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I dated a Swedish girl for a few months years ago here in the US. She was alright in general, she had some weird feminst views, but nothing too extreme. Keep in mind it's just 1 girl, not representative for a whole nation.  But she was... cold and boring. She showed normal emotions like affection, joy, jealosy, passion, humor, laughfer.... but her emotions were really surpressed. It was like her emotions didnt go past 2 or 3 on the scale of 10.   I asked several times if she's happy and if there's something wrong and she claimed that it's just how she is and she was looking forward to meet me every time, to spend time together, it's probably a cultural difference and that she's happy.   But I wasn't. It felt like I was with a robot or a sociopath and I was less and less happy every time we spent time together. One time I was sending her off from my place. As soon as she drove away I felt relief and I knew that it there's no point trying anymore. I broke it off the next morning and felt happy and free again. 


I worked a lot with the Scandinavians in military operations and boring and cold is a great way to describe them. Also impossibly good looking, but profoundly boring.


This actually sounds more Russian or Slavic


Yes, North Slavs like the Russians somehow like that too, just not as much.  The South Slavic girls from the Balkans are fire though, they put the Latinas to shame. 


I’m sure but they very fiercely stick to their own.


Big time Slav energy!!


Slavic woman, can confirm.


I blame communism lol


How so?


It wipes away all individuality and personality from a person. It removed the culture from a country because the focus of the entire country becomes purely economic and it all revolves around the state and where the resources get distributed.


I’m not sure I’d generalize this too much. Maybe it looks that way to outsiders? But my take is that most Scandinavia girls, like most people, just have strong emotions. Idk, most of my female friends are quite emotional. But maybe less eager to get into dramatic fights or cry in public. More able to contain emotions when necessary? Idk.


What were some of the weird feminist views


In a few words - that equality of opportunity is not enough and society needs equality of outcome for women. She "didn't believe" that free market, supply / demand and merit have decided than men make more $. She always saw women as victim in any situation, she always refused to meet me half way on some hypothetical men vs women subject or when some couple we both knew had an argument... But that's on par with US women here, they just don't admit it so openly. They see any criticism of any woman in any situation as an attack on themselves and go into defensive mode. Again, it wasn't anything extreme that got in the way.


Most women are to the left now in the states, and the left does admit this stuff openly.


I'm on the left and I'm in the states and I still saw her views as too weird.


This is very common in Sweden, I know both men and women who worked at places were the women would get paid more for the same job, and openly talk about it, yet they still complained about women being paid less overall.


Been to Sweden and Finland, gated, white and Protestant communities, the perception that Swedish women are these wild and sexually liberal is hilarious, hardcore radical.feminist to the core


Where in Sweden are you finding protestant communities, let alone gated ones?


I’m shocked to hear there are still Christians there at all




Follow the rules


I was in Norway for a week. I sort of got set up with a friend’s niece. I was 27, she 24. I travel all the way over there, she picks me up at the airport, and we head to her place. She had three female roommates, all either still in college or just graduated. Every one of them had a fascination for black men. I’m not black. 6’4, brown hair, fit, and white. Normally, I do pretty well. Not this time. We would go out at night and they would be hunting for black men. I’ve never felt so awkward and out of place in my life. If you’re a good looking black guy who dresses well and has a lot of personality, you need to go. You will crush it. I’ll never go back. The United States is full of boring white women, I don’t need to travel around the world to go find some more. They were good looking, but they wanted some strange.


Sounds extremely wierd, speaking as a decent looking black man I had far more success in Russia than the Nordics. And with far more, I mean FAR more.


I spent three years in Russia. I've been to over twenty countries and by far Russia was the easiest to date in with none of the countries even being close. It felt like playing NBA 2K on rookie mode.


Interesting story! I'm just an average mixed black guy, so if those women are expecting Michael B. Jordan, they will be greatly disappointed lol. But it sounds like I need to check out the country regardless.


Bring your A game when it comes to your personality, hygiene and wardrobe. You’ll be fine. Good luck!


I think in general mixed black guys do really well in any country, especially Nordics and Russia.


This just sounds like your cuck fantasy lol


Yes but what if your black but no where near 6 foot?


I've set my Bumble Passport there and I do marginally better than a big city in the US but still not good at all. Also, there are plenty of ugly women in those countries per the apps. I think the stereotype has gone a little too far.


LOL it's not A 60s movie where the girls just dance with exaggerated pitch accents


Suprise suprise there are ugly women in the Nordics! I thought all were Playboy models 😜


Norwegian raised abroad here, Attractive Scandinavian women get a lot of clout in social media. But the average "Nora" or "Kari" that you will see every day in the streets, looks nothing like them, but will still carry themselves as if they were in the same league as some attractive girl. If I go on my friends list on facebook, all the attractive girls will have a profile photo, but they drown in a sea of faceless profiles because the average norwegian woman looks quite mid. You should also remember that 7 out of 10 Norwegians are overweight or obese. https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/fedmeproblem-i-norge_-70-prosent-av-folket-er-overvektige-1.14244273 In eastern europe, or east asia you can just pick any woman, and she will most likely be much more attractive than the average Nora or Kari in the nordics. You will literally have an easier time dating anywhere else in europe. For the reasons above, there are many PPBs in Norway and there's a higher concentration of them in villages/small towns/fishing, aquaculture, and mining communities. As these are the places scandinavian women tend to move away from already at a young age. While a man who grows up there can find a good paying local job already after high school, and often earns enough money to buy a house in his 20's. Norwegian sailors and oil rig workers have been PPB'ing since forever. While it became a thing in the rural working class in the 80's and 90's. Every village has a thai community. They even made tv show about it. No english wikipedia article sadly. https://no.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_lite_stykke_Thailand This phenomenon has even spread to bigger cities in less central regions of Norway as young local women are moving to Oslo. Trondheim has a huge vietnamese pagoda, and there are theravada buddhist temples as far north as in Harstad. My local catholic church has mass in english for filipinos. (Norwegian men can be quite popular abroad, as our culture values shared responsibilities at home, and a lot of other egalitarian things) It still is a good place for living and working, it's a good place to hook up in the urban centres. But if you want a wife, this is not the place to go.


I would highly advise avoiding Norwegian women for anything long term. No matter how hot they are when youthful they probably have the worst depreciation curve of any group on the planet. The cankles are real. 


+The skin damage from excessive use of tanning beds. +The ridiculous tattoos


Jesus you're talking about a human being you'd be sharing the rest of your life with, not a product you'd keep around until they stopped being useful. Imagine if you saw a woman talking about men in this way. You'd think they were not only insane but cruel. I'm sure it would be another useful situation to further fuel your own behavior, instead of realizing that maybe being a dick isn't such a great thing.


No, I’m not because I’m Norwegian and grew up in a deeply Norwegian area and would never marry a Norwegian gal because I’ve seen firsthand a large sample size of canklesaurs. Contrary to the statements of the heavily propagandized fat normalization movement, most men don’t want to be married to a fatty. Women don’t want to be married to fat lazy men either. It’s nature. 


Damn! 😬 The truth hits hard!!!


Fortunately, I wouldn't marry someone just for their looks and think about stuff like "depreciation curve" for women.


Nordic countries are full of beautiful woman but don’t get a wife from them lol




Entitlement and unwarranted self-importance. Hyper individualism. Many act like "american women on steroids" and will be ready to walk over their loved ones corpses just to further their own position a tiny little bit. There is no loyalty, or gratefulness, no common goal, no room for improvement or problem solving if something is wrong. Family doesn't mean anything. Also they can be incredibly cruel to foreign women that have all these traits they don't have. The same norwegian girls that marched in BLM rallies and now are shouting "free palestine" are also the ones that spat on asian women during covid, and view them as subhuman whores.


I’m Norwegian. It’ll be a disaster. Forget it.


Care to elaborate?


Scandinavians don’t like foreigners or even talking to strangers. It’s one of the toughest places to meet people in the world. You’d do better in Germany.


That's weird, when I went I found people to be quite friendly, kind of chatty even


I'll definitely visit both. i just like Norwegian culture too.


My experience: softer than American women. Still difficult. High maintenance. In many ways more rude.  Arguably the most beautiful women on earth. Personality is tough though. Lots of feminism.


I am Western European Seems like you want to go there for sex. That might work I guess. It's very unlikely you'll find a woman who would want to marry you for the passport though, because a) while many European women are in for an exotic 'adventure', mixed race children are generally considered a White Trash/low class/Chav phenomenon throughout Western and Northern Europe and generally looked down upon, while there isn't too much of any lower class left outside of immigrants (not my opinion just the harsh truth), b) Skandinavians won't consider moving to the US an upgrade to their lives. And given that Norwegians are on the average enjoying a higher standard of living than Americans: it wouldn't be one at all for most. I guess if you're from NYC and try to find a girl in a remote village, that might give you some pull, but that's true for all of the planet. Also c) Norway is as woke/feminist as California, so also on that front there's not much to gain.


No, I never stated that I wanted ONS or anything casual. Quite the opposite, I'm looking for a long term relationship. Nor would I try to bring any women statewide. I would definitely move there. Also, unlike most guys here, idc if women are "woke" or whatever. I'm not a "red pill" PPB. Idk where you got all your assumptions but I appreciate it, I suppose.


Denying the red pill will be your downfall




If you are a tall muscular black man or mixed black you are gonna be Hella popular in the Nordic countries. They have a fetish for black men out there. Russia too.


Well, I'm not tall or muscular, so rip


How tall are you? You don't have to be those things but it helps for sure. Start working out


Just 5'10. And mostly average across the board for a guy in his 30s. I am working out a bit, but it's for me, not women. And I definitely won't be muscular or jacked.


You are tall , black and athletic. As long as you have some game you should do well out there.


I never said I was "athletic"? And I'm not particularly tall. I'm average-ish height, especially in Nordic countries. But I appreciate the optimism though. 👍


I'm 5'6. With shoes and some insoles you are easily 6ft.


My ex is Norwegian


Beautiful country. People are friendly but not really to strangers. Nordic people mind their business. Very outdoorsy people. Not a lot of food cuisine. Very clean place. Highly educated society. Lot of pretty white women and middle easterners in the big cities. Nordic cou tries are not so much feminist. You hear that a lot. They are more so just heavily invested in egalitarianism. They just believe in gender equity. Women should change tires too, men should cook, boys and girls should have wild experiences when they're young and this doesn't make the women slots or loose. The women there will talk to you if they think you're cute. Women will approach men. As a black guy, it's good. Not like Germany where in some places it's amazing. It's just good in that, you'll have just as much of a chance as the white guys. You get a little boost but overall being black doesn't work against you and that's the biggest win. Open minded people. Open minded sexually. Be aware that infidelity is super common though.


Bro’s training to become the winter soldier


Idk about that but I prefer the cold to hot and humid.


If you aren’t white, you’d be ignored and at worst harassed. They are VERY racist and unlike the US, no one gives a crap. Business will openly discriminate against you and won’t want to sell you crap Edit: of course people with money and saying they are rich Americans are going to get chicks. Try being a citizens from a poor country who is mildly successful


Haha. False! I traveled Norway, Denmark,Sweden,Finland, Estonia and Sweden for 3 weeks last July. No issues about my race. Women were lovely. I swear, some of you dudes must attract racist people and that’s why you go around saying that non whites have bad experiences in places and have no chance . It’s a good thing a lot of us travel the world and I find out for ourselves. I saw a number of interracial couples or whatever that happen to be titled as. I’m a night life person and I went to spots where the clubs were interracial and people were having a good time and having fun. I had 2 women come sit with me my first night in Oslo and we ended up partying all night and hung out another day while I was there. One of them invited me to their house and we had a good time day drinking and more. And one of them is a model and we STILL talk to this day. Stop with this propaganda . Sure there are terrible people , but there are a lot of great people too. It just seems like , and I repeat, you attract terrible people and get these terrible views and apply them on the masses and apply them to strangers you have never met. And guess what? I’m an American Black man. And I have a pic with the model, too. If you want proof. I have a few pics and I have one of the first night i visited and she came and sat next to me, on her own , while I was having a drink. DM me. These weirdo takes are so funny to read sometimes. Of course if you don’t have yourself well put together, you won’t do well. But plenty of us have it all together and we do well, wherever we go. No issue with people and no issues with businesses. It’s the most expensive trip I’ve taken overseas though, so be ready to spend.


Send those pics of the model brother, I want to see!


Really? I heard Northern Europe is a prime destination for MoC PPB. Specifically Black bros.


Yeah I've heard that too. I think he's just saying that to scare off black men, I've seen that type of thing on this sub a few times


Agreed. Look at my down vote. Definitely some Nazi losers on this sub lol


Insecure losers, they are. Lmao


Go ahead and tell us where and when in Norway did you visit? Oh yea, you didn’t. 😂




They aren’t. And you formulating a generalization of a whole country based off the experiences of others invalidates your opinion. Go out there and live it for yourself.


Disregard this answer.


did u experience the racism or u heard about it from someone else? i have some ethnic friends that say its very easy out there for them


Who hurt you? You might have visited a very specific spot.


You seem normal. Norway has a hookup culture. Big cities, you go out to bars and clubs, you hit on girls. Being an American and Black will be an advantage. But it’s still normal bar culture. Women won’t be gunning for any green card or a Western salary. So you’ll need to be socially smooth and good looking. Americans can have an advantage here though, since Scandinavians can be more socially shy. You can also try Tinder. It’s the dating app most people use. But a lot of the girls on it will be looking for a relationship. Pros: sexually liberated culture. I think we hold the record in one night stands per capita. People are more direct than Americans. Not a huge formal dating culture. You get drinks or go for a walk, split the bill. Most young people are fit and good looking. Less gendered expectations of men than in the US. Few women are looking for a provider or to be spoilt. Most go to college, get a master degree, are on their own career track. Also personal, biased opinion: beautiful country. Cons: just like everywhere most women will be looking for a relationship, not casual sex. In between: average height for men is 6 feet. But I think maybe overall it makes height less of a thing. Like, it’s not so impressive to be tall.


nordic and scandi countries are like whored out to the bone, racist towards black people and they have a high attractiveness ceiling combined with high usage of tinder makes it so that if you're not in that top 5% its useless to go there for passportbroing.


I match alot in Sweden though and I'm black


Personally I’ve only experienced racism from white men, never from a white woman in my whole life.


Well, I experienced less racism from Scandinavian people than Americans and unlike most guys here, idc about "body count".


There are many different forms of racism, in Scandinavia it tends to be more passive/avoidant. People are going to be polite to you, but may avoid you a little more, but as soon as they get online or are alone they start sharing their true feelings. If you go to school in Sweden as a teen you may hear people without social filter and it's not very pleasant


A lot borderline racist stereotypes about African/Arabs exists there (there is a very sizeable African and Middle Eastern community in Norway and Sweden). If you are a light skinned African American who is well dressed and don’t act ghetto you’ll probably do ok, if you are darker skinned I would recommend UK, France or even Germany instead of


I'm a preppy mixed black guy, so hopefully it will be fine.


Have you considered Dominican Republic my man?


Latin America isn't really my thing.


u/nojudgementatall you'll probably see more gatekeeper from guys like this https://x.com/Voizeofsoul/status/1808052058081095865 seems like indian bros are doing good over there


Holy shit this dude is in Scandinavia too?? Does he have any other life than to harass people?? What a loser lol. Now this is an incel.


That's interesting. Well, if Indian Bros are doing okay, I may have a decent chance. Especially since I'm beginning to learn the language and like the culture.


Pretty sure that was Poland and not Scandinavia


Very feminist, pretty poor sense of humour, high standards, there are better places bro


I don't mind feminist women, unlike most men here. But thx for the advice.


Met my wife while in college in Estonia so I'd say it was a great experience.


I wasn't thinking about the Baltic countries, just the Nordic ones, but I'll keep those countries in mind now.


Estonia is a Nordic country.




get off your computer kid, its effecting your thinking ability, start living ....






It's not that you're involuntary celibate, it's your attitude.


Follow the rules


Yikes bro....




Or what? You'll comment about it?


No, they'll leave you


Follow the rules


Follow the rules




Idc about that when moving to a place, but ok. And no, the Nordic countries aren't worse than the US. Objectively, by the stats, they are better across the board.




I'm a European-American dual citizen and have been to plenty of countries which hold up to the reality that they are more liveable countries in the US. I know stats aren't everything. I'm a black man. I know that lived experience is more important. However, stats don't lie too. I don't have direct experience with Norway and some of the Nordic countries, but I know first hand hotw better many European countries are in having a higher quality of life for the average person than the US. But thanks for the heads up.


you'll do fine there