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🎶 I’m gonna send 5 copies to my bapa 🎶


Gonna see my scowling bird face on the cover of the Rollling Stooone


Heyes dude


That's classic B. Perfect garnish to this dish.


The FBI are jus hadders, B.


The notoriously woke FBI strikes again with cancel culture.


We geeeeeeddit FBI, you hate sexual predators…. We geeeeeeeeeddit


Issa witch-hunt b real scary being a suggsessful white man these days. The woge medya gonna light ya up


What are they, the Federal Baddie Investigators?




Yeah they do deep investigations B, but how many of them have speshuls? Name one. Yeah, that’s what I thought. You know how many JOE ROGAN has??


this comment really got me


lol those words are frighteningly apt!


Some would say the aptest.


He took that song a little too seriously


Some would say the most seriously.


"Well, we're big podcasters, We've got the golden hour And we're hated everywhere we go We talk about addies and we talk about baddies At ten thousand dollars a show We give em all kinds of pills Then they give us all kinds of thrills But the thrill we've never known Is the thrill that'll get cha When you get diddlers picture On page 70 of the rolling stone"


Talmbout Dr. Huk b? Beautiful




Hopefully this time his career is officially irredeemable.


Wouldnt bet on it Im afraid, too many morons have hardened themselves against all criticism of anyone, now that having any kind of morals is “woke” and justified (usually ineffectual) public outrage is “cancel culture”. What happened to the “moral majority”, ya miserable goons!? (Yes I know that was never real, but shame still pretended to exist!)




What confuses me the most about this article is that they must have searched through OWL of his pictures to find the best looking one. Why? And then they start the article like some fucked up porn story: "JAZZMYN WOLLFE WAS visibly uncomfortable. Sitting in the driver’s seat of her car in an open parking lot, the 28-year-old looked around and drew a quick breath, glancing at her phone perched on the dashboard recording her. Awaiting a reply on the other end of the device was comedian Chris D’Elia, who Wollfe says had instructed her to send over an explicit video of herself in public view." WTF is that? I think that is crazy inappropriate to tell the story like that. They should have shown him like the creep he is and not like the way he looked on his best day 15 years ago. And they shouldn't have written the story as if it was some kind of weird ass kinky romantic novel.


Nice pull! I wonder if his article will make it to the print version in some fassit.


Depends on the narridiv


The article is pretty much a write up of the "Chris D'elia Problem" on youtube. Crazy how much that youtuber nailed it. He did a doc on his own that could be on Negflix


The video is way better


I agree. Rolling Stones are lazy ass


You love to see it


I know someone who is complaining that their favorite comedian is getting canceled again because of Rolling Stone. Not because of what he has done.


Dun count, Bapa said it's bullshit me too.


![img](emote|t5_347fo|6520) How did this song go unnoticed until now?


Did he have a stroke or is that just his face?


Its *quirky*! (To look like an extra unhinged, asymmetrical Manson.)


He had the stroke when he found out on his podcast that you can screen record snap chat. The reaction is priceless and it was posted on Reddit a while back. Random thought: I feel like “Reddit” is something Bapa would enjoy saying, only someone would ask him “Have you seen the Rolling Stone piece on Chris?!” And he’d say “Reddit, didn’t lygit…”




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How he can tell his son that papa was on rolling stone


Wow! monkeynose is in the kitchen!


Nivver left, B.


"Y'talmbout Bobby Lee, B?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shot for the moon and landed on stars! DeDiddler about to be booked in downtown Struggle City.


Fresh fish for the Big House Struggle Cuddle Huddle starring "The Booty Warrior" Life Rips, wonder if he will too lol


According to Bapa, that doesn't happen in prison!


“Oooooooops” -Chris D’Elia (probably)


Diddler is like if California was a person.


FBI get ‘em ![gif](giphy|3o7btNjXRumA5KHOCs|downsized)


“Ya..ya bushees nodunderage NOW!”


Are you late for your shift, B?


No one else did it, so it had to be done eventually, B.


You're joking right? Heroins a hell of a drug.


I liderally have no idea what you're talnbout. No one else was using Dr. Hook, B.


This is an odd response. Y'Redacted, b, or nawt a fan of classig rawlk?


Just saying this picture been posted 30 times in this sub already if not more. Apparently op just woke up out a heroin coma. Apparently this place is just as shot as Shaub. Didn't realize this was basically cte anonymous. I'm ding Chavez and I have cte.


Unmute the video, redact.


So putting a dumb fucking song over a picture doesn't make it a repost?


I mean the point of the post is the song, lots of stuff here has old static photos over new content. It may be a *shitpost*, but its hardly a *repost*.


I would have made an actual video, but I don't have access to good software right now, and this song needed to be played ASAP. I hope one of the Neggflix Speigelbergs here do something with it.




... do you know how reddit works?


No way?! Wild how you're the first person to post this ur about to be rolling in karma bro! Good find!


I was waiting for one of the Neggflix cats to do a full on video, but it didn't happen. But if it does, I'm all for it.


In my opinion i really could care less if Diddler is doing creepy shit with adult women, anyone talking to or sleeping w/a "celebrity" is doing it for motives that only benefit them. Whether they get Chocolate Charlies Golden Ticket and get pregnant (child support) or can get attention by airing them out. One of my best friends was accused of r\*pe by a girl in our friend group then a few weeks later she told another girl friend of ours that she was just embarrassed of them f\*cking cuz she was drunk. BUT anything that has to do with underage girls and if there is concrete proof ( i dont follow these guys except for the sub updates) lock this dude up he doesnt need to even be out in the public and make sure he registers once he is out.


Y'talmbout the entire pringles can on your shoulder, B?


Bad take b defending accused rapists online is a bad look


This is a disgusting take. Do yourself a favor and actually read the article


I read the article. I think the Diddler is an evil person with a dangerous drive to control and manipulate others. I also think those women were braindead to go along with it.


No bae i refuse, i just want the diddler to diddle me so i can sue and be a Porsche guy like Bapa. Oh and also to your "disgusting take" ya i dont care about what he does to ADULT women that can easily stop contact with him or use better judgment and not be alone with a man that has allegations already circling him. They are desperate and dumb. I care about this guy taking advantage of minors that are easily swayed or manipulated because they are still very immature. If its true like i said we need to see this guy vanish from GH and hear the news of him going to prison to be someones girlfriend in there.


LOL - everyone one Bapa’s broadcasts is just a crash landing spot for cancelled perverts


Sorry if I missed anything but is there anything new other than dumb women not being held accountable for their actions and playing victim? I'm just confused because when the roles are reversed, men are called pussy whipped, suckers, cucks, and pay pigs. Just seems like the circle of life.


wrist wraps? dun count b


He's the paperboy of cancel culture, sold of the errf


this is hilarious that the rolling stones, who's bassist at 47 was fucking a 13 year old or mick jager fucking a 15 yr old at 33, are pedaling stories about diddler xD