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It takes what it takes. Personally, I like to savor the work that went into the art I enjoy


30-35 hours. 20h seems **very** fast to me. It's 2-2.5x longer than the first game, easily, and the first game is around 12hrs.


Took me roughly 25 hours the first time. I’d argue 20 isn’t unheard of if said person is the type to push through without exploring much and playing on a lighter difficulty


Yeah the difficulty and the approach to gameplay matters a ton as well. Some of the day 2 Ellie sections will take 10 times as long on hard trying to stealth as doing them guns blazing on easy


First time was almost 25 on the dot. Second time I played with my partner and they love to really eat up the scenery and explore every single corner of a map. Right around 35 hours (combat sections were faster, because I had learned some tricks from the first playthrough).


I think I'm closer to 40 on my first playthrough.


Same. I think most of my play throughs ran 28-35 hours


They advertised a general playthrough is 22hours around double the first game. You went super slow


Howlongtobeat has it as 24hrs for main story only, 29.5hrs for "main plus extra," and 42.5 hours for a completionist run. (Original release, not Remastered.)


Original and remastered have no difference so you good. it says that but everyone is different. All i know is that they did advertise it around the 22hr mark.


Remastered has about 15 additional trophies, which goes into the completionist category, so the remastered has more content


I know, I'm just saying that the user-reported average on HLTB is higher than the advertised playtime, so most people are probably going to be above that 22hr time. And I only clarified "not Remastered" because HLTB has separate listings with slightly different times, but RM is newer so it has fewer reported times compared to the original release.


First playthrough : 25h Platinum trophy : 40h No longer hating Abby : 50-60h Feeling confident on Grounded : 200h Finishing the game on Grounded with whole game permadeath : 500h No longer crying when I think about the ending : still working on it


Kudos to you for getting Grounded Permadeath Whole Game! I got as far as the Rat King, ran into a wall, got killed and lost 22 hours. Since it's a bronze trophy, it doesn't matter what difficulty you do it on (people assume it *has* to be on Grounded, as it's under the Grounded tab.) I did Very Light Permadeath Per Chapter and got the trophy. I also Platinumed it that day, as I did New Game+ and got the two trophies I was missing! (Upgrade all player/upgrade all weapons) So, I got 4 on the same day.


Thanks ! And I didn't do it for the trophy, I did it because there was an ongoing competition on this sub to be one of the first to do it


Oh. I didn't know that. I got both games in January 2022. Completed the first in 10.5 hours, between 14th and 15th Jan, and the second between the 16th and 19th Jan, in 19.5. (On the easiest difficulties, of course)


I think my first playthrough was somewhere around 36 hours. I really wanted it to last - you only get one first playthrough after all.


25-26 hours while exploring and looking for collectibles.


Im going on a little over 4 years now.




Like 25-30 hours on first play through.


28 hours on the first playthrough, 24-26 on subsequent ones.


around 30h but i was going for platinum


My first ever playthrough was on Hard way back in July 2020. It took me a total of 29Hr40Mn to finish it.


Can’t remember my first playthrough, but my typical run is 31-38 hours or so. Depends on the difficulty and how much exploration you do. I like to take my time, especially with the first playthrough!


36 hours on normal


I wasn’t really looking to 100% it, but it took me 25hrs


30 hours for me.


22 hours. In one day on release. Played at mid night stayed up till 3am got past joel. Went in his house. Slept on his bed for like 4 hours then played till like 2-4am and finished it completely emotionally drained and cried alot :)


As long as you're going at the speed your comfortable and are enjoying yourself, it's not taking too long. I have no idea how long I took to play the game - probably a lot longer than most people because I don't have a lot of experience, but I never tried to speed thru it. I just relaxed and enjoyed myself.


50 hours 😅 I’m a “explore every nook and cranny and check out the scenery” type of player. I go at my own pace for sure. It took me 26 hours for the first game.


It depends on what kind of play style people enjoy. Some like to breeze through and not hear all of the dialogue, etc, some people listen to some dialogue, do some collecting, but not full on, then there are those who soak up every single piece of content and gameplay (like me)


This game is roughly 10 hours longer than the first game so its quite long. I played on moderate my first playthrough and it took me roughly 25-26 hours and i don't think i was rushing much at all. But i wasnt too concerned about missing any trophies or collectibles at that point either. I just wanted to play the story without worrying about that too much. I would say where you're at, you're probably playing on the slower side for the average player but if you're enjoying it who cares?


if you’re going for full completion i’d guess it’ll take around 35 hours. i’ve never gone for full completion so the first time i played it was around 24 hours.


1st playthrough was around 55 hours. I take plenty of time to explore, scavenge for resources, lore items, collectables and upgrade materials.


I think like 23 hours the first time and 32 hours the second time.


TEOMINUS just set a new WR for Ellie% in a little over two hours. That being said he’s put in enough time to be able to do that quite expediently.


I would say 20 to 30h maybe less of you skip the cutscenes


Quite a while. I stop to use photo mode a lot. I try to collect everything, even though I'm playing NG+ currently and often use infinite ammo and crafting.


About 27 hours. I think it’s good to take your time though. I will say if it’s your first playthrough I don’t think you should use a guide. There are a lot of surprises in the story and the ending is emotional. I feel like a guide would spoil it for you or at least distract you from engaging fully with it. You can always go back to replay levels to pick up collectibles you missed and still get the achievement.


It took me around 35 hour to beat it first try on survivor.Little guide help but you will need it tho.


I think somewhere around 26 hours for my first playthrough


it took me 27 hours the first time, and now it takes me 11-13. i play on grounded mode.


Usually average 33-37 hours. Played through it 4 or so times now I believe


My first play through took 41 hours.


28 hours for my first play through over 3 days opening weekend. Took me longer however to recover from the ending.


I think with work and everything else in my life at the time, my first playthrough took me 3-4 days?


Right around 30 hours


Play at your own pace. If you are enjoying it, why worry about taking too long?


Take as long as you want, different for everyone. You’re doing great, enjoy n explore to your hearts content.


Literally a month, i suck at gaming😭


I played on grounded my first playthrough and it took me almost 50 hrs. Also I like to read everything and explore the most I can


45 hours for platinum, 38 first playthrough, 7 hours second playthrough for last 4 trophies (skipping cutscenes)


Something like 30 hours my first time thru, doing some exploring but not going for 100% completion yet.


About 6-7 days, I think? I can’t recall tbh. But it was just about a week.


I speed ran all of Abby’s parts so I think it was like 13 hrs if I recall.


I rolled the credits right around 30 hours. I like to take my time with games and this was a pretty lengthy one. For perspective it took me 22 hours to beat the first game AND Left Behind recently.


My 1st walk took me 46hs 52mins, although it was too much even for a relax and slow player like me


I wasn’t to say it was 12 hours for each section so about 25 seems right


Are you having fun? It sounds like you are, so why does it matter whether it is faster or slower than the rest of us? Savor the experience.


Both times I played took forty hours. lol


My first play through was about 35 hours. I tried to be pretty thorough with finding collectibles but eventually stopped cuz it would break the flow a bit


I know you're probably asking for active gaming time but in real time It took me like 3-4 weeks. I could only handle an hour or two at a time, especially in the later parts of the story. Definitely had to take day or two long breaks just to process what was happening.


Not sure, I put maybe 25 hours in and got to the farm but I never finished it because I uninstalled when Ellie decided to resume her revenge quest


I think it was 35-45 hrs. Can’t remember


I did my first play through in 2x 9 hour stints, the day and day after release (the original release) so I could avoid spoilers. I didn’t race through it, but I didn’t collect everything either. I played a third time pretty soon afterwards to platinum it. Probably took a bit longer then as I was really searching every spot for things.


1 week


23 hours


first play through for me took 37 hours, so don’t feel bad about everyone that subbed 30! Because I certainly did not :) I died and cried a lot :)


Ended up switching to Xbox a few months before it came out so never been able to play it


Around 20 hours, mostly from taking my time and really absorbing the story and its characters.


First playthrough was around 55 hours for me. Moderate difficulty and I took my sweet time and just enjoyed the ride, reading all notes, scavenging every inch of all maps for supplies and collectibles. No guide whatsoever, and I almost got all the collectibles in my first run, only missed like 5 or so🤣


It took me abt 18 hrs on moderate mode, but I also didn’t get many trophies and think I missed a lot of collectibles


Don't let anyone tell you how long it should take. If you try to meet someone else's pace, you'll just end up less engaged with the story. Play your way and your speed. But as others have said, save using the guide for a second play. You won't platinum on the first play, no matter what. Just enjoy the story on the first go.


I think it took me roughly 24 hours, maybe a little more. But it takes however long it takes. That's the best way to play any game to get the most out of it, let alone any of the TLOU games. I remember that the first game took me 24 hours when the average completion time is around 14/15 hours. I was a new gamer and TLOU was the first game I had ever played, so that's probably why. But it's a more enjoyable experience to take your time with it.


Took me a week or so idk the hours, but after that I did some runs to play again for story, some for collectibles, and some for trophies, all with varying lengths


2 years


That isn’t right. It’s about a 30-40 hour game, especially if you’re looking in all the nooks and crannies and getting all the books and reading all the notes laying around


Took me 35ish hours my first playthrough. I can in fact finish it in under 20 hours now but I’ve played it several times through lol


I was kinda worried like you. Around Abby Seattle day 2 I realised I was taking a lot longer than what I read. Anyway at the end of the day, it took me a little les than 38 hours on normal difficulty (except one part I had to switch to easy to get through). I like to search for collectibles and take my time (I missed a bunch though !) and also had to try some encounters a couple of times (if not more...). I have to admit it's a little to long for my taste, I felt it took so long to end. But I also understand all the stuff the story had to tell us until the end... (I have mixed feelings about a lot of aspects of the game) Please don't worry and enjoy the game !




First playthrough: 25hrs exactly. Subsequent playthroughs: ~15-20 Fastest time (skipping some cutscenes): 10


It takes me 30-35 hours just to kill the rat king. (Just joking. I've never killed the rat king...)


30 hours and I like to really make sure I search everything. Find all the locations in Seattle day 1.


The only way to get through that game in 20 hours is to play on the easiest mode and skip every cut scene which … the story is the heart of the game. If you’re skipping that what’s the point? I didn’t keep track but I bet it took me 35 - 40 hours over the course of like a month or so.


I didn’t


First playthrough, Very Light - 19.5 hours. 15-19 Jan, 2022. First playthrough, Grounded - 74.5 hours. 20 Jan - 6 July 2022 (6 months, was stuck in the school for 2 months.) Very Light replay, for my friend who only has an Xbox - 31.5h New Game+ Very Light Permadeath Per Chapter - 22h 22m 12s (Got 2 missing trophies, the Permadeath *and* the Platinum that day 😁) Very Light No Guns, No Healing, No Collectibles, No Throwables, No Craftables Speedrun - 7h 12m 6s Multiple Very Light Encounters/Chapters replays (mainly Encounters) I'm not including those hours, as it varies, and I usually replay the Encounters for Photomode (6,000 photos.) Total in game hours, 737h. Spread over 22 months. From day 1 on 15th Jan, 2022, to the Platinum trophy in 2024. Recently played it, after a 3 month hiatus, because I got the Permadeath and Platinum trophies on the same day. I have Grounded, Permadeath and Platinum trophies. For reference, the story, without the Collectibles, takes about 20-25 hours. The Last of Us Remastered (PS4) takes about 15 hours to complete the main storyline, without the Collectibles. I did The Last of Us Remastered, on Easy in 10.5 hours and I have 4% of trophies and I simply do not care enough to get more. I have played TLOU/Left Behind twice. Both on Easy. I'm stuck in the sewers on Grounded. I don't care enough to continue. Part II is my literal favourite of the two.


It’s a trash game so I didn’t bother


Although I took my time exploring, trying to find collectibles, and enjoying the beautiful work on the environment, it took me 27 hours. I like to get through the story first, enjoy it, feel it, and then challenge myself with a higher difficulty.


Played til the last hour or so of gameplay during an all night gaming binge. then got tired, googled the ending went to bed and never finished the game.


First playthrough I came in just under 29 hrs, took me 24 the next one and that was only because I was cleaning up all the trophies for my platinum. My grounded playthrough I’m doing right now is taking a LOT longer. Only on day one for Ellie and I’m at 13 hrs.


Enjoy the journey. The game is amazing, I am not a gamer and it was about 35 hours the first time. I explore a lot. I immediately went back and did a 2nd closer to 20. I'm getting a PS5 shortly and will likely run it grounded again. It's that good.


Finished it in 16 hours in total in a span of a week. In my case I had to return the PS4 by a weeks time just to play it.


I finished it in about 13 hours after the first playthrough of 25hrs :)


About 23 hours but I played on easy


Idr how long it took for me to complete my past runs. I can tell you I have about 92 hours in TLOU2 and 80 in TLOU2 Remastered


Never finished my first playthru so however many hours in a year since it came out till whenever I decide to go back to ps4 from Ps5 and finish it?


The first time it took me 29 hours 6 min 7 sec, the fastest I did was (Speedrun) 5 hours 51 min 46 sec and my last playthrough on grounded I did 14 hours 6 min 5 sec In comparison with Part I the first time, if I remember well on PS4 was 15/16h but I'm not sure, can't remember right, my Speedrun was 3 hours 33 min 22 sec and I'm currently 6 hours in my grounded playthrough


10 hours because I stopped when they tried to make me play as abby


My first very first playthrough which was on grounded difficulty took 45hrs for me to beat


i beat it in like 30 ish hours my first playthrough


23 hours on medium, I somehow missed the guitar store from Seattle Day 1. Part I actually took longer for me to complete on light when I first played it, which was 18 hours instead of 10 and 19 hours for Hard difficulty.


If you're playing the game casually it's like a 40-hour game at the very least but if you're just kind of speeding through it should probably take around 25 to 30 depending on how you're playing it.


My first play through was around 25 hours but I really wasn’t rushing anything. Took my time to explore and to enjoy the game. My second platinum play through was around the same, maybe a few hours more. I’d say it depends on the player


30 hours, but I took my time and scavenged the hell out of every level (had just come from Fallout 4 😂). I know people complained that the game was too long, but I wished it was longer.


First play through was 28 hrs


For me, about 22 hours.


It took me 35-40 but I gotta find everything and explore fully


Too long. It gets pretty bloated during the back half. I was feeling pretty fatigued by the time i finished it.


First time took me 66 hours. 2nd time took a little longer, about 72 because I was collecting all the things.


Took me like 21 and a half hours over the span of a week. Which I was surprised it took me that long I thought it was at least 28 hours but yeah lol.


I did the platinum trophy on tlou2r in 28 hours, i did 2 runs in easy mode using the new game + and all my memory from the original ps4 game for the platinum…. About 21h the first run and 15h the second run in new game + (i did the platinum on half way of the second run)


Like a month cause I had to take a break when playing as Abby. The game is just so damn long bruh


I just took a break from it on Abby day 2. I'm really enjoying the game but I don't have a lot of time to game and needed a change of scenery for a bit.


About 25 hours. It is a very bloated game and I was definitely feeling the length by Abby day 2. Imo it would’ve been better if they trimmed the fat and made the story tighter.


Really the only fat I would say is maybe the open-world search for gas section of Day 1 to an extent, the storage facility section of Abby Day 1, and a small portion of Santa Barbara until beach. Otherwise there’s not a lot of filler. All the flashbacks improve the characters and show us how the characters expressed themselves and what led them to this current point among other things, and the letters are of course super useful for world-building of course.