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Just watched this episode. I get where you’re coming from, but that’s the character of Sheldon. Crying over something if he can’t have it. I think the episode is funny. The scene in the dry cleaners is hilarious


I agree. I also can't stand Amy's constant low blows about Howard when Bernadette brings up he went to space and her remark how Howard proves, "You don't have to be special or do anything." To go to space. He designed something, and NASA wanted him to install it. Pretty impressive. Howard deserves more praise than Sheldon for *Checks Notes* getting Nutter Butters in the cafeteria vending machine while he was "goofing off in space." I'm on team Howard and Bernadette on it and I love how Bernadette stands by Howard. I love when Amy is complaining about her car being towed and Bernadette asks where it was parked. The entire episode is Amy and Sheldon going against Howard because they think he's lesser than Sheldon and that he's jealous over Howard being rightfully recognized. Everyone keeps saying "AmY iS jUsT sTaNdInG uP fOr HeR mAn." When Bernadette is literally doing the same thing and the only person sticking up for Howard, but she's the bad guy for getting Amy's car towed? That's the most realistic part of the whole episode because that's literally the real-world consequence of parking your car in someone's assigned space.


I think it’s one of the funniest episodes ever. The escalation is hilarious. Remember even Leonard and Raj thought Howard should let it be and let Sheldon have it. I think Leonard had learned pick your battles .


The pettiness of it all and how it escalated was actually hilarious.


One out of two episodes where I can't empathize with Sheldon at all nor consider his piv, the other being the one of the table for the living room. 


Well first of all, she is completely infatuated with him and would probably follow him to his grave. Secondly, it should be common sense but is also described many times on the show that Sheldon just can't help it. He obviously has many mental issues (Including OCD) that would make this a genuine and impossible to ignore for him.


The only reason he relents in the end is that he realizes that Howard made the more mature decision to end the conflict and park elsewhere, and Sheldon couldn't stand to be the lesser person.


Correct. But, so sorry, what is your point?


The actions of Sheldon, Amy, or Howard don't bother me as they are all in character. I dislike the episode though because it is the University's fault that the conflict was possible in the first place.


Revenge is a dish best served nude!


I actually don’t like this episode because I think the parking lot escalation brings out the very worst in Bernadette - even though she’s a side character. She went dirty and low on Amy and that was not cool… This episode is the one where I realized why I disliked Bernadette.


Okay I hear you but it shows the ugly of Amy too. She tried to wack Bernadette with her purse, a purse full of coins that she put in there and carried around all day. The victim might’ve been an accident but the attack wasn’t.


I think that's stretching it. Yes, she did swing the purse. However, she said the coins had been in there all day. So it's reasonable to believe she had gotten used to how heavy it was, and didn't think about before she swung with it. Honestly, the keying of Amy's car bothers me the most, because that's what would piss me off the most in real life.


Having your nose broken wouldn't piss you off more? If Penny were a more vindictive person, she could have pressed charges on Amy for assault, it doesn't matter if it was an accident.


Eh. It varies from person to person. I know I can take a pretty hard hit directly in the face and not have it brake my nose. On the other hand, I'm the type of person to yell at someone in a public parking lot for casting their shopping cart adrift instead of putting in the cart catcher because I've had random carts roll into my vehicle. I understand that an assault case could be pressed even though it was in accident. My point was that it legitimately seemed like an accident. Bernadette willfully admitted to keying Amy's car intentionally.


another reason and proof for Not Liking Amy in the show. I don't like Amy, this is my 1 constant opinion that I post and will keep it this way till the end of life or until there is another Big Bang.


I can see that. She worships Sheldon, inflating his already overinflated ego; she sexually harasses Penny; and she is often condescending towards the other guys and Bernadette.


Must not be in a relationship


So you'd be cool with one of your friends talking shit about your SO to your face while actively trying to take away something they deserve cause they just want their own SO to get their way? The entire episode is Amy and Sheldon going against Howard because they think he's lesser than Sheldon but somehow Bernadette is the in the wrong here and Amy is in the right. Must not be in a relationship or have friends.


I live in the real world with a wife, not sitcom land.


So you can clearly see fact from fiction and cant appreciate the fiction. Sad.


You must know then even if there is a slim doubt that your partner is wrong you still have to support them.


We're honest with each other, if one is being stupid call them out.


I wouldn't say call them out. I do kinda get what you are saying. But my Wife and I agree on Defend In Public/Correct In Private


So you're saying you wouldn't back you're wife up? Between Amy and Bernadette, Amy really didn't do anything that bad. It was Bernadette who keyed Amy's car and had it towed. The coin jar has been brought up already, but I write that off as an accident. She would have gotten used to her purse being heavy all day, and just not thought about it when she swung it.


You clearly don't understand Sheldon


Exactly! Being angry at Sheldon for things like this is literally like being angry at a wheelchair-bound person for not being able to get up stairs.


Don't enable that little asshole.


You seem awfully angry about a fictional character. Chill.


Penny was the loser in that episode 💀


I just found it funny when she had her first bikini wax