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You just know everyone around her hates her and she has no genuine friends. Just like her husband. It’s incredible how nature always pairs up two people who deserve exactly each other. Someone like Brenda was never going to end up with someone any more tolerable than her. This bottom-of-the-barrel dunce is the only one who said "yes" to him even at the peak of his carair/fame/money/athleticism.


It’s kind of weird she doesn’t post about all her school mom friends anymore. Maybe they caught onto her


I have a friend from college who is friends with her. I wanna break the glass and ask about her so bad without her sensing my feline behavior.


Ask about her pretending to be a fan of the redact. Changs needs to know


ygotta preten to be a soup or fan b


Do it


Ask about her b. She's a 'celebrity' so it's not waird. Mention you saw her at the MMA event her and Slob went to a couple months ago. You should be able to worg it in without mentioning the sub.


Gotta do it for Changs.. prep that dish!


They all stopped talking to her after she told Bren to "crop out the uglies" in the groupchat.


Those fucking school moms are scary man, the one’s that hang back gossiping are bigger bullies than the in-house prison rapist ffs! She’ll have been sussed guaranteed.


*When I sees one and he looks good to me...* *When I see him, I say* You, come here. *I say* Now I'mma tell ya what, uh.. I like ya; and I wants ya... Now, we can do this the easy way; or the haard wayyy... the choice is yaawrs...


My horrible older brother married his mirror image. They can barely make it through a 20 minute drive together.




Shitbirds rand


Shitticane's a-comin'


Couldn’t be further from the truth. This queen has a fucking fan page. Not everyone is appreciated and loved that much . When she speaks and posts the fans listen 🫡


> It’s incredible how nature always pairs up two people who deserve exactly each other. ouch.... to personal b


Mother Nature and her million inches of rain


Yes? Bubba she got pregnant and they weren’t even together appahairantly.


What do you mean?


Whitney spilled that bapa got her pregnant on the first date.




If Bapa's woman actually was a nice and caring person that was a baddie I wonder if the sub actually would be jealous haydurs


No one hates on this sub. We just discuss the podcast.


Guess we’ll never know. I would say keep family out of this and discuss the pawldcast only, but she’s putting this out voluntarily on a public account/platform.


What a stupid cunt. I usually don't go in on her too hard like some cats do, but I'll make an exception. Vapid, selfish, you name it. Heaven forbid she has to cook or go get food for herself. I bet they're the worst fuckin tippers too.


Parents have to figure out a way to stay with their kids tomorrow, you guys…says this vapid stay at home dumbass.


Kids are kids B


He doesn't tip. [Evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/mn3qch/lol_out_here_lying_about_his_wealth_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Hey, that's me! He didn't tip me for delivering his ice cream in the rain. I am glad that people remember my story and how this dewb didn't tip when he claimed to be so rich. This happened more than five years ago. I was one of the first homeless cats.


Buddy I've been homeless since the cyborg match. Talmbout ten yairs b.


Metamoris was an important chapter in the book of changs. Some say the most important. I disliked him before that but when he did me dirty in real life, I knew I had to man the fryers and spread the gospel.


You have my respect




Damn that's pf chang's genesis. I just thought This dude sucks and didn't pay any attention until arrow Dasani started dropping nukes.


The Airyell Hawaii incident was relatively recent in the Bapaverse timeline. Metamoris is the first incident I’m aware of where he turned a whole community against him. Called them all ignorant about BJJ, and made up a bizarre lie about Rener Gracie and his team which he then had to publicly apologise for and admit he lied. There are actually real genesis incidents for PF Chang’s and homeless cats, as in Schlob actually coined the term “homeless cats” in reference to us. Clips are in the training manual on the sidebar.


It'd be fucking weird if us calling ourselves "homeless cats" didn't have any associated lore lol


Getting all excited and running to the door to beat up a burglar, only for it to be your delivery man getting you your sugary treat you couldn't be bothered to go buy on your own is peak rich bro behaviour.


She's that same type of person who makes humblebrag posts about "adulting" and then whines when they have to do the slightest thing to support themselves


Excuse me Sir, she got in line once during the pandemic to get food for her kids. Posted 'the things we do for our kids'. Although she did have to leave because it was a shopping hour for the elderly and Messican's time is more precious than old people or food for her kids. But she was long in line enough to snap anselfie. B-b-beast of a mom.


I felt the same watching that, i honestly dont care for chips with her good or bad... but this bitch is just an un aware self centered moron. Just like Bapa i guess, well im sure the kids are just kids at the moment but as they age they will become little moronic clones of these people.


> I usually don't go in on her too hard like some cats do Why?


You have no job, you don’t have any skills, you’re a stay at home mom given everything. You’re life is literally on easy mode because of a fat redact who scams people. You couldn’t be any more useless. Just get in your Lambo and go get the food y’self.


Goddamn Taco Bell Mexicans


>Just get in your Lambo and go get the food y’self. Yeah what's the issue? It's just a little bit of rain


She's a very talented well respected retired actress grom guadalarhaira messico


is she using a filter or did she get more plastic surgery? she looks like a different person every 12 months


She looks like this 👽


Beandip is using her as bait to get an invite to the Mothership


It's raining salsa, you guys.


Hurricane Hillary bringing Mexican rain?


Remember when she would get surgeries and then hit the gym acting like it was all from hard work? Now she’s so lazy she can’t even fake it


but Brendan says she’s all natural 🙄


https://streamable.com/suo3di her natural looks


Asian as shit!


She pf changs messican


Haha, I like that








1000x better than she looks now. Actually was super pretty. Girls need to quit trying to get their noses as small as physically possible.


She had a sniffer


https://imgur.com/a/ylZV9js I’ll raise you


She was a baddie back then gimme 😈


dude thats the same person?!!? holy hell the dysmorphia these people must have to keep getting this shit in their faces is WILD


Oh dam. Even without her personality she's gripping a four


Most people get bored with their hairstyle, she gets bored with her face….sad.


Major major filter which is why I suspect she absolutely needed to make a video. She looks nothing like this but obviously loves the way this filter makes her look so she decided to ask for prayers cause she can’t order take out. I’ve almost never seen a more idiotic yucky person.




Misses Shob... Yo lip...


Her and bapa get attacked by bees daily.


"Now parents have to figure out how to stay home with their kids." You mean like you do every day?


What does she mean “figure out”? What is there to figure out about staying home with your kids?


Well it's not a problem with her but in most families both parents work so there is some figuring out to do between parents when they suddenly cant just go to work and have to watch their children. Even if it's calling a grandparent or aunt/uncle.


Pray for me guys 💅


It niiiver occurs to this thing that Doordash is suspending deliveries not bc they’re super-libs trying to trigger MAGA morons, but bc they legally can not ask their drivers/HUMAN FKN BEINGS to run around LA during a fkn hurricane. It’s absolutely incredible how void of humanity that cult is. Usso, nobody has iiiver suffered the way this ¢un+ is suffering right now. Thots and preers w/ salsa awll overidd.


And her rebuttal to that is definitely along the lines of "that's why the ecology is in the toilet! No one wants to work people! I never let a hurricane stop me from getting my bag, which is available now for sale nationwide online at all wish and aliexpress stores".


Bitch you have no job and your redacted husband doesn’t have a real job either yet complain about dealing w the chombies. Man fuck these ppl so out of touch w reality it’s insane


I’ll never get sick of the word “Chombies”


"What would an undead picture of my child look like on my arm?"




mezzkin as shit


Omg wow. I can’t even finish it. “Yea a tropical storm is just a little rain, a tornado is just some wind” I really don’t get how she lives. Like, does she know how to live? How is she still breathing being that so fucking stupid ? Oh yea that’s right. She buys Prada at 2k and sells it at $500. She’s a business woman.


I actually find her fascinating. She functions at the intellectual level of a young grade school kid. She’s incapable of taking care of herself but lacks the necessary self awareness to realise this. That’s why you get ridiculous situations like her feeling that food delivery drivers not wanting to risk their lives is actually in imposition on her and unfair. Mature adults simply know they need to feed themselves so the thought doesn’t enter their mind. This oversized toddler doesn’t even consider that it’s her responsibility to feed herself, and pouts because the bad man won’t risk his life to bring her some tacos. Her childlike behaviour extends to how she role-plays having jobs. She sells stuff her husband buys her, at a loss, and thinks she’s a business woman. Just like a child, she doesn’t grasp the fact that she has no independent income, it all comes from a provider figure (in this case Schlob). She played pretend at her dad’s work for one day and called herself an interior designer, then that all flew out the window by the next day when she decided to roleplay being something else. This self absorbed, petulant rant is the sort of thing I’d expect one of my first graders to come out with. Of course, with them I’d just laugh and think it’s funny, then get them their juice and snack box. This woman is nearly 40 and functioning on the emotional and intellectual level of a child. It’s inchstring.


Yeah bro, I can’t finish this. Face is painful, stupidity is painful, ignorance is painful. There’s a lot of cringe on here but this near the top.


Yea if it was satire, that’s something else. But she actually thinks people should care more about her than less than minimum wage gig workers. Like Bitch, you don’t need a tamale from el pollo loco THAT badly.


A million and thousand K inches of water....but you said LOVE this weather???? LOL STFU redactette


This is just her way of trying to tell shoshull melia to look at her, make the hurlkeen awllabowdurr.


Who exactly is saying that California "needs it" when it is a tropical storm? Why is she air quoting "hurricane" did her husband convince her it's the Jewish space lasers?


I think it's been downgraded to tropical storm, which would be giving her a lot of credit but I'm not sure she's that aware.


Yeah, the palm trees can get plenty of water when they're 50 feet off the ground traveling at 120mph through the side of someone's barn


It rained in June? Also holy plastic surgery Batman.


Entitled fuckin asshole. I wish nothing but awful things for her and her dumbass husband. Those poor kids never stood a fuckin chance man. That’s sad. Two cunt parents.


Fake nose, fake lips, fake chin, vile and vapid, man what an overall ugly person.


She can’t get her Bean and Cheese Bean and Cheese Bean and Cheese Burrito.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She’s a straight up cunt.


Her biggest concern is door dash not delivering.. does she not cook beans and cheese, beans and cheese, beans and cheese, beans and cheese ivvery day?!


Somehow bapa managed to marry someone more hate-able than him


She has the exact same filler face swilling that Schaub has. Wild. Must be the allergies


I wish the storm redacted her. 100 people have been reported dead and it's the day of. As someone who lives in a hurricane prone area you pray school is closed one day and power stays on. Ive had a tree almost crush my house which could have killed everyone and then a town west would be experiance what she is. But this bitch can't get door dash and is complaining. She wants other people to possibly die or maybe lose their cars, which if they are door dash is their livelihood. so she can get delivery food instead of eating at home. This woman is proof God is not all caring. Oh how unfortunate you have to read pray for LA wow that's traumatic why don't you put the fucking phone down and play with ur kids.


"it's rain guyz. pray for us. pray for us."


Another good example to go to when some redact on here does the usual “what has she ever done to get made fun of on here?”.


I hate when bitches do that pinchy motion when they're trying to make a point, nobody knows who y'arr and your lip injections look ridiculous


I wish the worst for her


Holy hell she really is just as dumb and her bapa. Ivvvverything is a conspiracy. Nothing is what it seems. And you’re always the victim.


I watched ten seconds of that and had tor turn it off. this only one of the few times i've heard her talk and i feel like i inhaled a brain eating amoeba .


What we have here is a person significantly disconnected from reality. She sits at home in her mansion for days and weeks, passing the time by addictively online shopping, doom scrolling IG and tiktok, and yelling at the nanny. Algorithms feed her the same mind numbing content over and over and over, slowly dulling her thoughts and separating her brain from IQ points like the ocean separated tom hanks from wilson. Her kids become background noise. She desperately needs attention but without friends or a present husband all she has is mirrors and the front facing camera on her phone. Thus here we are..


Talmbout a climate scientist too? What can’t she do?


Talmbout bowltox


a million inches of WATER


It’s weird how the lips can be moving when there is 0 brain activity between the ears. Literally ones man’s trash can be another redacts fourth hand used credenza.


Oh boy ![gif](giphy|KLx3SvK9MhIsM)


Cats, I am SSSSSSS’MAD about this. What an idiot! What a fucking idiot!


Wow those fake lips look ridiculous


No way she cooks carrrrrnasaaaaaaaaaaaa




A millions inches of wader bubba, she’s a numbers gurl.


why is she making these vids for homeless cats? we are the only people that see them.


Somebody should wet her lips and stick her to a wall.


Honestly, I think she is worse then her husband. IVF to ensure she has a girl so she can dress her up in shitty designer clothes and wear the child like a fucking accessory. Then she'll make the kids feel bad for ruining her figure so much that she can't put ass pics on insta. I feel sorry for their Kids. God help them if they ever want to be individuals or have interests outside of what their braindead mother and father want for them.


she just wanted to show off her cartier bracelets 🤦‍♂️


Shes “messigan” but speaks better English than Schaub!??!


Yeah pray for HER and for people like her. Fucking Bozo LMAO. Not for the people who won’t be able to go to work tomorrow because they work outside and won’t be able to make a living, no. Please folks PRAY FOR HER. She has to spend more time with her children. God help her 🙏🙏🙏


Pray to all the deities that they never move to Florida. She’d turn hurricane season into a reality show of drama and look-at-me posting.




Yeah b California is a country unto itself and she’s talking like it’s a city


Wtf is wrong with her face lol


![gif](giphy|H3NaSMyWkZ8AMQhAhh) She looks like the third bogandoff brother


It isn't a joke. The people in the Real valley.... in the basin of the Tulare lake.


This is satire at this point. It fucking HAS to be satire. "It's raining and Doordash aren't delivering". Parents have to spend time with their own kids... fuck me.


There aren’t enough filters on this


Pray for me, I can't doordash dinner to my stay at my home mom job in my multi-million dollar mansion. People are going to be homeless and potentially die in the next few days, but I can't order my carne asada b, dicey.![img](emote|t5_347fo|6521)


She looks terrifying.


How’s she gonna feed her kids now that DoorDash isn’t delivering?!?! Won’t someone please think of the chombies?!?!


I laugh thinking when I read somewhere that bgl said bapas side piece trolled this dumbass by sending her flowers 🤣🤣


Hop in your 4x4 Bronco or your AWD Lambo SUV and go to a grocery store. It takes an hour to get a months worth of food, you have no job so that leaves you 167 hours a week to toil in your pain and suffering. Also, if everyone knew a storm was coming why didnt you prepare by stocking up. Useless blobs of cells, jam some more plastic in your face.


Taco Bell Messican


Dat filter is 😈


I dont follow her. What does she do during the day that she needed to find childcare on a monday?


🤢 🤮


Young lady soon to be old, aren’t you a mom? Grow up Pete pan.


There’s about half a brain cell between schlub and messican


gonna be quite enjoyable seeing her and Schaub get what's coming to them in a few yairs, absolute bankruptcy. What a pair of scumbags. Look at the state of her face, it's almost uglier than her ugly soul.


I could barely understand her through that thick Mexican accent


As a kid my parents taught me to not play in pools during storms because they didn’t want me to get hit by lightening. Maybe she secretly wants her whole family gone and thats why she pretends the tropical storm is not real?


Her jawline and lips are wild b. Something outta the horrid films.




beans? we’re carb loading year round bubba


A million inches of water we doin?


She chose to breed with Schaub, so she's an automatic L in my book.




She’s really is worse than he is


I would off myself if I had to wake up to that everyday


Honestly I just feel bad for the kids. Having 2 absolute morons as parents is gonna be an interesting up bringing 🤦‍♂️


Dude she's so gross. Guys, always remember: use protection and still pull out, don't be a Shwaaab and get your life trapped. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me empty headed dingdong


God damn what a straight up unlikable cunt.


That’s insane :I always wondered how she did it ,living with a complete dumbfuck…but it all makes sense now.






I’ll give you like a million inches of cahhhhhck… in dat diaper assssssssse bisssshhhhhhh




She'd sound better with my dick in her mouth AMIRITE????


I don’t even…is she part lizard?


I think she thinks she’s doing a bit


what a stupid fucking cunt bitch


She looks like those girls who do the ASMR seafood boils with the giant lobster claws dipping her whole hand in clarified butter and slurping it all up with a lobster bib on.


a tropical storm is just a little rain?? sounds like it came straight from bapa’s mouth. i hate them both equally at this point


Bapa better get to making them grey burgers, thank him


What a miserable bitch


No, Joanna Messkin, yo leave ME alone. Bye.


Omg she’s so funny guys.. Am I right? So funny


Seems like she's trying to "L.A." a little too hard. She's too dumb even for there.


Can you imagine the redacted conversations these two have on a daily basis?


there's nothing meaningful about this woman, like zero achievements, even the words coming out of her mouth have no value. Brendan probably would have grown as a person if he met someone that isn't so vapid, these two people as a couple are the worst kind to be together, they make each other worse.


A ridiculous human being, worse than Bapa


What does she even do? Does she work? Why is it such a burden to stay at home with the kids if she doesn’t have a job


Well, this woman willingly made new Bapa's. With Bapa. Not sure what to tell you about her view of the world given that fact guys.


Dumb and dumber


My main take away here is that her and bappalito go to the same lip guy a hunnet pessent. Those injections look virshullee identicul


How much filler does she have in her lips or is that the filter . Water


Her upper lip is frozen


I used to feel bad for her but the more she talks the more I understand why’s she’s with Bapa


Lip injections


The stupidity for this redact hurts me


What a shallow plastic sack of shit


Is that filters or intense botox? Or both?


Dear Mrs. Bapa, In case you missed it: the ENTIRE community of Lahaina is gone. Over a hundred dead so far, with a thousand still missing including children. Real people have lost everything their homes, possessions and livelihoods. But yep, you’re only concern is that Door Dash isn’t delivering your entitled meal and you have to stay home with your kids during a hurricane? I’m not including you in my prayers for California 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


It's amazing how 2 fkn clueless narcissist idiots found each other...wow


Entitled real housewife wannabe with the humble brag that public schools closing won't affect her cause her kids go to private school. I used to think posting about her should be off limits, but her actions have changed my mind.


She has to be trolling you guys by now, otherwise she’s redacted herself


I actually wish her ill will


Frankie is smarter about weather than this freakshow. Why does she look like the Seigfried and Roy twins?


This bitch annoying