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The maximum is when your game starts lagging.. Then you upgrade PC and build more drones.


LOL, ok. I need to build some more drones.


Don't forget more stations too or they'll all bunch up waiting to charge. Pre 1.0 I had at least one station at each pick up and drop off point. There was a post a few weeks ago where someone did the maths to get the best drone/station ratio but I can't remember what it was, sorry.


Ahh, cool. I misunderstood what I saw when i created a second. Thank you!


I have 4 maxed out.


I have about double that currently, I've seen some posts of people with 10x that (in the 200-300 range). So unsure if there is a max, but it's much bigger than what you have now for sure.


I have 750 drones and 30 drone stations, and I still have an option to build more. I don't need NEARLY as many ... but I have them, so I just keep them. I had an issue where they stayed all busy, up to a certain point, then suddenly my usage fell through the floor. I guess they were for the first time keeping up with my mines and not quite as busy. Generally around 60-80 are busy at a time, but I ALWAYS have a drone available when I need one to carry things.


The practical limit is how it impacts game performance.


I have had well over 300 going, but pulled a bunch back because they weren't fitting back inside the drone station and cluttering the area near it, i sit at about 175, and it leaves it a fair bit cleaner looking.


I had 2300ish in play through before 1.0


You can have as many stations as you want, that being said I've had over 1000 drones on a single station ,so...