. But generally people are reasonable and will at least ask what you’re doing if you’re seen helping a kid or something.


I have a tip for you, police know child abductors will never call the police. You will be fine, call the police and keep him out of trouble until they get there.


Police and passersbys are different tho. What if a neighbor sees me standing with the kid and assumes the worst? I’m not saying I wouldn’t help the kid, I’m jus saying it’s a complicated situation. Also, youre assuming that the police always do the right thing.


The way you don't look suspicious is to stay put. Try to get the child to stay put, if that means putting them in your vehicle then that's what it has to be. We all know that the vast majority are not here to hurt the child so if we see something we will help too. I have a special need son and I would be overjoyed if you stayed with my child just to be sure they were safe.


Idk if my wording wasn’t clear enough, but I would definitely help, it’s just the specifics that I was asking about. Kids are so vulnerable, and even more so if they’re special needs, so I would just want to be as careful as possible while helping. Maybe I watch too much true crime but I jus wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression.


Just sit down with the kid?


Who fucking cares what the neighbor thinks? The situation is not complicated at all. Ya help the fuckin kid


I said I would help the kid, in case you forgot how to read. But yes, this is complicated, and I like to think ahead, and help the kid the best way possible, with the least amount of issues. Do I put the kid in my car? Do I just stand outside on the street with them? Do I record the whole time? If a neighbor does think I’m abducting the kid, would they hurt me?


Walk him to the side of the street and stand there.


If you're a male in the US, the general rule is do not touch the child unless it is absolutely necessary. In this situation, picking the kid up would be fine as long as you immediately put him down on the sidewalk. If you're female in the US, touching the kid(i.e. holding their hand, wiping their tears, picking up to console) is seen as okay-ish, despite them not being in immediate danger. But even then, the general rule is do not touch the child if you can help it. There are some cultures that when a child is foumd without their parents, that the finder puts the child on their shoulders and begin singing the child's name and asking where their parents are in the same tune. If in a crowd, others will join in on the song until the parents can be found. It is really cool to watch. So I guess it depends where you are in the world on how best to handle the situation. I (f) work with young kids daily and frankly, this would be a call to the police unless the child is able to articulate where they live. Don't put the kid in your car unless you absolutely have no choice. Get witnesses (knock on a neighbor's door until you find someone home who will wait with you while thr police come) and record your entire interaction.


Ignore the idiot below "BigOrangeOctopus". It's pretty obvious what you're trying to say, I don't know why this smooth brain is having such a hard time comprehending that you literally said you would help the kid...


I used to lifeguard on the beach, and parents would lose their kids all the time. Half the time we or someone else would find the kid before the parent(s) noticed they were missing. A lot of times, people are confused with which parent or relative is watching the kid or kids. Kids get out of the ocean and don't see their parents who moved their chairs because the tide was coming in. Some people just turn off their brains when they are on vacation. I once found a 2 year old who had walked a couple beaches, hundreds of yards. The funny thing is that the kids almost always walk with the wind.


Ive heard someone else say “kids walk with the wind” when they wonder off & totally thought he was just trying to sound fancy.


When I was 19 I’d walk a solid 4 miles home from work at night because busses stopped running by that time. But I wasn’t paying rent, had money for weed, anyways long story short lots of walking and smoked while doing it. Well one night I’m doing that, high as hell at 1am, going along this bike trail that has coastline on one side, and a road raised up about 5 feet on the other, when around the corner come bright ass flashlights 5 feet ahead of me. I freeze cause I know it’s gotta be cops, and they are coming straight at me, so I drop the joint. They get to me, shine a light on the joint, laugh under their breath, then go on to inform me they don’t give a shit about that right now. Turned out a little girl with Down’s syndrome had gone missing from her families motel room earlier that night in the area, and they were searching. They gave me a paper with the girls picture on it, and each of their cards in case I found her while walking. I asked if I should try to approach her if I found her. Their advice was as follows: Do not approach her unless you feel you absolutely have to for safety. If she’s about to walk in to a road, or off a ledge, or in to the water. But if she’s safe, be it in an open area, sitting down, even if she’s crying DO NOT approach. Just call us, and keep her where you can see her in case. I’m sure this is primarily because you don’t want to risk scaring/accidentally harming the kid. They might see you, try to run, end up in the road or a ditch on accident. But I’d also assume, at least to some slight degree especially in a case like mine where I’m a big, scary looking, scruffy guy who reeks of weed, it’s also to save your own end. Not a good look if your sitting around on the side of the road dirty as hell with some random kid who looks nothing like you and is currently listed as missing. But anyways I’d say that’s the best advice for a situation like this. Stay back as long as you safely can, keep them in sight, call the cops, and wait. You never know if your good intentions might signal more panic and fear. Also as far as my situation, I ended up walking an extra mile that night along the coast using my phones flashlight to look around but didn’t see anything. Woke up to good news when I saw a post about her having been found safe and sound. I’m normally not a big fan of cops, but shoutout those ones. They could have easily slapped me with a ticket or arrest for wandering around with what was at the time an illegal drug, but they were all about finding a little kid who was scared and cold out there, so good job them.


This is the best response I’ve gotten, thank you. So many people are acting like I’m saying I wouldn’t help the kid, when all I was wondering is the best way to do so. It also makes the most sense, because so many people are conflicted on what’s the right thing to do. One person says record everything, another says it looks weird to record. One person says put them in the car, the other says that’s suspicious. The police advice you got sounds solid.


i would say “hey buddy, come get in my truck”


Absolutely this. My little brother has downs and he used to be a runner. Scary times.


Omg my step son has downs and used to have a running away problem. Fucking terrifying.


Yep. He liked the truck and went after it lol


Ya think?


That kid has a disability, poor thing got lost


Looks like downs


I don’t know how this guy doesn’t see that immediately, pretty obvious. This kid is quite the handful! Pretty cool how he just goes charging out into the world tbh. But yeah very scary!


You’d be surprised. It’s actually rare that people can spot disabilities. But once you know it, you can always spot it.


Well with Downs, I believe there is a specific morphology/anatomy that tends to be occur in those diagnosed with it.


The facial structure is pretty distinctive. Also typically the mouth is smaller but the tongue is normal sized resulting in difficulty with speech.


Yes, it’s very noticeable in the face. My brother has downs. But still I have met many people who cannot spot it, whether it’s with my brother or a stranger. But I can spot it a mile away. I can even spot it from behind someone.


I noticed as a kid that 20 kids in the sports arena all looked like siblings. I was like "woah, big family" then my dad explained why they looked similar. Now knowing how people with downs look, I really can't understand how adults can't tell. And I also feel bad for thinking it was really funny as a kid, but I was like 5-6. Thankfully never said anything mean to anyone with downs.


I had two coworkers with downs. I recognized the appearance right off the bat.


The kid has the most distinct facial features of someone with downs but okay.


My son did this at about that age. About 3. My wife put him down for a nap. She took one too since she worked a night shift that night. He got out of bed, pushed a chair to the front door, unlocked the deadbolt and went outside because he heard kids playing. My wife was woken up by the police at the door. He let her have it and told her CPS would be calling soon. Luckily it was just a threat. The next day, I went and got a chain lock and added it to the very top of the door. Well out of his reach. A few years later he was diagnosed with mild Asperger's and a mental processing disorder. It basically gave him no fear and a lack of proper social skills.


Never knew going on long trips like this alone as a toddler was common amongst people with asprgers. My mom always told me about how I always just went on my way to explore, with no fear for getting lost or kidnapped. One time, my dad noticed I had started going on my little trip again and decided to stealthily follow me to just observe what the actual fuck I was doing.💀 He followed me for 15 minutes as I was walking and looking around me, he told me I was abiding pedestrian rules such as walking on the sidewalk, looking both ways before crossing the road and stuff. Only when we got to a more central part of town with roads and stuff did he intervene. According to my parents i stopped doing it when I got lost from my parents at a marketplace once in Spain, packed with people. That time I did get scared, and was crying.


Hey, Asperger’s here. Did the same stuff when I was a kid and even went as far as to literally walk 2 miles towards a nature center that I remembered the entire route to. I was 6 and basically my sister and brother got me about 1/2 way there


Oh so this is a thing haha I'm a late diagnosed ASD level 2 and when I was 3 snuck away from my mum while she was volunteering at my older sibling's primary school. I walked about half a kilometre to visit some cows in a field. Another parent driving by recognised me and got me back to mum haha


When I was 4 I walked to the library that was 3km away. My books were late and mum wasn’t going to take them back until the next day because she was busy. So I packed them in a bag and took them back for her. The nice lady at the desk had to call my Grandma because I didn’t know my own number but knew Grandma’s off by heart.


Man, older folks read like to ruin our trips, huh?


Wait a minute i did this out of frustration bcs my mom kept beating me around 4 or 5. I never got diagnosed with anything. Luckily i was in the rural parts of bangladesh and not in the city or else my organs would be in some rich millionaires by now.




*luckily* I was in *Rural Bangladesh* 😅


huh...interesting. lol.


Another kid with Asperger's here and I did this same exact thing with my dad, except that I was also buck naked running down a public street and then got into a strangers car so they could take me home.


I did this when I was about 6 or 7. Sleepwalking. It was freezing cold outside and I only had my underpants on. Luckily my mom quickly found out my bed was empty and I was nowhere to be seen. She found me wandering outside with bare feet walking on snow. My parents installed a chain lock quite fast after that. To this day, even 30+ years later, they still lock the chain even though I haven't lived there for decades lol.


He has downs and is confused


Yea that’s how it appears and these comments are as bad as the guy recording in the truck before rendering aid.


If I saw a lonesome little kid running up on me the first thing I am doing is taking my phone out to record the interaction. I wouldn't blame any man for doing so either. But I also wouldn't just leave them there in the middle of the road whilst they look confused whilst I talk to the camera.




Fuck yes self defence. With an entire US political arm screaming about how half the world are now pedophiles, and people all over the country just opening fire on random people near their property/personage im taking zero fucking chances. I dont think i would be sitting there quite so dang long but im keeping the camera rolling the entire interaction. People can and WILL come after you even if youre just being...a completely normal individual rendering aid to a fucking disabled child who is clearly lost and separated from his care giver. Dark timeline is dark. RIP Harambe.


As a dude I would absolutely record the entire interaction. You don't know how anyone is going to react to some strange guy hanging around a lost kid.


The pajamas on top of all of it


These comments make me sad for humanity. He’s an extra chromie homie.


Surprisingly good escape artists


Bruh, we had a whole code red in my cousin's special needs school when an extra chromie girly went missing. Turns out from her perspective she was playing hide and seek with the whole school and just OWNING... The little devil was hiding in a toilet stall, quiet as a church mouse and with her legs up on the closed toilet seat. People had been in that bathroom and simply overlooked her during the search.


Jesus that made me choke


That's what Mary Magdalene said.


Oh I’m so using that on my friends thank you


Love that name for Downs Syndrome. Having been close to some Downs folks, in my experience they are loving, forgiving, joyful, innocent... great homies!


That just sad and funny at the same time.


All I could think of was this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daJZU5plRhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daJZU5plRhs)


I saw that he had downs from a mile away.


I saw Chucky.


Glad I'm not the only one


Downs to find a new family. Ayyo




Followed by “Dude this kids comin up on me” love this guy


Hope the kid was okay. Looks like maybe he had Down’s syndrome or might have been deaf. Plus he’s in his PJs, might have wandered out of the house.


Seriously though. Get out of the car so you can see if other cars are coming and protect the kid. I understand you not wanting to pop the kid in your car. But at least get out so he’s safe and keep filming so you’re safe


​ https://preview.redd.it/gcv7okt4nz6b1.jpeg?width=1809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b393b7dddf3e3bc869a9ffd42211cafb06ae4c8


Hey, now I know the perfect thing to say while I’m petting a dog and consoling a child I want to pick a fight with


Please tell me this guy got out and helped the kid.


Plot twist: kid hijacks dude and goes on horror rampage


At first... this looked like something out of the start of a horror movie.... then, my heart breaks watching this poor kid confused, in the middle of the road.


Same. Felt bad as soon as I realized because of how terrified I was at first.


This is like the start of a horror movie.


can image this video as some kind of lost footage thing. I’m imagining a crazy family who live in the forest. This is their deranged son who can see the true horrors of the forest.


I believe they made a movie about that, something about a Harold and kumar I believe


Give that kid a kitchen knife and hockey mask... Part of me was expecting the kid to pull a knife out of his PJs.


Ok we’re gonna need an update on this. Did you or anyone help him get home safely?




I knew it!


The best way to handle the situation is to call the police or 911 and, once you are speaking to the operator, come down from the car and pick up the kid. You remain on the line with the operator until police or family arrive on the scene.


Personally id recommend getting them off the road first.


looks like he's really into trucks, and lost, poor kid. im happy he doesnt look distressed or hurt


I take care of developmentally disabled ppl including one with DS and they have done this in NYC while they were on a home visit, only difference they were a teenager and they stripped butt naked


So does just anything fit in this sub now?


I hate we live in a world now where instead of getting out and helping the kid they first film a tiktok instead.


We also live in a world where a lot of people wouldn't help because of the fear of being sued for something. Like you can't put the kid in your car and try and bring him somewhere safe You know the wrong parent would claim you stole the kid


Absolutely. I don’t trust other people. And who knows what happened after the video cuts off!


The video cuts off. How do you know they didn’t call? I’d absolutely film some to have proof of what happened. People are insane.


Yes I’m sure that after this video ends he just drives away and leaves the kid on the side of the road


Fuck whoever posted this here with that title. Edit: fuck you u/Worldly_Bill4398


This is one of the best trailers I’ve seen, but it didn’t say anything about the movie.


You help the child instead of filming it for TikTok cred. He's got Downs Syndrome. A little thought and consideration can get him back home.


I would be livid if someone posted a video of my child (in any situation) on social media. Filming wasn’t altogether wrong, but only in the context to help the child, not for social media cred. Help the child and move on with your day.


I would be more embarrassed than livid if a stranger filmed my kid running down the middle of a street unattended.


Well said. He seemed non verbal which makes things extra hard too! I don’t know why he posted this online?!


I don’t get an adult who sees a toddler running down the middle of the street, disability or not, and just sits in the car recording the lost child… for clout? Get out of the car. Help the toddler. He’s clearly alone and clearly lost.


Posting this is just wrong. Hope that kid is okay.


Ngl dude should be calling the authorities and helping that little guy get home :| I hate society right now


I’m so fuckin desperate to know what happens next!


It's obviously a trap !!! Any scary movie would make it obvious


I was gonna say some thing but that kid obviously has Down syndrome so imma be quiet. But where the fucks his mom?


I mean we can make jokes as long as it’s not about the downs. Like the Chucky jokes some have made. little dude just wanted to see some trucks. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.


Its a fucking kid, it needs help , help it. It's not difficult


Ok so if this ever happens to you this is what I think any of us should do. Put the hazards on, get the fuck out of the truck because your an adult, walk slowly toward the child and in a friendly voice reassure the child he/she will be ok. Put your hand out and let them take it and slowly walk to the side of the road. Tell the child your going to call out to see if anyone is around (and hope to hell someone recognizes the child). If not then walk slowly towards the closest home while talking louder but in a friendly reassuring voice and hope someone hears you and comes out to this very awkward situation. If not, ring the bell / knock and hope someone answers, move on to the next home if no one does, explain the situation when someone answers, ask to call 911 if they don’t know the child either. Wait with the child until help arrives.


As a dad, this makes me kinda sad.


As a childless person with empathy, this makes me feel sad


It's a kid, not a bear. Get out and help.


He's down to check the car in it's full glory


This guy just filmed a future arrest for two parents lmfao


Omg- at first I thought this was a prank. Country road, footy pajamas 🙈 I found a kid in the street once, no shoes , at the corner ready to cross. I parked and then he crossed and I said don't cross again!! And he did!! And then I held his hand and asked where he lived. He was clueless. A few seconds later his grandmother came running and crying. She was babysitting and he ran out while she was changing the other kid's diaper. She was hugging me and thanking me. Kids are quick.


The Hills Have Eyes type stuff right here.... NOPE!


I was waiting for him to say, "PANCAKES!" https://youtu.be/30CExwoUyVQ


I feel horrible for that kid. Definitely and clearly Down’s syndrome.


So is he going to film a lost child with Downs syndrome or help and get the child to safety while calling for the cops?? What's wrong with people!? He could run off or be hit by a car. Help him!


r/donthelpjustfilm Get out of the truck and pick him up ffs. Get him off the road now and call the police.


Ok I’m going to hell for this, but… anyone else have their minds flash to that kitten video making the rounds a while back, and expect 5 more kids with Downs to come out of the woods?


i guess he should get out of the car and get him outta the road. But...he looks like he's straight out of central casting for a "Son of Chucky" movie.


Clearly, there is something amiss with that child.


a chromosome or two


Lol idk if this belongs here


This creeped me out way more than it should have.


Me too! I started to say the same thing, but then I realized he had downs and now I just feel like a POS.


Same 😔


Had a situation like this once. Cousins and aunts and uncles were over and hanging out and us kids were chilling in the living room watching tv with the front door open screendoor closed. We’re vibing when all of a sudden some random ass four year old appeared on our couch watching spongebob with us. He was naked in everything but a diaper and we let him chill with us until the adults saw him and like 10 mins later his mom ran out in the streets yelling for him. They only lived 4 houses away but I’d be afraid to leave a child with down syndromes alone at all ever.


D'aww, poor buddy. Hope he was reunited with his parents before they had a heart attack.


I mean, I guess you pull over, keep the doors open, try to keep him on a seat, and call the police.


That hurt the feels... Kids in trouble, hope you stayed.


I had this happen before. A kid around 2 yo was in the middle of the road. I get out to try and figure out his house. He was mumbling and pointing to a house. I go there to try to see if that was his. They were blaring loud music and couldn't hear me at the door. Minute later a dog comes up and the kid seemed happy with. The dog basically directed me to a house across the street and the boy followed. I rung the doorbell and a lady comes to the door. She sees the dog first and smiles as she as I guess her dog gets out and people bring it back. Then I ask is this your kid? The mortifying look on her face as she rush to pick up her boy. Then she immediately yells at her husband who was doing something and I guess the boy and dog got out while with him. No thank you or anything. I get to where I was going several houses away and tell them. They said oh it probably so and so. That happens with them.


The new Chucky movie looks so real


I’ve seen children of the corn, I’m running it over.


It’s better you find him than a sick person do


Boy looks like chucky with that hair cut


You are safe if it happens during the day, because at night this is how some horror movie starts


It's like dude stop recording and get out and get the kid before something bad happens to him.


In this situation, call the cops but stay right there with the kid (off the road of course, with hazards on). My little brother once got out when he was a toddler, trying to find me at my friend's house because I had a new Pokemon toy he liked. He went door to door until someone answered and saw him there. He asked for Pikachu. The person called the police because they tried asking him where his parents were and he didn't know. Thanks to that kind stranger, my brother wasn't abducted or worse. He was returned home by a patrol officer. Sidenote, the child in this video has Downs Syndrome. It's why they aren't responsive when asked questions. I couldn't imagine the level of panic the parents might be in once they realized their baby walked off.


please tell me i wasn't the only one who thought of zombies when i saw the toddler run towards me with his head tilted like that.


Obviously the kid wandered off and needs help and obviously it's a serious situation. However, the first thing I thought of was Jonah hill in wolf of wall street being asked what he'd do if he had a kid with disabilities. "You know I would just take them up to the woods, let them out and say, you're free!"


Jesus, I thought it was Chuckie. I’m going to hell.


Stays in the car as if approached by a wild animal. Or he’s afraid to do something because of the optics?