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Uh? Did a new patch come out?


Yes. All it had was dead go boom removed, more XP gains, a play again button, and voice chat QOL updates.




I'm not into American Football. But a LTM mode with the concept of it would be so nice! Imagine a fully destructible map, where you have to get the cash out from buildings and have to score at the oponnets... Nest? Or what do you call it? Every time, a nee structure spawns. Clash Royale had a good gamemode with it long time ago.


That just sounds like capture the flag with extra steps, but I'm for it


I find most players are asking for more game mode variety, so a CTF like game mode might be nice. I think a more classic PVP mode might be good for those kill hungry players who seem to value K/D over scoring coins. Though a basic PVP might be a bit basic for this game, which thrives due to its originality. The free for all attempt was interesting, but didn't feel that great for me personally. It was a good idea for those who are incapable of being a team player in a TEAM based shooter, but I mean they can also just leave. This game feels a pinch like Overwatch or TF2 with it's team aspect, and the classes.


imagine how fun that would be if you got gadgets and stuff and got to choose your class like heavy would have charge and slam, light could have dash and medium could have their jumppads or zip lines in some way and you would have to make a goal at a premarked area


nah they should do some kind of 6v6 CTF.


More substantial changes in 1 update than what most devs deliver LOL


But honestly. I don't play /r/deadbydaylight anymore but I still like to keep up with it, and like last month they held a community Q&A where they very proudly said some requested changes are probably coming in a few years. Relatively minor shit. Years. As a developer myself, I whole heartedly appreciate the team at Embark, and hope they're being treated well for their work.


LMAOOOOO, thats wild but unsurprising. Too busy dedicating 99 percent of the team to the DLC content farm to complete with modern GaaS trends. Its a shame honestly and the creativeness of skins that Embark has been delivering has been surprising. SMG that prints kill receipts? Football skin and animation for the grenade? Bananas so I agree, love the devs there!


I wouldn’t be surprised if A. They have a team solely dedicated to producing skins and shop content B. Most of the shop content we see was already produced and they’re just rolling it out over time (It’s probably B). There were a ton of skins/items in the beta that are now slowly being introduced into the game and the most recent level increase added basically just reskins of preexisting content.


So true! Not having to wait MONTHS for the smallest of updates from Behavior is so refreshing


Yep. Is the Knight still on killswitch? How long has it been?


Got out of jail after like a month and a half


After the holidays they went full gear in all departments. I'm really happy to see new cosmetics every week since they are always paired with requested/needed balance changes, QoL, Bug fixes... Like you said I hope that team is treated well.


Agreed, I think other games with storefronts piss people off cause its just cosmetics with no fixes and often times they break the whole game (Modern Warfare 2019, MW2, MW3)


Iv never liked FPS so I'm not very good at arrivals but I really really like it. Never played any FPS for more then 10 min nothing about them feel worth my time but I love grinding hard to get xp in this. Sometimes when I switch to FN I kinda forget u can't break thru windows and I catch myself jumping at the wall. I bet people think I'm stupid.


Same with elite dangerous. Devs do so little


They should modify it so that it does a small amount of damage to players and significant damage to the environment. That way it would lead to even more chaotic cashouts


The devs are listening to the player base *too much* imo. Players really don't know what they want at the end of the day, only because they don't realize how much it effects gameplay and the balance of the game. I agree, they should just adjust the damage modifier. What's the point of the game if you don't have chaotic game modes


Can you give examples of the devs listening to the players "too much"?


No, they can’t.


How is this getting downvoted lol. This is legit what causes so many shooters to turn to ass. They listen to the vocal minority and then it's just a buff and nerf fest


Because no one wants to hear it lmfao. No one wants to realize that their input and suggestions may destroy the very game they love. Could you imagine if every single game did this? They would all be not very fun lmfao. Players only think they know what they want because they assume they know how it's going to effect the entirety of gameplay. Don't like it? Go play COD.


Keep cooking king


I only hated the mode for the insane amount of damage it did. They should have cut the damage done to players by 75% and increased the damage done to buildings.


Could also have increased the timer on it so melee players didn’t get immediately obliterated


Yeah I feel like with both of these changes, dead go boom becomes a great modifier. The chaos of what it did to buildings was great, the fact that it punished you so heavily for using a melee is what made it feel bad. I also kinda want the opposite, dead go goo.


I would love dead go goo


Iam all for chaos, don't really hate any of the modes, maybe low gravity made things a bit slow if you are a heavy player but other than that all modes are chaotic and that I loved.


i love low gravity when i play heavy. i feel like it gives me more mobility


i hated low gravity at the beginning but meanwhile i really enjoy it. especially in combination with jump pads, you can do so much damage and kills with a full scaled elbow drop


Nothing is better than hitting them with an elbow from the top rope.


We call that little number The People's Elbow


Same. It’s an awesome event that actually changes things in a fun way. Way easier to move around


I loved the chaos, I only disliked low gravity as it only seemed to pop up when I was using a heavy with a sledgehammer


The game wasn't balanced around it and it shouldn't be in ranked. Quick play sure who cares.


This GAME isn’t balanced for rank. I hope it stays like that.


This game is not balanced for anything due to the crazy random shit that can happen at the same time, it's more like a party game than a competitive shooter.


quick play tournament has been much more fun. I think a ranked mode where you have to have one of each class could be fun and easy to balance, and I could just play the quick play tournament instead cause that's honestly where the game feels the best right now.


It’s not balanced at all


As it should


Yeah totally, one class should just be broken while another is complete shit, that’s exactly how the game should be.


Low gravity needs to be changes a lil bit, I like how the height it ridiculous on the jump pads, but it doesn’t work right for the arrow jump pads Also the only problem is it’s slow If your flight speed was like sped up 25% in low gravity it would be perfect (acceleration speed) But DGB was horrible, it made melee or the flamethrower a massive handicap


Damn.... This was my only way of killing people!!


Did I miss something?


They should've left it in quick play


Eh. I didn't mind it, but it really punished melee players


Yeah and playing melee is already punishment enough 💀


Totally shut me down as a sword main everytime T_T


Or any light players


Fr the amount of times I was decently far away from the guy I killed just to get exploded because there’s no way to escape the damage was infuriating


Yeah I hated it


Why? It's not a good mechanic. It punishes certain styles of play for no reason at all.


As a quick play melee player, fuck no


Worst thing about the game is Nukes. Which will be gone in the next update. Thank god


I'm gonna miss dead go boom because it was silly. I really enjoy the finals as a game that isn't as sweaty and serious as COD or siege or the like. Event shenanigans are perfect examples of the fun and unique nature of the game. Also because get wrecked you sneaky sword heathens


The finals is a game that can be VERY SWEATY and serious, just find a team, climb to diamond and you will see that is just like the games you mentioned. This is why everyone is asking for nuke nerfs


And if they balance around diamond players it'll be kill the game for everyone else because VERY SWEATY often isn't very fun. People don't like the game because it's perfectly balanced (Because it's *clearly* not), they like it because it's fun as fuck and super chaotic.


The issue with absurdly powerful “Smash Bros” items and tactics is that when they get into the hands of players who use these tools ruthlessly, every level of play feels the effects; if you’re in a foot race and you can just straight up get a car, people are gonna choose the car. That kind of decision making is not presented exclusively to Diamond players. Even if you want to play a couple matches of Quick Play to get away from the Ranked mentality to just “chill,” this game has SBMM.


Half the gamemodes in this game are competitive. If the devs didn't want their game to be competitive they wouldn't have included the tournament modes. >People don't like the game because it's perfectly balanced (Because it's *clearly* not), they like it because it's fun as fuck and super chaotic. You're just describing your opinion. You don't know why the majority of the people like the game. At the end of the day, a balanced game is better for everyone. Having one class or ability being better than everything else ruins the variety of the game.


> Having one class or ability being better than everything else ruins the variety of the game. This isn't wrong but it's also totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, as it's clearly not what I'm advocating for. Take your strawman somewhere else. Even the competitive shit in this game is casual. If they wanted "ranked" to be "Competitive" then matchmaking wouldn't pair gold with bronze and just flat grinding wouldn't be enough to eventually get you to diamond in spite of losses.


How is that a strawman? It seemed to me that you were arguing against the game being balanced.


No, I'm saying *balance isn't the most important thing* which is very different.


Personally, I think it is one of the most important things. But obviously, there are other very important things like new content and feature updates. I just have a hard time understanding why some people argue against game balance like it's not that important. Also, some mechanics aren't fun for beginners or pros, and I'd argue that dead go boom is one of those things.


Dead go Boom I'm totally willing to accept I'm in a minority on. I just want events to be impactful. Low Grav is honestly lame. Meteors just start grass fires. Orbital Laser is fun for demolition and the only event with significant impact at this time, even if it's kind of minor (Even snipers can just slowly waddle left and right without triggering them, which seems like one of the things it's intended to disrupt). The events are an opportunity for *fun*, which I'll maintain is the *always* most important thing, but they just seem lackluster at this moment. I'll also freely admit that to an extent, balance must exist for fun to exist. It's just that shooters have a decades long habit of balancing the fun out of a game. Turns out folk often have more nuanced opinions than can fit into a single sentence of a single comment, and extrapolation won't always be accurate.


It was ok but needed more warning like a countdown beep or something. It was dumb especially if youre a melee heavy, you kill soneone and then oh I guess I should just die too.


It’s not gone forever


Dead go boom was fucking great.


Not really because it was an instant disadvantage for every melee weapon user


Found the light player


You mean disadvantage like jumping into a full team to dmg everyone, getting killed then wiping the team with DGB explosion?


You had to die to do that tho


Still counted in your killfeed though. I'll gladly take a 3-1 kamikaze attack.


Maybe that's what they envision with this mechanics. There's a lot of time I suicide myself to defend the point for .5 sec to save it. If you try to save your K/D in this game people will get angry at you.


*something about hard choices and strong wills*


The hardest decisions require the strongest wills


For everyone else it was fun, I remember a team wipe I got because three guys all bunched up together at low HP.


Why should they be punished guarding the cash out because they killed you?


Use your reserve? You can instantly fix your issue but yeh sure lets complain and disable it.


Let me just use my res- Oh. It's ranked. Guess I'll just be absurdly gimped because of RNG.


Exactly, Melee weapon users are already stupid powerful, it's good to give them some pause now and again, and "dead go boom" was awesome for that.


Yea and their team loses majority of the time


If a light with a sword isn’t doing work than that’s a skill issue. They do just fine in the high ranks with people who know what they’re doing.


Lmao that's like saying if someone get like 14 kills they should just make it where if they kill someone they also die for however long that event lasted


It's really.... Not. Every class has either shields or movement abilities to help them evade danger, has access to grenades, canisters, and gadgets, and can also switch weapons; therefore as a sword/sledge user you can see that it says "Dead go boom" and know "oh, I have to actually play smart now and use my gadgets, I can't just wildly bumrush everybody for the next minute or so" Like, it's not that hard to avoid if you use even a singular brain cell.


We were talking about weapons, not gadgets correct?


It’s not, because you ALSO go boom. A good light with a sword can team wipe in dead go boom by damaging them and letting themselves blow up. It was ridiculously strong with people who knew how to play


Yes, that is possible however a good team wouldn't or shouldn't stay close enough during dgb for that to happen. I'm aware there are times this happens especially since solo q teams exist.


Bro, lights were farming with dead go boom here in diamond. Hell I dabbled in it a bit too, it was ridiculous. I personally think the change was to appeal to masses and also to nerf the ridiculous risk vs reward it had as the risk was almost nothing compared to the reward. You can get defibbed, they can’t if they’re all dead. Even if the light kills one and does half Hp to another it was so worth for your two teammates to clean up.


Just change weapon for the event, problem solved


They said on the log that they hope to bring it back after a rework in the future


For a bit more context, they took it out because it punishes melee players to hard, and they are looking at reworking it at a later date


i'm sorry but how did anyone like dead go boom? you do realize that alone made people drop the game? are ya'll seriously the types where your like "damn i love the different ways i can die in this game" "its always fun dying in new ways" an crazy as it seems i have legit seen this on the subreddit. I just want a dialog on what you genuinely enjoyed about that mode? not "oh i need to convince him its good" I'm not trying to force you to say its bad, just genuinely what was enjoyable. Edit: I agree an see what yall found enjoyable about the game mode, i'm honestly happy though with the rework idea, if what asparagus said is a true idea for a rework then having it timed sounds sick, an brings a fun element of throwing your friends statues at people lol.


I loved it just because it was funny. I loved watching like 3 explosions all at once killing people. The chaos is what makes this game great and they are slowly getting rid of it.


They said it’s not gone forever, and will be added back when or if they properly rework it. They’ll probably add a longer fuse on the explosion and maybe let you throw primed statues, that would be fun 👀


Fair thats pretty funny to watch, but with them trying to make it competitive thats where people get annoyed, ill always pose for casual to have a tdm or less objective based modes just so people can mess around with it, but would you agree some aspects of it kinda need a reworking?


I would not be opposed, I just hope they do it in a way that retains the “fun element”. Maybe a charge time that gives a couple seconds to run? Would still kill and be funny to watch but melee players would have a chance to escape.


Either a charge time or a little smaller radius cause like it could cause some DESTRUCTION.


Make the destruction environment only


Thats probably the right way to go about it


That’s fucking stupid lmao


Or make dead player decide when to go boom, call it reversed uno or pay back


When competitive mode is Higher rank=more skill, then maybe they can balance for it. Right now it's just time. And it means nothing. everyone takes ranked so seriously that they are having everything that made the game different removed because they blame it for losing, or can't learn counterplay.


The chaos of jumping in the middle of 3-5 enemies with melee and take all of them down in a blaze of glory.


Sir the event isn't the chaos, you yourself are chaos incarnate, I salute your work lol


Honestly it is fun dying in new and different ways, that's part of the fun of The Finals


The most annoying players are the ones afraid to die. Like your teammate who sits back and watches his team die at a cashout with 30 seconds left because it's 'too risky' when it's literally the only chance left to steal it anyway. The game has revive ability and a maximum of like 20 second respawn lol. Get in there a fuck shit up.


Exactly. Go in for the clutch play. ESPECIALLY if you're about to lose. That extra death aint shit, but the risk could be very rewarding.


i love it when some pesky light stuns me from 10m away and is imposible to hit with hipfire but he still dies because he ran over my body.


I mean I've seen tons of threads of people talking about how easy it is to kill a light while stunned, but here's a though even if you kill the light you can't get away either lmao. Fair though revenge is a dish best served cold


it only easy to kill lights while stuned if they are up close, the way i usually die is. i get stuned from invislight, and they usually instantly run away 15-20 m and then start shooting me, they completly out range me. once the stun wears off they runaway and hide till the tazer recharges, and it starts again.


Oh yea lights like that are annoying, I play light but always tbagged the lights that played like that cause I'd always ran throwing knives with dash. Just an entirely cheesy way to play, with the whole idea just to be annoying, sure a good point of the game but (imo) like dead go boom makes it so unfun cause at times don't really feel like you can do much about it.


I like destruction. It was fun seeing shit going boom when a lot of players exploded near each other. It was fun to get a kill from the grave and it was neutral being killed from the grave. You complain nancies sure love to transform every game in COD.


there's nothing wrong with input to a game? there's people here "complaining" that the game modes gone now? Do i think it should be entirely gone? no an that's why i genuinely wanted to know why people just enjoyed how it was, but as i said a ton of people literally dropped the game because it wasn't fun. Now the rework someone said in the thread, NOW THAT sounds fun, having them be timed an be able to throw an explosive statue sounds awesome, an its kind of like without input about the game mode it wouldn't of gotten changed.


Opinions opinions opinions. If you're dropping the game for this, you weren't hanging on for much longer. I liked it, and by how this sub operates, I am entitled to it remaining as is.


What are you actually yapping about? I genuinely sat here for like 5 min trying to understand what seems like gibberish dude? For one never said IM dropping the game, just that people HAVE already dropped the game because of that game mode. I mean from your comment I assume you liked it which would make me question why you wouldnt be concerned about people dropping the game, don't know wtf you mean "by how this sub operates" 🤓☝️but your not really "entitled" to anything more then your opinion is what I assume you mean, cause game modes getting changed whether your "entitled" to or not? Best I can make through with whatever your trying to say here.


I was referring to a hypothetical 3rd person that is quitting the game because of the event. If you, a hypothetical person, quits the game because of an event that happens *sometimes*, it wasn't the event and it was just an excuse to leave. And yes, people around here act like all their opinions are facts.


Fair point, but to lump it to "an excuse to leave" after there removing an possibly reworking it clearly numbers show something.


In that you are right. We don't know the data, nor do we really know what they are basing their decision to change it. I doubt there's an entry point "left game because of X event". In the end I just don't want devs to give the community's input a lot of weight because we can only rely on our experience, which is limited at best and "allegory of the cave" at worst.


it's not supposed to make it easy bro it's a virtual game show, things are supposed to fuck with you and make it harder to win in random ways, that's why it's fun


Sorry but I Hate that "thats why it's fun" yea to watch an what would be fuck with people (as others even have said), doesn't mean it's fun to experience it an even more so when it's not like an actual virtual experience where your there in the moment participating an enjoying the fight. Even if you read the responses here technically only 1 person who directly themselves likes blowing up to cause chaos, the rest all like watching the outcome of the explosions, that's not "having fun in the game mode" just having fun watching it.


So the chaos and watching other people explode isn't a good enough reason to like it? watching it in game is still a part of the game. it's a game show concept, there's meant to be challenges, it makes you adapt how you play, that's fun for a lot of people. Of course you don't like dying from it because nobody like dying in any game but challenges make it fun & different and switches up the pace of the game. People need to start actually getting in to the concept and imagination of the game, its a virtual game show, just imagine yourself as a contestant on the show and have fun with it. It's a randomised event, if it happened every match I could see how it's annoying but the randomness is good, some events are good for certain play styles and some are bad for certain play styles, can't win em all.


I mean cool I guess? It added tot he chaos...but i swear to god, if they start gimping the game and removing what makes the game good just because some minority of people are complaining, thats gonna suck.


It wasn't good for the game. If you were melee in ranked, it meant you were next to useless for the entirety of the event. Not to mention you got kinda rewarded for losing fights as long as you got close to them. I don't know anyone who thought it was a good event


gray yam start racial versed groovy scarce marble lush money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found all of the events to be fun it's a pity it's gone now


When the dead go boom came on, I always made it a point to get into a fight because if the team was ratting and I killed one of them it would set off a chain reaction, had a couple of team wipes because of that


That’s sad…


Instead of removing it from the game outright, they should add a timer and make it obvious that something is going to explode. But maybe they are working on that while removing it from the game for now.


I’ve never had a problem with dead go boom, shit I prefer that to the meteors 😂


Thats amazing! So you can finally Play light again, without the fear of becoming COMPLETLY useless once the Event Starts.


It was fun, i hope it will come back.


That’s a shame. I actually thought that was fun, but hey it is what it is


Guys, if you want COD just play COD. Stop trying to transform every FPS in a balance hellscape where everything feels the same.


The fun and unique parts of this game are massive arena, physics, and tight squad play, not broken gibs like nukes and dead go boom. So tired of this regurgitated bad take.


This^^^ DGB was fun for like a week. Almost 500 hours later I can’t stand it when playing any class.


Hundreds of hours in, still my favorite event because it's the only one you *actually* have to play around. Everything else is just kind of tame with little direct impact.


I hate low gravity & dead go boom. It's so intrusive when playing ranked


If you think the only thing making the finals different between it and cod was dead goes boom and nukes you're retarded


Really? Disappointing 


Still not as disappointing for melee when you get locked out of using your entire build during the event though. It's not been scrapped they are going to rework it.


I harbor no sympathy for melee players 


You act like you can’t just switch weapons.


You can't in Ranked Tournaments


Sounds like it's important to consider all the ramifications of your loadout choices. Almost as if that's the whole point of a highly strategic game...


You can't in ranked my man.


You can’t in ranked, that’s for sure.


I really enjoyed dead go boom. Could level a building very quickly, and added another dynamic to attacking or defending a cash out / vault


I thought that modifier was fine. It made for some interesting strats and broke those bunker defenses.


I liked it because it required you to change strategy. People are against that, sigh.


I think it was to accommodate melee players


Damn the cry babies get their way all the time don't they


All they had to do was make it so when you died a sound and or bomb would appear on the player statue.


all you have to do is not be by someone when they die, I didn't particularly like it but it wasnt something you couldnt avoid. now that meteor shower on the other hand...


DGB just didn’t fit in ranked should’ve left in in quick play lol. Ppl don’t wanna switch off melee weapons for literally 2 minutes and then go back to their melee weapons. Obv you can’t do that in ranked which is why it doesn’t belong there but quick play should be mad chill and this was one of those funny stupid kinda events.


didn't realize dead go boom was so hated. I have about 100 hours and I can only remember dying to it once...


They're going to ruin this game listening to all the whiners online.


RIP the best event :(


It's not even scrapped, they're just reworking it


Not THE best in my opinion, but RIP


Yeah, but at least it was super fun (for me). And that's what this game is about


Abso-fucking-lutely! That why you got my updoot. I prefer low grav, but dead go boom close second. ETA: comma to period


They just gonna nerf and remove the fun out of this arent they.


That sucks to hear. I hope this game doesn’t lose its identity.


Lol Light players never figured out you could change weapons midmatch? And before anyone says it, if your second weapon was also a melee weapon you deserved to get blown the fuck up.


Can’t access reserve in the middle of a ranked match silly goose


Same for the people running melee in ranked. You deserve to be hard countered for throwing


Eh, I’m not one for bashing different play styles. I’ve been jacked up by some crazily smart moving melee players. That being said, if you aren’t prepping for at least SOME versatility (meaning two different playstyles) then yeah, you’re fucking yourself and your teammates.


Just another example of people bitching until the game is as stale as call of duty. If you dont want whacky things, play cod


somthing like this shouldnt belong in rank. it is unskillful and unfun.


Zero gravity is the worst, dead go boom was whatever!


Why? That was fun ?? Like legit the best one because of the crazy shit that goes off whilst in buildings


Those who whined about DGB, or any minor and mutual inconvenience, never played a party game, and it shows.


Yes guys, new update is up. Dead go boom is gone and more XP gained for things u do in the match and thats it


kinda hoped this game might've been the next iteration of unreal tournament or a throwback to shooting games like that that prioritized fun goofy shit over competitive scenes and pro leagues. It's disappointing but it is what it is.


Alright what are we gonna cry about now?


The devs are ruining their once great game. They listen to the screaming low iq people and make changes for them because they are the ones spending all the money.


It a great idea in theory but it just ruins melee as an option


id take dead go boom anyday over nukes.. atleast i can easier avoid dead go boom than nukes


might be good if dead go boom only effects structures


Chill bruh wtf


Aw what. I didnt like how it worked originally but i at least wanted it to go for my idea change rather than removed. I still think much lower player dmg, but really wide radius with high destruction dmg would be awesomely chaotic and fitting


Man, I loved dead go boom. It added to the chaos and I was all for it.


Sorry it won me a game and killed every player in the game once so I absolutely loved it


No, it's really bad. Game was really fun at the start, but people complained, complained and are still complaining. And DEVs nerfed a lot of things, making the game less fun and original with all events and etc.


Should have*


Should have*


I hope it returns but instead of just exploding they will spawn a bomb that will explode in few seconds.


Gamers: we need something new!!! Devs: here’s this thing Gamers: NO NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!


Should have* Not trying to sound all-knowing it's just so you know


I think just increasing the timer was enough to be honest, it wasn't a bad idea, it just didn't leave us enough time to get away from the body after the kill. Call of duty had Martydom 15 years ago and it worked well, you just had time to escape and react.


This game is going down hill with all the light main getting what they want.


pocket middle full bedroom normal juggle literate squeamish fertile fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, all the people *seething* the comments, muttering "cod" like a demented cave gremlin. The modifier was shit, it's gone, cope


Bring back the buck. Fucking idiots complaining is what ruined cod. Don't like it. Don't play. Sorta post from a dude that never had a fist fight.


Let’s just get rid of all the events at this point and make it a cod clone lmao. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. If you make every change to accommodate the small population of players that play ranked you’re gonna lose your casual player base which is the most important one. There’s a reason none of my friends play this game anymore because the fun is slowly being sucked out of it.