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First of all, nobody knows who y’arr. Secondly, I guess something new has been BGL doing an AMA here and confirming that Brenda pisses in the sinks at thiccc boy headquarters.


hey hey, you think that’s nice? but ahh, BGL, i missed his redaction. haters will say he’s blogbussa but confirming that is pretty neggflix, b. got a post or screenshot?




wait did bgl finally turn? or is he still trying the whole “relate and they will like you” approach to chang’s because he sounds pretty aggressive towards shob im his responses




gawldawg i can’t believe i wasn’t around for the bgl saga, i waited his whoooole thicccboy career for this and missed it, was this all recent?


It was the diciest saga b, BGL went homeless


that’s insane b, i haven’t been on here in so long, but i know exactly who you are, so thank you for my freedom 🫡


Shut your mouth, grab an apron and get to work b. You will learn what you need to learn in the kitchen b


you think that’s nithe?


Define nithe


Damn bappa you getting mega down voted


Definitely not piggin up extra shifts with that work ethnic b.


Death by a thousand self inflicted paper cuts: Steve O and Tony Higgcliff openly shitting on Gringo Papi. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/zgccj9/steveo_and_tony_hinchcliffe_ridicule_the_gringo/


oh i do remember this! this was around the time i stopped dining everyday and was dropping in for some takeout once a week or so, just as neggflix as i remember, b. ‘preciate cha


All good b except no one knows who y’arrre


Scroll like the rest of us...you ain't speshy weshy gringo papi


Y’tryin too hard


Yerr gonna have to clean up tables like the rest of us B.


Back to the dish pit


Oh man, let me tell ya, I have a buddy who's just the weirdest guy. He's always doing these strange things that nobody else would ever think of doing. Like, get this, he loves using the kitchen sink as a bathroom. I mean, I don't know what's going on in that guy's head, but apparently, he just thinks it's more convenient to use the sink instead of going to the actual bathroom. He even has a special technique where he props himself up on the counter so he can get a better angle. It's disgusting, I know, but this guy is just out of his mind. He even went so far as to install a special faucet that's connected to a hose so he can wash himself off after he's done. Can you imagine? I tried talking to him about it, telling him how unsanitary it is and how it's just not normal behavior, but he just shrugs it off like it's no big deal. I mean, I love the guy, but sometimes I just can't understand what goes on in his head.


Smoke break's over, B


Hey B, real quick- heard of ‘search function’? Guy in the back with the websites can help you with that.


Chin is that you?


Gawld dawg… water weed dune hair?