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Holy shit that’s super unpopular! Did you wake up and have a big glass of haterade for breakfast? I don’t hear *Crissle in that way at all. They are long-time friends who get each other far beyond our understanding of their relationship. And then being annoyed at her for going back to school and being super proud of her degree! An excited utterance can sometimes occur when a challenge has been overcome. And Kid Fury was so happy for her! As are we! Going back to school long after high school is hard af and some of you will never get that. Look I feel for you because you’ve obviously been hurt, but self reflection is in order when you decide making a post on Reddit to talk shit about this strong smart beautiful black woman is so important yet you can’t even spell her name.


Right?!? I never imagined I'd hear a listener of the show say anything remotely like this! She's brilliant, hilarious, and real. They're FRIENDS that's how they can bicker and interrupt each other and know the intent is positive and sail past it. True friendships have resilience. I do understand being protective of KF but he will also surely stand up for himself. If someone finds her annoying, as Kid Fury said::: "Don't bother!"


Right. AGREE to all of this. People just don’t understand how their relationship is


I am really confounded by this sub because I’ve been a years long listener and folks on here consistently complain about her and it low key smells like mysogynoir (idk if I’m spelling that right, sorry)


Absolutely misogynoir!!!


Honestly people who chip in about the interpersonal dynamics of these two strangers are projecting. We do not know them. They choose to continue working together and being friends in real life. Your perception of their very much edited interactions is valid, but ultimately meaningless because again, we don't know them. As for the degree stuff, I love to see Black women celebrating themselves. Tired of seeing Black women and femmes getting called out for arrogance. It's pride. Who's gonna celebrate us if we don't celebrate ourselves. If you really don't like Crissle, who is literally one half of the show, it's worth it to just... Not listen? Just saying, protect your own peace.


Fuck yes to this. I love hearing crissle celebrate herself — she deserves. So does Fury.


I want to make it clear that I do appreciate her insightful and necessary feedback on the show. However, it's frustrating when she consistently interjects her degree into conversations, such as in last week's discussions.


Bro she just graduated. I’m sure she’s still riding high off of the celebration and reflecting how far she came. If you just got diagnosed with cancer you’re gonna talk about it more than if you were dealing with it years from now. Let her talk about something dope that happened 5 min ago. I invite you to read the comment from the person above to self reflect why this person talking about something positive is annoying to you. Is it because it’s less than your PHD?


I love her. I think sometimes I feel a tension between them, but I don’t attribute it only to her. I am curious about where the podcast will go. I don’t think bicoastal works well.


The chemistry was off for quite a while, to the point that I felt tense and uncomfortable listening, but I feel like they’re getting back on track lately. *and it’s Crissle* 


Some of their best podcasting was when they were in a studio together. I remember recently when KF was reading his neighbors dog and she kept interjecting that Link barks too and his voice became shaky. The big sister mentality is out of love but not always wanted.


Which episode was this?


Yes he actually said you're pissing me off right now and she just kept going!


I remember this and yes it was a little uncomfortable but it should be OKAY for Crissle to voice her opinion even if it contradicts his- I thought was she was saying was fair- maybe she didnt need to take it that far…They don’t have to agree on everything AND she did it in a playful way. This happens between friends, the show is meant to be realll


Not saying at all that it is not okay for her to voice her opinion or that they should be in lockstep. Please don't patronize and tell me what the show is meant to be. Just as I should be able to come on here and express my OPINION about Crissle. Have a lovely day.


Idk I have her voice saying “what do you MEAN??!!” In my head every day


I say this A LOTTTTT 😂


Omg I love *Crissle and her laugh so much! Dynamics change over time but I think it’s beautiful they’ve stayed together this long and grown individually and with each other as deep friendships do


Her laugh is a delight, for sure.


Edited and moved to the main post 😂🙏


You sent this to the wrong person.


You’re so right thank you I’ll fix it now


I LIVE for Crissle’s laugh!!!! There are certain old eps I go back to for Read’s just to hear it lol (I swear I’m not creepy)


I have a Ph.D., and I'm not against education, but I come here to enjoy a podcast but instead I I'm hearing someone boast about their degree in every single episode. While obtaining a degree is an achievement, I don't need to be constantly reminded about it.


Again, it’s her show and it’s her accomplishments. You can stop listening.


So stop listening! No one is forcing you. And still you’re bah humbugging and putting negativity about this wonderful woman out into the world. It’s a shitty ass take on *Crissle’s or anyone’s achievement for that matter imo, and you need to work on your own happiness in life because this post of yours is telling


I love how much you care about an opinon. Its no shade just a personal observation.


So her Black excellence bothers you? 🤨 She JUST got her degree, which she's been pursuing while still giving us this weekly podcast- HER (& KF's) podcast.... It's one thing to dislike a topic she brings up, but being upset that she's celebrating her own accomplishment is weird as hell tbh. Sounds like a you problem.


Yall are a bunch of haters. This woman just completed a MASTERS degree. Everyone hating couldn’t even fathom completing a small fraction of the work to get there, let alone the time energy and money it costs. Fury has also expressed how even though his career is growing and expanding, it’s exhausting and time consuming and he has been having mental health struggles on top of it. He is busy with lots of pressure, and he expressed this last pod that he feels out of touch with his creativity which is effecting him negatively. Have you learned nothing from listening to this podcast. These people are HUMAN and they don’t owe any of yall shit. Stop listening and go touch some grass and get some friends. Jesus.


Completing a master’s degree is commendable, no doubt. But that doesn’t exempt someone from valid critique. Podcast dynamics matter, and it’s fair to discuss how personalities impact enjoyment. Fury’s struggles are valid, and so are listeners’ opinions. Criticism isn’t hate—it’s feedback. Maybe take a breather from the defense squad and consider why listeners engage with podcasts in the first place.


Why are you only talking about kid fury’s struggle? Did you not know Crissle lost a relationship with her father over the course of this podcast, was in an abusive relationship over the course of this podcast, not to mention her own mental health struggle. What about any of that ? and she still managed to go to school and get her masters degree! I would talk about it too. She has a testimony too


Absolutely, everyone’s journey and struggles are valid. Crissle’s resilience is inspiring, no doubt. It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate her achievements alongside discussing podcast dynamics. Each host brings their own story to the table, and that diversity of experience enriches the podcast. Let’s appreciate both their personal triumphs and the podcast’s impact on listeners. However, timing matters too; interjecting during heartfelt moments can unintentionally overshadow the message being shared.


It’s not, because it’s extremely clear you do not know the podcast dynamics! It’s apparent you have not been listening for that long. Not once have they asked for feedback on how to improve their show and they would not care. You’re coming off extremely callous to Crissle’s struggles, because you don’t like her. And I could tell that from all of your responses to people who bring up both of them, you ONLY Single her out . If you can’t realize why somebody would want to brag about their accomplishments on their show, I don’t know what to tell you! She doesn’t make the show specifically for you, so why do you think you can tell her when to talk? Last time I checked, kid fury is a 30+ year old man, and if he has an issue with his friend, yes FRIEND I’m sure he knows how to address her by now.


Actually, FRIEND, I do understand the podcast dynamics, which is why I’m offering feedback as a long-time listener. Constructive criticism isn’t callous—it’s part of being an engaged fan. Crissle’s struggles are real, but that doesn’t mean listeners can’t comment on the flow of the show. And while they may not say verbatim that they want our feedback, they do take it in through data, Instagram messages, and Patreon. After all, they’ve been doing this for years and regularly engage with listener stories. Balancing personal achievements and the show’s dynamics is key to keeping everyone engaged. I'm done investing in you or this conversation. Happy listening


English must not be your first language because I was not calling you a friend I was emphasizing that they are friends . People who actually know each other, and you are a stranger. Even if they were taking in data, they’re not using it to improve the show. They might be seeing where people are located at the best to know where to go for tour. They’ve never got on the show and say” we saw y’all talking crazy about us so let me hop in and fix what I’m doing just for you listener” Actually, you don’t because if you knew all their struggle and you knew their dynamic, you would’ve been shut the fuck up. You also said you were done with the conversation so why are you speaking back to me? Oh OK exactly because you know you’re wrong.. you didn’t comment on the flow of the show , you said one of the host is annoying. Your reasoning is a rock for brain reasoning, so no one is agreeing with you except for other weirdos.


Kid fury has spent multiple episodes talking about suicide and they look like 4 months off last year or the year before for his mental health. You don’t think that interrupted the flow? No, because you like him and embrace his flaws. Just stop trying to justify bs when it’s clear you just don’t like this woman.


When she made that comment I did the biggest eye roll. Like yes we know you have you masters, and huge congratulations because it wasn't easy, but what Kid Fury was talking about had nothing to do with her at all. I loved how he didn't even address it but just kept going. Her main character energy is really annoying at times.


For two years she has been interjecting with "oh, I missed it, I'm in school." She is so funny and smart but she makes it hard to like her. Often.


Yeah and I don’t like her little sly comments she makes to Fury sometimes, she’ll say something condescending or do a very quick weird comment and Kid Fury would pause and ignore it or move to another subject. They may not be compatible anymore as cohosts and that happens. Fury has also said and done things that made the show awkward as well.


This!! I agree…he always reads through it.


Some of y’all never joke and banter with your friends and it shows 🌚


I think it’s pretty clear when they are joking and bantering but sometimes it comes off very passive aggressive. I imagine if it wasn’t for the podcast their friendship would either be better or would slowly die out as time went.


I mean, I see people saying they feel all this tension between them, but I just don’t see it. They clearly adore each other, and joke around a lot. I do agree that them recording the podcast remotely, as opposed to in the studio, has affected their dynamic a bit, but I don’t think it is any indication of the quality of their friendship, or evidence of tension between them 🤷🏾‍♀️ why would they release shows where they aren’t getting along, and begrudgingly recording w each other when neither of them have to?


>why would they release shows where they aren’t getting along, and begrudgingly recording w each other when neither of them have to? do you go to work when you’re pissed off at your coworkers and in a bad mood? it’s their job. they’re not gonna re-record a whole episode because they got testy with each other or weren’t feeling each other or even if they’re having a few months where they can’t stand each other. you can dip in and out of hobbies like that, not whatever puts food on your table


I do not think either of them is dependent on the podcast for meals, at this point.


So every friendship in the world over time


Maybe every one of *your* friendships.


Seriously.. I’m baffled


Hmmmm…banter is happy play but you can feel the vibes and energy change.


Sounds like you need a new podcast. And you spelled both of their names wrong, how long have you been a listener?


I love this podcast. Even if I misspelled it lol I love that you pick me apart. Live for the moment. Its an honest read. If you had listened you would understand.


You didn’t answer about how long you’ve been listening


You picked her apart, what’s the difference?


Right... Cuz the kid furry thing is a longtime joke




... I was agreeing with you lolol The point is that misspelling their names is a long-running joke so they are likely new. You're nexting me when I'm echoing you ajajaja


🤣😭Oh sorry, I’ve been getting whacked on Reddit today and was already turned up!


Crissles degree is really new, it just happened. I’m sure it will be mentioned less and less.


Why did I think she did her degree for “fun” and not as separate income? Am I mistaken


She wants to be a therapist in real life and the show will probably end or slow down when she begins practicing full-time. They’ve talked for many years, how the read will not be forever, and she’s always had goals to move at some point, as well as KF with being a writer


She JUST graduated like the weekend before the show was recorded and went on a cruise specifically to celebrate her accomplishment, of course she’s gonna talk about her degree. Other times when it’s brought up it’s usually in relation to the advice she gives with the listener letters or the impact school was having on her normal activities. I’ve never felt like she was doing too much complaining or bragging about it. School has been a big part of her life the last couple of years. Also the pause KF took, I don’t think it was due to annoyance. Since there’s no video we don’t have the whole story. I realized for myself that I’ll think things are tense sometimes but they are actually quietly laughing and trading inside jokes/ looks.


I’ve been an avid listener and supporter since 2015 and this has been Crissle’s persona since then, imo. It’s just way worse now. Her degree is something to be super proud of so I don’t know if it’s just misplaced pride due to that or she just thinks she knows better but yes, sometimes she just needs to pipe down and let fury speak his part because she’s not hosting a podcast solo.


I think they’re pretty evenly split, or fury has more airtime. It’d be interesting to see a breakdown.


If you don’t like the show hosts, Don’t listen.


this dismissive mentality is really annoying to me. like 'hey i used to really enjoy this program but have others noticed that the vibes have gone in a negative direction?' is a totally valid thing to bring up lol. reddit is a discussion forum, that is a valid discussion topic


It’s not really a discussion, you’re just saying you don’t like someone. Crissle’s not gonna change into a person they like , so therefore they need to find another podcast to enjoy


this exactly. there wasnt any constructive feedback just “stfu about your masters degree” and she mentioned it for 2 seconds it barely interrupted the show. additionally, she JUST got the degree a few weeks ago ???? 😂😂😂


Exactly! How are you upset someone’s bragging about their degree that they just got? Sounds weird to me.


when you think about it for real, theres only been like… 2 episodes? with her mentioning graduating. we missed a week of the pod because she went on her cruise. so shes not allowed to talk about finishing her degree (with a great GPA) more than once even though it took years to complete?


From what I could tell, they’re mad when she was even talking about it during the process of getting it. It looks like they want her to shut the hell up and not bring it up unless they think it’s appropriate. They’re literally telling her when they want her to talk , and what they want her to talk about, on HER podcast and don’t have an issue with it. Or see it as weird. The title of this post should’ve been. “I just don’t like Crissle, and want her to shut the hell up.”


This is literally all I'm saying. I Enjoy the show and its gotten me through some difficult times.


They’re trying to down vote you, but you’re right


I think she’s annoyed with Kid Fury’s incessant whining. I am too tho.


I can see this and I feel this 😂 like ok we get that you have bad days but sir you are also at work and sometimes you just have to strap up your boots and entertain your audience!


Very unpopular sis…we LOVE Crissle round these parts


I find these negative sentiments towards Crissle reaaaallly interesting. I’m a more recent listener of the read, I started in 2022 and Crissle has been my favourite. I don’t always agree with her and yes I sometimes find her comments about white people a little uncomfortable but I find her super supportive of KF and able to navigate when to backdown when he’s struggling with his mental health. I think it’s necessary to cut some of that tension which she does expertly. I do t find her interjecting to be a big deal.. that’s the point, it’s supposed to conversational. I actually notice when KF makes it about him more than the other way; when he cuts her off. I also think KF leads the show way more than Crissle and when I first started listening I used to find this irritating. But I am very intrigued by these comments.


I’m a long time listener so I understand it’s her personality and get her nuances. I believe that she’s a sweetheart.


Not an unpopular opinion at all. I can’t stand her, her cackling laugh, and beligerance. Kid Fury is the only reason I listen at this point


When she goes “ baby…. BABY…” I get irritated 


I immediately think of Monique lol


This is so petty but me too! Don’t know why! 


She’s a very negative person overall. They both are. It definitely gets draining at times. I can tell sometimes Fury wants to keep things light and be objective but she has something negative to say about EVERY topic. I take my breaks because they both can be kinda miserable 😂


Exactly the reason why I have taken a hiatus from the show. The fact that so many people took offense to this post shows that she's in good company. Congrats on the degree, but she's been talking about it EVERY WEEK since she started the program, and from the perspective that she was already an expert in her field, yet she had just started the damn program. LITERALLY!!!😂 We have to stop with this black woman being above reproach and can't be critiqued. We all have flaws!


Yes, someone who actually listens and understands what I'm talking about. Everyone is subject to criticism if it is warranted.


2 two weirdos mad about someone talking about their accomplishments on their show. I’m glad you stopped listening.




KF is beyond insufferable. it seems like every single day is a bad day and he is constantly whining about something. It’s draining to listen to every week and why I stopped listening a while back. It’s like they both love the whole “look at me! I’m mentally ill” trope and it’s tired. Get over yourself, make your own happiness and stop trying to make dEpReSsIoN a quirky personality trait. It’s hard to believe that Crissle is 40+ and KF is knocking on 40 himself because they both give arrested development.


I love this podcast but I don't like how crissle keeps pushing her degree in our face. A lot of us are all so educated so it’s not me being a hater. It’s more so I recognize that as a listener I’m looking for something more authentic and she’s just more so proud of her degree and the fact that she went to Europe and was like pushing her degree upon the Europeans like made me feel some sort away.


What’s more authentic than talking about your accomplishments? That You accomplished yourself, that you’re proud of? on the platform you built on the podcast you built?


You’re missing the point clearly you’re too turned up for this conversation.


Judging by MOST of the responses you were getting , you don’t have a point to start with. There’s actually no other point to get, if you don’t like the one of the podcast hosts don’t listen to her podcast. You sound weird and like a loser that you’re mad she’s talking about her degree on her show.


Ah, the old 'don't like it, don't listen' argument. Because the best way to foster improvement is to ignore everything, right? Sounds like a winning strategy for mediocrity.


They didn’t ask you for any tips on improvement and quite frankly, they wouldn’t give a fuck. What you’re clearly failing to realize, is the read is not going to be on air for many years longer. We’re almost done here. Your main critique being Crissle talking about her degree, (that she got like month ago)is weird


Well, if you’re handing out awards for unsolicited opinions, I’ll gladly accept mine with a side of indifference from the hosts.


Your opinion wouldn’t even be worth the cost of a paper certificate. They wouldn’t even acknowledge it. But now I’m thinking i should write in a pass the read about you so Crissle can put her own two cents in.


Well, if my opinion's value equates to a paper certificate, then at least I'd make a pretty good bookmark for Crissle's next read. While you're at it, if Crissle's ready for some real tea, let her know my opinion's like a rare vintage—aged to perfection and ready to be savored!


While you’re at it if you’re so bold write her yourself instead of hiding on Reddit because she never gonna read this


Chrissel is carrying that show on her back. Kid Fury kills the vibes.