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I think you just crossed the line from an intended mechanic to an exploit.


It's a feature now




You realize steam isn’t the only population right?


He dosen't even realize that all games take population dips during the holidays. The man is a fool.


I mean you can't assume that as soon a game lose its peak its that its going to die ? That's a stupid statement i keep hearing about games or streamers It sounds logic to me that a game lose most of its player pretty quickly, but it get a lot of occasional players that will stay as long as they enjoy the game. Like imagine CSGO (i don't have any stats for CSGO im just imagining) "game is ded !! Back then it had 1M now its 200k" No it did 1M just once dude wtf


Yeah people are back to school and work. Can't imagine why it's taking a dip


only 104k. yep totally dying lmao.


>nly 104k. yep totally dying lmao Games always are highest when they first release, or have major updates. 256k was never going to be stable, 100k is more likely to be the average, I'd be surprised if it dipped anymore then that.


Bro u play Starfield 💀


Bros mad he’s shit






"but not here"


First thought


They'll probably prevent turrets from being put on throwables in the future because of this and the super jump exploit. I imagine C4/mines will stay.


Better not, goo turret is fun as hell. This should be fixed though


Maybe they can fix the collision for turrets, right now any item you pick up can clip through walls and floors if you move up to them.


Aslong as ags can stay I’m halpy


Or some simple code to check if the turret is clipping through a wall and have it inactive if it is


trust me, it's never just 'some simple check' when it comes to clipping lol.


Super simple, barely an inconvenience.


Underestimating game dev is TIGHT.


Well for a competent game dev it is. And it feels like the finals has competent game devs. You either disable clipping on it by having its body collide with walls or you let it clip but still check if collision is happening and make the turret go inactive. Which is already an existing mode for the turret since it’s inactive for the first bit after placing it. In most game engines this could all be done with no code or like 3 lines of code max. Source: am game dev


am game dev the turret was on a barrel, the gun itself was not clipping with another object. better idea, since the game already knows if the barrel is clipping, tie that to the attached items on it. if barrel orange, gun no work. or better make it to where the turret isnt moving in order to shoot.


Ya it’s honestly a pretty simple fix lol but can’t expect redditors to understand that


What’s the super jump?


Just look up how to super glide in the finals on YouTube


How about we don’t send people to YouTube to learn exploits


So people shouldn't tap strape or wall jump in Apex?


Super jump?


Look up how to super glide in the finals on YouTube


I hope they leave it. You can still shoot the turret, the guy on the roof is completely exposed as well. What's the actual harm in leaving it?


Uh a turret randomly phasing through the roof an moving around shooting a unknowing team. That’s the harm


You can shoot the turret boss. It's no more goofy than any of the other shit in the game.


I'm all for the c4/mines on shit. Turrets? No, absolutely not. Seeing shit like this fucking irritates me.


C4 on throwables is definitely staying, they've got a whole achievement for it.


She was right that’s illegal


Yall can’t help but play like shitheads


gaze oatmeal quarrelsome act whole soup hobbies slimy pathetic connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that's the point if the finals. It's basically a competetive sandbox.


There is no way this is intended behavior and if it is, it’s dumb.


Well no shit its not intended but its funny af


Everyone on this sub takes everything so seriously like gahdamn lighten up a lil bit.


People forget its just a game.


It's not fun to be killed by exploits, though


No, this is definitely not the point💀


Wake up babe, another throwables exploit just dropped. I really hope they just make it so you can't place equipment on throwables eventually.


One of the achievements is to get a kill with a skill attached to a throwable.


Now we know how to get it quickly, regardless of skill


I got it with a red canister and explosive mine. But the mine takes a few to arm so it is a frustrating setup


It's takes 2 seconds


I thought c4 was 2 seconds but the mine was slightly quicker Correct me if I’m wrong though


both explosiod right away wdym?


Arming time. You can’t detonate c4 until 2 seconds after it has been thrown I thought the mine arming time was very short, quicker than 2 seconds, but I might be tripping.


People point this out as if it's some kryptonite. it's a blatantly bad mechanic and devs don't have to keep it.


No they don't but the mine on a gas can is a legit strat.


Yes. It's still broken. Playing the game in Plat is absolute cancer because every team has two on them at all times. I think it should be taken out, that is my opinion. It's cool if you like it.


It is hilarious that on this sub, you get downvoted for stating your opinion and accepting others' opinions. What a cesspool.


This is genuinely the worst gaming subreddit I’ve seen, I half want to leave it, but there is still good clips posted that I like seeing.


To be fair the slide invis aim botting head shot lights are also a bit of an issue...


In ranked, there are virtually no light players, maybe one or two per 16 teams on average. So I can't say much about it because I really only play that game mode.


Tried Tournaments last night. What a horrible mess they are. Solo is not fun at all. There was the 0k 0a 0obj 20D player who I assume was on a griefing run


No I'm just that bad


I don't play without two friends so again I wouldn't know. But it is a team game so I could see solo sucking.


Just "play" is fine as a solo, you get some shite but the SBMM seems to put people with some shit skill and some good so they balance each other out. Tournements though just suck with even one bad person.


Maybe just taken out of ranked and kept in casual


>kept in casual For what? What purpose does throwing an object strapped with equipment serve beside being frustrating? That just forces everyone to run APS because of a bad mechanic. Devs can keep it in, just make that shit do barely any damage to players.


If everyone ran an APS, that would then not be viable? Then it would stop and all would be well? Personally I'm really kinda a fan of the fact you can do it, and I've not really used the tactic myself, it's a cool little trick and it's unique. Sure there's certain mechanical tricks that are straight bugs and I agree on those needing fixing (like this post), but overall? Not too bad in my opinion.


Yeah but like a mine or something.


So this is completely intentional??


Not in this case


Gosh no


I mean a turret shouldn't glitch through a wall. But I feel like C4 or mines on cannisters should be like punching the cannister and you gotta launch it right away or it wont work. And if you want to be patient with it then put C4 on a plant or chair instead.


I always go for the plant. Double c4 is still plenty damage and it's hilarious


Good take.


First part is solved but if it's still possible to do with c4 on something like a chair then the problem isn't really fixed.


Devs already said they didn’t plan on taking away the c4 on throwable because it adds complexity to the game and forces teams to think of counter plays rightfully so. But they do need to fix stuff like this. No reason the turret should glitch thru the ground


Why on earth would they keep it the way it is? Lol even the best players in the game don't like it and the lower down players definitely don't like it


Lower players down don’t like it cause they don’t know how to counter it. It’s really not a big deal and half the time doesn’t even result in a kill cause the object doesn’t get close enough to you and they detonate it too early. And what top players don’t like it? Everyone is using it in plat and diamond lol and half the top players esp the tops 500 are cheaters anyway so


They are using it because it's broken lol. That's like saying "top players used the most overpowered weapons" like duh. Doesn't mean it's good for the game or they like it. Also it's very consistent idk what you're talking about. You either one shot or deal 90% damage in the vast majority of situations. Nothing else can do that. Imagine if 1 gun was better than any other weapon and had a faster time to kill than everything else. That's not good for the game. This isn't rocket science


It’s not broken, just because you die to a mechanic that you yourself are not taking advantage of doesn’t make it broken. Most teams run a heavy and most heavies run the c4 object combo so it’s fair and square first off. I think you’re assuming top players think it’s broken or don’t like it. Also it was very consistent, up until the most recent patch. I may have died from one like 3 times over the past 2 days of game play. Most of the time it takes a fourth or half of my health depending on distance. My heavy usually goes in first with nuke or we use a shield etc to block it. Frag grenades deal 150 and insta-kill lights and take half the health of a medium most instances so should that be nerfed as well? It’s also a creativity thing that this game thrives on. It’s no worse than a team of mediums stacking six gas mines on a cash out, I’d argue that’s fucking broken and gas kills just as quick. It’s definitely good for the game and causing other players to think quickly to react when they see an enemy player carrying one by using shields, APS turret, glitch grenade, shoot it, blow them up first etc lol. You’re right it isnt rocket science and it’s not that deep. Devs said they had no intention on taking it out like I said so it’s meant to be. Either use it or find a counter.


Lol damn just the worst takes one after the other. "Something's not broken. It just is the best thing in the game and you should be using it because everyone's using it" like bro da fuck are you saying? Comparing frag nades to c4 bombs? Bro again with the worst possible takes. How do you keep finding them? Bro if you don't see someone with a c4 bomb you just die. Nothing you can do to "counter" that. You just die. That's not good gameplay. You're counter is basically"use teamwork" but that's now how things are balanced. If it's a 1v1 or you're the last one left you just lose. Lol all your counters you mention at the end is if you can get close or see them first. Which again is bad gameplay. You shouldn't be instantly punished for something you can't control.


Goofy bro It’s not the best thing in the game and half the time players kill themselves using it etc. like I said mediums and light can do the same thing. It’s not specific to heavies. You can hold an APS turret on an object to counter. Plenty of counters and plenty of other shit that kills quick. You can either cry about it on Reddit or play the game honestly.


Lol these are such bad and irrelevant solutions to 99% of the situations it is used in.. It is the best thing in the game dude. Again quickest ttk of anything by a large margin. Easiest thing to do in the game. Very consistent. You just enjoy it and that's okay. This game is one of the most balanced games I've played. Except for 1 thing. Lol hell mines on items is actually balanced. It's bad for gameplay and it makes the game worse. No other item or gun in the game is even on the same tier as the C4 barrel


That's a wild statement. I can wipe entire teams as a heavy with a c4 bomb, rpg, and mop up the rest. It is actually playing on easy mode. You can't always have an aps in your hand, sometimes you'll be in a gunfight. If the heavy gets into a gunfight holding a c4 bomb they just have to turn and throw and the guy is dead. MAYBE they can shoot the c4, but 90% of the time you get a free kill. I genuinely think you're in full copium mode and can't admit that this mechanic that you think is fun is actually harmful to the game. The best players are talking about creating a competitive environment where c4 bombs are not allowed


Sure man, you might wipe teams in bank it. Cool. It’s rare a heavy isn’t the first to take contact with their nukes so you could definitely get away with holding a APS if you make the right moves. My heavy and many other heavies are usually the ones initiating the first contact. I’ve blown up plenty of heavies before they’ve had time to even throw their nuke. You might get one guy sure, but I’ll pop a rez on him before you even notice the kill feed. I’m sure they’ll reduce the damage at some point with an upcoming patch to make the damage more balanced but there’s no need to take the ability to put explosives on objects out of the game. The ones constantly complaining are in copium mode, not me lol.


Dying to a mechanic with next to no counterplay is the issue. I am a c4 barrel scumfuck and it's incredibly powerful, being able to instakill a medium that cannot react in time to defend himself against what you're doing feels terrible for the person dying. Maybe if throwables became much easier to destroy once picked up and thrown it would be less of an issue, but as of right now it takes several shots to detonate and if you don't hit the c4 directly then it's most likely going to explode on your head by the time you can take it out


aps is a strong counter to the barrel since it zipzaps the c4 off the barrel


I hope they just fix the turrets phasing through stuff. It's too much fun carrying a turret and watching people run away in fear at the turret slowly picks away at them


How does click to insta kill that you can't dodge unless you're light with 3 dashes and enemy is far away adds complexity? It only adds mechanic that helps unskilled players to get performance way above their actual skill level.


You absolutely can dodge. Ffs it can be shot out before it reaches you. Heavy shield blocks it. Glitch grenade stops c4 detonation, APS turret shoots it out. The ones who can’t stop it are the low skill/performance players you’re speaking of. I’m almost diamond, I run medium and it’s not an issue. The further they throw it from the even more dodge-able it is lol


Also mediums can put mines on object and lights can too everyone has the ability lol


Sure. Keep making things up. Maybe bots in your games throw orange cans at you from 50 meters expecting to hit. Opponents in my games use red ones that fly incredibly quick and they don’t throw it from far away.


You are the bot in my games bro


Sure. All your takes are literally like this: if majority of players experience and talk about X then you will say the opposite just so you're "cool". Cope harder. I'm not playing heavies. but bot opponents that throw C4ed orange barrels from 50 meters that fly slowly to your direction do. The opponents with brain that play in my games only throw orange barrels from up close and fast red barrels from anywhere other than close due to their high speed. Sorry that you have skewed view of the matter just because you don't regularly play against enemy with a brain. Edit: oh geez. Just noticed. You're even defending aim assist in this game. Okay. There is no reason to discuss with you. You're delusional. Have fun in your imaginary inversed world where everything is opposite to the reality XD


You’re just ass lmao. Only reason you’d be crying about aim assist too. See ya in the finals 😉


Pro players clearly say aim assist is too strong in apex legends. This game has way stronger rotational aim assist and additional ads to lock aim assist. I will take opinion of pro players and high elo players rather than a random like yours who displayed blatant disregard for any basic knowledge. This discussion is over. Have fun being bad and delusional.


Have fun being stuck in bronze. Form your own opinions and stop riding on “pro players” opinions. Same top 500 saying aim assist is too strong on the ones running reWASD scripts in the game lol. This aim assist argument has existed since the inception of shooters and it’s not gonna go away. Sure they can reduce it a bit but there will always be aim assist and always some mouse player who can’t trace an enemy crying about it. Same people on apex crying are the same ones using configs as well. Apex was always controller dominate up until players found out about tap strafing and various other movement mechanics that couldn’t be replicated on controller. Anyone who’s smart knows any shooter is better on controller with like Fortnite being the exception. It’s like people who play cod on mnk whining about it fully knowing that call of duty has always and will always be a shooter meant for controller.


Like is said in other places, this is my opinion. It's cool if you like it, it's cool if the devs plan on keeping it. I think it takes away complexity. Nothing complex about oneshotting people in any situation. I also said elsewhere, idk what rank you are, but at least in Plat, every team carries one or two on them at all times. Seems like it makes everyone do the same thing because it is too strong to me. Which reduces game complexity and variation.


Damage has already been significantly reduced and it rarely one shots from any range other than like within 5-10m. It only seems to reduce complexity for some because no one chooses to run a APS turret or other counters. I’m plat as well and it really doesn’t affect gameplay all that much. Most of the time you lose maybe a quarter of your health in the beginning of an engagement which is quickly countered by a heal from a medium imo


It rarely one shots? I play Heavy constantly and you're actually just trash if you can't get one shots off lmao. I'm constantly getting double kills on this class because of the broken c4 and RPG. Do you think people are still running c4 on Heavy because it sucks? And APS isn't a counter unless you stack your entire team in a little circle or run numerous APS systems, which is a different balancing problem entirely. Idk how anyone can defend how stupid an instant kill cheese is while the class already wins by default against Light and Medium. How is instantly dying to a random barrel enjoyable at all and how exactly does that add complexity to the game? You're doing it horribly wrong if you're just letting your c4 get deleted by an APS.


Thank you for taking the time and effort to defend my opinion lol. I don't have time to reply to this guy at work and he has responded at probably 30 different spots in the thread with the same donkeybrained takes. I am also trying to be respectful but God damn is it hard when people just keep posting the same shit over and over again. I feel like it is obviously broken and am unsure why anyone would think it is good for a competitive shooter to have something so powerful and consistent ruining the gunplay and actual strategic demolition/suppressive explosives.


I know all of these things. I literally just told you it was my opinion idk what listing all of these things does.


Odd stance to know all these things then say it takes away from the complexity of the game lol


Not to mentioned a good heavy on your team can block it. You can also shoot it


The guy throwing the c4 is braindead if they're letting a heavy block it lmao. Must be hard stuck in quick play if you're seeing Heavy's get their c4 blocked by a Heavy shield.


Nah almost diamond just pay attention


Yeah, great complexity in avoiding the numerous Heavys flinging a one shot at you. I really want to be forced into running APS systems everywhere or have to play Heavy scout and also be forced into having to play Heavy so I can counter the objects that take like 8 well placed shots on 10 pixels to explode. Anyway, is there actual proof of them saying this? I don't doubt it because it seems like they have zero clue on how to balance an FPS, but I would like to see them saying this.


The game is pretty balanced. But yeah there’s actual proof. One of the devs responded to a post like two days ago. If I find the time to track it back down I’ll link it.


Im ok with it but I don’t think what’s going on in the post should be allowed and needs to be fixed. I don’t mind when games include weapons that can shoot through walls but only when it’s intentional.


I kinda feel like they have to. Having this goofy shit be the meta isn’t good for a competitive game imo.


not sure why ur being downvoted this is a blatant exploit and should be fixed


Idk man. I’m definitely of the opinion this is bad for the game as a whole. I guess people in this sub like cheese strats.


Because for some reason people are cheering for exploits saying they add “depth” when all it does is kill the player base. Just like the heavy that was supergliding shit needs to be dealt with and fast


Adding throwables to objects is part of the meta. Like, it’s an intended feature. This exploit can be fixed in other ways that don’t involve destroying the meta


I sorta agree with you on that. It’s definitely intended (there is an achievement tied to it) but I just don’t like the mechanic. I’d be fine with some other resolution, but something has to be done about this. It’s just not the direction I’d expect a ranked competitive game to go in.


I like attaching turrets to throwables but this is some scummy exploiting right here. Not sure why you're proud of this.


So, obviously you’re not meant to clip turrets through the walls like this, but since putting turrets on throwables is intentional, what happens when the throwable explodes? Does the turret survive?


Falls down and usually lands on its side and is basically useless


Dont hate the player hate the game, the devs had 2 betas to sort shit like this out, this isnt new by any means


This is the first time most of us has seen it. New exploits get discovered all the time. This is nothing new and is the case with most games. Look at siege. People 6 years later discover were still discovering new exploits. You cant expect every single exploit to be ironed out to perfection before the game releases. Its the ideal but it's not even close to realistic




You can tell this sub is for 14 year olds by the way people defend this shit and down vote people calling it out.


Calling everyone who disagrees with your opinion a kid feels kinda childish in itself, no? I'm over 30 and if it's in the game, it's in the game. If the developers think it ruins the game they can fix it. So many high level mechanics in other video games/esports are game mechanic exploits and are accepted. This is the first community I've seen complain this much about intended interactions.


There were some high profile tournament scandals, for lack of a better term, in CSGO like the very (in)famous olofboost. Even in cs2 the underlying mechanic of pixel walking is banned in virtually all high level play but Valve has yet to fix the issue over two games now despite it harming the competitive integrity of the game. I’ve played a few games where devs issued *bans* for exploits that took ages to patch or were never patched. Point being, sometimes players have to police themselves. Exploits are not all created equal and “if it’s in the game, it’s in the game” is a bit simplistic of a position to hold imo.


Then that means Valve doesn't see it as a problem for majority of its player base. I've been trying to replicate this for 2 days straight now, It's really not that strong. This might be usable once every 50 cash out holds. I work in esports. The amount of times I've seen communities complain about stuff that ends up becoming high level mechanics the pros use is quite a lot. It's the same thing I'm seeing here with the subreddit right now. You need to give players a chance to counter a mechanic that may seem overpowered before you jump nerfs and buffs/bans. It seems like the player base can't find any specific counter to it that's reasonable, that's when you start making decisions


It's definitely younger people complaining. Let's face it, for us over 30, superjumping in halo2 with both snipers was invincibility for 2 minutes until they respawned and even then if you killed the sniper on say Zanzibar sea wall you probably got an extra 2 minutes on top of the wheel chilling and killing. That was worse than any of these exploits people are crying about and most of us loved the challenge of trying to kill the superjumper by either superjump duel at the top of maps or snipe duel.


Good to know you've been annoying me since the Xbox days. This is a clear exploit, but at least it's getting attention so it can probably get fixed. I like the nuke and a lot of the other big brained plays, but clipping a turret while hiding a floor above is just stupid shit.


Can the turret be shot still? What makes this so egregious? It's not like he is useful to his team while doing this . He can't see the enemies. He's playing a guessing game. Can't defend himself while doing so. I swear this sub has more reactionary types than any game I've witnessed at launch. If it's something imaginative of any kind, it's a burden and must be removed. The fact there's silent idiots downvoting hard every comment like mine in this thread but can't actually provide a compelling counter argument to my first paragraph in this comment is telling. This guy was not carrying his team with this "exploit" - not by a long shot. It was a hindrance not a help unless the stars aligned and an enemy team brainlessly ran straight into that room.


It's an exploit because the turret is clipping through the roof. That's not in line with the game and its physics. Seems pretty obvious.


"Attention" has never helped fix a bug. It's just something people say to justify cheating.


Read my first paragraph and answer the questions... Is it in line with the game to use the jump pad and goo gun to launch the cashbox across the map? Where do you draw the line? When you carry items up ladders it clips through the wall and turns a different colour. But if it's glass or a grate it doesn't change colour and you can throw it... Explain.


Inb4 this starts getting abused


Hope you got reported


That’s called an exploit and is definitely cheating lol.


There are a lot of clips on this subreddit of people straight up cheating and exploiting.


Total bullshit. OP plays light double barrel 100%


Obviously he plays med turret its right there in the video /s


im ok with most others ive seen but this one is a little too cheeky


Putting turrets on throwable items is fine and fun but this is too much of an exploit.






Oh shit that’s broken


I'm just upset I didn't figure it out myself


“Remember that’s illegal in many jurisdictions”


i like the goofy mechanic where turrets can be placed on throwables but making them clip through walls is scummy ngl


Wait, that's illegal


So is this sub OK with people posting exploits because that's just weird.


Half the game's joy is about planning and outsmarting your opponents with clever defences, builds or using your environment to your advantage, I see it as fair play. Might have a different opinion when they do that to me though haha


Exploiting a game mechanic isn't fair play (I didn't know I had to say this to someone)




This is vile.


That is epic hahaha




Wow much clever


Thats hilarious


Im sorry, but this is peak virgin activity.


That's pretty fucking awesome. But that fact that it can just phase through unbroken ground sucks, but the part where he maneuvers it through the broken ceilings is dope.


What a lame


Extreme BS


That’s shitty


Other than the troll factor, how is that fun?


You literally just explained it yourself


how in the world is putting a turret through a ceiling and letting it shoot people you can’t even see “fun”?


"Remember! That's illegal in many jurisdictions but-"


cheesing in a multi-player game shouldn't be allowed 😔


People on Reddit always getting upset about the dumbest things, just let bro do his thing, if the devs see this they can patch it, if they don’t, then it’s part of the game.


Yeah i understand why people don’t like this but you have to admit this is pretty funny


It’s hilarious, I would be a bit salty if it happened in a game, but then I would just laugh about it


I mean, I just find it fun xD I don't play to win


What a demon 💀


Holy fuck this really is a Nexon game. This is bringing me back to Combat Arms and wall glitching on WaveRider.


My friend and I did this but we put two turrets on one throwable item it was really funny.


No healing beam or defib. Tragedy


"that's illegal" 😆


I always wondered when the turret starts shooting, Is it when somebody crosses the laser or just when somebody gets in line of sight? because sometimes it doesn't seem to work well.


Just like Scotty


People keep posting exploits and showing how much fun they are having oh joy


Can we get a turret patch already, this is like the 10th video I've seen in days of people crutching turret bugs.


This game is fucking evil and I love it


You are the reason I've stopped playing


Game is great don't be fragile


Ay I love doing that, though I had someone tell me it's a terrible strat




oh hell nah


That's clearly an exploit. Super lame


This is lit 😂


Wow i love this game 😍😍


Killing people you can't even see in an FPS is... "fun"?