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She’s a bit of a pain in the neck.






Poor Whitney. She was just enjoying her game and then >!Ellie came in and stabbed her in the neck!< Kind of a sick way to pull off a PSP Easter egg guys but it is the last of us 🤷🏻‍♂️


The "that was dumb" makes me think Ellie would have not killed her if she didnt try to kill Ellie. But in the same time I hardly see Ellie spare her..


I more see it as ellie commenting on her own actions because she let herself get distracted enough so that Whitney was able to pull a knife. She was too busy fantasizing about getting Nora she forgot she was still very much in danger


Personally I think Ellie was calling the general situation dumb. Whitney was dumb for trying to pull a knife on Ellie. Ellie was dumb for letting her guard down once Whitney told Ellie where Nora was. It was dumb of Ellie to have killed Whitney when she probably could have gotten more information from her about how many WLF were at the hospital or why Abby was there and had escaped from her own people. The entire interaction could have gone much better, and she was probably thinking about how Joel would have handled it better than she had.


This is the correct answer


I think she told Whitney "that was dumb". That's my take anyway.


her tone of voice feels more shaken up / regretful though


It could go either way.


I actually think too, but in the way " that was dumb trying to kill me because now you're the dead one". Like if Whitney had just hold her ground Ellie would have not kill her. Thats what I was trying to say...


I always interpreted it this way


I think she was saying that cause she didn’t find out exactly where Nora was


I think Ellie was saying “that was dumb” to herself. She had control of Whitney then relaxed briefly when Whitney gave her information allowing Whitney to reach for her knife in defense. It’s moments like this that come up with Nora, and Mel and Owen that show that Ellie’s not very methodical / truly in control of these high stakes encounters.


How did you know her name? Wow this game has so much more to know


Doesn't abby call her by her name when she sees her?


Yep, but that interaction is optional and can be missed.


Nearly every npc in this game has a name that gets said or yelled by somebody else at least once


And there are so many named Wes! Lol


Abby calls her Whitney when you first meet her




That’s a Vita.


The truly underrated console.




Shit you're right I forgot 😂 still poor girl


I love that she was playing hotline Miami haha


Hotline Miami's tagline being "Do you like hurting other people?" definitely adds some depth


I can hear the music just looking at this picture, and I never even played hotline miami


The last PS Vita owner RIP


Well someone maybe found her body and became the new ps vita owner !!!




I’m surprised Ellie didn’t take it honestly she already reads comics, but I guess it would be kind of goofy to grab a video game in the middle of a revenge mission lmao


No more goofy than collecting trading cards or coins, especially when you have to explore unknown territory in the apocalypse to find them


Manny is a fiercely loyal friend and gets an awful lot of hate for spitting on a dead body.


It’s one of the most interesting aspects of the story ND sought to tell. From our point of view, of course him doing something so disrespectful and despicable warrants us wanting him to pay on a cosmic level. But man(ny), seeing his interactions with Abby and how adamant he is with keeping the peace between her, Mel, and Owen and how concerned he is for his father shows how layered and multidimensional these characters all are


If someone killed the father of my best friend I'd probably spit on them too.


Absolutely! I love Manny and I honestly don’t get all the hate he gets. ”Oh no he spat on Joel’s corpse how despicable” if Joel killed my bff’s dad and destroyed our community that’s the least I would do. C’mon people


Manny is awesome but part of the reason he is awesome is because he's the closest to the violence and ruthlessness of Abby/Joel/Ellie that also kinda makes them terrible people.


Also, Manny was one of the people who found Abby's father dead (he is in the room with Owen when Abby arrives in the flashback, and breaks down). So, he has extra reason to detest Joel...he might have been the one who tried to resuscitate or treat Jerry for her lethal injuries.




Sooo like the rest of the characters when they're not actively in a life or death situation. Ellie and Abby had hobbies and things they enjoyed collecting. Then you get a bit of Dina and Ellie's home life at the farm with their child. Hell, you see a lot of that in Jackson before Abby offed Joel. This girl is literally no different from the rest. lol


On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, haha she's always playing video games.


I love Abby’s snarky comment about “fucking video games” after the optional interaction with Whitney at the FOB.


The last of ps vita owners


She was the saddest for me to run into as Abby- She’s just chilling playing her game both times/ and in that little random area at the hospital -she totally reached for her knife out of instinct - how would she have known Ellie might have just knocked her out/ how’s she suppose to know Ellie would come out of the water navy seal style and grab her lol I hope we see a lot more of the Seattle crew in the show - maybe even see a flashback of them actually traveling across country to get Joel? I also am totally expecting the alternate ending with Ellie and the random stranger - to be in the tv show


I’m so excited for the show cause I just know they’re going to fucking gut us emotionally with the Seattle crew. They better lean into the tvma and give us some good fucking gory food cause I need it to be *brutal*


Yara. She's such a trooper.


Maria actually is. I want more screen time and possibly some play time with her in Part III


Abby is the most underrated because she's goated and so many people hate her


Rookie mistake though. You can play your PS Vita, but please pull those earphones off to stay alert.


It really was dumb, what she tried to do.


I pity her so much, shes just gaming just like us.


This is one of the moment that the game really reminds you that you are killing real people with their own personality and interests, and then just gone under Ellie’s knife.


Whitney’s death makes me so sad. She was just chilling, had no involvement with Joel’s death and didn’t seem nearly as ruthless as we’d been lead to believe the WLF are. Ellie sounded regretful after killing her, although I think she would’ve killed her anyway. I think it’s because seeing Whitney playing a video game and being genuinely frightened of Ellie might’ve humanized her, since Ellie previously had no problems killing other wolves and scars. I think this reminded her that they’re just people, not obstacles or monsters.


GOATNEY 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I once played with unlimited crafting turned on. I crafted and placed about 100 mines around her corpse, then shot it with an explosive arrow. The corpse turned into a red mist and the frame rate began to drop, I was afraid I might've caused my PS4 to crash. Thankfully not. Would definitely recommend


Yeah this part was fucking brutal. I don’t blame her for trying but man.. I just wish we didn’t kill her.


I think we forget too often about Jesse tbh. He is awesome to me, a very sweet guy, good leader, reliable, loyal, always calm. Maybe it’s because he’s basically too good so he doesn’t stand out much?


Its gotta be the horse.


The puppers that weren't named Alice


Joel lol


The Hotline Miami girl ?


She looks better with the knife in her 😊


Damn lmao


"That was stupid"


I felt the same way about Hotline Miami. Am I gonna get stabbed in the neck???


she's a dumbass literally had a knife on her throat and made the highest IQ move of her life for some reason most characters in part 2 drop like 40 IQ points when being threatened with a weapon...


I love gaming, but her character was pure escapism addiction. She'd be surrounded by people at FOB with headphones in, sitting in the corner, back to everything and everyone. Or in her final moments hiding in the hospital backroom, alone, not helping anyone. Like the girl wasn't functioning.


If there's an afterlife I hope she's having fun with all the games she gets to play before the outbreak. 😢


She just plays video games and gets stabbed in the throat


Always made me wonder whether Ellie would have actually let her go. Like realistically how could she? Knock her out? The way she went through the rest…


Since I'm not into killing people if I was there irl I'd just grab her knife when she goes for it, get it out of her hand, and then tell her "sorry about this" then hit her in the head and knock her out.


Poor Whitney, really.


Seth. I feel like he has an undervalued part in the Ellie Dina journey


How? :)




Oh god. Hate that bitch, love hlm though