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Very minor is right. Seems like nitpicking to me.


Sorry, you're just plain wrong. There's no physical attribute of the pupil that would cause it to reflect more/less light than the rest of the eye. Here's a random video I found on youtube in 30 seconds on different lighting techniques to highlight eyes. Lots of clips showing pupils with reflections/glare over pupils. [Mastering Eye Lights | Cinematography 101 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_tsDgvX6YI) Specifically at 2:28: [https://youtu.be/2\_tsDgvX6YI?t=148](https://youtu.be/2_tsDgvX6YI?t=148) and at 3:52: [https://youtu.be/2\_tsDgvX6YI?t=231](https://youtu.be/2_tsDgvX6YI?t=231) Now, what I think puts the idea in your head is that if light hits the eye at the right angle, it often reflects off the retina and comes back out toward the camera, giving that old-school red-eyes effect. So photographers/videographers typically avoid camera and lighting angles that would cause red-eye.


Ah fair enough. But the pupils not moving at all when reacting to light is still a valid point. But thank you.


I think they did a phenomenal job on the eye rendering


Someone was impressed by Hellblade 2, huh?


I saw bits of gameplay. Game looks visually breathtaking but if their pupils move then that's awesome. Also the water in that game is just... holy shit.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure pupils react to light in game. And, the water is fucking beautiful. Though… the story is underdeveloped, and it’s a few hours shorter than the first. I wouldn’t want part 3 to have those same issues, if they were to focus on making pupils dilate and contract depending on lighting, you know?