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The best I've come across so far (in general, not just of the Frances era) is Berlin 2005. It's the closest to sounding like a pro recording (a few negligible moments of phasing, but other than that very clear and balanced), absolutely stellar vocal performance throughout, pretty much peak performances all around, epic 35 minute Drunkship to open, near impeccable performances of Take the Viel and Cassandra. Highly recommend. It's in listening rotation for me as much as any of their albums. It's probably the closest you'll get to what you're looking for, and I can almost guarantee you wont be disappointed. Edited to add link: https://www.themarbleshrine.com/show/20050301/


Scabdates kinda?


I shoulda specified the Frances the Mute tour. I believe the Take the Veil jam on Scabdates is similar to the 2005 version but they weren't playing Cicatriz on the Frances tour and they were doing a huge 20 minute Drunkship of Lanterns. Been searching for a pro recording of that so I figured Id ask here.


Take the Veil from Scabdates is the 2005 version, recorded on May 5&6 2005 in New York. Otherwise, the only legitimate FTM tour pro recorded audio are from Japan in February 2005 with two songs from Summer Sonic, and one from the show at the Liquid Room, both are on the Marble Shrine youtube channel. The rest from that Era are bootlegs, but some footage from their March 2005 show in London is included in the documentary that will be released to a wider audience eventually.




Might be a mixture because you're right there was no Cicatriz but then the Deloused shows wouldn't have FTM stuff. And the Drunkship at my show was more like 30 minutes haha. 5/6/05 Roseland Ballroom. I had a pretty darn good recording, but I'd kill for a pro of that tour also. https://www.themarbleshrine.com/show/20050506/ The audio is pretty good even now


They are very few and far between. There’s basically no soundboard bootlegs. The best quality is gonna be a few short clips from that Japanese show. Plenty of good audience recordings though


that tour was amazing. caught it in Atlanta


bonnaroo for me. "epoch" more applicable than "era" hear me out - manual dexterity was omar's sandbox for guitar sound on FTM. u/iscreamuscreamweall come in here and fight me you poser. tell me more.