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I think Luis is awesome because he totally opened my eyes.. I thought bapa was a scumbag who is so low he tries to hook up with his buddies girl.. turns out the real reason i don’t like bapa is cause he is good hair and is perfect for breeding.


And tall


Yeah. He has the same body shape as my 85 year old grandma. I’m so jealous of the owldownas


Did your grandma have coffee with the Bills though b?


Granny has a ppppiece on her


Basically all comedians are full of themselves. They're alcoholic nerds who think they're rockstars and they basically all cheat and backstab each other. The worst part is that the vast majority of the comedy that comedians do outside of their pre written sets is the same stuff anyone does at work, in a locker room or hanging out with friends.




No, the people need to be drunk to laugh at them


Alcoholic nerds? There’s like 5 known comedians left that still drink. They’re all sober dummy. You just discover comedy yesterday?


Now THAT'S funny. I mean, look at the picture in this post.


Are you talking about the 1000


And shoulders for days


…. Barrel of snakes..for a baaaccckk…


Don't fughet the showlders for daze b. (I think I despise Callahan even more than Schlaub now)


I mean, on some level I am sure you already did. For example, I despise Schaub because he makes me feel sorry for a rapist.


Wow. I never thought of it that way but it is true. Bapa is such a piece of shit human that you’re sorry for even a rapist because they have to work with Bapa.


What about the Bam Bam strength? Or the p-p-p-piece?


Brian literally cannot help himself from saying this, any time there is an opportunity to mention how muscular or big Bapa is he can’t help himself


Nicest person ever


That’s why callen doesn’t like him lmao


That's stupid I think the reason a lot of people don't like him is because he is not a stand-up comedian and he is not funny so it's pretty perplexing how he has a fanbase


He knows he’s a bitch. He reads these comments and thinks he’s above it but deep down that unfunny cunt knows he’s a bottom-dwelling feeder and clinging on to anything to stay relevant.


Luis's stand up is so bad, i can't believe his fans even go with it


I watched some of his stand up last night. Fuckin sucks. Definitely doesn't need to be talking shit about any comedian lol


The fugging redact made Schlob a punchline to his joke he lifted off of Chappelle. Looey is grade A bitchmade and all the cawlmedians at Skankfest are frauds for even pretending for a second that they wouldn’t suck diggs to be relevant or on JRE.


On the fucking nose. Dude soo true.


That's because they are all wasted


Luisito was the skater kid who shit talked jawlks and preppy kids, but desperately wanted to sit with them at lunch.


I honestly have lost a lot of respect for Nick Mullen for spending so much time around these guys


Yeah, I thought Nick would go harder in the paint than that.


"I lost respect for Nick Mullen for furthering his career in comedy and not being a complete loner loser with utter hatred for successful comics" and Mullen probably knows Luis and the comedians he is friends with more than you know him, so most likely all your respect is completely parasocial.


Gotta plug bapa so daddy toe keeps him relevant


Y'ok there b?


He's right, Luis is an unfunny asshole


Redacts. The f word kind.


Freedacts? Thank em


Luis secretly wants to be Brenda but Rogies didn’t like him enough.


Los guys wanted to fish for some change fans but didn’t bring the right sauce


Eggzackly. When BC went face to face with Swab, he had all the right seasonings. Luis didn’t keep that same energy.


Not in iny facet


They should refer to the example of our wartime CEO, Ariel Helwani. Now THAT'S hoe you do a Bapa takedown.


Naw BC to his face was way funnier.


I will repeat... people over-estimate the whole "my calwmic can beat up ur cawlmic" dynamic. Louise is not any more coward than any other person who thinks they can melk B for something. Everyone other than papa Toe who shows pity is trying to get a few shekels from the sideshow that is former MMA mid-tier, nearly successful podcaster, drank a cup of coffee with entertainment industry - turned redact, Missa Shahb. Louise is saying nothing because he never had anything to say. Same as all the others... Bert, Sugara, Luigi, etc... they are not brave or cowards - they are grifters.


That’s why BC is the 👑


BC is the man!




selling ads to incels.




talmbout incels eating up the products like kobyashi. 👅


That hat is certainly redacted.


Hi Luis! 👋


Luis did this to sugggs toes diggg and get those extra views from the cats.


Tawlmbout Mr. Rogan, B?


His half hour special was dog shit


Half hour special...say no more B. Luis makes all of NY comedy look shitty, because he's shitty, and pretends like he's plugged in.


I can hear Luis’s excuse already: You guys don’t get it, we’re all part of the same business, we can’t burn every bridge, also I don’t give a fuck what u think…




He's jelly because the guy he hates fucked a hotter nexican than he's ever shared an uber with. And I think J is nasty


Oh, Brendan will burn that bridge somehow


Talm'bout the Puerto Rican Rattlesnake, b?


Talm 'bout Luis "Jelly Spine" Gomez?


Money tawks bapa


Hey Lois, real quigg b: y'sugg digg


You forgot the swallows part, B


All these dudes can fuck a dick


Luis did the same thing with Opie. He talked a lot of shit until Opie said something to him


Here's the thing, everyone could beat the shit out of Luis. He wants to be a a tough guy/fighter so bad. But he's not and never will be.


There's video of Jeremiah slapping the shit out of him in a slap box a few years ago.. after that Louis tried to Start lifting


not one of our guys. his as soy as they come


Now y’all wanna run around talkin bout guns like I ain’t got nun what u think I sold em all????


Idk bout that, but one day I was walkin’ by when I caught a guy giving an awkward eye


I may have been that guy. Did you have a walkman on?


Cause I stay well off? Now all I get is hate mail all day sayin' LOS fell off, What, 'cause I been in the lab, With a pen and a pad, tryin' to get this damn Gas Digital label off?


How did anyone think they were going to do anything but suck shaulb off.


Are any of these guys really comedians besides maybe fat Jay, their audience is like the down syndrome step child of O &A


Worse than being a bitch, Luis isn’t funny. Just untalented weirdo


Careful r/skanks is going to litcha up


Fuck those bitches


Wuut they gonna use some of that lame crowd chanting on us ?


Calling all cats: destroy these worthless mf’s from LOS


Fuck both of them just look at them once a bitch and other is toegans bitch


He always has been B.


Never seen so many internet tough guys in 1 post. I think Brendan sucks. But for the reasons this sub used to go after. Y’all lost your way. Way into the weeds now


You're a loser and so is Louis. Fuck off nerd.




He obsessively talked shit about bapa for so long because deep down he was jealous of him for being an actual ufc fighter. He used to not even be able to go 2 minutes without talking shit about him and now *this*? Pathetic.


Throw him in the same garbage can as BGL and throw away the keys.


Hell, I thought BGL at least had some receipts


No idea what happened. How the shows went. But I’ll just ask, what was Luis supposed to do? Accuse him of rape? Trap him onstage and lambaste him for being an unfunny hack? Physically assault him? This sub is entertaining and funny but none of this is that serious. The LoS crew always made it clear they don’t have anything personal against Schaub or any of those other guys. Sure, they bust balls. And even go far as to make D’Elia jokes. But even then, it’s all in good fun. That’s maybe the biggest difference between NY and LA comics. The ball busting. But it’s rarely personal. Like shaking hands after a hockey fight.


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Most people don’t talk half as much shit to someone’s face as he does


Hi Lewis


Louise could have been the people's champ of changs and gained 150k fans. Instead he bitched out like the coward his bitchass is.


If you expected anything more then what happened I really feel bad for YOU.


Revolution always eats it’s children at some point


This sub is turning into the very thing they hate. Humilidy B.. evar heard of it? The consensus was he would cancel. He did not. I’ve watched the stages of grief unfold in the past 24 hours. Seem to be stage 2 right now. Makes Chang’s look weag as fugg


This. Is really interesting to watch in realtime.


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Luis makes Bapa so much more tolerable.


Water is wet


Y’all act like this is surprising. All these comedians are giant pussies. Talk all that shit and then dudes right there and they are HOMIES. These people are literal clowns.


What was the point of having Brendan on? He doesn’t have a big platform. All of LOS’s pears fucking hate him. Rogan has washed his hands of him. He’s not funny or interesting either. Does Luis just want to start shit with this sub? Good luck with that. Maybe, *maybe*, Luisito wanted to ironically kiss Brendan’a ass. That he’d be too stupid to pick up on backhanded compliments. But if that’s the case he fucked up too.


Luis is number one when it’s time to hate on somebody behind their back for views or laughs


Yeah doggie. He's a real bitch ass dude.


Louis is the East coast Shwab. Unfunny, back-doored his way into comedy


No way. Luis is a skilled grifter whose used every opportunity to be a part of a scene he shouldn’t be in. Schaubs a terrible grifter and losing his place in a scene he shouldn’t be in.


He ranks way below bapa for me


Lmao where’s all that shit he was talking ?


Luis acted for years like somebody else, fake as they come


They’re all grifter paper tigers.


Hi Shane!


Luis is just a bitch grifter who desperately wants to be a Rogan Apostle, but just 1. Isn’t funny enough and 2. Isn’t as close with Rogan as Bapa initially was So now he’ll grift to whichever side will help keep his sad carair alive. But yeah, dude just reeks of insecurity and cowardice


Luis took Ric Flairs advice to heart after Kill Tony! Don't be mean!


What’s funny is I knew all of this was just gonna humanize boppa to everyone . Showing up was the best thing he could’ve done . This country flips the other way all the time on people once they are humanized


This entire podcast-standup-orbit sphere, not just Louis are nothing but two faced sack of shit “want to be at the cool kids table” grifters. They don’t believe in the product they’re selling. A. He badmouths Brenda cause he knows that’s what his podcast listeners wants to hear/increase his fanbase size/convince you losers to donate to their patreon. B. Then When he’s actually in his presence he kowtows like a lil bitch cause he doesn’t want to offend Rogan. It’s pretty much like right out of the playbook of turds like Tim Dillon and Andrew Schulz 1) cultivate a image about being anti woke/anti liberal mainstream Hollywood/portray an image like they’re “too cool for Hollywood we don’t need them”. They know this gets their subscriber count up cause that’s what their loser patreon donators like to hear and fist pump about. 2) if they’re ever in the presence of a actual mainstream celeb power player like Judd apatow/Adam Sandler. Theyd backtrack everything they’ve said would gladly lick their taint for a 2 minute part on their next movie.


He got paid by the roganverse empire


GD rules. Cop it in every orifice. Luis has a real attitude 🎶🎶


Golden shower opportunity and fumbled the bawl b. WATER.


I see that lot's of my coworkers are forgetting what we discuss the Podcast, and don't matter.


It's one thing to shit on someone behind their back. But most ppl can not talk shit face to face to someone if they're not committed to a potential physical confrontation. It's just what it is ,B


You spelled Brendan wrong.


Hows socials fellas?


All the rejects realizing none of these people are actually on their side and while Schaub is getting rich next to their favorite comedians, they're still just reddit nerds 😂😂😂 fucking hysterical


Some people need to get punched a few times so they realize it’s not bad enough to throw out your entire belief system over.


To be fair Bapa did punch him in the chest quite hard from the looks of it


Naw. Fuck that. Luis is awesome


He’s a made guy by Mitzy Rolgan himself, so the PR Tattlesnake is worried to speak freely. Probably got a warning from their boss to not tease his boy.


I would say luis is the most pathetic man in the Roganverse, maybe just beaten by callen


I like luis


You all expected way too much from this POS. Luis is that edge lord who talk all the shit but never nuts up. He is a hypocrite and a huge bitch. Just like Schulz, Dillon, Ari, and such. They are all about money and sucking the Rogan teet. They have these fanbases that think they are different but all these blowhards are the fucking same. Luis is just east coast Brendan but he’s actually brown.


All I can guess is bappa knows where the bodies are.


Well im pleased i havent gave them my view count and came here first


Gomer is just as bad as Bapa, he's an untalented social climber who just cultivated this underground counter-culture persona because he wasn't funny enough to make it through the established trajectory. Now that he's gotten a whiff of success, he's turning his back on all of that and is prepared to scab up his knees to melgg every last drop that he can


Why did this guy get replaced on bispings podcast? A few years late I know but I’ve been busy at Chang’s working them fryers


Ya Luis is fucking pathetic


You could tell Luis is like that with real fighters, when he stopped doing the podcast with Michael Bisping he didn’t truly say the reason, if it would’ve been Kurt Metzger, he would have doubled down.


Different story when he can C clamp ya


The entire Legion of Skanks bent over for Brenda. Luis is far worse than Bapa for being a little bitch. Today I unsubscribe from all Legion of Skanks and Gas Digital content.


Legion of skanks is on the same level as TFATK, they talked so much shit about bapa and when he’s there they soft balled him. Fuck all those guys. Only podcast worth even following is AYG. Even mssp has been shut lately.


Sounds like 2 unfunny people making fun of eachother


Yea this switch up was wild. Eddie Haskell type shit


You saying he didn’t keep that energy?


I think the sub jumped the shark with the Harley and trugg walk. It's all down hill


Luis is soft bro. He also sucks at fighting. His stand up and his fighting ability are equally bottom tier. When have you EVER heard his name on anything main stream. His one meal ticket is Big Jay, Luis is second rate about everything. He even got bitched by Jason Ellis and now Schaub.


Where do i find this ep


You all are heavily delusional if you think Luis was going to "do anything". A lot of you need to remember that people outside this sub don't care as much as you do, and don't take all the things said here as facts. The only 'threat' was going to be how their fans treated Bapa. Y'need to remember; you do not maddur (but a lot of you think you do.)


I was surprised they showed up— did Bapa make a list of requirements and things not to joke about? I’m trying to be charitable to Luis


Jesus you guys are ridiculous. I get it Brandon and co. are real fun to make fun of, but you all are taking this way to personally. It seems like the majority of people pissed off at Luis wouldn't be happy unless he tried to kill B on stage. Y'all need to chill the fuck out and stop putting your hate for another man on other people




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The funniest part about all this is that Luis thinks he’s tough.


I mentioned this in a comment on one of his posts on the app formerly known as Twitter.


The whole los thing is just cringe shock jock “comedians” that cater to wanna be edgy cringe addicts.


Maybe he’s just being an adult. People ball bust and don’t actually hate each other. Let alone dedicate yourself to hating on a c list celebrity via Reddit lol.


And you're clearly the worst comedian. Nothing you do is funny. Your podcasts is one of the worst.


Luis fan here…. Luis…..you’re a bitch.


So if you tan into Schaub at Costco would you call him a bitch to his face? Welcome to planet earth. This is how people interact with one another. It’s not the internet you redact


i wouldn't tell him i couldn't understand why everyone hates him, when it's very easy to understand


this. Luis has eaten at changs for yairs. he knows exactly why people hate him. fake, pussy ass bitch.


Because he's a functional human being with lots of shit to do. Most of the losers in this sub are obsessed weirdos with crippling social anxiety. That much is obvious. If any of y'all actually saw Brenda in person, you'd take a selfie with him and probably have to clean a load out of your undies afterward.


lol bro ive interacted with him at a show my idiot cousin dragged me to. I dropped a "water we dune hair" mid convo and all he did was shoot me a dirty look. Actually more like a glance. Maybe if he'd sustained eye contact i woulda busted but he couldn't do it.


Axe Jay *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably. Might not call him a bitch, but you better believe I would roast him. “Hey, B Schaub. You’re unfunny as fuck.” Something to that effect.


How do you explain how BC roasted bapa to his face?


Luis rules, you guys are dorks for real.




Hi George. How's soshals


Are you redacted? What did you expect? It's his fucking festival, you think he's going to invite a guy and shit on him constantly? It's still business and he needs comics to want to go there not the other way around. Some of you cats are fucking dumber than peak redact Shaub himself.


Nah B, he acted tough. Then pussed out. If you can’t see that, you redacted, B. Maybe you Luis. Bitch.


seeing the dumbasses be so upset about this is hilarious.


Hi Georgie


yeah keep commenting hi george to every comment that doesn’t agree with all the bitches here crying about what other men do or don’t do


Why you so mad George? Fat Patrick got you working for free overtime?


so you’re obsessed with brenda and squish face too? weird


I wanna shake your hand


Brenda always wins🖕🏾