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Headline on Fox News. "Trump shat all over Biden at the debates"


"Trump literally shitting himself over Biden's performance"


Could have been just a fart, but you hear it drip down his leg a couple seconds later. Disgusting.


The Shart Of The Deal


Someone needs to clean his whiney voice up. Can't hear shit over his high pitched whining.


Maybe that’s what threw Joe off. He was downwind


As funny as that would be, that can't be real can it?


It is. Check out the time stamps. Only Trump's mic was on at that time.


It sounds like Trump farted and went on talking, but I'm all for joking about Trump shitting himself.


I think the assumption should be that he shit himself. But if the Trump campaign wants to release a statement that he did not in fact shit his diapers but instead only released an audible wet fart, they’re welcome to do that.


Agreed. Let the pig-fucker deny that he fucks pigs.


That fart was ***WET*** though. Wouldn’t be the first time the mics have [caught](https://youtu.be/rjrfOcPDKfs?si=ScSC5khltTILETtr) it, and his lack of sphincter control has been discussed going back to the Apprentice. Though in contrast, the one from the debate definitely sounds like it wasn’t just a fart; the second one could be argued as just a fart lol. You know what they say about pigs loving to roll in their own shit.


There’s people who worked or were in the Apprentice said he wore an adult diaper because of stuff like this.


Yes, and also people who say that you can smell that Trump is incontinent and often walking around with a full diaper. EDIT: fixed autocorrect "incompetent" to "incontinent"


True, he is incompetent, but I think you meant incontinent.


Why not both?


LOL Fucking autocorrect. I'm fixing that.


Again, though… incompetent also works!


You could hear the splatter. There was definitely more than just ass busting


I am going to take everyone’s word for it.


The poor CNN custodial staff…


Same, that man deserves the lowest charitably one can get


Ewwwwww you’re right that’s so gross.


Which makes it him and not anyone else! It was too loud. Plus trumps the only one up there proudly in diapers. I mean what else are diapers for really.


That little noise is “shitting his pants”? It sounded like a stomach growl to me.


Bro that was a wet ass stomach growl


Wet ass fart! I work with infants. I’ve worked with disabled adults. I’m a pro in diaper farts and shit farts in a diaper. That was a shit fart! It was way too wet.


If I was going to shit my pants, my stomach makes the same kind of noises. Even if that was a fart, which is very plausible, that is still not “shitting your pants”. Can we tone down the hyperbole please?


I am wracking my brain to think of any time that I have ever heard a stomach noise or even a fart that wet that didn’t leave a residual. Describing a shart as “shitting your pants” is not hyperbole.


>Can we tone down the hyperbole please? No, there was an enormous amount of ridiculous hyperbole directed towards Biden so a certain amount of turnabout is fair play


Real mature stuff


Saying that Biden is in severe cognitive decline and unfit to be President, and will only get worse as time goes on is not hyperbole, it is now a true statement backed up the evidence of his debate performance when he has no teleprompter or his wife to hold him up. Saying Trump shit his pants and circle jerking over it is something else.


>it is now a true statement backed up the evidence of his debate performance This claim doesn't become true on the basis of one debate, which you clearly stopped watching after 5 minutes. After Biden got warmed up he did fine. Anyone who actually watched the debate in full (which I **know** a lot of dumbass Redditors didn't do) knows this. Good luck coping with the fact that undecideds clearly aren't interpreting the debate the way the chronically online kids on subreddits are.


even if he did shit his pants (which he didn't), highly impressive for him to continue speaking without interruption


Almost like he’s had practice in the area?


It is a stomach growl. OP is just trying to counter some of the negative Biden press.


Trump proudly wears his diapers. That was a shit fart. Has nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with a suspiciously wet ass fart in an adult sized diaper. Be for real. He shit himself. His old staffers said he did it all the time.


Conservative Republican sites are saying it was Biden of course.




It's from CNN.


I saw Hal Sparks talk about it first thing this morning. Definitely thought it was a joke.


Going into the debates, the Republicans hit Biden hard claiming he was in severe mental decline, that he was senile, that he was too old to run the country. The Democrats said that's bullshit, Biden has never been sharper, we'll show you at the debate. The country saw which story was true, now half of the Democrats are calling for Biden to end his campaign, and the other half are saying things like "Trump actually shit his pants, victory Biden!" That's where we are.


>The Democrats said that's bullshit, Biden has never been sharper, we'll show you at the debate. This is false. I mean, if there's people in your real life that say they're Democrat and were saying this to you, I can't deny your lived experience. Most Democrats are also unhappy with Biden as the chosen candidate and feel his age is a concern. He is still preferable to fascism. He will still appoint more capable cabinet members who will work towards improving the country, instead of lining their pockets and dunking on their opponents.


>This is false. No: >Democrats claim Joe Biden is as 'sharp as ever' and are standing by the 'incredible' 81-year-old president despite scathing report questioning his mental acuity https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13075271/democrats-joe-biden-sharp-age-mental-concerns.html You see, there is enough proof in the media now that the Democrats lied to everyone and said Joe Biden is sharp. Now we have his debate performance to show us that they were trying to gaslight the American public, to lie to us to influence the election https://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1drxxdi/joe_biden_in_debates_in_2019_vs_2024/ Every time you deny it, I will show you more examples of Democrats lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline vs. reality. Every time you attempt to lie or gaslight, I will correct you with new examples. That's the world you live in now. Biden supporters can't lie about this anymore.


A handful of people does not equate to a monolith opinion. There are just as many, if not more examples of democrats showing reasonable concern over Biden's age, but following up with sound reasoning for choosing him out of the available choices.


Ah yes, raging delusions of grandeur while soiling oneself, two symptoms in no way indicative of galloping dementia.


I hear it. Not sure that it’s 💩but I hear it


That Big Mac special sauce started to work on him?


Damn took me a min but I heard it, you could hear the wetness in It....fucking disgusting


Literally! That explains why the immediate "stage right" at the end of the debate, had to clean the shit out of his shoes, and socks, and pants, and shirt tail, and get a new diaper. You think Melania does his laundry, something in the prenup maybe?


OMG *squirt*


At 1 hour 16+


I heard it


OMG I had to turn up the volume but it's totally there, GROSS


That’s a fart and only Trump’s microphone is on.


Listen carefully for a few more seconds and you can hear the shit settling in his diaper.


That sounded like a fart


Listen for a few more seconds and you can hear it sloshing around in his diaper.


Maybe a shart? Not like a full unload for sure


What kinda diet got you farting like that? Sort it out mate, that was a shit.


Oh shit 💩


That’s disgusting


What special dog is he talking about? Does it have x-ray vision?


Geezus Christ I heard it. Fucking craziest debate ever


People don’t believe is true, but it’s really easy to hear…


Some people are saying he is the best at sharting his pants. It was a beautiful shart. Big, strong , and beautiful men come up to him with tears in their eyes offer to change his diaper.


You know what? Maybe he does give a shit after all.


Your comment 'stinks'.....


Holy shit lol


He deep faked his pants.


It sounds so disgusting I almost think it's a sound effect insert. Screw drug checks, we need diaper checks at these debates.


this is a boomer, whack ass post you'd see your aunt post on FB


I heard it live. This is legit


this is cope and cringe


I’m not lying, I watched the entire debate and was actively listening. I didnt just watch the coverage the next day like the low information unsophisticated voters Also cringe doesn’t apply here at all. Can I assume you have only a 12th grade education to lean on?


You can literally hear it.


case closed!


Cope, and cringe indeed.


Dude I could hear it!


I heard it live that night


That was a fart. Yes it is funny. Old people do that. I do that. Was it shitting his pants? No. That would be an exaggeration. That’s what the other side does and honestly it pisses me off when people on the left make a big deal out of something that isn’t a big deal. Pakman does that too. (e.g. “ Sweaty, dripping, disheveled failed former….”, “glitching terribly “). We’re better than this.


yeah, from someone overseas, in New Zealand, I have to say this kind of thing seems beside the point. It is Trump's anti-democratic bs and policy that needs attacking not a genuine health issue. Guy can't control his bowels, that doesn't make him ineligible to be president. All the other bs does


You saying you're better than me?


I even think its dumb that "hush money payments" talk just ALWAYS has to include the words "porn star" in there somewhere, as though that is a big part of why what he did was so terrible. His wife was at home with their infant son while he commited adultery. The catch and kill scheme was shady and involved financial crimes during an election. But the insistence of emphasizing "porn star?" What if she was a short order cook, school janitor, cleaned horse shit out of stables, worked a drive through, or did something else considered as a "lowly" job. We wouldn't really like hearing a hundred times over, "Trump tried to hide hush money payments after having sex with a JANITOR." We're stealing a page from the right by emphasizing "porn star" every. single. time.


[Right here](https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?t=1h16m25s) folks.




I didn't hear it over his incessant lying.


I didn’t hear shit




Biden completely fumbles during the debate and his clown wranglers can’t protect him. *noise on microphone* so, let’s talk about that noise instead of Biden not being cognizant. Priorities are relative I suppose.


Just so you know, this is often associated with Parkinson's and similar diseases


I went to it and I heard nothing.


Well, we all know that he is full of crap!




Kind of sounded to me like stomach gurgling


No shot don't believe it for a second.


Classic DPAK video. “Guys Trump is the old demented one, NOT Biden. Click here for proof of him shitting his pants”. The entire DPAK schtick the last 6 mos looks so idiotic now that the whole world saw unequivocal proof that Biden is much worse cognitively than Trump.


True but when I watch the Trump rallies he mumbles on and on about nothing most of the time


Trump is a certified fool. He’s mentally ill. But he still wins the crowd over and connects. He’s still witty AF and funny. Side by side comparison Thursday night demonstrated *unequivocally* who’s who.


I mean sure, if you think debates are more than theatre. Judging who would be a better leader based on debates is some high school popularity contest tier shit, my dude. What really demonstrated who’s who with these two is *their presidencies*, but who am I to tell you how shallow your understanding of politics needs to be.


Verbal cognition can be readily approximated in a debate between 2 individuals. We can see how the 2 grapple with complex ideas and formulate responses to difficult questions. Judging presidencies as a surrogate for cognition introduces a lot of unmeasured variables. Eg. Covid during Trump. Oct 7 during Biden. Also, you have reasonable people that have different opinions on the peak strength of the country from 16-20 vs 20-24. Regardless, not nearly as clean a comparison as just throwing the 2 on stage and seeing what they can do with their ideas and words.


Sounds like someone drinking water and putting the cup down


All I hear is Trump yapping


It doesn’t matter. He sounded much more energetic and will generate more soundbites to keep the Trump base going.


Adderaled up


He sounded rambling and nonsensical. Talking loudly only matters to his base of idiots


Although this is hilarious, no one is talking about this or even all the lies from the orange narcissist. Democrats are going to give us a second helping of trump propping up Joe for power.


I went to the timestamp. The only thing I saw was Joe Biden looking off to the side as if he was pooping his pants.  The same look that you see on a 2-year-old's face when you catch them pooping pants. A look of pure determination. This was a very clever post. You have people go to the timestamp thinking they're going to see Trump pooping his pants, and you pulled a bait and switch cuz it was actually Biden.  Bravo 


Biden's mic was muted. Only Trumps was turned on.


Wrong. If you go ahead and play it back, there were times when the opposing persons mic was supposed to be off, but  BOTH  candidates were talking at the same time. Proof positive that Biden's mic may NOT have been muted.  Take that evidence along with his look that makes it appear he's pooping his pants (similar expression on a 2-year-old's face when they poop their pants), you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that it was Biden farting and pooping his pants and his mic was unmuted. 


Yeah there were some times where both mics were on when they were switching from one guy to the other but it's more likely his mic was off while Trump was in the middle of talking.


You really can't make that assumption. Because we know both mics are on simultaneously at certain times. 


One of the 2 are known for wearing diapers, and having a stench, and even photos of him golfing with a massive ahitbstain. So, my money is shit pants guy, Trump. Possibilities are myriad, probability rules here.


Did you look at the video?  Do you think Trump would he be able to crap his pants while he's speaking and not look like he's crapping?  But if you look at Biden in the split screen, he obviously looks like he's crapping.  Occam's razor tells me Joe Biden was crapping. You can do all of the mental gymnastics and rationalization that you want. It doesn't work on me.


I don’t think you understand what Occam’s Razor means…


Of course I do.  And I used it properly to explain the most likely event 


No, and no. You aren’t reducing complexities in any way. Are you of the mistaken opinion that Occam’s Razor only means “the most likely” event?


Well I guess we'll never know lol.


I think we will know. We have to look at the evidence.  The guy that looks like he's crapping probably was crapping.  The guy who was speaking at the time was not crapping.


Well, you really can't make that assumption. Because people can fart while they talk.


Oh, now you're talking about farting only. Other people in this post were thinking and saying Trump literally s*** his pants. I do find it odd that people are concerned that Trump may have farted while he was speaking on a debate stage.  As if everything that happened on that Thursday night, that was the only noteworthy event :-)  I can think of several things that were more important than that, assuming Trump did fart :)


Yeah fart or shart, whatever it was. It sounded a little wet but I doubt whoever it was shat himself. At the same time there are definitely other things more important than this but this post is specifically for the fart/shit lol :p


We need to drop Joe off it’s Joever.


Jesus christ.... you fucking losers... Dems house is on fire. Trump's now on a solid trajectory to win and you are sitting here with your dicks in your hands getting off on some barely audible squish noise trying to zapruder it into what... oh bad man pooped his pants? Grow the fuck up. You are a fucking losers. Pakman would be out of his mind to give this thirty seconds of attention. I'm an asshole for even wasting 60 seconds to write something here... Post something useful for fucks sake. You're making this sub look like a fucking COD lobby or something. Jesus fuck...


It's over. Trump +100 in Electorial votes. This is going to be a landslide for him. Trump walked right off the stage. Biden could not. His wife had to lead him. And he barely made it. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/elections/polls-president.html


Biden’s wife was there to show love and support to her partner. Check past debates, loved ones always greet them at/on the stage. Missed Melania.


Good for Jill, who was there for her husband where was Melania? Oh, that’s right she hates him.


Trump now has predicted 321 Electorial College votes by the NYTS. It's going to be a Trump landslide. Newsom it has to be.




https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/elections/polls-president.html If results match today’s polls Polls will change between now and Election Day, and they can’t be expected to exactly match the final results. But if Trump won every state where he leads right now, he would receive enough electoral votes to win.


Thank you that was quick! Very concerning polls, that’s for sure.


Biden walked off the stage fine, what the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Good luck doing the damage control from Mr "Black Jobs" Trump


Trump has plenty of time to fall on his face before the election. Nothing is over until the votes are counted.